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3610925 No.3610925 [Reply] [Original]

I refuse to believe that at any given university the undergrad population isn't at least 80% retarded.

It's worse when you go to a "good" university because the kids are richer, more entitled and less likely to realize that they are indeed retarded.

>> No.3610929

retardation is the human condition

>> No.3610935

"Indoctrinate U" is a good documentary to watch if you hate university students and you want to hate them more.

>> No.3610936

Europe is wary to even acknowledge degrees given in the USA anymore, because it seems like they're bought rather than earned.

>> No.3610939

>undergrad population isn't at least 80% retarded.
Wait until third year then reevaluate your numbers.

>> No.3610941

I kinda agree with you OP.
Usually I think that way of my colleagues, but lately I realized it is a counterproductive way of thinking. You can become a loner and make people hate you.
If I see something stupid in my college I just try to forget I saw anything, I don't think about it. I just shut up.
Also, I'm kind of a moron too. I can't finish anything I start, so there's that.

>> No.3610947

And that's totally justified. Here's my degree that proves that I drank and fucked for four years. Job, please!

Sounds interesting, I'll check it out.

>> No.3610957

> I need feminism because it is a shield from the white man's sword
> I need feminism because I am the Other

These fucking kids have no idea what they're saying. They get together and regurgitate these half understood academic buzzwords and pat each other on the back and then drink Pabst.

>> No.3610963


Almost makes you want to believe Hell is real or something

>> No.3610971

Wait until second or third year, when people have (mostly) figured out what they want and like to do. It's astounding how much it changes.

>> No.3610988

Yeah, I noticed a bit of change.

The idiocy is less felt in lectures/seminars, but it's just the entire study body of undergrads...when they all come together they cannot act intelligently.

Don't get me started on student unions and politics...All of my rage.

>> No.3610994

If you aren't going to a STEM school, it shouldn't be a surprise you are surrounded by people that would fail Calc 2, maybe even 1.

>> No.3610999

Oh god, this. I'm taking Chem to fill a science requirement, and god damn I can handle questions but when the professor says "X is the concept, Y is the explanation, and Z is what you do not do.", and then ten people ask "Wait, I did Z and it didn't work....? xDD"

>> No.3611000

I've got a lot of friends in the STEM side of the school (which is really strong in Canada - McGill's either #1 or #2, depending on who you ask)

Basically, it's the exact same. Lots of people just gliding by miraculously and succeeding.

>> No.3611022

Well, I make As in math so I would say I am smart, but I do study some and do do the assigned homework. Going from my Calc II class to my Gen Chem II class was a real head-turner. I went from proving limits of sequences and series to doing high school 20x=1000 solve for x bullshit, and half the class could not do it. We had to do work sheets in 4-5 person groups every Friday in Chem, and I would be the only person that understand the fundamental mathematical/chemical process happening. I never even studied or did work for Chemistry, and the person sitting next to me would spend hours studying and just plain not get what they were looking at. Granted, a lot of the people were not STEM majors per say, some were psych and what not, but it was kind of shocking. I feel bad for them, but at the same time, I just don't get how they cannot get it.

>> No.3611030

>These fucking kids have no idea what they're saying. They get together and regurgitate these half understood academic buzzwords and pat each other on the back and then drink Pabst.
So it's like /lit/ with more beer and less bickering? Sign me up

>> No.3611049

I definitely think the quality of the school has a lot to do with it. The difference between the people I meet at my meh tier school and the people that I meet when I visit my friends at an ivy league school is astounding. Given there is a small group of people that seem like the guy in op's pic but it is not even close to 80% it's closer to like 10% and even then they're still better than the ones at my college.

>> No.3611053

everyone probably thinks the same of you undergrad :)

>> No.3611057

I was like you when I first went to university. Then I grew up.

>> No.3611082

As a whole, maybe.

First year is generally the worst year, because that's when people meet, cliques form, and the work isn't taken serious. This is, by extension, when the shit is filtered.
Come second year, the numbers have thinned, people are more willing to work, but will still be subject to selection based on their performance.
By third year, it's pretty good as things become more intense, and by fourth year it's really just work with veteran students who want to succeed.
Then there are the postgrad courses too.

