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3617711 No.3617711[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what do you think of people who capitalize 4chan posts? what do you think of people who don't choose to capitalize?

>> No.3617724

what do you think of people who sage? what do you think of people who don't choose to sage?

>> No.3617728

What do you think of people who shitpost? What do you think of people who don't choose to shitpost?

>> No.3617732



>> No.3617730



>> No.3617733

people who don't capitalize come across as more 'chill.' people who capitalize come across as 'conservative'/'un-chill' and probably post on rediit or something

>> No.3617742

I try to write correctly everywhere. Doesn't matter if others don't, though. .

>> No.3617757


it's weird, I find myself with a strong distaste for capitalization at the beginning of a sentence after so much time talking to strangers online. it never seems worth the tiny bit of extra effort, even though I can't seem to stop capitalizing proper nouns and using proper grammar with regard to everything else - apostrophes and such. i just don't like capitalizing my sentences online. it kind of bothers me when some posts, short ones especially, are capitalized, as it comes off as almost snide or pretentious in a weird way. all of that stuff is sort of a reflection on how I view the culture of places like 4chan and other forms of social interaction online, anywhere that requires an immediate and swift engagement with information. i don't know.

>> No.3617762


>> No.3617771

eh you get lazier and lazier
it doesn't really matter as long as you get the point across
i try to spell correctly and use good grammar though

>> No.3617814


>> No.3617914

It depends, I myself capitalize anything I know is going to go on for more than a sentence. I just hate seeing a period followed by something that's not capitalized.

>> No.3617930

>Proper capitalization, grammar and punctuation.
Illiterate pleb.

Back in the day, one would post on Usenet as though one would be assessed on it. Posting online with txt speak is akin to dressing like a bum, with snot and shit all over you.

>> No.3617959


>> No.3618255

I frequently capitalize things, but sometimes I don't, particularly if I'm making fun of someone

>> No.3618265

miniscules are the sprezzatura of the internet, monsieur

>> No.3618268 [DELETED] 

i capitalise goodposts but don't bother for shitposts. it also depends on what position i'm sitting in.

>> No.3618288

I think people who type in lowercase are like the people who deliberately untuck their shirt to look cool, or people who wear t-shirts past the age of 15.

>> No.3618295

>thinking things about things
You won't turn the world into the world, OP.

>> No.3618298

Also people who wear jeans, I mean, what the hell? It's like they're trying to be mediocre in every way

>> No.3618302

Is it still shitposting if you're being post-ironic?

>> No.3618308

I think you mean ironic

>> No.3618315

I think it's a pretty good signifier of the content of the post. When I see a lower case post now, I know to ignore and not bother reading it, as there is probably nothing of any value within it.

>> No.3618335

It depends on the jeans, though. If you've been paying attention to the development of Jeans lately, you will have noticed that they are slowly coming closer to the trouser and the tights of the 18C, hovering between, like a bisexual flight attendant.

>> No.3618392


>> No.3618438

what's the point of capitalizing if we know the start of a new sentence via punctuation? it seems a bit redundant to me, at least in the english language.

also capitalizing "I" just shows how selfish of a society we are

>> No.3618457

Then you don't understand what either post-ironic or ironic means.

>> No.3618468


>> No.3618595

People who capitalize reads a lot and people who don't is well read.

>> No.3618635

capitalising i occured a long time ago, it's not a result of the recent election or consumerism or something, you fucking idiot.

>> No.3618709

most of the time I type in lower case

But when I want someone to know I'm srs on the Internet, I'll use correct punctuation.

>> No.3618714

>greentext in lower case completely without punctuation

Otherwise normal punctuation. It's the correct way.

>> No.3618723
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>mfw people who greentext with a period
It's just wrong.

>> No.3618751

None of these preferences make any sense rationally. But they would subsist even if we tried to be perfectly rational and eschew all our inane prejudices. And that's the scary part.

>> No.3618755

ITT - People too lazy to use capital letters anymore.

>> No.3618763

Laziness? Who the FUCK do you think you are, slavemaster du jour? Nobody is lazy. Everyone gives everything they've got, even if it's just in playing xbox.

>> No.3618811

What's so difficult about pressing the shift key?

>> No.3618817

Can you please explain to me?

>> No.3618825


>> No.3618834

i never said it was recent

we've been selfish for a long time
why do we capitalize i but not you?

>> No.3618886

I fucking hate people that don't use proper grammar. Grammar exists for a reason, to make reading comprehension easier.

Imagine trying to read a book that failed to use proper grammar. It would suck. Here, or anywhere else on the internet, is no different.

