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/lit/ - Literature

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3625241 No.3625241[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I've got a daughter on the way, and I wanted to give her a literature-inspired name. I'm considering naming her Lesbia. Convince me out of it.

>> No.3625245

First, can you explain the rationale behind Lesbia?

>> No.3625251

Lesbia, to me, represents the truest love. She's the object of Catullus's poetry.

>> No.3625254

If you want ethnic minorities to devour her alive in public schools, then this is a good name.

I would call her Portia.

>> No.3625259

well lesbia sounds like lesbian

i'm sure her classmates will be understanding and mature about it

>> No.3625261

Lesbia will have a hard life.
Elizabeth is a nice literary name

>> No.3625256


It's like you want your daughter to be bullied.

>> No.3625267

Sasha, middle name Gray.

>> No.3625272

Wouldn't Sasha be "Alexandria," though?

>> No.3625275

Sasha. Sasha-Grey.

>> No.3625281
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haven't seen this thread in a while. How long's it been OP?

>> No.3625282


>> No.3625290


>> No.3625291


That's allergy medicine. Do you want my child to be bullied?

>> No.3625292

some literary inspired names for your daughter



Dewey Dell

>> No.3625305

Elizabeth is what I plan on naming my daughter. I think it strikes the perfect balance between refinement and pretension.

>> No.3625310

I've thought of plenty of names for boys, but names for girls always stump me. I always liked the name "Victor," so I guess I could go for the feminine form and name her "Victrix."

>> No.3625318

Or Victoria...

>> No.3625322

But the feminine form of Victor is Victrix.

>> No.3625326

don't be silly.

>> No.3625328

This thread is ridiculous

>> No.3625340

How's Stella? I'm a big fan of Astrophel and Stella. Is that less "ridiculous"?

>> No.3625341

>A very popular saint's name common in Christian Rome, as was the female form Victoria.

Not in English, champ.

>> No.3625343

Victoria is the concept of victory itself. Victor is a male whom obtains it. Victrix is a female whom obtains it. The meanings are completely different.

>> No.3625347

Victor actually means a guy named Victor.

>> No.3625349

To you, perhaps. But I want my children's name to have meaning, like Lesbia.

>> No.3625353

And yet, the female equivalent of the male proper noun Victor is Victoria. Not Victrix.

>> No.3625354

Yes. Stella is less ridiculous than Lesbia or Victrix.

>> No.3625357

might as well name her Regina, but pronounced like the city in canada.

or L-a
(phonetically LA-DASH-A)

>> No.3625360


>> No.3625363


>> No.3625365


A name born exclusively by crack-whoring female niggers. Certain to take his daughter far in life.

>> No.3625367

No one will thing of Catullus when they hear her name. Name her Sophia.

>> No.3625368

While Regina isn't a bad idea, I can't get over associations with Regina Spektor. Not happening.

>> No.3625372

>or L-a
>(phonetically LA-DASH-A)

Cuh da dash dont be silent!

>> No.3625373

Thea or Thecla

>> No.3625375

Name her Clio.

>> No.3625377

Okay, so right now, my top options are 1) Lesbia, 2) Victrix and 3) Stella.

>> No.3625382

Stella is the only one that wont have be get bullied.

Lesbia, what the fuck are you thinking? Might as well call her Rarity.

>> No.3625388

>naming your daughter lesbia

i hope your daughter grows up to resent you for naming her that

>> No.3625392
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>> No.3625393

I could name her Lesbia's real name (Claudia), but I feel like that name is outdated. Like Gloria.

>> No.3625401

"you're name is Lesbia?!" she exclaimed, clearly surprised.

"yeah, my father named me that because it apparantly is a significant name in some old book, he says that she...."

Lesbia kept talking, trying to get through the rehearsed explanation of her name as quick as possible, like she had done her whole life, to every person she had ever met.

>> No.3625411

She would leave ever person she meets better than they were before. You guys are acting like that's a bad thing.

>> No.3625425

Um, I don't encounter this one too much. What do you guys think of Diana? I could settle on Diana.

>> No.3625430

bad man bad

>> No.3625433


>> No.3625438

yeah, its way outdated, unlike lesbia which no-one has been called this side of the birth of christ and now has very strong connotations of homosexuality

>> No.3625441

Predestinating my daughter to rape and suicide? What is wrong with you?

>> No.3625443

You're actually asking /lit/ to help you name your child.

>> No.3625444


>> No.3625449

In fact, I considered this. But only because I love Much Ado About Nothing, though I assume you're referencing Dante's Beatrice.

>> No.3625453

Though I'd have to alter the spelling to Beatrix, for obvious reasons.

>> No.3625455

I prefer Elara.

>> No.3625479

Vesna, just Vesna.

>> No.3625497

Eowyn, lol.

>> No.3625501


>> No.3625581

Don't be ridiculous.

>> No.3625592


okay I actually laughed

>> No.3625594

Nately's Whore.