But yeah, because first year is generally the biggest year in terms of population, don't be put off by the shitheads who can't handle it and eventually drop/flunk out.

>> No.3611109

>implying the individual in OP's pic isn't going to get a PhD in Wymyn's Studies

>> No.3611114

OP, if you actually go to McGill University, join Epilogue Book Club through the SSMU clubs site under miscellaneous. We'll bond.

>> No.3611117

I think you've still got some growing up to do.

There is indeed a mass immaturity in American undergraduate programs.

>> No.3611137


Well, there's no accounting for taste.

That said I'll take a quiet Wymynz studies major over a business student who plays loud ass music in the wee-small hours and gets blitzed every night because #YOLO.

>> No.3611158

*shrug* There will always be some group of profs or students that will be similar to you at almost any given college or university. It might take a while but you should be able to find someone interested in literature, Latin poetry, etc. And while they might not have the same exact interests you do this group will have an appreciation or interest in your field. Anyway, there's hope OP. It's gonna be ok. If not just wall yourself off from everyone and try to befriend the faculty that doesn't suck.

>> No.3611162

>It's worse when you go to a "good" university because the kids are richer
Probably just harder-working and smarter for the most part. Ivy league schools give pretty generous scholarship and student aid packages out. Good state schools cost about the same if you stay in-state, and give out scholarships. Sounds like you're just justifying underachieving.

>> No.3611164

huh, lot of mcgill people on here
it's midnight back in canada right, i guess that makes sense

>> No.3611171

>Wymynz studies
Is that possible? Their feminism would probably permeate the whole of their daily lives.

>> No.3611191


Except yes, they would.
These people are pretty much the opposite number of /r9k/, but on Tumblr.

>> No.3611200

>implying you deal with this shit if you're a stem major

>> No.3611228

unless you think typing out shit on tumblr is noisy then there's no real reason to believe they wouldn't be quiet

>> No.3611229

In STEM majors, everyone is as boring and unsocial as you so you don't get to see how full of shit they are.

>> No.3611242

Yeah but the point is that it literally does not matter. I'm sure if these 'immature undergrads' had been spouting a naive iteration of OP's worldview then he'd be giving them the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.3611244

you're a true protagonist of western culture OP i can't wait to find out all the good you're going to shower upon our unworthy world

>> No.3611250

I think the problem here, and the difficulties encountered by others in the rest of the thread, stem from the abysmal state of the American HS system.

I was once told by an American that University there is pretty much all filled with retards for the first 2 years because the students have to catch up on all the skills and knowledge that should have been acquired in high school. For the most part, most kid wouldn't not have gleaned these skills and knowledge.

Would this be an accurate state of affairs?

>> No.3611259

>Being this pissed off about OP pointing out that a lot of universities are infested with faggots

>> No.3611262

>still using the term 'faggots'

>> No.3611264

This is so edgy it's the cutting edge of edge

>> No.3611280

This is 4chan, no one uses the word outside this site, faggot.

>> No.3611283

>still using it

>> No.3611286

>You can't say faggot on the internet
>What about my feelings?

>> No.3611288

Rich people are really good at using an adolescence spent learning how to do standardized testing to learn how to get a piece of paper and become an academic functionary. Poor people tend to be interesting or go home.

There is a neverending supply of reasons to get rid of the bourgeoisie.

>> No.3611295

But poor people are generally as uninteresting as their rich counterparts. More humble, however.

>> No.3611299

>tfw you will never create a society of nothing but prols and autocratic freemen

The bourgeoisie is a curse on society.

>> No.3611302

You are strawmanning rich people. Some of them can have genuine interest in things, you know ?