>> No.3619021

Well you need to use punctuation except for capitalizing the first word and adding a period or something to the end of it. Still need to use apostrophes and such.

>> No.3619025


>> No.3619030


lel uwot m8 ill bludy up ur gabba u cheeky oikunt

>> No.3619035

Muphry's law is never wrong

>> No.3619501

But according to Murphy's law it must be.

>> No.3619547

But not necessarily yet

>> No.3619570

Don't judge a book by its cover.

>> No.3619579

My natural language isn't English, I've always wondered why is the "I" capitalized.

>> No.3619586

i capitalize randomly to fool morons into thinking they can discern my posts from other anons'

>> No.3619613

Let me tell you about typing styles I fucking hate.

Typing with punctuation replaced by linebreaks.
This instantly reminds me of tumblr babies.

I hate it when somebody who previously was not using a period or punctuation or capitalization because they just got offended/into an argument.

I hate it when people use a period for one sentence, then finish with no period. Usually it's a fucking "witty" line they tacked on but aren't confident about it.

I HATE, HATE, HATE, when people in IM clients type everything 100% properly in terms of capitalization and punctuation. One or the other is usually fine, but I grew out of that shit when I was 16 because the people I've met in real life who do that shit are huge fucking assburgers.
Shit, and I know you're only doing it to impress too, because whenever there's an argument the last thing they'll fall back on is "MUH INTELLECT, YOU CAN'T EVEN TYPE PROPERLY"

Shit. Kill. Kill. Kill.

>> No.3619617

>what's the point of capitalizing
It makes the text less messy, providing clean visual breaks which make it easier to parse what you are reading. Compare a large paragraph with and without capital letters. They are certainly useful.

Of course that is just justification for not doing away with them. The reason we have them in the first place is just to do with how the language evolved from Latin.

>> No.3619621

What's with the kneejerk outburst? I think you may be projecting.

>> No.3619629


>people who follow basic rules of the English language must have assburgers

Why are you even on lit? Surely you must think that anyone who actually reads also has assburgers.

>> No.3619654


I just said on IM clients, like Skype, IRC, etc.

Are you buttmad because you do that and I called you an assburger or something?

>> No.3619803

You sound like a big asshole regardless of punctuation and grammar.

>> No.3619829

English evolved from Latin? Really? Are you sure?

>> No.3619872

I think it's nice when they do have the motivation to properly capitalize.
myself, I'm kind of lazy for that (yes, for pressing a single additional key 1 cm to the left), but try to compensate by composing legible sentences and paragraphs.

>> No.3619936

English is the bastard child of romance and germanic languages locking tongues.

>> No.3619985
File: 228 KB, 860x684, 1361177838351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, murikans. You too lazy to communicate, to think, or to stop communism.

Just press the fucking SHIFT. You wouldn't understand if someone explain the importance of it anyways...

>> No.3620073

To put it simply, irony is consciously doing or saying the opposite of what you should be, for comedic effect. It's fake ignorance. For example, when it's raining, and you say it's lovely outside, you're being ironic. But it requires knowledge that what you're saying or doing isn't true on both sides. If the person you're talking to hasn't been outside, they won't know you're being ironic and take your statement as factual. Tone of voice helps with this ambiguousness.

Post-Irony is a fancy word that fuckheads use for earnestness.

>> No.3620080

That's not a good definition of irony. Especially considering that irony is very often used for tragic effect.

>> No.3620083

I don't care about capitalizing anything EXCEPT "i"'s.
I just automatically hate every poster that doesn't do that.

>> No.3620097

Please explain or give a better definition of irony.

>> No.3620130

i like you

>> No.3620134

Whatever happened to posting images that are related to your posts?

>> No.3620145

i think you are too much of an egomaniac. you aren't this important

>> No.3620149

He might be from Niggernation.

>> No.3620152

damn, such original and unexpected posts

>> No.3620153

The definition you gave is horrible and in no way related to the actual definition of irony. Perhaps it could be attached to a very limited application of verbal irony, but no more. Irony most certainly does not require "knowledge that what you're saying or doing isn't true on both sides." Fundamentally, irony is incongruity between what is and what is expected.

Here are three types of irony that you should have learned about in High School and that do not fit your definition (text from wikipedia).

Dramatic Irony: This type of irony is the device of giving the spectator an item of information that at least one of the characters in the narrative is unaware of (at least consciously), thus placing the spectator a step ahead of at least one of the characters.

Verbal Irony: Verbal irony is a statement in which the meaning that a speaker employs is sharply different from the meaning that is ostensibly expressed.

