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3618042 No.3618042 [Reply] [Original]



What is this abomination of the English language? This is a neuro linguistic programming nightmare.


>> No.3618057

>using non-typical neural hardware

>> No.3618092


You perhaps. Why are these words so similar in structure yet hold completely opposite meanings.

>> No.3618094

die in a fire, asshole

captcha: hialstI PAIN

>> No.3618100


You don't believe words are symbols? That's rather naive of you.

To tell me to die in a fire asshole I would only assume you are a lower life form feeding from negativity.

>> No.3618103

That's a funny thing to assume he believes.
Delusional, even.

>> No.3618104

>assuming he assumes that he believes anything
>believing anything

>> No.3618112


What are you talking about? By his disgust at the mere menton of system that works on the basis that words are symbols I'd say he pretty fervently against the idea or is simply a bandwagon kid jumping for joy on the side of popular opinion with his manhood tucked between his legs.

>> No.3618118

Oh shush.

Or perhaps he's against some other part of the system than the fact it utilises the idea that words are symbols? That might be something normal to assume given that many people object to the idea of NLP and it's never on the grounds that they don't think words are symbols.

As an advocate of NLP, this other idiocy you're displaying does not surprise me.

>> No.3618126


Yes but if you took a minute to look at the OP you will realise what vein of thought we are inhabiting here. That is, the idea that words are symbols. If you look at the content of your posts you will realise you are contributing nothing to this but provocation and personal attack. No theory, no contribution, just conjecture and attacks.

>> No.3618134

The "vein of thought" is "inhabiting" NLP. He is attacking you for your interest in NLP. NLP is not the idea that words are symbols. NLP is a system that works on the basis that words are symbols. These are two very different things. Much like a car (a system which runs on petrol) is not petrol.
If you think NLP is merely the idea that words are symbols, you are an idiot.
The practise of NLP is inherently a manipulative and selfish practise.
If you are interested in practising NLP, you are manipulative and selfish.
If you think NLP actually works, you are an idiot.
If you think that conjecture is not theory, you are an idiot.

In conclusion, you are manipulative, selfish and an idiot three times over.

>> No.3618152


NLP is practised by everybody every single fucking day.

If you look, the OP is 'inhabiting' an interest in words and their effects. A lot of people have high stake in their words and the effects they have.

To say humans don't engage in pretense and deception is a little naive of you.

If you also look, you still haven't offered an argument for your side. You've just practised in ad hominem and expecting your point to be heard through aggressive pathos.

>> No.3618172

You're delusional and a complete moron.

>> No.3618179
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Say more words you've said already, child. You're starting to swing me.

>> No.3618184

I'm not trying to "swing" you. I can see you're obviously deluded to the point that no amount of reasoning could convince you of the actual state of reality.

>> No.3618187
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Explain to me how I'm deluded then. I'm really interested in what you have to say. This thread was started so innocently.

>> No.3618190

>you think NLP is merely the idea that words are symbols
>you think NLP is not just pseudo-science
>you think that conjecture is not theory
>you think that an NLP is merely an interest in words and their effects
>you think that humans engaging in pretense and deception means they are engaging in NLP
>you think that because an argument hurts your feelings it's fallacious ad hominem and not completely valid
>you're surprised that people might dislike you for wanting to practise NLP
>you wilfully ignore and misinterpret arguments that show you to be in the wrong and carry on regardless
>your speech patterns, interests and choice of images make it quite obvious you're schizotypal


>> No.3618200
File: 59 KB, 257x257, doyouthinkyouthink?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After only reading about two pages of an NLP book I am surprised at the amount of focus of attack you've put on it and by extension my own persons. Maybe you were molested by an NLP practitioner one time.

Other than that you've drawn some vast assumptions from very little postings. Have fun continuing to be a cancer on earth. Really.

>> No.3618206

That does explain how little you know about it.
I'm right, though. You know I am.

>> No.3618215


I never once claimed to know about it. It was an offhanded comment in relation to the etymology focussed OP and you went apeshit over it for some reason.

>> No.3618229


You claimed to know enough to disagree with me. That is claiming to know about it, is it not?
It's interesting how you're trying to frame my response.
It's also interesting how you stayed calm and collected until I (re)stated my argument in the simplest manner possible, at which point you stopped trying to argue and started to insult me. It's almost as though you were upset at something.
Go back to /x/.

