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/lit/ - Literature

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3606444 No.3606444[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite graphic novel, /lit/?

>> No.3606454

obligatory MAUS and Persepolis comment

>> No.3606458

No obligatory V for Vendetta comment?

>> No.3606496

The Dark Knight Returns

>> No.3606497

The Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes

>> No.3606501

/lit/ likes to feel varied in their consumption of media but tries to stay away from icky comic books, maus and Persepolis are excusable to them so they're always mentioned.

>> No.3606511

From Hell

>> No.3606525

THIS. I'd say From Hell is the only graphic novel that I've read which was both graphically astounding and valid literature. What did you think of the ending?

>> No.3606531

Book club comics.

>> No.3606532
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>1977 to 2004. You think about that. And then you tell me that this single story written and drawn by one man and his virtuoso landscape artist - month in, month out, with a beginning, a middle and an end - consistently entertaining, provocative and beautiful to behold... You tell me that this is not just a significant achievement, but the very fucking pinnacle of a relatively infant medium, which will be virtually impossible to surpass.

>Go on. You sit there and have the temerity, the impertinence, and the self-incriminating illiteracy to find me one other contender to that throne.

>The fact that any other letterer could possibly win an Eisner in any given year, shows how vacuous and bankrupt those awards are.

>There are approximately six other creators who could give Dave Sim a run for his money in terms of inspiration, innovation, intelligence and storytelling capability combined: Los Bros Hernandez, Chris Ware, Jim Woodring, Eddie Campbell, and - if he could draw - Alan Moore. There are hundreds of others whom I admire wholeheartedly, but few of them come close to those air-thin heights, and not one of those aforementioned creators has accomplished a quarter of what Dave Sim has achieved in the awesome, demanding, infuriating, and wit-ridden epic that is Cerebus.

>That the man has contributed an equal and unparalleled measure to this industry is irrelevant to be sure.

>But the fact that Dave Sim is not universally regarded as the very finest comicbook creator to this point in time, is a crime of unbelievable, culpable and fundamentally ungrateful ignorance.

>If, you know, you're asking.

>> No.3606543


It's hard to make an assessment because it's been a while. The idea that sticks most in my mind is that his particular brand of madness became the collective subconscious zeitgeist of the 20th century, and the migration of his spirit wasn't really literal, but a method of poetic conveyance. It was truly splendid.

>> No.3606552

>temerity, the impertinence, and the self-incriminating illiteracy

I stopped reading

>> No.3606560

I'd like to second this, Cerebus is really quite wonderful.

The writing is wonderful, the (later) art is suburb, and I dare you to find a better example of top-tier lettering. You can't.

>> No.3606575
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I'm a Noir and True Crime fan in my sallow heart, so this is perfect for me. I was destined to love it.

>> No.3606615


Cerebus is a difficult work because it's so clearly and painfully a product of Sim's emergent insanity, but his method and his ability are not diminished even as his intellect abuses itself and his sensibilities are beaten to a pulp by his own echo-chamber.

>> No.3606632
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probably this, but i haven't read many

>> No.3606650


And his interpretations on Hemingway and Fitzerald are fascinating and of utmost interest to me as a /lit/eratus. I understand both of these authors better in my own reading from the opinions Sim put forward on them in Going Home / Form and Void.

I think a lot of great creators mental illnesses have been brushed under the table as their work outlives their reputations. Tolstoy is the easiest parallel I draw with Sim. If I could ask anyone, and I would ask /lit/ because I think they have more to gain from this particular series than /co/, to make a concession in philosophical differences when judging a creative work, it's in trying to read Cerebus. Totally worth it to me.

>> No.3606652


>> No.3606685


The titular story just breaks my heart.

>> No.3606712
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pic related would be my official response.

on the other hand, i take grant morrison over whatever shit by allan moore any day

>> No.3606715


i always forget it goes with only one "l"

>> No.3606728
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Bendis my negro

>> No.3606766
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Either this or Bone

>> No.3606772

Story about the Rwandan genocide.

>> No.3606789
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this is a surprisingly good read

>> No.3606790
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>> No.3606805
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probably this

>> No.3606804

who let the plebs out

>> No.3606808

I've heard a lot of very good things about this

>> No.3606813

Maus was nice indeed. First Sandman too. The later Punisher (where he's old) has some nice parts. Preacher has cool ending (despite being lame most of the time)...Watchmen - i don't know. It's cool but nothing more imho.

>> No.3606820

There is a board for this shit.


>> No.3606824
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funny how there are no Transmetropolitan (for or against) posts yet

>> No.3606828

Lets learn what graphic novel means before we post, yea? Some of these are comics. I know, comics is a dirty word, right?

>> No.3606833


dude, hide the thread. And go post in one of the other high quality threads on the front page.