Situational Irony: Situational irony, ... is most broadly defined as a situation where the outcome is incongruous with what was expected, but it is also more generally understood as a situation that includes contradictions or sharp contrasts.

>> No.3620164

Irony (from the Ancient Greek εἰρωνεία eirōneía, meaning dissimulation or feigned ignorance)

>using wikipedia

>> No.3620172

Irony is that which creates a split in an audience (whether it be a split between an in-universe audience and a theatre-audience/reader), where some piece of information causes the same statement or action to be interpreted in an opposite manner. This information could be historical information such as two people are stranded at sea and saved by a ship they thank the captain... OF THE TITANIC!!. Thus the statement creates this sort of split between audiences, the people in the story who find this perfectly reasonable, and the people outside who see the historical tragedy.

Of course it can also be used for comedy, though I would argue that simple sarcasm (on that many people disagree with me) and jokes don't really constitute irony.

>> No.3620177

Write the rest of your posts in ancient greek then and no one will argue with you. However in english that's not what it means.

>> No.3620176

The focal point of an important event being something stupid and minor and easily preventable.

>> No.3620190

Yes, it did.


>A significant number of English words are constructed on the basis of roots from Latin, because Latin in some form was the lingua franca of the Christian Church and of European intellectual life.

Other languages were involved, obviously, but the association with Latin is what gave us upper-case and lower-case letters as we have them today.

>> No.3620194

that's just dramatic irony

>>3620172 basically got it right, but i think that definition can still encompass sarcasm.

>> No.3620207

That is what the ancient greek word it is based on means. Not what irony means. How much clearer can this be?

>> No.3620249

This pic is very funny.

At the time of Plato students of philosophy were all muscular and healthy young man from rich families; they did not need to do anything in life but having fun, taking are of their health and be bullshitting-speaking for hours. Plato himself was muscular when young.

And today we have men of about 26, 27, 30, 33, 35 years old, still living with parents, fatty and greasy obese-guys or malnourished skeletons, all virgins, speaking of most of humanity as if all the people who do not read or discuss philosophy were cattle walking with their heads down without realizing the starry sky of true knowledge shining and dancing above their heads. But while the "philosophers" are languishing in their rooms, creating fungi and pimples on their greasy skin, afraid to go out, to talk, to go to bars, to meet people, the "cattle" are all living their lives.

Meanwhile scientists are all laughing and telling philosophers to go discuss in /x/.

>> No.3620286

Not a damn thing either way.

>> No.3620875

There's a difference between "txt speak" and not bothering with capitalization because you imagine it'd be pretentious. The internet was very different back then.

>> No.3620997

>wearing t-shirts past 15 a bad thing

I'm assuming you're not america(or just bullshitting).

>> No.3621023

I don't understand why someone wouldn't use capitalization. But then again I've always used proper grammar in written language regardless of context, be it an essay or posting online. I would have to put conscious effort into doing things informally.

I suppose some people were never strongly reminded of the differences between written language and spoken language, so we've ended up with people typing the way they talk.

>> No.3621054

but they are completely right

>> No.3621109

My face might currently be bleeding from a botched shave, and I might be waiting for it to stop so that I can go to university and write an overdue essay, but I do assure you that I take my conversations to the external world, as, I think, does the majority of /lit/. They're all pretty social, I mean.

>> No.3621184

>proper punctuation

Pretending to what precisely?
Being somebody who can read and write properly?

Shit son, better call the pretention police.

>> No.3621221

>that homoerotic contemporary /fit/ projection onto the ruling class of a bronze age citadel short hairy midget land

>> No.3621225

so edgy and avant-garde

>> No.3621791



>> No.3621836

Sorry I don't want to believe in depressing things for the sake of it.

Keep being a physicalist, scum

>> No.3621848


fuck off, precognitivedreamsguy

>> No.3621851

Good luck convincing me, fucker.

>> No.3621856


I don't plan on trying to get through all those biases you've fortified with endless repetition and self-validation. That'd be a fool's errand. You think you've got the right answer but you're not willing to challenge even yourself, let alone let another try that challenge.

>> No.3621859

I'm challenging the majority (physicalism).
the majority of the times is always wrong

>> No.3621862


the number of people who believe in something has no bearing whatsoever on the soundness of that belief

>> No.3621864

Absolute twat.

>> No.3621874

I don't give one shit.

Deal with it, cunt. Fuck your depressing shit good luck convincing me I got personal experience on my side.

>> No.3621879

>That feel when can't chat to girls on facebook because my punctuation is correct.