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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 61 KB, 402x402, Ayn-Rand-9451526-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3587418 No.3587418 [Reply] [Original]

I finally got around to reading Atlas Shrugged (my good friend Darrell recommended to me) and it really changed my life.

I feel like ....everything i do isnt' appreciated. everything i do for stupid society...society never appreciates me. I'm sick of it.

this book really opened my eyes. I recommend that anyone who loves reading to read this.

>> No.3587433
File: 28 KB, 628x471, morpheus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the most pleasant thing in the world, seeing the system for what it truly is.

>> No.3587451

Alisa Rosenbaum's evil cultist bible.

>> No.3587457


i know. it's like we're living in a matrix where everyone is dumb but me. like....they all want to rob me of my essences and money.

i can't take this anymore. i want to...i don't even know what i can do tho.

>> No.3587456

Poor bitch, never more popular never less understood.

>> No.3587455

>this book really opened my eyes.

time to gouge them out

>> No.3587460

hey guys im talking shit about rand....am i cool yet?

>> No.3587461

Funniest b8 I've seen in a while, but far too obvious nonetheless. 2/10

>> No.3587465


oh and i bet you're one of those intellencia who plays video games all day and PRETENDS he's readin' books.

video games are not books man. why don't you open a book and open your eyes to the world around you!?

>> No.3587466

not that poster but you could troll better by asking people to rate your books. Or posting gore

>> No.3587467
File: 8 KB, 319x240, dr_strangelove_general_ripper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also want to rob me of my bodily fluids!

>> No.3587472


What the fuck man? If you're gonna accuse someone of being dumb by using big words at least learn to spell them. Heck, at least even bother to write them in a phonetically correct fashion!

>> No.3587475


why would i post "gore" in book club?

this book club is gay.

>> No.3587495


are you dumb? why is society ALWAYS TRYING TO KEEP ME DOWN just for being me?

grammar police....what's next? eh? what's next?

>> No.3587505

>grammar police
Technically that would be spelling police.

>> No.3587512

*high fives the bastard*

>> No.3587522


laugh all you two want. when society makes you all communists you'll wish you weren't such spelling nazis.

because then you'd be commy nazis and then you'd be double-dumb.

>> No.3587533

Technically you can't be a communist nazi. Your trolling attempt severely lacks finesse...

>> No.3587538


commies and nazis are the same thing

governments that want to control you.


>> No.3587561

Could've pulled it off, but you just got to go the extra mile...

>> No.3587586

As someone who thinks there's actually a respectable place for discussion in the world of Rand's literature and philosophy, I have to say you come off as pretty retarded OP.

Sure, Atlas Shrugged is shit, sure Objectivism is largely a fantasy born by a radical Russian, sure, most of the people who find it are teenagers who feel lonely and oppressed, but none of these are grounds for dismissing it completely, or for treating it without respect.

You come across as somebody who has dismissed it just because of the stigma surrounding it, and your troll is as bad as it is uneducated. I doubt you've read any of the modern non-fiction on Objectivism as a philosophy, and I doubt you have objections to it beyond, "it was made by a crazy russian bitch."

I would love to see a serious thread or some serious discussion every once in a while, and terrible troll attempts like yours don't really help the matter.

>> No.3587597


>> No.3587602


I've read Igor Stravinksy, and Earthbound.

So? I don't know russians? ya right.

>> No.3587605

The Fountainhead, despite its flaws, is a decent novel.

>> No.3587612

That's basically not what I was saying at all, but okay.

>> No.3587618


Ooooooh, and I bet you think we should all be russian and communist just because of some dopey guy like Igor?

this fantasy realm is no place for a real renegage like me it seems.

Excuse me whilst i engage in an inner dialogue then.........ALONE

>> No.3587623
File: 20 KB, 100x100, 1507883-1302816699-jakethesnakegtav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3587626

may i ask what do you do for society?
because you sound like one of those people who brags about stuff like never being in jail...

>> No.3587649

awesom thread one million out of/10

i totally agree

>> No.3587666

what the hell are you talking about.
why are you suddenly bragging that you read igor and mentioning communism when the guy just said that AS shouldn't be dismissed completely because "lit said so"

>> No.3587685


i do soooo much. i was a in the armed forces. ok?

and i don't get it. that i could have died for you and all society does is read.

i'm a soldier and a renegade. i could have died for you, you.....big sweat gland.

>> No.3587691

I read communisim? how do you read that?

man....i read all the Igor ones. What do you read? probably things about Space i bet.

>> No.3587692
File: 603 KB, 665x629, le shaggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a friend named Darrell

>> No.3587806

At least you read it, unlike most of /lit/.

>> No.3589485

I felt the same way. Then I wasn't 15 anymore.

>> No.3589559

Being a soldier is as beneficial to a country as being a farmer.
Which is to say, pretty fucking beneficial, but you don't see farmers getting any medals.

Also, fuck you if you're going to come with dying for your country bullshit. Your country doesn't ask for you to kill, they ask for you to die.

>> No.3589581

>>everything i do for stupid society...society never appreciates me.

This is true. You should do what you do because it's what you want to do, or because it's worth doing in and of itself (as you see it of course). You should never do something just because it's what "society" - whatever that really is - expects or demands it of you; "society" does not have the right to demand anything of you.

>> No.3589595

I'd say this thread earns a ... 4/10? He persisted and it kind of worked.