>> No.3606835

all /co/ talks about are the same superhero stories that have been rehashed for like half a century
fuck /co/

>> No.3606854

This. Mine too.

The ending (spoilers ahead) troubled me because I am a moralist faggot; I would say: "what did Moore want to 'say' with this book? Did he want to depict William Gull as a good character or a bad one? He killed all those women and that's horrible, yet he didn't seem to understand he was doing a bad thing and now he's a God. What is going on?"
My brother (younger than me) couldn't understand why was I troubled. "He was just beyond good and evil, what's so hard to comprehend?" But I wasn't convinced by his arguments.

>> No.3606858
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did anyone like this? I thought it was alright

>> No.3606875

Actually graphic novel is the dirty word in comics enthusiast circles. I actually think it's appropriate for some works, like Asterios Polyp, given that it's comics but written as a novel.

>> No.3606918


your ex gf loves it

>> No.3606919

I haven't found anything "deep" like The Invisibles by him. Care to recommend some good Morrison reads?

>> No.3606922

I dont know how much value transmet actually had. I enjoyed it a lot but it seemed pretty straight forward and not to say that is inherently bad but it just didnt feel complex enough for me to really get into it beyond viewing it as purely entertaining.

>> No.3606938

this wAS amazing as a child

>> No.3606950

A comic thread again? For fucks sake, take it to the right board.


>> No.3606959
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His Animal Man run is sort of seminal.

JLA and the New X-Men runs are really good as well.

Recently All Star Superman and Action Comics are outstanding imo.

He has done some vertigo shit besides super heroes like We3 and Seaguy etc.

Also, Zenith. The tone is kinda related to The Invisibles.

>> No.3606961



>> No.3606967


OP said graphic novels. Transmetropolitan is a comic book series.

>> No.3606968
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reading this is disorienting as fuck but there are few things in graphic novels that have hit me harder than the sections on Arkham's life

>> No.3606970

Just report the thread and hide it.

>> No.3606977
File: 34 KB, 1024x576, vlcsnap-2013-02-17-09h23m41s106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love and Rockets - Hernandez Brothers
Swamp Thing (Alan Moore and Rick Veitch runs)
Parker: The Hunter, The Outfit and The Score - Darwyn Cooke/Richard Stark
Criminal, and Fatale- Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips
Northlanders - Brian Wood

>> No.3606985

do you have any advice on where to start with love and rockets?

>> No.3606990

Start with Volume 1.
I decided I like Gilbert more than Jaime, so I tend to get the volumes that collect his storylines. You may feel differently.

>> No.3606998

The publishers have a guide on their site:


The Jaime Hernandez Locas series is the most accessible. The first collection, Maggie the Mechanic, is quite different from the later collections, though; the main style of the Locas series really comes together in the second collection, The Girl from Hoppers.

>> No.3607027
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>> No.3607059

thank you

>> No.3607067

>Just report the thread and hide it.
/co/ and /v/ shouldn't be making threads here in the first place.

>> No.3607196


>Alan Moore
>telling you what you should believe or feel regarding a character's actions and rob you the hours you can spend comparing their moral compass to yours so you can reach your own conclusions

pick one

>> No.3607219


Well, Moore somehow managed to wrap up all of the real-life JTR threads (even the mutually-exclusive ones) and managed to elevate fictional-Gull to the realm of legend, inspiring horrors and tragedy throughout the ages. Can't think of anything that could've been done better.

And the epilogue, the gull-catchers story, that's just amazing.

>> No.3607327
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Daytripper. Beautiful stuff.

>> No.3607340

I'll bet you'd sign Sims "Not A Misogynist" declaration for a chance just to shake his greasy hand.

>> No.3607347

/co/ is superhero soap opera dRaMa and drawing boobies all day and talking about which cartoon scares them the most

>> No.3607355
File: 161 KB, 1592x722, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on /co/
>first thing I see is pic related

>> No.3607364

>all /co/ talks about are the same superhero stories that have been rehashed for like half a century
>Watchmen in OP

>> No.3607422

It makes sense for the OP to begin with a well-known graphic novel, doesn't it?

>> No.3607453


Oh my fuck, look at me, liking a masterly and technically impeccable book written by a bad and mentally ill person. I think I'll just go quietly kill myself before I wind up sucking his dick or something.

Seriously though, what the fuck is wrong with you that you felt the urge to make this post?

>> No.3607476

All-Star Superman/Dark Knight Returns. It's a close draw.

>> No.3607485

Why is this thread always on /lit/? Fuck off.

>> No.3607521


>> No.3607528


>> No.3607917
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I walked by the graphic novel section of a book store half the country away and something about it called to me and i find out the whole story takes place in my home town and at a certain camp i went to when i was younger. The story also struck a special cord with me

>> No.3607923
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