>> No.3611318

>Implying rich is the same as being bourgeoisie

>> No.3611327

>mfw students are surprised that professors expect them to read beyond the assigned textbook

>> No.3611354

>that feel when you act like any university student should and instantly all the professors love you and want to be your friend because you're the only person actually trying and engaging the material awash in a sea of people who think they're still in high school

>> No.3611389

>too awkward and smart for the cool kids
>not awkward or smart enough for the hyperintelligent

>> No.3611393

>and he assigned us 100 pages of reading this week! Can you believe that?

>> No.3611402

They were strongly associated, if not outright identified, in the post I was responding too.

>> No.3611414 [DELETED] 

I hate being the only one knowing who Vladimir Putin is. The class literally looked at me and said things like, "how do you know these things?"

>> No.3611419

No, most of the population at the university I went to was non-retarded.

don't know what it was like at all you jokers' schools.

>> No.3611468

This is ridiculous. It's the 21st century. The best universities aren't for the richest; they're for the smartest. All the money in the world wouldn't get you into Oxbridge unless you'd been getting straight As since you were knee-high to a grasshopper. And if you're smart but don't have the money, then they hand out bursaries like they're going out of fashion. Hell, I've got two and I'm in no kind of financial trouble at all.

>> No.3611471

what are you even talking about lol

>> No.3611474

Everyone but me is retarded

I am the only sane person in a world of lunatics

>> No.3611479

>All the money in the world wouldn't get you into Oxbridge unless you'd been getting straight As since you were knee-high to a grasshopper

True, but all the money in the world will get you straight As

so you know it's still a bit, you know

>> No.3611488

>I just don't get how they cannot get it

This mentality explains why so many of my math teachers throughout school were terrible at explaining concepts. A lot of people who are good at math have an innate ability for it and don't realize it, particularly those who were interested enough in the subject to teach it.

>> No.3611490

>All the money in the world wouldn't get you into Oxbridge unless you'd been getting straight As since you were knee-high to a grasshopper.
Although that's true, it's also true that many that get in there had enough money for it to be conducive to their achieving straigt AAA's in the first place.

Postgrad Oxford is another story. But undergrad? All good old public school boys.

>> No.3611493

This applies more to Oxford than Cambridge from what i have seen.

>> No.3611494

There's a limit. I'm assuming OP is American where the pre-uni education system is a little... shit. But over here in the UK, good teaching will only get you so far. If you're not intelligent, no amount of tutoring will get you those As. Bear in mind also that the best universities over here (not sure about America) have an interview and an entrance exam.

>> No.3611496

hmmm yes an interview, that sounds like something that the children of the rich would be completely unable to gain an advantage in, well pointed out. that's a rlly good way for us to ensure that the educational system remains a meritocracy.

>> No.3611501


"if you cannot do, teach"

Geniuses make terrible mentors.

>> No.3611509

>Sarcasm isn't an argument.

Interviewers aren't idiots. If you're interviewing for a world-class university, you'll have significant experience in the field. Interviews and entrance exams are designed to test a student's natural ability to cope with unseen material. In the case of the sciences (in particular, though in the arts & humanities as well), you're not even required to get questions right - the interviewers are looking at how your brain works in solving logic puzzles.

>> No.3611513

Yeah. It's like how, in baseball, Ted Williams was a shitty manager. Because he had better reflexes and because he was better at seeing the ball than almost anyone else in the history of the game, he was completely unable to give meaningful advice and just ended up getting frustrated at people who couldn't meet his insanely high standards.

>> No.3611514

I think you're being rather optimistic about the intentions of interviewers, or at least about the way their intentions relate to the ways in which they actually evaluate students.

>> No.3611518

Having spoken to a number of interviewers since getting in to university, I have no doubt that what I say is true. It is also true that schools have no idea what is really required in an interview.

>> No.3611519

money influences everything

>> No.3611521

Again, I think you are still being sanguine about the extent to which the stated objectives of interviewers are aligned to the reality of the way they operate.

>> No.3611523

And the exams? What preparation for them can a public school student do which a state school student couldn't? The past papers are all online.

>> No.3611527

You say that but it's pretty well-established at this point that testing results tend to be linked, at least to some extent, with family income.

