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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 199 KB, 1200x900, 9257192-chat-avec-des-yeux-verts-sur-le-beige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3611745 No.3611745 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you have a cat, /lit ? Cats are classy. They are the pets of greeat writers.

>> No.3611759

I do, my cat is classy, >>>/an/

>> No.3611766

You sir truly are a worthy /literati. May your classy cat bless you and inspire you great literature.

Ayone else on the literary value of cats ?

>> No.3611768
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My roommate is allergic.

>> No.3611773

I do have 2 cats. And I'm allergic.

>> No.3611816

Cats are fucking arseholes. Hissing, spiteful little ratfuckers I hate all of them. Writing is an inherently lonely profession, and a cat is about as good company as a concentration camp matron. Now dogs, dogs kick serious ass.

Also this: Is this really a discussion for /lit/?

>> No.3611822

dogs are fucking stupid (as in no brain stupid) m8

>> No.3611825
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I love these assholes. We have a mutual understanding.

>> No.3611828
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Cats give your children schizophrenia too

>> No.3611833

Well, as Baudelaire said:
Les amoureux fervents et les savants austères
Aiment également dans leur mûre saison
Les chats puissants et doux, orgueil de la maison
Qui sont comme eux frileux et comme eux sédentaires

Which roughly translates as:
Eager lovers and stern scholars
Equally loved, in the mature age
Mighty and sweet cats, pride of the house
Who like them are cold-sensitive and, like them, sedentary. Cats are literature-related animals. And you don't need to take them out, unlike dogs.

>> No.3611846
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How does it work?
Please do tell.

>> No.3611850

Cats are nasty little freaks, owned by people that are so insecure they need to keep something around that treats them like scum the whole time. If cat-owners had a boyfriend or girlfriend that acted to them the same way a cat did then they'd be squealing about 'unfairness' and 'abuse' the whole time. They're for the chronically subordinate - that's why all these piss-weak hipsters and male feminists have cats, because they're weak in their hearts.
Good dog ownership is about being the pack leader, the alpha, the rule maker. A dog relies on it's owner to be responsible for its well-being, and shows loyalty and honour in return. If you've got a bad dog, that's your fucking fault, but try and get a cat owner to take responsibility for their little bundle of hate. They'll just say something meaningless like "oh, she's such a character, aren't you little fluffy wuffy bootykins I wuv yoo soooo much! yes I doooo!"

tl:dr. Cats are for the broken in spirit. Dogs are for pioneers.

>> No.3611855

It only affects me when I haven't been home for a couple of months (uni). After a couple of days my body seems to adjust and I barely notice anything.

>> No.3611856


dogs are submissive little faggots

>> No.3611858

tl:dr kneejerker

You totally missed the point of the post.

>> No.3611860

dogs are proud and loyal beings when raised right; cats are passive-agressive narcissistic assholes

>> No.3611862

I didn't read the post

>> No.3611863

Hm, thanks.

>> No.3611871

You sure are mad at cats. Were you anally raped by cats as a child ? Cats are just funny and tiny, they don't take much room and are a whole deal less annoying than most humans. cat is independant enough not to be constantly seeking after your approval and in return it (mostly) leaves you do your own business without bothering you. Cat engage in free relationships. Dogs are more of the submission-dwelling, authority-craving people. You comment about "alpha" and "leader" examplifies this. You as a dog owner seem to be in need of defining who is the leader, as if a leader was required when you are two at home with nt much trouble. You seem to be still stuck in archaic mental structure involving "packs" and "alpha male" and whatnot. Remember, pal, we are past the day of mamoth hunting, and we no longer practice bare-handed fights to know who will get to rape the female. I understand why you can be nostalgic of that age, but really, we've evolved beyond that. Move on.

>> No.3611874

Yeah. Cats are so kickass. They have attained the ûberanimalsch state.

>> No.3611902

Here's a Ü for you.
Have another: ü.
Luv ya.

>> No.3611913

I have two kittens.

>> No.3611940

which word would you use to describe a cheer from a group of people as their leader holds a motivation speech.

>> No.3611959

because where i live i can't have animals

>> No.3612049

I like birds. I often let the ones that sit on the tree outside in my room when I'm listening to music in the morning.


>> No.3612739

That's why 99% of dogs is owned by retarded old ladies.