>> No.3625603

Or even better, Nately's Whore's Kid Sister.

>> No.3625639

Fantasy fan here, for me the truest representation of love will always be the story behind Geralt and Yennefer from The Witcher series. Also Yennefer is an unique, beautiful name. Go for it, you won't regret.

>> No.3625662


>> No.3625674

Didn't someone used to make one of these threads on a bi-weekly basis?

I've been having trouble distinguishing between Deja Vu and actual memories lately.

>> No.3625677

I've got a list of name that might satisfy your urge.


And my personal favorite: Qandisa

>> No.3625682

He said literature, not pulp.

>> No.3625685

I've always wanted to name my daughter Ayn Rand White (white being my last name). I'm a communist and never read any rand, I'll leave that up to her

>> No.3625688


If you need suggestions on literary names from /lit/ you don't read as much as you ought to.

>> No.3625698


>> No.3625708

Call her Beatrice.
You know, like Dante's bitch.

>> No.3625711

or Jocasta

>> No.3625721

>tfw a guy in my town called his children Amon Ra and Hagia Sophia

I cannot possibly see the reasoning behind that.

>> No.3625744

What about Xochítl?

I quite like that.

>> No.3625772

Nobody ever calls someone Elizabeth though. It's always Lizzy or Eliza.

>> No.3625788

Or Betty.

>> No.3625798


>> No.3625808

The only convincing you should need is that your daughter will be fucking crucified in school. You fucking dick.

>> No.3625970

In Latin maybe, but let's be practical.

>> No.3625975

Then you can name your son Homosexua

>> No.3625980


>> No.3626013

I really like Kunefa, it's aramic for beauty

>> No.3626020

just name her something modest but cool like


>> No.3626024

Franny or Zooey from Salingers book would be nice.

>> No.3626032

There's plenty of outstanding women whose names are Crystal in the literature I keep under my bed.

>> No.3626038


>> No.3626048

Is anyone here a bad enough dude to name their daughter Dolores?

>> No.3626066

It is on the list of names the Wife and I have for daughters
1) Catherine Elizabeth
2) Madeline Rose
3) Dolores Marie

>> No.3626075

She's gonna fuck with mad heads, bro. Do it, bro.

>> No.3626114

Name her Sophia. Then you can say you´re a true philosophos.

>> No.3626142


>> No.3626170

do an author instead and name her flannery.

>> No.3626343

If this is what OP actually thinks, I doubt he will be convinced otherwise and I already feel sorry for poor Lesbo.

>> No.3626344
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I named my cousin's son Francis Scott because I'm a rich beta faggot.

>> No.3626361

Poor girl, I'm serious, try to think about what she will have to endure because of that name.

>> No.3626403

Maybe Aphasia instead

>> No.3626412

>Hi, I'm Mike. Can I buy you a drink?
>I'm Lesbia.
>Oh. Sorry.
She'll never meet a guy.

>> No.3626413

Diana is much better.

>> No.3626440


>> No.3626451

Call her Sapho instead

>> No.3626452


>> No.3626453

Call her Oedipa. That should make for some interesting therapy sessions down the line.

>> No.3626455

Especially if OP molests her.

>> No.3626462

that isn't my intention, but i'm open to the possibility of that happening at some point.

ophelia might be a decent option.

>> No.3626463

>Explaining the joke

>> No.3626464

Oh lord, OP please. Don't molest your child.

Call her Brett, or Ashley, or Brett-Ashley, and let her live a normal life.

>> No.3626466

I feel that I added to it.

>> No.3626470

Name Artemis or something.

>> No.3626473

normal life? go on, present a sound logical argument as to why incest is morally questionable. i'm overdue for a good laugh.

>> No.3626476

Oh God.

>> No.3626479


>> No.3626490


Now I wish I had a daughter, just so I could name her Beatrice.

>> No.3626491

>i quite like that

>> No.3626513

Rosalind is a great name and a great character.

>> No.3626521

Gwen is a pretty sweet name. You can do the full Guinevere/Gwendolyn if you're feeling cheeky.

>> No.3626544

incest isn't what you're being asked not to do

>> No.3626575
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>ctrl-f Cordelia
>no results

>> No.3626611

All the Elizabeth's I've known went by Liz.

Lizzy sounds like a nickname for a kid, and Eliza a different name altogether.

>> No.3626616

Dakota Fanning

>> No.3626620

I...oh my god.

What the fuck is this thread DOING

>> No.3626621


>> No.3626624

If he waits till his daughter is of age would it still be as objectionable?

>> No.3626629


>> No.3626636

All women are raped at some point in their lives, so it doesn't matter. Better that she kills herself first.

>> No.3626637
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Pick an acceptable name. This is a child, not a pet. You have to consider what kind of life she's going to lead because of the way her name is interpreted by those around her.

A name like Lesbia is just asking for a hard life of torment and ridicule. If you must use a literary name like Artemis or Oedipa, please use it as her middle name.