Honestly, I think at a certain point, once you have inequalities in the quality of education and major inequalities in income, there's no way you can eliminate those from your admissions protocol.

>> No.3611531

100% accurate my foreign friend. In most cases at least.

>> No.3611537

You guys should all just use the Scottish education system. Then, world peace.

>> No.3611546

>dem reactions to the affirmative action bake sale

all my lel

>> No.3611554

Exam prep?

I'm not sure exactly what your entrance exams consist of, but here in the US we take the SAT or ACT exam which play a big role in the schools we get accepted into. The rich kids generally have a lot more access to preparation materials/special tutors that can boost their eventual score. The kids from more humble backgrounds are unlikely to ever get that extra help because they can't afford it(or don't know it even exists).

>> No.3611562

UCL and Oxbridge are the only universities here which do entrance exams as far as I am aware (except for medicine, which every university interviews/exams for). In Oxbridge's case the exam is mailed out to you at a some kind of local exam hall, which you sit at the same time as everybody else in the UK. In UCL's case, (I'm not sure how many subjects actually do this; I do English) you are given the exam when you arrive for your interview. Apart from past papers, there is very little you can do to prepare for these exams - in the case of the sciences, a lot of it contains material which is too advanced for the course you are currently studying, and requires logic to work out.

I think our opinions differ because our education systems differ so radically. Things over here in socialist UK are much more equal - universities accept that state school students have likely received a poorer education, so their entrance requirements are slightly lower.

>> No.3611565

>I think our opinions differ because our education systems differ so radically. Things over here in socialist UK are much more equal - universities accept that state school students have likely received a poorer education, so their entrance requirements are slightly lower.

Yes, tell us more about the great enlightened socialist UK. For instance, remind me - how many members of the Cabinet went to Eton again?

>> No.3611573

I was joking. As for the cabinet, it's largely made up of Tory MPs and Lords. So, naturally, they're going to be rich. But times are changing - most of them will have gone to university decades ago when money was what separated the university ranks. Things have come a long way this century

>> No.3611584

Australia got rid of the scottish system I think in the 70's because of socialist teaching unions and public policy makers.

It has lagged behind general western standards ever since.

"Advance Australia Fair" indeed.

>> No.3611592


Nigger I go to UBC 80% of the undergrad population is Chinese - God knows if they're retarded or not, or anything else about those automata

>> No.3611600

>those automata
It's funny because it's true...

>> No.3611601

They always have been. Especially at "prestigious" schools.

>> No.3611721

It is commonly acknowledged that working class student bodies are better amongst academic staff.

Not that they get the class sizes that they can do anything with the proletarian retards.

A good class size is around 5-8.

>> No.3611741

So is every human culture. Go watch a church you're not a member of.

I see STEM students, and it isn't a surprise that they can't master basic humanities and social science concepts. Undergraduates gonna undergraduate.

>I definitely think the quality of the school has a lot to do with it.

Nope. I went to a top 500 whose tutes were more cogent than the top 50 I teach in.

>I'm sure if these 'immature undergrads' had been spouting a naive iteration of OP's worldview
Nope. Do you know how frustrating under thought marxist undergrads are? It is like being made to drink shit. Which I have had done to me, so I know, I know friend.

>There is a neverending supply of reasons to get rid of the bourgeoisie.
But only one fundamental one. M => C … P … C' => M'

>The best universities aren't for the richest; they're for the smartest.

Nope. They're for the people with a sufficient line of credit who succeed on standardised matriculation tests. None of which relates to capacity to perform academically.

>You guys should all just use the Scottish education system. Then, world peace.

Heard good things.

>> No.3611772

>I go to a top 50 university
>yes this university is good, it has such high rankings
As a Dutchman, I don't know what any of this means

>> No.3611776


80% of any population is retarded. Actually, that's probably closer to 90%.

And majority rules.

>> No.3611777

They're significantly bullshit, unless you view any of the metrics as indicative at a surface level of the underlying criteria of a good University.

