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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 89 KB, 1185x622, You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3623629 No.3623629 [Reply] [Original]

Did you know that music is entry-level art and literature is god-lever art?
The more you know.

>> No.3623637

we all knew that

>> No.3623639

What do teenagers select each other for?
> similar taste in rock bands
What do adults and smart children legitimately enjoy in their spare time?
> great literature

>> No.3623641

That guy is SUCH a faggot

>> No.3623646

He can't even spell Finnegans Wake correctly. What a poseur

>> No.3623652

"the epaulettes of intellectualism" lol

>> No.3623653

He must be joking - his facial expression and the spaghettios line.

>> No.3623664
File: 2.52 MB, 1189x1049, Mindkill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lmao... u nevar cease to amaze me with your highly intellectual and argumentative personality.

>> No.3623670

It's worse in context. They're also "handed out like blue ribbons." Which is it?

>> No.3623682


Anyone can listen to 6 minutes of music, no matter how complex.
Most people's brains start hurting if you make them read anything outside the lowest denominators.

Mastering either is hard, though. But I do think even at that, literature is superior.

>> No.3623690

blue ribbons are only given to the winner, so... I guess the "epaulettes of intellectualism" are reserved for the most elite of intelLELctuals

>> No.3623720

I just - I... wow. WOW. What an idiot. His appreciation of literature is equivalent to a child's of Mozart. Look at the way he write. Every sentence he speaks looks like a Frankenstein creation of thesaurus.com coming to life.

I really hoped you guys were better than this.

>> No.3623730


>But I do think even at that, literature is superior.

Stop with this mindset, please.

It's petty and juvenile. They are completely different mediums and modes of expression.

Why does everything need to be a competition with so many of you? Is it because you lurk a literature board more and you want to feel superior byproxy? Unbelievable..

>> No.3623734

>and you want to feel superior...?

congratulations, you unlocked the mystery of human experience.


you're doing the same thing by placing yourself above the petty and juvenile. it's unavoidable.

>> No.3623737

Fairly certain I saw this exact same thread, with a few of the exact same replies a few weeks ago

Poor troll.

>> No.3623739


even if ops pic was a set up joke it makes him just as big of a faggot. everything about this guy is the cancer of the modern lit world

>> No.3623748

>literature is limited in expression by our clumsy languages
>music is limited in expression by our hearing range and the density of air
>art is limited in expression by the visible spectrum of light
>there will never be a truly pure and unbridled form of self expression

>> No.3623772

le harold bloom face

obvious troll

>> No.3623777


>you're doing the same thing

Calling for reason and maturity is considered placing yourself above others now?

I thought I was on /lit/, not /b/.

>> No.3623781

Wow I hate people taht show off that they read books as much as people who say 'I dont read'.

>> No.3623786

newfags should just die
this thread has been repeated at least 3 times
fuck off

>> No.3623789

>posts pic with stack of "omg so long u r so smart" books
>I am above all else, humble.

>> No.3623793
File: 30 KB, 1590x2220, Schoenberg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romanticism and modernism was best expressed through music

>> No.3623816

furntiture is the best expression of modernism and romanticism, surparssing even architecture, since it lacks as many practical design constraints while at the same time serving utilitarian, symbolic and decorative roles.

>> No.3623830



>> No.3623844

>Muh art is better than your art.

>> No.3623847
File: 320 KB, 1008x766, k4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is OP's pic from Krautchan?

>> No.3623850

But what if you merge those expressions and create video games?

>> No.3623861

The image is quite clearly trolling.

OP is bernd from krautchan's /int/ trying to troll /lit/ by posting this as near to daily as he can.

Not being a big reader, he views people who do read, as pretentious as the man in the picture.


>> No.3623866

No, it's a /lit/ poster caricaturing himself. KC got it from ribbt of all places.

OP tends to use a proxy to try and disguise the fact that he samefags continually. See the fuuka.warosu.org/lit/thread/S3582547#p3583333 thread.

>> No.3623882



>> No.3624139
File: 91 KB, 960x640, 1362095395462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying an art form which has had at best 300 years of true development can even compete with verse
>Implying that the raging faggot has actually read ANY long book

>> No.3624712

>not realizing that intellectualism for the sake of intellectualism is ultimately pointless

>> No.3624719
File: 93 KB, 240x289, 1363998755206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The typical anti-Randian in his natural habitat - flaunting his pseudo-intellectualism

>> No.3624746

where the hell did you get Rand from that?

>> No.3624753

He is Bertrand Scudder

>> No.3624760

what kind of dog is that?

>> No.3624819

I actually disagree with this. There is entry level literature and entry level music. It is much harder to convey feelings with music than it is with words. I can say "The man was sad" and BAM, you all know he was sad - however, to do that with music one must know tonality and scales at the very least. That said, there is much more great literature than great music, it's just simply wrong to make a blanket accusation.

Also, the guy probably has a liberal arts degree from a community college, and thinks he's so much smarter than his manager.