>> No.3612778

I don't agree with this, but it was an entertaining read. 7/0

>> No.3612795

I love cats and dogs equally, despite them being so different.

But I live alone in a small apartment at the 15th floor of a building in the middle of a big city. So no pets.

I once had a plant. My girlfriend gave it to me, said it was the plant of "family". It died when I went on long holiday trip to take LSD and fuck bitches on the beach.

>> No.3612800
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I do. She sleeps all day and is a coward. :3

>> No.3612814
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Bukowski was a cat person.

>> No.3612820

I'm allergic to every worthwhile pet there is, all I ever had was a tamagotchi ;_;

>> No.3612830

ITT: Crazy cat ladies

>> No.3612846

Cats are lazy, boring, and useless.

A dog has personality and so many positive traits. Feeling bored and want to play? Take the dog and play fetch. Want to take a walk? Take the dog and he'll walk by your side. Worried about intruders or home security? Your dog will protect your home as you sleep. Want to take a dip in the lake? Your dog will swim with you, go fishing with you, go hunting with you.

A dog is a MAN's best friend for a reason. All you cat lovers are either women or soft males.

>> No.3612849

>having to buy your best friends

>> No.3613008
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Essential part of the Japanese literary canon.

>> No.3613034

This is pretty close to home. A cat is so much of a placid, indifferent fucker that you wonder why one would ever waste his time feel left down.

>> No.3613041

All this insecure manlihood. Tell me more about how alpha you are for having an animal that obeys ou on a whim. Oh, wait. The cat isn't listening to you. He oesn't care.

People in this thread are talking about why they love cats, not how they would like their cats to eat them after their death. We're still three leagues below the insanity of a crazy cat lady on the insanity scale (for now).

>> No.3613046

I remember a day when it was cold in the shadow and the only place where you could get warm was when you went into the sun. I was about to go out to do something when I watched my cat laying in the sun on a place in my garden. That was the happiest creature I saw in my whole life and the thing that made it happy was that little sunshine.

>> No.3613160

That would be Übertier

>> No.3613215

And don't for get The Master and Margarita by Bugalkov, awesome cat disciple in that novel

>> No.3613273

Ja, aber du musst zugeben, dass Überanimalsch schon besser klingt.
Davon mal abgesehen würde es Überkatze heißen. Nicht alle Katzen könnten Überkatzen sein.
Warst du mal in Ägypten? Da schlachten die sie die Dinger und machen Teppiche aus ihnen. Man will nicht ausschließen, dass es beispielsweise auch Überhunde oder andere Übertiere geben könnte. Und wenn wir es ganz offensichtlich sein wollen, wären Menschen auch nur Tiere oder höchstens Übertiere und würden sich dann nicht von anderen Übertieren unterscheiden.

>> No.3613638
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alright back the fuck up

cat thread coming through

we're not even a literature board anymore are we?

>> No.3613686
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A kitty board is much more important.
I declare that /lit/ is now to be called /cat/.
Since nobody on here can read anyways, this is going to improve. We will al post cute pictures of kittens. Anyone who doesn't agree is a bigger faggot than OP because cats rule /cat/. OP is not a cat.
Cats are so much more important than your silly letters and words and sentences and books. "Books" Cats and Übercats. Cats kill mice and cats kill spiders.
We need this, cats will bring peace to this world if we give htem the power to. Believe in cats. Kittens, cats. You know it to be true.

>> No.3613713

Why do you reply then ? I wanted a literary conversations about cats, and that's what I quoted Baudelaire early in the thread. But I guess I was too naive. All too naive.

Do you associate cats with a particular kind of writing, /lit ? For me it is nineteenth century poetry. All those gently purring harmony. All this safely sheltered warmth. Late nineteenth century symbolistfag were truly cat people in that they believe in the swiftness of eye to go through the outlines and poetry and catch the essential image. Symbolic intuition is a cat's look, warm yet undaunted gaze. Seriously guys. Cats.

>> No.3613732
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I have a few pictures of cats and their authors.

>> No.3613740
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>> No.3613741
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why won't you let me sleep
why wont you

>> No.3613742

Nice. Can you draw a correlation with their literature and their cats ? Can you recommend good literature on cats ?
>inb4 cat authors are faggots
Of course they are. Author are faggots.