I don't think much of Oxbridge, for example, but think highly of research in my field at Warwick.

etc. Thing is, with the exception of the Chinese STEM specific rankings, these rankings tend to harmonise for the top 200 institutions or so.

>> No.3611784

It seems an Anglo thing. The world rankings seem like a big Anglo circlejerk with the Ivy Leagues and Oxbridge on top

>> No.3611787

Times/HES / HES/QR / QR is a bit of a circle jerk in that its anglophone biased by reputation measures.

Chinese measures are STEM applicable only due to the nature of citation metric availability.

There are a couple of other ones.

The system of world class universities is a circle jerk anyway. You look at someone's PhD title and institution, then you search their University on Wikipedia and go "ahhhh," while nodding sagely.

>> No.3611786


Utter bullshit. The white man's sword will cut right through Chinese queers - even if they have a feminist shield.

He needs a sign that says, " I need Vikings because..."

>> No.3611877

>There is indeed a mass immaturity in American undergraduate programs.

I think this is a global phenomenon - not strictly observed to American Unis.

>> No.3611880


Class division is a curse on society.

>> No.3611908

>starting with thesis on journalism
>teacher professor in femnazi womyn studies
>have you been a journalist?
>have you worked as a journalist?
>what you think about my hypothesis?
>you should probably include a gender bias about yourself as a possible negative influence in the beginning

That was the day I dropped any inclination I had towards feminism, and i've never turned back. She was a fucking professor.

>> No.3611924

I saw the kid in OP's picture performing spoken word poetry at a show I was going to. Me and my girl left.

Then I told her that I was the one responsible for the "We Need Eminem" counter-campaign at McGill. I guess it was a loss for the feminists that night, cause I got laid.

>> No.3611933

Wow, I thought /lit/ would have intelligent people on it, but it looks like it's just full of sexist, racist twats.

Aww, what's the matter, little boy? You scared of those nasty feminists taking away your privilege?

>> No.3611951

We get a lot of /pol/ leakage, unfortunately.

>> No.3611952


Just watched that documentary. Raged plenty.

>> No.3611953

Stop being a victim. There is no /pol/ leakage, jesus christ. You sound just as retarded as they, when they start with their /jidf/ /srs/ shit. I hope you do realize that.

>> No.3611987

>There is no /pol/ leakage, jesus christ.

have you looked outside this thread?

>> No.3611994
File: 10 KB, 300x400, 1345252982047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no /pol/ leakage
do you even read?

>> No.3612079

>15 minutes in
>faggot talking about how we need to 'abolish whiteness'

what the fuck is going on in universities these days?

>> No.3612114


What disturbs me with this video is that it condemns the same double standards that it perpetuates. For example, in the beginning they are being butthurt over people opposing the views of an anti-affirmative action intellectual (and I agree, stopping him from speaking is a very negative thing), but later in the video they insinuate that state institutions should not have invited Khadaffi to speak on democracy. The documentary, while raising some important issues, does it in such a one-sided manner that its legitimacy is overthrown and hurts the issues more than it helps.

>> No.3612135
File: 59 KB, 300x198, harvard-t-shirts1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup, McGill. Some performance art at the Player's Theatre?
Maybe I will...

>> No.3612145

>what the fuck is going on in universities these days?
They turned into daycare centers for rich people, since the average 24-year-old now has the education and self-control of a 12-year-old one hundred years ago.

>> No.3612401

I think has everything to do with Khaddafi not knowing the first thing about democracy?

>> No.3612411

says who

>> No.3612414


And maybe you not knowing anything whatsoever about Khadaffi except that he is that bad dude they talk about on Fox News?
You might want to check up on this Green Book thing that he wrote, I mean I'm sure you will think it is inconsequential but it might help your argument a bit.

>> No.3612429

Thanks but no thanks. Being properly informed can do nothing toward my position at all. I'd rather remain ignorant and blather inanely, if it's all the same to you.

>> No.3612435
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>> No.3612441


All right. Carry on, good citizen! And remember to vote liberal!

