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File: 47 KB, 468x281, mark-boyle-moneyless-man-freeconomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3600160 No.3600160 [Reply] [Original]

so if you guys are so anti-work and simple living asceticism (judging from all the threads in the past few weeks) why don't you go all Diogenes like the Moneylessmanm, it is possible to do...


>> No.3600163
File: 124 KB, 240x360, book_cover_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't need money.
>Please buy my book, it's only £10 on Amazon.

>> No.3600172

the proceeds all go to the freeconomy, but yeah, I'm not sure he is still living in that way right now, he did live without money for quite a while though

who gives a shit what counts is that he basically was living the simple life and not working some shit job

>> No.3600199

>so if you guys are so anti-work and simple living asceticism

Because one can do that already without living in a barrel on the streets.

>> No.3600203

It's not that I condemn asceticism, it's that I see it as one of the options. Rather depressing yourself into a simple form, my opinion is one should be fluid and ready for the changes around him without further sentimental attachment. It's ok to be rich and have an opinion that it's also ok to be poor.

>> No.3600208

>the proceeds all go to the freeconomy
Well that just raises more questions than answers, doesn't it?

>> No.3600218

i think the lifestyle is correct but the fear of embarassing myself, family, friends and acquaintances, combined with my laziness, outweighs my desire to live in such a way

this is the real answer; come on guys you don't have any face to save on 4chan

>> No.3600231

Because I'm still trapped by my desire to achieve.

>> No.3600236

Good, you don't have autism.

>> No.3601647

yeah, there's definitely some of that, but also my parents rely on me to sell myself as a wage slave and they would lose the house and be out on the street if I didn't, so there's that

>> No.3601666
File: 34 KB, 252x233, 1363999405496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people think money is evil

>> No.3601679

I'm embarrassed to find out quite a lot of people who come here are NEET. It's a "is this the kind of company I keep?" moment.

Seriously thinking about giving up ever pulling the page up.

>> No.3602850

And yet if you have anything resembling decent tastes you probably love books written by NEETs.

>> No.3602868

Because work is what bothers me, not money. I already live a simple life without working, there's no need to get all narcissistic about it.

Also, the Cynic life is mostly about doing away with all pretence, hassle and artificial problems that people spend their life getting hung up about. It's more personal psychology than collective economy that sets a person free. It's direct practice. It's about reshaping yourself into a hardship enduring machine in addition to mental independence, creating a person of as little as possible needs in all ways, thereby being released from as much fetters as possible, leading to a life of fundamentally unproblematic freedom.

>> No.3602905

Most here don't even know what asceticism is. They think that being a NEET and doing fuck all is asceticism. Just by not being a NEET you are already more ascetic than a NEET.

>> No.3602907

I am a minimalist hedonist.

>> No.3602910

Go back to plebbit, then.

>> No.3602943

>protestant work ethic

>> No.3602956

Asceticism lies mostly in abstinence from things, not in merely piling up as much misery as possible. According to your logic Donald Trump is more of an ascetic than Diogenes.

>> No.3602960

Elaborate pls.

>> No.3602973

He probably is. What's your point?

>> No.3602997

he probably just means something along the lines of epicureanism

>> No.3603019
File: 603 KB, 683x609, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET seems to me to be a phase brought on by the fact that high school graduates aren't acclimated toward doing anything for themselves. They don't prepare their own meals, they don't make money, they probably didn't even ever get themselves up in the morning. When you're this reliant upon your parents, as soon as you graduate high school you think "WHY DA FUCK I GOTTA WORK????" And for good reason--I mean, it's not like you ever had to before. Most high school graduates never even studied a day in their life. They just showed up and got grades, being pushed this way and that.

>> No.3603239

I agree. The increasing popularity of hedonism and "capitalists" telling it's good to be greedy has made most kids self-centered. They don't understand why they should work when they can survive by not doing anything. Life is just too easy these days. There's literally no reason to do anything but sit in front of your computer all day or watch poisonous animu. The rise of new atheism isn't helping either.

>> No.3603317

That you can't into asceticism as a concept.

>> No.3603479

Why is it 'too' easy instead of just easy? What's wrong with living a life of leisure when possible?

>> No.3603511
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It's all changing and dis makes me pee my pants.

>> No.3603539

So there's no reason why leisure is inherently wrong?

>> No.3603560

I did, essentially - thanks for putting a name to it!

>> No.3603576

So more of a negative hedonist than a minimalist hedonist then?

>> No.3603591

I love working, I'm at work now, running a wrapping machine as I type this. I've been working since i was fourteen and have had as many as four jobs at once. I cancelled my cable because I'm never home long enough to watch it. So the opposite kind of freak is here too.

The NEET thing is fine though, if you had something else to do. I've often thought of buying a chunk of land somewhere, working one job three days a week and just building an enormous stone house on it or something. Or planting gardens and an orchard. As long as I'm working I'm fine.

>> No.3603621

this isn't literature. this is /diy/.

>> No.3603622

I don't mean to be mean, but are you sort of scared of yourself? Does sitting alone in an empty room doing nothing upset you?

>> No.3603640

I skim-read the Wikipedia article and don't study philosophy, so I'm afraid I won't be able to engage you well in conversation, but:
It's not that I believe absence of suffering to be the greatest pleasure, but that I attempt to remove suffering in order to more easily pursue pleasure. The nuance is introduced by the fact I still pursue pleasure through things besides the absence of suffering I guess.

>> No.3603662

Is asceticism the only correct way to live?

>> No.3603708

I see, fair enough. Kind of a 'let's uncomplicate things so that superfluous nonsense doesn't get in the way of me enjoying my bacon' thing, I guess. Which is wise.

>> No.3603711

A certain degree of it is always necessarily to even remotely approach happiness.

>> No.3603731

Of course, but I still like "things" such as books, computer hardware and vidya.
Ideally I would like to move somewhere quiet, build a house and be self sustaining, selling some of what I grow here and there in order to buy a few luxuries.
Anything wrong with that?

>> No.3603761

bores me, mostly. I had a job at a hotel where i sat alone by myself for hours at a time. It was third shift and they had a playstation two and cable and movies, and the internet if you wanted to kill time while you waited to check people in and give wake up calls, but it was still pretty slow. I read books and posted crap on forums and did photoshopping, but it would have been better to have had something more physical to do.

>> No.3603810

But boredom itself is a sign of not being at peace with yourself.

>> No.3603812

If you ask me it's superior to most ways of living so you won't get any complaints from me. With the sidenote that you might be better off without those luxuries in the long run.

>> No.3604055

No, asceticism is bad.

>> No.3604065
File: 171 KB, 429x480, diogenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3604083

You can read it for free on his website

>> No.3604086

>guys, please stop being happy. Please. D-don't you realize you're all hy-hy-hypocrites? p-please stop.

>> No.3604139

Diogenes was happy as fuck and wanted people to be happy. Nice try faggot.