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3593725 No.3593725[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

literary okcupid profiles go


>> No.3593737

That was the stupidest okcupid profile I've ever read. If I were a girl I'd close the tab immediately.

>> No.3593736
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>> No.3593745

So you're saying you didn't?

>> No.3593746
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has anyone here successfully met girls using online dating
what did you do/what happened
pls tell stories

>> No.3593747

I can happily say that I have never signed up for a dating website in my life

>> No.3593752

>Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
>Art, besides human company, is the only thing that gives life meaning. Seek it, treasure it.

Wow that stupid piece of shit didn't even answer the question

>> No.3593766

are you an asexual loner? how do you meet girls otherwise?

>> No.3593770

This may be your issue; you try too hard. Don't try to impress and type less, and don't use big words. (Don't send a dick pic either)

>> No.3593779

When I was 17 I used to say 'I don't go to clubs, they're stupid'

>> No.3593806

I take it you used dating websites?

>> No.3593808

first girl: 0/10 dumpster diving for profit camwhore. Met on the street, we went to pick up booze, ran into an old friend and was totally embarrassed by being with such an eyesore. Went back, grabbed drinks as I panicked about how to get her out (her pics and profile were nice and misleading). Went to concert, thankfully it was sold out and I went home after an altercation with police.

Second girl: we had mutual friends irl and I had actually gotten her number at a bar a year earlier...when she had a boyfriend. She asked me to walk her home which I did. She was pretty cute, but after talking on her couch for an hour I was bored and motioned to leave. She said "I think we should make out before" and I obliged. We're still hooking up despite my disinterest, because she's hot and for some reason likes me. Have fucked several girls in the interim.

Girl 3: Once she got my number she texted me like crazy, which usually sets off alarm bells. One night I was getting drunk alone at home and she mentioned she was in my neighborhood. I invited her over, she agreed. Texted me "I'm the one in the furry hat outside your door." I let her freeze for 15mins in the cold as I brooded over how bad of a mistake I made again (what sane attractive woman wears furry hats?). Nevertheless I felt bad, opened my door to an absolutely gorgeous, slightly award manic pixie dream girl. We had a few drinks, she kept going on about how much she liked my profile, and we never really met her friends at the bar which was what was intended. I took her to a concert a few days later, she said we shouldn't have gone do fast, but I told her I already really liked her, which I think scared her off. We ended up sleeping together again but a week later she texted me saying she wasn't looking for anything serious. Still feel pretty shitty about this one, she was pretty, intelligent, a year older, had a good job, was a physics/art history major well versed in philosophy, and really sweet

>> No.3593811

Sorry, I don't know what it is with females. But I'm not too good with that shit.

>> No.3593821

i lol'd, joke got boring quick tho

>> No.3593825

>Girl 3
Sounds frustrating yo

>> No.3593826

thanks for the stories... you seem to be ahead of the curve

>> No.3593837

There used to be more of a stigma to them, but they're so popular where I am its practically normal, also, easy pussy. So you can sit on your no dating site throne playing solitaire in sublimated misery, sad sack

>> No.3593842

Lol, you realize you're so pathetic that you can only maintain emotional equilibrium by making shit up about me for pointing it out. That's funny

>> No.3593843
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Tell us about your love life, I'm sure its impressive

>> No.3593872

> was a physics/art history major well versed in philosophy

I think I'd keep banging her just for that,

>> No.3593942
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>> No.3593948

>Height 6′ 2″ (1.88m).
>Body Type Fit

>> No.3593955


>Book :
>1984 - George Orwell

>Movies :
>Schindler's list

>Big bang theory

fucking lol