>> No.3612447

Look you fucking idiot. Anyone can write a book with pretty words, he has clearly showed through his actions and by creating a bloody dictatorship that he doesn't know the first thing about humanity, democracy and equality.

>Defending a torturer and murderer

>> No.3612448
File: 59 KB, 500x361, 1360435950430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3612451


2/10 you almost got me

>> No.3612487

>mfw I had two neighbours that were refugees from the ruthless persecution of gadaffis secret police
>mfw the fighting between the rebel forces and the regular army began we celebrated with african wine
>mfw the man in the house hold one week later bought a plane ticket to join the fight
>mfw he said to me with tears in his eyes "I'm finally going to have a home, i'm 43 years old, and I've never had a home. But soon my friend..." as he left

I'll never forget that moment. Never.

>> No.3612500

>You might want to check up on this Green Book thing that he wrote, I mean I'm sure you will think it is inconsequential but it might help your argument a bit.

Reading the Green Book should reinforce the view that Khadaffi wasn't suitable to speak to an university audience on any issue. Have you actually read it?

You'd be better off by appealing to the man's political career and governance experience. Dictators have their merits.

>> No.3612501


>my anecdotal point of reference which is certainly not one-sided at all makes the literary achievements of a great intellectual null and void and thus his opinions should not be tolerated

>> No.3612507

Why shouldn't we abolish whiteness?

>> No.3612508

Pathetic appeal.

>> No.3612520


Same reason as we shouldn't abolish blackness, yellowness and gender.

>> No.3612535

Because genocide is bad.

>> No.3612561

>"We Need Eminem" counter-campaign at McGill
That sounds neat. Pls explain.

>> No.3612605
File: 348 KB, 643x960, I need feminism like I need a hole in my head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612614

Universities are the new highschool and undergrad degrees are the new toilet paper.

>> No.3612631

>yummy so edgy

>> No.3612637

It's alright, we live longer now,

>> No.3612694

Then don't fucking go, choda boy.

>> No.3612706

Condemning genocide seems like the polar fucking opposite of "edgy" to me.

>> No.3612714
File: 98 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mcj3m7DeeR1rjk5vdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>"We Need Eminem" counter-campaign at McGill
>That sounds neat. Pls explain.

So in response to McGill's campaign I photoshopped the signs people were holding into subtly misogynistic Eminem lyrics. I recruited some brutes from bodybuilding.com to help me when the blogs were getting taken down, at any rate the pics themselves were mildly amusing.


>> No.3612717

"We?" Who is this "we," bubba? I think a better idea would be abolishing your right to live.

>> No.3612782


Why did you bet banned from BB forums?

>> No.3612784

99% of the people in my sixth form who went to University are utterly fucking retarded.

One guy could barely string sentences together, and he's going to York now.

Another was this prissy, ditsy little fucking idiot girl, who was just insanely fucking stupid. She's now studying Law at Oxford or Cambridge because she just remembered a bunch of facts.

The world is fucked, and the UK especially so.

>> No.3612873 [DELETED] 

I think it's a worldwide bubble that will burst eventually. All the stupid people can't control all the wealth and power without horrible consequences.

>> No.3612883


Out of curiosity what course are you doing and are you overall happy with it?

>> No.3612892

I can imagine that will be the case. A great deal of incredibly stupid people have ended up at some very good universities, and it's going to bite us in the arse eventually.

I'm not at University at the moment. I'm taking a year off to live the bohemian life. I'm learning a language, getting in shape, and probably going to go to America and Australia for a few months just because I can.

>> No.3612914


So you're not in education while your peers are in prestigious universities with bright academic futures ahead of them.
You don't think this is the root of your bitterness towards them?
Of course you don't, but it is.

>> No.3612920

>because she just remembered a bunch of facts.
instutionalized education in a nutshell.

>> No.3612925

It isn't at all. You know absolutely nothing about me.

I applied to Universities with all of them, and got into all five. But I chose to delay my offers by a year.

