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/lit/ - Literature

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3616330 No.3616330 [Reply] [Original]

>Talking to girl about singer
>"You should read his autobiography"
>"No thanks, I don't read"

>> No.3616337
File: 115 KB, 791x585, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk to girl about things
>don't really listen to what she blathers back at me
>bitches are tiresome
>I'd rather pay for pussy
>I wish I was at home drinking absinthe and reading baudelaire
>tfw no french press cuppa cawfee

>> No.3616341

>talking to person
>"check this book"
>"i don't read"
>"oh okay, wanna catch a movie then?"
>"sure let's go"
>thirty five variations of gentle and violent sex through the weekend

it keeps happening

>> No.3616340

Females choose between literature or music. There is no space for both in their lives.

>> No.3616345

>Females choose between literature or music.
Take your misogynist shit back to /pol/, asshole.

>> No.3616357

Actually this is true

>> No.3616362

I've never experienced any other than what the guy there describes.

>> No.3616364

My last girlfriend was an English that had music that "changed her life."

Her taste in both music and books was horrid.

>> No.3616369

No, it's not true in the slightest. I'm a female who is really into literature. I'm also a bassist in a band, and I adore music too. I don't know a single other female who 'chooses between music and literature'. It's as dumb as saying men choose between music and literature.

>> No.3616371
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>talking to platonists
>ask them how plato's epistemology relates to the foundation of his metaphysics
>they pull out their copy of the nicomachean ethics
>it's not in the original greek
>laugh at them, burn my cigar stub right onto the cover of they're "book"
>still chuckling as I saunter away, I chide them: "Come debate me when you've really red philosophy, you trogloditic plebian scum
>the trailing whimpers behind me only exaggerate my humorous outbursts

>> No.3616373

*English major

>> No.3616375

Post the last thing you enjoyed reading and the last thing you enjoyed listening to.

>> No.3616379
File: 33 KB, 400x267, two-girls-laughing-on-white-background-thumb8038497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cover of they're "book"
>really red philosophy

>> No.3616386

>really red philosophy

>> No.3616396

>Post the last thing you enjoyed reading and the last thing you enjoyed listening to.
I'm currently reading - and enjoying - The Magus by John Fowles. For music, I discovered this today and enjoyed it:


It's not really my style of music, but I liked it.

>> No.3616402 [DELETED] 


i am all for a bit of male chauvinism, but what you said has no basis in reality at all

>> No.3616410 [DELETED] 

Don't rise to it, luv.

>> No.3616415

sure is redshit in here. go cry about girl power somewhere else

>> No.3616435


That guy looks so fucking high.

>> No.3616444

Pretty good. Next time substitute "original greek" for "original latin".

>> No.3616509

that's a proper response to someone so vapid reading autobiographies of every other person

>> No.3616586


I think his point is proven.

>> No.3616591

You need to go back to grade school, mate.

>> No.3616595

>I think his point is proven.
>Dat uncertainty

No, she posted an okay song and a fucking god-tier book. His point was invalidated.

>> No.3616607

Defending a girl on the internet won't get you laid

>> No.3616613

defending a girl you don't know is just as useless as insulting one

>> No.3616628

I'm not defending her, I'm defending her choices. John Fowles is one of the best writers of the past 50 years, and the song she posted was decent. I don't give a shit about your /pol/ vs. feminism war, but I appreciate decent literature and music.

>> No.3616651

Feigning disinterest won't get you laid either.

>> No.3616659

I don't think that anon's too obsessed over what will and won't get him laid at this moment in time.

>> No.3616683

>listening to music

>> No.3617826

Books won't get you laid.
Appreciating music and visual art won't get you laid.
The internet won't get you laid

>> No.3617838


>avoiding literature to try and get laid
>being this young and naive

Be your own man. There are absolutely girls out there who value smart men.

>> No.3617848


The very best women admire strong humor, intelligence, and a stature above six feet.

>> No.3617871
File: 17 KB, 405x289, 1252919964468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, this fucking thread.

I've seen this thread 6 billion times before and it always plays out exactly the same way no matter which board it's on.

