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/lit/ - Literature

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3609050 No.3609050[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is happening with /lit/ ?

I see every time more and more threads by obvious trailer park trash /pol/ virgins with their teenage beliefs. Are they just trolling or do they pretend to legitimize their childishness by rubbing elbows with people who actually think for themselves?

This is getting out of hand. What can we do? Do we report these pooper scoopers ot what? I want immediate action to be taken.

>> No.3609281
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Indeed, finer sir, be so kind to proceed and report those peasants.

>> No.3609298

Let them stay.

when there are /lit/ threads about comics, no one reports them.
when there are /lit/ threads about philosophy, no one reports them.
when there are /lit/ threads about religion, no one reports them.
when there are /lit/ threads about school, no one reports them.
when there are /lit/ threads about feminism, no one reports them.

but when there are /lit/ threads about race and IQ or whatever /pol/ likes to discuss OH NO! REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT

>> No.3609320

yup fuck those guys

>> No.3609321
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>>implying those are equal subjects.

Yeah, basically, that is what it goes down.

Comics, philosophy, religion, school, and feminism are subjects of substance which can be intelligently discussed in /lit/ as long as they relate to literature --which is, after all, the raison d'etre of this board.

White Nationalists are, on the other hand, mentally ill, disturbed propagators of hate, besides scum who has no space in other type of literature than anti-literature: propaganda pamphlets.

So, there you go. Chew it up a bit when getting closer to the 18th birthday.

>> No.3609339

>Comics, philosophy, religion, school, and feminism are subjects of substance

Pull your head out of your ass. None of those subjects are related to literature, and literature is the raison d'etre here. I see lots of philosophy threads, but I haven't seen a single person actually discuss aspects of The Republic. Everyone loves to give their two cents on nihilism even if they never read Thus Spoke Zarathursta or can't even name any nihilist related literature. This shit needs to stop.

If you want to report non-literature related threads, report all of them. Not just the ones that go against your politically correct ideologies.

>> No.3609348
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I report what I want. Chew on that a bit, kid.

>> No.3609349

>If you want to report non-literature related threads, report all of them. Not just the ones that go against your politically correct ideologies.

This. Reporting is not a downvote system, retards.

>> No.3609354

>using virgin as an insult

>> No.3609358

If it's not literature I report it. So in closing fuck you.

>> No.3609360

a few things wrong here

1. obvious mis-use of nihilism. you have made it very obvious in your eagerness to mock "nihilist literature" that you know absolutely nothing about Nietzsche, Zarathrustra, or nihilism.

2. feminism, psychoanalysis, and marxism provide three of the most potent 20th century literary vocabularies by which to understand literature.

3. /pol/ comes from a defensive, reactionary, and altogether retrogressive place of self-victimization. in other words, they suck

>> No.3609365

Post disruptive things in those threads, never rise to trolling, encourage people to lurk a bit and always remember to put sage in the email field when replying so they don't keep bumping up to the first page.

>> No.3609390


How classy. Keep it up, edgy kid.

>> No.3609392
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Words of wisdom.

>> No.3609395
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>2. feminism, psychoanalysis, and marxism
Mmm yes. These come up quite often when reading the classics.

Faulkner, Sun Tzu, Cerventes, Shakespeare... I honestly wouldn't have understood their work at all without a rudimentary understanding of those two political ideologies and an outdated branch of psychology.

You're talking out of your ass, bro.

>> No.3609424

No one really understood the classics until the 20th century. The tragedy of Oedipus Rex was an enigma until pyschoanalysis was invented, then everyone was like OOOOH, I GET IT! HE HAS AN OEDIPUS COMPLEX!

>> No.3609437

>pooper scoopers

I'll admit it, I laughed.

>> No.3609445

>using virgin as an insult
>having a problem with stormlords
Confirmed for twelve year-old.

>> No.3609458

I think you're just jelly because we're talking about you.

>> No.3609461

go back to /pol/ you useless sack of shit

>> No.3609469
File: 68 KB, 200x200, derriere_devastation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