>> No.3613745
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why won't you let me sleeeeep

>> No.3613746

Not a cat person myself, and have yet to meet a cat person I would want to spend a great deal of time around. Ive had both cats and dogs in my life when I lived at home, and dogs (REAL dogs mind you, not yappy little lap things your grandparent own) have always been my constant companions. I plan to own a couple when I live a place that allows them.

>> No.3613747
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that's enough for now.

>> No.3613749

Great post.

>> No.3613753


Where the fuck did you pull that trope from? Cats are the animal old choice for old spinsters

>> No.3613759

No. I don't care for literature. I only like cats.
What the fuck are you doing on lit if you want to discuss literature. Read a book instead.
Don't read Murakami. He doesn't know shit about my little kitties.

>> No.3613760
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Pigs master race.

>> No.3613764

I meant: what the fuck are you doing on /cat/?

>> No.3613770

I'm sure they are if you live on a farm, chasing/eating rats. Personally I wouldn't have any pet, what if I was on a drunken spree and forget to feed the creature. I'm more into dogs, they can look you in eye and you will feel 'some' connection.

>> No.3613781

You actually do with cats to.

>> No.3613800
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>> No.3613808
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You will never find a more genuine companion than a golden retriever you've raised since birth.

>> No.3613810

cats are for fags and fat women

dog masterrace reporting in

>> No.3613814

Dogs are nature's sycophants.

>> No.3613832
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>> No.3613837

i'll keep that in mind as my rottweiler rips your fucking arm off if you try to break into my house

>> No.3613849

This thread is starting to sound like the /pol of cats and dogs. I'm waiting for a dogfag to say that catfag destroyed proud dogfag western ethics. And the a catfag would respond that dogfag are racist conservative that enslave dogs. Could be fun.

>> No.3613850

Not my experience. Its their nature to not look you dead in the eye. I got this trick: looking at them, turning my face away, and surely they jump onto my lap. But hey, different cat, different story.

>> No.3613852
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"Hemingway with his faggot six toe hipster cats drinks like he writes: Minimally" - Faulkner

>> No.3613853

They can do when intended. But they do blink in case of inexpected eye contact, tough.

>> No.3613854
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Helping the other anon

>> No.3613860

I judge dogs and cats on an animal by animal basis. I know many more great dogs than alright cats, but good and bad examples exist on both sides.

>> No.3613861
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>> No.3613857
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>> No.3613862
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>> No.3613868


>what is a cat

A dog is genuine, picks up on your emotion and responds accordingly regardless of what it wants.

A cat sucks up when it wants something, then promptly moves on when its satisfied or finds something better.

>> No.3613870
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>> No.3613874
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"To anyone who needs lively entertainment for the purpose of banishing the dreariness of solitude, I recommend a dog, in whose moral and intellectual qualities he will almost always experience delight and satisfaction."

>> No.3613883
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>> No.3613884
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I like dogs more. They seem to me to be capable of genuine love and empathy. There's a reason one of them was regarded as a saint.

>> No.3613886

Dogs actually love their boss, while cats only see you as a way to get food and shelter

Let me put it like this: Dogs are loyal and will defend you, that's why they are used to guard houses since god knows when. Cats are pussies (heh) and will abondon you when shit gets dangerous.

>> No.3613888

Umm. Saint Bernards aren't real saints, dude.

>> No.3613892
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>Between dogs and cats my degree of choice is so great that it would never occur to me to compare the two. I have no active dislike for dogs, any more than I have for monkeys, human beings, negroes, cows, sheep, or pterodactyls; but for the cat I have entertained a particular respect and affection ever since the earliest days of my infancy. In its flawless grace and superior self-sufficiency I have seen a symbol of the perfect beauty and bland impersonality of the universe itself, objectively considered; and in its air of silent mystery there resides for me all the wonder and fascination of the unknown. The dog appeals to cheap and facile emotions; the cat to the deepest founts of imagination and cosmic perception in the human mind. It is no accident that the contemplative Egyptians, together with such later poetic spirits as Poe, Gautier, Baudelaire, and Swinburne, were all sincere worshippers of the supple grimalkin.

