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File: 86 KB, 462x600, item0.rendition.slideshowWideVertical.library-01-katherine-newman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3615739 No.3615739 [Reply] [Original]

Finally got around to cataloging my library.

Total: 672 books

How many are you hoarding, /lit/?

PS. E-book plebs need not reply.

>> No.3615780
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this is now a cozy home library thread

>> No.3615787

I just read my books. I don't care how many I have.

>> No.3615812

Hopefully over 100. But I'm only counting the deserving works.

>> No.3615815



>> No.3615844


Do want.

I am however confused by something. In this age to be able to get something like that you would have to be fairly rich. Being THAT rich nowadays means a busy job in an important part of a big company or working Wall Street. Very time consuming stuff. So, how the fuck do they have time to even read, let alone all of that? Or are this images from aristocratic fucks who don't do shit in their lives?

>> No.3615848


Also, ignore bad English/punctuation.

>> No.3615861


Isn't that the great problem these days?

Work long hours, get more money to buy entertainment you want, less time to spend on it.

Do fuck all, have less money to buy entertainment you want, spend more time on it.

I'd just like to be somewhere in the middle.

>> No.3615869

The house is likely passed down and obviously there is always going to be free time.

>> No.3616018

I had a collection of 70~80 books that I had built up using my allowance from my middle school years. A few years back I lost the entire thing in a flood. Still heart broken over that, so I rarely buy books these days.

>> No.3616025

Doing a bit of guesswork, since my collection is currently 6 hours away, but I think it's probably somewhere around 400.

>> No.3616029

167 eBooks. Enjoy feeling superior about wasting space by lining your walls with paper.

>> No.3616041

Thread about style instead of substance.
Yeah OP you trule got what books are about.

I like the mood of your room but yeah, naw you're just a cunt.

>> No.3616047

Mostly from fucks who don't read but keep books around for decorative purposes. I'll just take a bare apartment with a single bookcase and a second hand chaise longue. Shabby chic destitute aristo-minimalism is where it's at.

>> No.3616052
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I don't know if they're just pretending but I'll agree with you in that I would be more than happy to live in Swedish prison my whole life as long as I had access to the prison library.

>> No.3616053

I like having large amounts of books for a few aesthetic reasons. The smell of a room full of books is highly pleasant. The materials used help to muffle sounds, which I prefer. I like the feeling of paper in my hands. These are all likely things that I've learned to enjoy from a childhood spent reading books in quiet rooms, but it doesn't change the fact that it's all I really want in my main spot of relaxation. So I collect books, especially when I can get them for super cheap, because I am often just using them decoratively.

>> No.3616070

pardon ignorances, how to upload non-picture files

>> No.3616083

They probably have only shit like Dan Brown in a prison library

>> No.3616104

1200 or so in Australia we have $2 book sales

>> No.3616109

I've heard they have shitloads of crime lit and whodunits.

>> No.3616112

There's a place near me that has a $1 book shelf and I keep buying books I don't need or want because they're there.

>> No.3616114

marketing jackpot

>> No.3616120

"E-book plebs need not reply."
It's like vinyl douche bags whining about CDs. Evolve bitch.

>> No.3616131

It's true.

"There's nothing like the crackle and "warm" sound of vinyl. CDs just don't compare."

"There's nothing like the scent and the feel of an old book. eBooks just don't compare."

>> No.3616128

You lucky fuck. I'm not sure if my town even has a secondhand bookstore, but our Barnes & Noble closed a few years back.

>> No.3616136

While I do agree that whining about ebooks is obnoxious, physical copies are superior. I don't mind reading on a computer or a tablet, myself, though.

>> No.3616137

That sucks. Used bookstores are pretty great, especially when you're a theatre major and most of your textbooks are just plays you can pick up this way for a couple of bucks.

>> No.3616144

Audiobooks anyone? Listening while resting your eyes on comfy bed or sofa.

>> No.3616146

I got in to them when I was working in a sign shop, but I can't bring myself to choose them over standard books when I have the down time to just read. Also, for audio, radio plays are the superior choice.

>> No.3616149

Fine with me friend. Still, there's a difference between someone who loves books and someone who drops a 100k on a ready made library to sit around and drink brandy in.

>> No.3616264


OP here. This is how I built up my library, too.

Now that society's gone full retard, the value of used books has dropped. I troll library sales, sidewalk sales, and about seven used bookstores.

>> No.3616271

how many bookcases do you have?

>> No.3616278


> Mostly from fucks who don't read but keep books around for decorative purposes.

OP again.

I'm a huge reader, but I also find floor-to-ceiling bookshelves aesthetically pleasing. That's why I'm building a library.

Bonus: You can tell a lot about a girl by her reaction to your library. Any girl that flips for my books is a potential keeper.

>> No.3616288


I'm in the process of moving out of my apartment. (Hence the cataloging.) Before I started boxing my books, they lined five separate bookshelves.

>> No.3616291


Off topic:

Where can I download good audio books / radio plays? I'd like to start listening.

>> No.3616293

Do you buy them or make them yourself? I'm on my third bookshelf, and I've been lucky enough to just find them so far. I don't know what I'm going to do when this one gets filled up.

>> No.3616296

>Not knowing how to assemble basic furniture
I feel sorry for you.

>> No.3616297

Real furniture comes in one piece. I just unbox my shelves and/or curio cabinets, none of that "putting-it-together-plywood-particleboard-crap"

>> No.3616300

There are a bunch of podcasts that are literally just radio plays, and that's where I found mine. I mostly just listened to the horror stories, because I think they are best as short stories, and there's some great stuff with Boris Karloff and his contemporaries just floating around.

It's not that I can't assemble it, it's that I've never had to buy any of the materials so I don't know what the cost is likely to be.

>> No.3616304


I picked up three at various sidewalk sales. One belonged to my parents. The other I bought at a furniture store.

Since bedbugs have become a problem, I'm a bit wary of picking up free furniture off the street.

If you live near an Ikea, they sell cheap bookshelves. Not too difficult to assemble.

>> No.3616305

BBC Radio4 has lots of good plays

>> No.3616307


Cool, thanks. I'll look into podcasts.

>> No.3616317

>pardon ignorances, how to upload non-picture files
You can't do it on /lit/. The only boards that accept pdf files as images are /tg/ and /gd/.

If you really want to have a direct pdf link on /lit/, go to a dying thread on /gd/, upload a pdf as an image with a sage, then post a crossboard link to the image file. /gd/ is much slower than /lit/, so it will stay active for the duration of the /lit/ thread.

This pdf was posted on /gd/ as an image, but linked to from here:


>> No.3616329

Thank you

>> No.3616335
File: 1.78 MB, 3072x2304, bks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few thousand, I think. I have a problem.

>> No.3616343
File: 26 KB, 425x315, 425.hills.conrad.lauren.lc.040709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>much slower than /lit/

>> No.3616355

>much slower than /lit/
Try this board >>>/3/ threads last a month.

>> No.3616383

>threads last a month
Oh my