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/lit/ - Literature

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3613592 No.3613592 [Reply] [Original]

I finished reading The Stand and it felt like... reading a Bible.

Why do I feel that way?

>> No.3613601


>> No.3613613


>> No.3613615



>> No.3613617

Is there anybody in there?

>> No.3613619


I'm OP.

Going to bed, not worth it.

>> No.3613622

No on actually wants to talk about books in here, they just fight over silly little shit that never matters.

I liked the book at first, but it fizzled out for me near the end, which was awful.

I'm usually a fan of King's work but him killing off any character with any kind of depth was kind of like shooting himself in the foot. Stu Redman was as deep as a kiddie pool.

>> No.3613626

king sucks ass. read some quality, fucking pleb

>> No.3613674

It's for the best. /lit/ has only read the Dune series, 100 pages of Pynchon, Infinite Jest, Lolita, 30 pages of Ulysses, summaries of philosophical works (Nietzsche, Camus, Hegel), Wikipedia entries—all of this makes them well read, enables them to wade into arguments which are clearly out of their depth, throw around buzzwords (nihilism, relativism, postmodernism, etc) and regurgitate literary criticism almost verbatim.

Go elsewhere to discuss books.