Someone makes a sexist comment, someone will take issue with it, be accused of whiteknighting to get laid, meanwhile the other 300 posts consist of gb2>>>/pol/ or gb2>>>/reddit/.

How about we don't be complete arseholes and discuss things for a change? Personally, I've met a lot of people, male or female, who choose one particular medium over all others as their "thing". Why do people do this?

>> No.3617873


>anime picture

didn't read

>> No.3617876


Nah you'll find 99% of girls know more about music than literature or spend more time listening to music than reading. Sorry to burst your bubble but that's reality.

>> No.3617877

>Nah you'll find 99% of males know more about music than literature or spend more time listening to music than reading. Sorry to burst your bubble but that's reality.

>> No.3617880


I'm not going to disagree with that. One doesn't negate the other.

>> No.3617884


I was just clarifying.

>> No.3617889

True for the vast majority of men as well, music has more appeal to the masses.

What's your point?

>> No.3617891

>Implying /lit/ and /pol/ aren't filled with exactly the same people

>> No.3617892

Where's your proof? From what you've said, it just seems like you've had different personal experience to me. I know plenty of girls who are way more into reading than music.

That's not the question I'm asking anyway. What I'd really like to know is why people become so beholden to a medium that they discriminate against works based only on that aspect. For example, eschewing film simply because they think books are better or, as was raised earlier, refusing to consume the work of an artist because it is in print rather than musical form.

I've seen plenty of people do this regardless of sex.

>> No.3617896

If you like reading more than watching movies, you'll tend to read the work the movie was based on rather than watch the film.

Same for the opposite. Why waste your time experiencing the same story twice?

The point is less valid for music and literature, as they're pretty much two completely separate things, and you could even listen to music while reading.

>> No.3617899

>Why waste your time experiencing the same story twice?
But it's not the same story. Even if the plots are entirely identical, the added dimension of audio and video is enough to make the viewing worthwhile. I don't suppose you only read a book once?

>> No.3617901


If women think too much, they lose the vacuum in their heads; which is required to stop their guts falling out their cunts.

>> No.3617906

Meh, I guess I'm casual enough to admit to that.

I just feel there are so many different books, all of a master quality, that reading the same thing multiple times, or watching the film after reading, is time that could be spent experiencing a different time.

If it's particularly good though it warrants a second reading to understand more of the nuances of course.

>> No.3617907


I like listening to music, reading, watching movies and playing video games. What now faget?

>> No.3617909


Well then, you're just operating by rote instead of preference.

>> No.3617911

>Some people feel this way
>I don't therefore your point is invalid

Well shit, can't argue with that logic.

>> No.3617915

a different work*

What I wrote made no sense.

>> No.3617917

Care to elaborate? Wouldn't someone who reading the same book multiple times, then watches the film, be operating in more of a rote then someone who actively seeks out new works?

>> No.3617923

pretending to be a diferent anon wont get you laid either

>> No.3617925

Repeatedly calling an anon out on his alleged attempts to get laid won't get you laid either.

>> No.3617926


No, a person who takes the time to absorb and review a work may experience that on a different level. There are millions of records in the world, do you only listen to each only once?

>> No.3617928

calling out my misguided attempts to get laid wont get you laid

>> No.3617932

No, but I wouldn't criticize someone who did, as they might have a more broad understanding of musical genres.

There are times when you want to deepen your understanding of a work, and times when you want to broaden your horizons. My point was someone more inclined to do that latter would typically avoid experiencing the same plot multiple times and try to experience new things instead. Which is fine.

I don't think anyone should ever "swear off" a medium, but I understand why someone would only go to the theater or watch a movie very infrequently.

>> No.3617940


A narrow-minded person, with obsessive-compulsive disorder, maybe.

>> No.3617943

>Doesn't watch many movies

I don't understand your point. Lots of people enjoy seeking out new experiences more than trying to "go deeper" in something they've already watched or read.

If anything, the person who continually reads the same thing, or experiences it in every form of media is closer to "obsessive compulsive". What exactly would the former person even be obsessing about? The concept of new experiences?