>> No.3613900
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>this pretentious drivel about a cat
Typical cat owners

>> No.3613903
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>> No.3613907
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in an /x/ way it's kind of easy to buy the plot of the cats vs dogs movie in which cats control the world

>> No.3613909

>no active dislike for negroes

>> No.3613911

Humans literally evolved alongside dogs. Cats are just animals to us.

>> No.3613920

i'm more appreciative of cats because of tumblr
not op's cat lel but there are some okay cats

i'd still never own one of those creepy things. everyone knows dogs are where it's at

>> No.3613928

>says noted homosexual, insane suicidal fascist, and cat owner yukio mishima

>> No.3613933

The quote was from an essay Lovecraft wrote

>> No.3613936
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>> No.3613941
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>> No.3613947

>85 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click here to view.


>> No.3613951
File: 55 KB, 500x393, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dogs are the hieroglyphs of blind emotion, inferiority, servile attachment, and gregariousness -- the attributes of commonplace, stupidly passionate, and intellectually and imaginatively underdeveloped men. Cats are the runes of beauty, invincibility, wonder, pride, freedom, coldness, self-sufficiency, and dainty individuality the qualities of sensitive, enlightened, mentally developed, pagan, cynical, poetic, philosophic, dispassionate, reserved, independent, Nietzschean, unbroken, civilised, master-class men. The dog is a peasant and the cat is a gentleman.

HP Lovecat

>> No.3613960

>noted racist and beta hp lovecraft
do you see a pattern here?

>> No.3613969
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many writers owned cats, cats are /lit/ now

>> No.3613992


If people just said "I like cats because they are easy to take care of, sometimes do funny things and occasionally enjoy cuddling" I would take them much more seriously than when they try to hold cats up as appeals to "the deepest founts of imagination and cosmic perception," as if owning a cat somehow makes you more of an intellectual than those that prefer dogs.

>> No.3614000

How many spinsters does /lit/ have?

>> No.3614015

Cat sure did get life. Dogs are still stuck at the pre-enlightened "friendship" phase of mutual dependancy.

>> No.3614018
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do tigers count?

>> No.3614056
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This is my gittengat, her name is Bagel. She likes to read books by David Foster Wallace even though he liked dogs more than gittengats.

>> No.3614093 [SPOILER] 
File: 317 KB, 1280x960, dfwfleshlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some real pussy

>> No.3614099
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>> No.3614100


aloofness /= intelligence, or any other metaphorical notion of being 'deep,' at least as far as animals are concerned. Solitary people just see cats as also being loners, and we've been conditioned to identify being smart with being alone and being dumb with socialization, when it's actually quite the opposite in nature. I think the whole thing is a bit of subliminal ego-stroking.

>> No.3614109

>Cats are lazy
Part of the reason why they're so cool
You must be retarded to find cats boring. Also if you want a pet to amuse you more than anything, save yourself the time and money and get yourself a toy
>and useless.
lol since when are animals meant to be useful? They're not machines built to convince our lives. Hire a maid if you want usefulness. If you're judging an animal based on it's supposed utility above everything, you probably shouldn't be responsible for a pet.

>A dog has personality
Compared to the incredibly varied personalities of cats (you should see the two that come visit my house - almost completely opposite in every way), dogs seem almost exactly the same as each other: designed to please, requires constant reassuring praise etc.

You seem like the epitome of all this alpha nonsense people who love dogs but hate cats spew all the time.

>> No.3614113

Really, look at that fucking face. They're just so beautiful.

>> No.3614121

daaaaawwwwwwwwww :3

>> No.3614159

Theres a second hand book shop in Melbourne, Sybers, that has cats living in
they're pretty cool

>> No.3614174

I wouldn't want to see it die.

>> No.3614186

Dog breeds known for aggression tend to be owned by insecure powerless people seeking to metaphorically extend their penis through dog ownership, hence the pointless aggression seen in your post.

Also, don't you mean your trailer?

>> No.3614257

"Feb 2013, all three cats have gone to cat heaven." - http://www.sybersbooks.com.au/

but I'm glad they have new ones

>> No.3614268

Oh, just go get another one.

Didn't you ever see Old Yeller? One dies, you just go buy another.

>> No.3614273

I've seen my one cat fight a fox and win. It only has three legs.

My other cat is literally a cat-burglar. It steals shit and brings it back to my house.