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3590460 No.3590460 [Reply] [Original]

Do you dog-ear or bookmark?

>> No.3590463


>> No.3590469

kindle, i don't use trees to read. i'm not a caveman.

>> No.3590472


>> No.3590476

My red peacock bookmark ripped a page I uh 'marked'.
It was only A Dance with Dragons so who gives a poop.

>> No.3590485

lel at the subhumans who don't instantly memorize what page they are on

>> No.3590490


>Uses kindle, believes is saving world
>Doesn't realize books are printed regardless of how many people use kindle
>Actually wasting trees because books are then not used, making tree sacrifice wasted


>> No.3590493

I think bookmarks are more for people who want to flip directly to the page instead of those who can't memorize 2 or 3 numbers.

>> No.3590494

>doesn't understand supply and demand.

reported for underage

>> No.3590495

>not being able to instantly flip to the right page

>> No.3590497

or for people who don't want to have to memorize a 2-4 digit number just to rememorize the next day/hour

>> No.3590499

The lumber industry replants trees. So they are saving the world, I think..

>> No.3590505

Bookmarks, I'll make a bookmark if I don't have one. From pencils to gum wrappers to emptied ketchup packets wrapped in tape.

>> No.3590509

yeah the vast majority of my bookmarks are either bus transfers or sales receipts. hard for me to find anything less utilitarian as anything but affected.

>> No.3590513

I use whatever I can get my hands on as a bokmark; I like it.

>> No.3590515

>From pencils to gum wrappers to emptied ketchup packets wrapped in tape.

Goddamn, how fucking poor are you? Emptied ketchup packets wrapped in tape? What the fuck? You should take up donations if it's that bad.

>> No.3590517

I do it too. It makes me feel resourceful.

>> No.3590537


I'm going to burn for the way I treat my books.

>> No.3590546

Nothing, i usually find the right page in a ten seconds.

>> No.3590551

Always bookmark.

>> No.3590554

monsieur of the mundane quest and question: neither do i dog-ear nor bookmark. neither do i care for the choice of two. what makes you think, squire, that one must choose between these two things?

think, monsieur, let yourself think, for a moment or an hour, or as long as it happens you can, so as to let fall idiocy from its insufferable Reign over this pleasant little board.

>> No.3590556
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>> No.3590559

so how you do it?

>> No.3590568


>> No.3590566

it is simple knowledge, monsieur. i tear out the page i have last read, set it ablaze, and throw it at the last poster of your kind whose corpse hangs, tar'd and feather'd, in my living room. in the fires of his blazing corpse i memorise the number of the page where i may resume my mood'rous literary progress.

>> No.3590576

ah, the board of b, is that where you have come from, my rdearie little monsieur-hater?

>> No.3590584

go back to dead, vlad

>> No.3590597

you sound like a twat
take up a trip so we can hate you properly

>> No.3590607

a twat, monsieur? i hope i don't sound like THAT! maybe the unhappy monsieur is listening with the wrong ear?

>> No.3590621

Yeah you should definitely take up a trip, you sound cool and would be remembered with it.

>> No.3590627

seriously though, you're the trip lit deserves

>> No.3590634

i would be susceptible to flattery, monsieur, if i were not false and evil, and men were not exactly the same as i am.

>> No.3590658

Oh god, I hope not.

>> No.3590688

Seconded, I only speak French when drunk or in France

>> No.3590744

Unusual rule. But sure.

>> No.3590751

I only got a B at GCSE, so I try to avoid it

>> No.3591011

>Implying that I'm reading less than 10 books at any moment.
>Implying that that's the only use of bookmarks.
Seriously, I read plenty of books at a given time, and I also tend to put bookmarks at all the pages that have something important for the book, or sth that I find intriguing. An average book in my collection has 2-3 bookmarks in it all the time. Some go over 10. :)

>> No.3591013

Bookmark with the first thing that my hand can reach and gets the job done.

I dog ear pages that have some passage that I like, or if the bookmark is big enough and I have a pen, I write down the page on the bookmark.

>> No.3591032

Oh, it's you.

>> No.3591060
File: 1.95 MB, 2448x3264, bookmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually use a smaller book as bookmark.

>> No.3591065

feels dominating, man

>> No.3591066

enjoy your lower brain activity

>> No.3591068
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>bending the pages
Might as well wipe your shitty ass with it and call it a bookmark.

>> No.3591103

"Bitch, I'm so bookish, my bookmarks are smaller books." - @ZachWeiner

>> No.3591117

Actually my copy of Dr. Jykle and Mr. Hyde is saving my place in Proust right now.

>> No.3591130

I lol'd heartily.

>> No.3591151

If I can't remember the page, I'm either not interested in it, or I haven't read it in a long enough time to have a decent idea of what's going on.

>> No.3591207


If I don't remember where I am, I go back to what I last remember reading and continue from there.

Never failed me.