>> No.3618249


>you're trying to frame my response

Look >>3618190

That's actually what you're doing. Also It's interesting how you choose to note subtle changes in posting tone in order to transcend the paradigm of argument and disassociate from the idiocy of your argumentative and repetitive nature. You do not care to think that I realised the fruitless endeavour that is to continue posting in reply to your spurious projection in a manner that is sincerely debating the etymology and serious discussion of words. You were out to attack form the very start. You are the one who threw away any chance at civil discourse.

>> No.3618258

Schizoid personality disorder and schizotypal personality disorder aren't even actual disorders because they don't impair normal functioning. It's just our degenerate society that sees anything less than absolute extroversion which is defined by social drinking + clubbing at least 3 nights a week, 10+ sexual partners, minimum 2 stds and an appreciation for jersey shore as illness.

Ninety percent of notable thinkers, philosophers, writers, artists, scientists, innovators and other people who actually contributed to the advancement of mankind could be diagnosed with schizoid, avoidant or schizotypal PD (or in sometimes case of scientists, aspergers) by modern diagnostic criteria.

I honestly think that if you've been (I haven't) diagnosed with schizoid or schizotypal PD and are satisfied with your lonership you should take pride in being a free thinking individual and isolating yourself from the influence of the crowd.

I quite extroverted myself, but have nothing but respect for people who choose not to engage in everyday drama, trends and power struggles and nothing but contempt for those who devote themselves to these.

>> No.3618260

Boo-fucking-hoo. You're an idiot for thinking NLP works (as well as all the other nonsense you've spouted in this thread) and you're a manipulative, egocentric asshole for wanting it to.
Trying to brow-beat me into submission by deliberately obfuscating your argument with needlessly complex terminology just shows you to be completely intellectually dishonest. Go practise your sophism elsewhere.

>> No.3618287


Words work. As far as NLP goes, I think you should possibly see a therapist to work through the issues you have with it, I say this due to the hatred and fear you've needlessly projected onto me within this thread and who knows where else.

Again, I don't really know much about NLP, this was stated earlier. I might look into it now though.


Good read.

>> No.3618293

Words apparently don't work, if they did then you would have realised you were wrong some time ago.
Christ. I hope you think you're trolling me, because if the alternative is that you think anything you're saying makes any sense, that's horrifying.
> I might look into it now though.
o noes u hav maed me so angry

>> No.3618299


Haha, ok son.

>> No.3618312

"son", "child", o noes u hav maed me so angry wiv ur condescending diminutives.
It's almost as though you still have no recourse except to intellectual dishonesty in place of actual argument.

>> No.3618365

that's NLP for ya, assuming shit about other people in a delusional way

>> No.3618379

>maybe you were molested by an NLP practitioner one time
i hope, monsieur, that you are only making this suggestion in the most strongly ironic vein, as if to say 'imagine if i were that guy, the guy who suggests any antagonism to his ideas is to be understood on the basis of a prior sexual molestation. just imagine!!! what a kick that'd be!!!'

>> No.3618402


Excuse me? Poking fun at his unprovoked yet consistent assault on a particular school of thought when It wasn't even the basis of the OP or stated as my own particular beliefs. Irrational behaviour can be the product of a latent childhood trauma, hence the joke. Unless you're an actual etymologist would you let this awful tainted thread die already, 'monsieur'?

>> No.3618409

except and accept are pronounced differently

>> No.3618412

and rational behaviour, monsieur strangelove, is the product of a continuous trauma created by the rational barbarity of modern life.

>> No.3618432


How dramatic. A grain of hyperbolised truth sits in there. However, If the gentlemen had been willing to discuss logically and 'quasi' rationally with me I'm sure we could have had a decent discourse.

>> No.3618451

hyperbolised, he says. and my greek dictionary stares at me piteously and says 'forgive them, for they not know what they say.'

had your rationality served reason and your logic served truth, rather than the vanity of learning, and this Whore you call "decency", i might have let you taste the Piss of my Aperçus.

>> No.3618458

You made it clear, sonny boy, that no reasoned discourse was possible when you inferred that an attack on NLP was an attack on words being symbols. There can be no reason in the face of such delusion.

>> No.3618460


It's been fun guys I'm off to work.

>> No.3618475

no, that was another faggot entirely. my sole contribution to this thread is the witticism you found 'dramatic.'

>> No.3618499

Note that I was replying to the poster calling your comment dramatic.

>> No.3618517

well who gives a fuck, this thread is bullshit and not /lit/