I have friends who named their first son Loki because they love Nordic mythos. By the time he turned 4, they were completely regretting it because everyone was assuming they named him after Marvel comics.

And think of it this way: how would your life had changed if you had an oddball name that no one but a select group understood?

>> No.3626641
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>All women are raped at some point in their lives.
What kind of bullshit are you spouting there?

>> No.3626642

I would go so far as to say names like Lesbia and Oedipa should be avoided at all costs. Even as a middle name.

>> No.3626645
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>> No.3626646

I absolutely agree, but in most situations, you're not asked for a middle name, or you can just put an initial, so I'd give it a pass if the parents MUST have an oddball name in there somewhere.

>> No.3626647

Stop beating around the bush and just name her Lolita.

>> No.3626649
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>> No.3626651


>> No.3626652

Sex is rape perpetrated by the man. In every case.

>> No.3626655

OP you should probably name your child before she reaches school age.

>> No.3626656
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>everyone's faces when a nerd couple we went to college with named their daughter "Zelda Peach [Last Name]" and their son "Link Yoshi [Last Name]"

>> No.3626657
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Nice trolling there.

>> No.3626662

Here are some good ones:


Mrs. Dalloway

Chron-nug, or Chronnug

>> No.3626663


>> No.3626678
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Sounds like a friday night I had.
I was out collecting Bridge Trolls when I came across a young lady.
I asked her if she happened to know any Bridge Trolls and I was a sewer Troll looking to Troll some Trolls.
She Trolled me and said she knew no Trolls, so I Trolled her by using my Troll Fingers to make a Troll Sign of peace.
Then I stuck my Troll penis in her.
But then the tables got turned, she was in fact a Troll, who was Trolling me by being a girl, so we ended up Trolling each other pretty hard.
Now we go to Troll conventions together and try to Troll people with our Twin-Troll technique.

>> No.3626709

I like you.

>> No.3626746

Name her Taolin.

>> No.3626793

Name her Lolita instead

All jokes aside, I would probably name my first daughter Buffy

>> No.3626833
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>> No.3626855

If not Lolita, I've always like Lola as a name.

>> No.3626857

This sculpture always makes me want to touch those thighs.

>> No.3626870
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Call her Laurie, OP.

Lola is derives from Dolores.

>> No.3626882

Yeah but Dolores is too outdated. Just keep it as Lola standard.

>> No.3626888

Lúthien Tinúviel LastName
Make sure you spell it with the ú.

>> No.3626891

Claudia is a fat girl name. Do you want your daughter to be fat?

>> No.3626893

El-oh-el-aye Lola

>> No.3626895

everyone's gonna think your daughter is a homo

>> No.3626901

Call her Lisa

>> No.3626902

At least she'll get to experience love in it's purest form instead of just becoming another piece of property to a disgusting privileged man.

>> No.3626906

version de besto

>> No.3626914

Name her Max Stirner.

>> No.3626915
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Oh hai, Laurie. Can you check my privilege next?

>> No.3626920

Check it yourself bourgeois scum.

>> No.3626923

i think she is gonna get bullied for it which will turn her into a homophob.

more like hate in it's purest form.

if i sound like a homophobic person, i am not.
i think you get my point though

>> No.3626926

>if i sound like a homophobic person, i am not.
but you are check it (your privilege)

>> No.3626929


Quiet down you silly cumbucket

>> No.3626930

and why is that?

>> No.3626931

7.9/10 I laughed

>> No.3626932

So... naming your daughter Lesbia is kinda like naming your boy Sue? Can the OP expect an epic father-daughter bar fight in his future?

>> No.3626934

I am literally appalled at the fact that a law-abiding man somewhere in the civilised world in considering naming his child "Lesbia"

>> No.3626937

Wait, Buffy is a real name?
I always thought it was made up or just a slly nickname

>> No.3626939

fuck i actually get this reference because a former friend used to play that johnny cash sometimes.
i am proud of myself

>> No.3626942

It's not that terrible of an idea. What if she ends up founding her own nation some day and naming it after herself? An entire country of Lesbians.

>> No.3626954

If your last name is law, name her Sharia.

>> No.3626957

isnt there a greek isle with that name?

>> No.3626961
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Why don't you name her Deefdobelyoo. That's quite a pretty name for a little girl.

>> No.3627000

David Foster Wallace

>> No.3627010

Lesbia David Foster Wallace Harrington-Mosley.


>> No.3627042

No matter how nice a name I give any children, my surname still sucks. If I have a daughter I might have her take her mother's name.

>> No.3627192

My poor grandmother's name is Beatrice, goes by Betty, always says she hates it. Of course I don't think she's ever read Dante or knows what the name means (from beatus, "blessed") but I've always thought if I ever have a daughter I'd name her after her.

>> No.3627197
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>> No.3627207

>not having a Biblical name
lel to all you Brendons and Derricks

>> No.3627329