>> No.3617953


You wouldn't, fucken faget.

>> No.3617956

Valid argument, I concede the point. Good day sir, and have a nice day.

>> No.3617960

>Be me, 3 years ago, senior year of high school
>Talking to friend of friend
>Feeling alpha, also know she's easy
>"Wanna come over after school?"
>She comes over, take her straight to bed, sex before I even know a thing about her
>Talking afterwards, ask her if she reads much
>"Noooo, I haven't read since middle school, I've gotten by on spark notes for school"
>cringe a bit, but get over it
>Later on, ask about movies
>"I don't watch movies, they're too long and just not interesting"
>Cringe harder
>She goes on, "I pretty much only watch law and order. I've seen every episode of every version at least three times"
>All my cringes

>> No.3617966

>they're book
>red philosophy

>> No.3617974

This is pretty much the most effective trolling tactic I've seen on 4chan. Pretending to fall for the most obvious attempts, they get people to tell you that the original person was trolling. Always feel tempted to respond to these.

>> No.3617980

you get what you pay for

>> No.3617981

I know girls who have great tastes in both. Stop basing all women on that time the head cheerleader friendzoned you in 10th grade.

>> No.3617982

>the internet
>not getting people laid

>not getting people laid

Are you fucking retarded? I've got sex through both of these, and I'm a socially awkward dork.

>> No.3617986

Wrong on all accounts my simple friend.

Being ugly won't get you laid. As long as you're vaguely handsome and have an inch of charm, no subject is too mundane to turn sexual, too boring to turn into sex, or too childish to get you laid.

Welcome to the 21st century, where you need is looks, charm, and confidence. Nothing else really matters.

>> No.3618000

Nicomachean ethics, monsieur, but... that was written by LYCOPHRON of Andalusia, not MONSIEUR PLATO!

>> No.3618011


>I have zero game

Coolest story ever told, breh.

>> No.3618021

>using that word seriously
>ever using

insufferable douche

>> No.3618020

Looks like someone's mommy didn't fuck him hard enough today.

>> No.3618024



It's only 4chan you silly sperglet.

>> No.3618028

/fit/ detected

>> No.3618041

>Talking to boy about singer
>"You should read his autobiography"
>"No thanks, I don't read"

>> No.3618062

No hobby in itself will get you laid its matter of applying the knowledge of that hobby to get you laid is the key. Well also that and have a willingness to go outside of your Ivory Tower and socialize.

>> No.3618082

Subtle, I like it.

>> No.3618088

>i am all for a bit of male chauvinism

fuck you, fedora

>> No.3618122

ITT: People who can't into jokes

>> No.3618129


Males chose between being intelligent and getting laid. In rare cases, both are achievable.

>> No.3618132


So you chose literature. Because your taste in music is obviously and demonstrably shite.

>> No.3618136


Fucking this.

But then shit, all I do is lurk anyway so it's all entertainment to me.

Dumb cunts.

>> No.3618137


3/10 reverse pseudotrolling is getting old now.

>> No.3618140


Muh girl listens to excellent music (and from varied genres including contemporary jazz, metal and obscure indie vapourware for hipsters), reads Nietzsche and Kant but has absurd tastes in almost all forms of entertainment (and not for the sake of the hipster, her favourite movie is Fight Club for example). I'm still not convinced that she is entirely human, but at least she is most definitely female.

>> No.3618142


*being hipster.

>> No.3618145
File: 368 KB, 698x898, hipster-or-homeless-diagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>at least she is most definitely female.

Are you sure?

>> No.3618162


She and I are both hipsters without being retarded. What people identify with hipsters nowadays is mostly misguided, it's even become a sub-culture. A certain sophistication is required to truly be hipster, and if anyone catches on then you have failed.

>> No.3618166


Do you know how much of a loser one has to be to desperately try to fit into a category, theorize about it, defend it from "non-purists", and elaborate a whole identity from it?

Something tells me it is better to be oneself, whether one fits into a category or not.