I'm not bitter at all, but I can appreciate how you might have come to that conclusion. The whole "I'm clever but I haven't succeeded because *excusesexcusesexcuses*" attitude is as much of a problem as the fact that any old moron can get into a good university providing that can remember some facts.

>> No.3612927

Whenever people say this, they don't follow through.

>> No.3612930

I've got family in both places, and I've already arranged to stay with them for a few months within the next year.

I don't know what kind of people you hang around with, but they're obviously a bunch of fucking retards.

>> No.3612931

>I don't know what kind of people you hang around with, but they're obviously a bunch of fucking retards.
The anger and resentment is seeping through.

>> No.3612934


Well I apologize for my assumptions. It's just that you seemed unnecessarily derogatory of "remembering facts" when its very important in many different academic fields. Perhaps not so much in Arts and Humanities but those degrees are fairly inconsequential anyway.
What are you going on to study next year?

>> No.3612935

I'm not angry or resentful at all. Why would that be the case?

Can't a man use swear words gratuitously any more? What is the world coming to.

>> No.3612941

Oh no, of course I appreciate the value of facts.

I'll probably do English at Oxford. I was thinking of pursuing a career in journalism, maybe starting a blog and working my way into the New Statesman, liberal crowd.

>> No.3612951

you're calling people retards and saying that memorization of information is stupid.
I think that it's fairly obvious that you're pretty angry about something, and that if pressed, the flaws in your dogma would show brightly.

Enjoy isolating yourself through bigotry and negativity.

>> No.3612953

yeah, right.

>> No.3612957

>I'll probably do English at Oxford.

>> No.3612959

Well yeah, It's a while away yet.

>> No.3613035
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Just checked this out. You win the whole internet, my friend

>> No.3613072

i get on /lit/ for discussion that is more intelligent than CIS PRIVILEGE AND RAPE CULTURE, because i go to mcgill. and what do i see on the front page? a thread about this precise topic, populated by people from mcgill.

>> No.3613089

studying anything but sciences at any university is stupid, see what owns these universities are entities that are dependent on politics, learning things that are straight out politics or politically charge from them is stupid.

>> No.3613154

Thank the jews for your academic groupthink

>> No.3613177

Is McGill really that one sided and radical?
I was thinking about going there, but it's starting to sound like it is just a big identity politics circlejerk.

>> No.3613304


I know lot's of people who are going to be math teachers.

Trust me they all suck at doing college level math and didn't actually get it themselves. The pay difference between the private sector for a BS in math and becoming a math teacher is typically like $20,000+ every year for your entire career.

>> No.3613317
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I just watched the whole thing. Holy shit.

>> No.3613334
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>> No.3613344


Yeah but at least we're ridiculing it. Doesn't it make you feel good to know people like us exist?

>> No.3613352

>It's worse when you go to a "good" university because the kids are richer, more entitled and less likely to realize that they are indeed retarded.

I go to a university that I would generously describe as 'mediocre'. There's plenty of over-inflated ego's and superiority complexes floating about, I don't really know what your talking about.

>> No.3613380

this. That guy should kill himself

>> No.3613386

he's just butthurt he could only get into some shit state school

standford here

>> No.3613396

I cannot tell if this person is male or female.

I am very confused. Please help.

>> No.3613421

>I go to a university
>what your talking
This is what passes for mediocrity, I guess.

>> No.3613590
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McGill is a good school. This is a fact. And it has a great campus and it's in a great city.

The problem is that it attracts this really douchebag crowd, I've found. There are a lot of entitled Americans who come to McGill because it's cheaper and pretty easy to get into (because they have to pay more money, but still less than the average USA tuition).

It's not that one-sided and radical, it's just that all the hipsters are really tight and they love being loud. Reading the "McGill Daily" (one of the university papers) is hilarious. Lotta babby's first cultural studies making grandiose claims about social injustice etc...They write articles about how Engineering is the most sexist department and stuff.

What are you studying for?

>> No.3613595
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Yo we need Eminem guy, you are a true hero. Just checked out wordpress. This is top-notch stuff.

Let's go have a pint in the mile-end.

