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3590839 No.3590839 [Reply] [Original]

What are some words you really hate?

I mean what are those words that just sound ugly as fuck to you?

>> No.3590842

Staunch / Staunchly

It sounds like a word to describe a horrible stink.

>> No.3590843

Honestly I can not think of a word that I hate. Words in and of themselves hold no meaning to me, and each can be used when the situation calls for it. It's all a matter of context.

Except for Jalapeño, fuck that.

>> No.3590848


>> No.3590889


>> No.3590894

Mostly slang words e.g. preggers, pleb, vagoo

>> No.3590923

i want to kill eveyrone who says preggers especially those describing themselves that way

>> No.3590925


>> No.3590960


Holy shit. Yes.

>> No.3590970
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Everything that is changed, shortened, or whatever, and is adopted as sounding "cool" per >>3590894 & >>3590923.

Also, motorcade.

>> No.3590986

I don't like vagina or any of the words used in its place. They really are all ugly words. No homo.

>> No.3590998

i like vagina, pussy, cunt, etc.

>> No.3591035


>> No.3591055

if you hate a word you're a fool in my book

>> No.3591094

Most, if not all, -ism words especially when used to feign intelligence

>> No.3591099


even preggers?

>> No.3591109

I one day hope to read a literary text with the words "humblebrag" and "trill" in them.

>> No.3591128

Every word used in an academic text that could easily be replaced with a far simpler one.
So many people are apperantly just mad that they aren't real scientists.
But I guess that 'discourse' is the one I hate the most, not because of the word itself, which is very much needed, but because it is used by fucktards all the time.

>> No.3591140

Weltschmerz. It's painful.

>> No.3591149

Not a word but I hate the phrase fruit of the womb

>> No.3591174


>> No.3591178

I actuall like that one, reminds me of Borat.

Doesn't it mean being totally saddened and dissatisfied with the state of the world?

>> No.3591180

I don't like it when girls swear

>> No.3591204


>not liking jalapeño

scandinavian scum can't into post-ironic junglelatin dialect

>> No.3591208

puerile and appellation

They're both pointless direct replacement for perfectly good english words that don't need replacing.
"Appellation" does the same things in four syllables that "name" does in one.

>> No.3591270

I actually find it pretty sexy.

>> No.3591286


>> No.3591299

I have no specific opinion on the matter

>> No.3591300

Because you're a pussy who likes to be dominated. You like masculine women to make up for your effeminate ways.

>> No.3591307

True assessment. Damn is it that obvious?

>> No.3591308

I don't like it when it sounds really forced like they're consciously trying to be 'one of the lads'.

>> No.3591311


>> No.3591313


>> No.3591318

Actually I think it's sexy when they do that, because then we make fun of them and put the stupid little girls back in their place

>> No.3591444


Vagina is one of my favorite words, not sure why, feels good to just say it, and it turns me on more than pussy, cunt, etc.

>> No.3591453


Too right. Anyone who uses that word to describe themselves or what they're up to should fuck off.

>> No.3591465

synergy, liberalise, minger, gash (as in vagina), democratise

>> No.3591471

stinky and smelly

Ugh, they make me cringe.

>> No.3591681

"Thespian". No, you're just a bad actor. Fuck you.

>> No.3591688

But appellation is a common term in law...

>> No.3591694


People SAY "vagoo"? It's not even a word! It's visual censorship! What the fuck?

>> No.3591695

"Chrimbo" as in "Christmas"

"Rents" as in "Parents"

God those words make my stomach lurch whenever I hear or read them

>> No.3591696


Nah fuck you. Rivulet is an awesome word and perfectly describes rivulets.

>> No.3591700


>> No.3591705


>> No.3591729


>> No.3591738


Awful. Sounds like it's a bevarage made with watery farts.

>> No.3591734

Snootchie or boochies

>> No.3591741


I think this is a great word precisely because it sounds so utterly hateful. If it were meant to describe pretty flowers it would not be any good, but as it is it's there to defame and dehumanize, and it sounds exactly like that. See the army-surplus guy from Falling Down for a flawless deployment of its innately repulsive sound.

>> No.3591745

Pussyole, bait, rare, blud, minge.

>> No.3591746


>> No.3591747

vagina- hate it when said out loud, looks fine when I read it though
drivel- makes me feel like I am spitting in to my teeth

>> No.3591749


>> No.3591756

Im all honesty, i hate the word pedophile... •cringes•

>> No.3591758


>> No.3591759

what about paedophile?