>> No.3618203
File: 1.48 MB, 250x250, 1359885391273.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>complaining about an image
>on an image board of all places
>on an image board so tightly ingrained with anime culture to begin with

>> No.3618205

>Welcome to the 21st century, where you need is looks, charm, and confidence.

It's been that way for millenia.

Evenn socrates was noted as being particularly ugly but wiley with his words and could charm the pants of the boys.

>> No.3618210


But that is the whole point.

>> No.3618226

>posting fatzerg

>> No.3618256

>Because your taste in music is obviously and demonstrably shite.

>Implying Manu Chao isn't one of the best musicians of our time.

>> No.3618262

Girls read way more than guys, just more broadly ie aren't as snobby.

>> No.3618267

>Check it out guys, i didn't fall for this troll!

>> No.3618281 [DELETED] 

I grew out of music when I was 19. Total waste of time.

>> No.3618282


Freud pls go

>> No.3618316

You're right! Switching off my Rilo Kiley. Good, I nearly failed to give up on it before I turned 20, too.

>> No.3618319

>Rilo Kiley
You should have grown out of her by 14.

>> No.3618321

>people have ulterior motives and i've succeeded in noticing this! ha! oh, me!

>> No.3618326 [DELETED] 

>Rilo Kiley

I just Googled them and they appear to be a bunch of faggots. I think you made the right decision to give them up.

>> No.3618323

What should I be listening to, then?

>> No.3618330 [DELETED] 

age 1-12: swans, nick cave, joy division, the sound, etc.
age 13-19: stravinsky, rachmaninov, liszt, sorabji, etc.
age 19+: silence

>> No.3618331

>age 19+: silence

>> No.3618389

>baseless implications

Sounds like a /pol/tard trying to legitimize their cesspool.

>> No.3618446

>implying Aristotle was a platonist

>> No.3618453
File: 35 KB, 439x700, socrates_louvre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being torpedo ray tier

>> No.3618454

Why the fuck would you read a singer's autobiography? Do you read TMZ as well?

>> No.3618483


That was the entire point of the OP?

>> No.3618497
File: 53 KB, 400x483, DonJuan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Females have no real interests. They are showered with attention so they are never forced to develop interests. Prove me wrong. Also you current/ex GF doesn't count cause she is ugly

>> No.3618546
File: 1.14 MB, 800x1639, 1356907925073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women (and men as well) are to be judged on a scale of peculiarity. If they are somehow deranged, damaged etc there is a much greater chance that they are answer hungry. A scarred woman can have deep intellectual, philosophical, spiritual and artistic interests. It's because there's a void to be filled. They are out of balance and constantly seek equilibrium in some way. With men it's mostly the same. Only those who suffer from themselves get lured into the scarcely walked path of obscure intellectual interests.

If you want an interesting woman you should look for one with issues. If you want an easy to handle, domestic creature you should look for a well adjusted one. The first will be bothersome, the second will be dull. If you want interesting people, look for the crazies and brace yourself for the ride.

>> No.3618563


She ain't ugly. Say that to my face and not online, fucker!

>> No.3619173

>having an identity is for losers

U wat m8?

>> No.3619201 [DELETED] 

Adapting your identity so it conforms to a pre-established social group is extremely lame, yes. What sort of douchebag proudly identifies as a 'hipster'?

>> No.3619223

Your criticism is lame. People have been adapting their identities to pre-established social groups since the dawn of man.

>> No.3619226 [DELETED] 

and they're all lame

>> No.3619233


Actually, what I said in my original post was that (where I mentioned that I was a hipster). But your reading comprehension or my ability to convey my message might be a bit off, what do I know.

>> No.3619238


>ugly girls don't count

here, you summed up why plenty of girls are very shallow, because appearance is valued highest for women in general, whereas men are in general expected to have some sort of interest, or at the very least it's much more acceptable for men to have deep interests

>> No.3619246

Males chose between not being intelligent and getting laid. In rare cases, both are achievable.

>> No.3619468

moot here and I can confirm this is true.

>> No.3619505

well how tho

>> No.3619512

Dumb people generally fuck more.

>> No.3619515

Lel, I've gotten sweet teenage poon because of all of those.