>> No.3613620

>The system of world class universities is a circle jerk anyway.
It really bothers me how some studies are hold better or more important than other studies only because their author went for example to Harvard, Cambridge or more broadly speaking is from Anglo country.

>> No.3613627

Not sure if it really happens. Researchers have generally a reputation attached to their own names, and often work in international teams. The reputation of the leading researchers matters probably most than that of his alma mater.

>> No.3613905


actually, it's a pretty great school. the identity politics shit is just a loud majority. plenty of people are apathetic to that shit.

also why the fuck is half of /lit/ from mcgill

>> No.3613940

loud *minority, sorry

>> No.3613994

Well that's good to hear. It sounds like an amazing school and the campus is beautiful.
I'm planning on studying math, but I still enjoy the humanities a lot and would hate if I couldn't discuss things like politics or history without getting shouted down by a self-assured radical. Part of the reason I love /lit/ is because I can talk about communism with fascists or capitalism with socialists and not have the conversation dominated by political posturing.

>> No.3614030

I'm a undergrad and I continually think about the fact that I'm probably stupid and that I'll look back on how I acted and wince.

Does this make me more or less stupid?

>> No.3614052

that's good, it means you know you're not infallible, but don't let it paralyse you. everyone regrets some of the shit they did but if you DON'T do things for fear of being wrong the regret will definitely be a billion times worse. and if you think you have a genuine self-esteem issue as opposed to a healthy dose of self-doubt seek professional help.

source: chronic depression with schizoid tendencies

>> No.3614633
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i regret college

>> No.3614654

Infinitely more annoying are the tryhard undergraduates who are keen enough to start grasping certain concepts and theories but not keen enough to actually understand them and thus run around spouting off their half-baked opinions derived from misreadings of source material and regurgitated second-hand accounts from other places.

Reminds me a lot of /lit/, actually, except they're not socially awkward neckbeards.

>> No.3614660

Oh God this thread makes me want to drop out of university
I blame the Canadian university system

>> No.3614670
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I go to a shitty university and a lot of the people seem to be racist and gay-hating which is nice. Also, I am Australian and our universities aren't strictly Jew brainwashing centres of cultural marxism, although the ones in Melbourne are, I believe.

Canada. Not even once.

>> No.3614685
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>sit next to this chubby, slightly awkward kid in my literary theory lecture
>he keeps making weird anime/4chan references to me and the other guy in our 'discussion group'
>we have to peer review paper proposals
>he wants to do a deconstructivist reading of some otaku tier (i.e. full of sexualized little girls) anime
>I start reading it and it's actually pretty good
>mfw this fat slob is probably way smarter than me

This is what happens when kids don't get bullied hard enough

>> No.3614705

Dude, I go to a canadian university and it's chill as fuck

I don't know why everyone ITT is getting so mad, man. People are going to believe what they're gonna believe. You can try and talk to them or ignore them, don't gotta be upset


>> No.3614716

but engineers ARE mostly sexist nerds. If they even read, it's fantasy and hard sci fi. They play strange little dungeon games with dice and shit, eat pizza and drink beer.

>> No.3614717

I counter that theory; bullying makes kids stupider. It isolates them away from the normal kids and keeps them from learning social skills, Then they get into pedo harem animes and there's no one around to tell them how weird it is

>> No.3614732
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>tfw some /a/non understands Derrida better than you ever will

>> No.3614739

You can never "understand" Derrida in any meaningful sense of the word.

>> No.3614747 [DELETED] 
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Are you trying to cultural marxism me again?

>> No.3614763
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>fat smelly meme-spouting weeb
Yeah, nah. He's just an edgy kid.

>> No.3614765
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Thats very... capitalistic.

>> No.3614778

No actually bulling is pretty good thing. Look at /jp/ those guys are the most philosophical anons in here. They can be pretty subtle in their arguments.
They even realized they need normalfags. They are the future.

>> No.3614779

he was a cute little girl where it counts... on the inside

>> No.3614785

Meme-spouting weebs don't deserve to be cute little girls.