>> No.3591769
File: 32 KB, 541x324, kevin_bridges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The words 'chill' and 'relax' combined... to make, ironically, the single most infuriating word known to man."

>> No.3591785


>> No.3591820

Sulfa as in sulfa drugs. Learn to say sulphur you fucking goomba. Oh wait....

>> No.3591829

"hip hop"
reminds me of peter cotton tail

>> No.3591830
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Juices, when used sexually

>> No.3591834

It's just that it's rarely used to describe rivulets. It's always used symbolically or as a simile.

>> No.3591838


>> No.3591843

Just say nigger. Black people aren't children. They know what it is. It isn't like spelling C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E in front of the K-I-D. Show some respect.

>> No.3591870


>> No.3591881


>> No.3592029


>> No.3592048


would you prefer "rivulets"?

>> No.3592058

Any time someone usually either a teacher or an American makes up a verb; e.g. 'capitalise' with reference to the case of a letter.

>> No.3592074


>> No.3592194


Such an ugly name, it looks and sounds ugly. To make things worse, the people are ugly as fuck. So it's the ugliest word.

>> No.3592622

When parents are with their kids in front of other people and they ask if they "have to go potty" or "tee tee" or if they are "poopy"

Fuck I hate that shit

>> No.3592639


I hate when parents are with their kids in front of other people, period. What can babbies possibly contribute to the conversation? Just send the fucking thing off to bed.

>> No.3592645

Together family and vajayjay.
vajayjay really annoys the hell out of me in particular

>> No.3592647


Makes me shiver.

>> No.3592655
File: 56 KB, 285x298, aint that some shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're an english teacher

>> No.3592664


>Together family and vajayjay.

i feel like this sequence of hated words is an odd window into your psyche

>> No.3592713

Queef, moist, and leather

>> No.3592719

Saying the first two just feels so dirty and I hate the meaning behind them. The latter is just a retarded word

>> No.3592720


>> No.3592731

scalding: it just sounds like pain in word form.

>> No.3592771

Truthfully. Nigga just say honestly.

>> No.3592789


>> No.3592910
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>> No.3593528


Woah, my oc ended up on /mu/, noice.

Do you have '[Controversial Humour] Shut up nerd im 11 1v1 me pusy faget thumps up if u agre' liked, or did you find that somewhere else? It's interesting to know where my stuff travels after I throw it out to the internet.

Also, for me: youse

>> No.3593535

pussy is the best one, but I do not care for any of the words for penis

>> No.3593554

I like the word preggers.

I think its because "pregnant" or any word with an audible "gn" sound puts pressure on my sinuses. Not that they're inflamed right now, but fuck you word. Don't be a dick.

I don't hate many words. Fiduciary is one I can't tell if I love or hate.

>> No.3593572

The word undermine sparks a sense of fury into me for some reason. Idk why my mind associates that word with such negative emotions.

>> No.3593586


>> No.3593587

pleb pisses me off so much. its just such a retarded word to use. If you ever say it to me in real life I will probably hit you, or key your car.

Thankfully, /lit/ uses the word less than some other boards, because I think you actually know what the word means.

>> No.3593610

say gravid or expecting or in a family way or something if you don't like pregnant

please don't say preggers

>> No.3593620

why? cause you smell?

>> No.3593626

fair enough.

>> No.3593636

When people use punk as an adjective

>> No.3593643

That's probably the best way to use that word. If anything, we should retire the use of punk as a word to describe that sawdust stick for lighting fireworks.

>> No.3593644

anti-semite , mambo, milieu, gung-ho.. these annoying words..

>> No.3593647

I don't hate when people say it.
I hate that I can never tell if I'm trying to use it as "inspring awe" or "what the teenage mutant ninja turtles would have said in this situation"

>> No.3593672

cray cray

>> No.3593705

>Implying this is a word.

>> No.3593715

This, although it's quite fun seeing kids saying SWAG and YOLO, like "I mean the meaning of life"

>> No.3593754

Fart,burp, butt, awful sounding words.

>> No.3593778


>> No.3593841

i really really hate the word "ointment"

Like seriously, wtf?

>> No.3593874

I can't stand depressive, every time I read it it feels clumsy.
I like depression and depressed a lot though.

>> No.3593883

Where are you from? I've never heard that one before. It is awful though.

this just made me think of another word i hate

>> No.3593900

I'm not even thinking about how it looks/smells/etc, but just the sound of the word. It's an ugly word.

>> No.3593915

op what is your picture from?

Also, reading or hearing people say? I don't really mind any words when I am reading them. But if I hear someone use stuff language in everyday speech it sort of rustles my jimmies.