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/lit/ - Literature

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3586901 No.3586901 [Reply] [Original]

Is using Kickstarter to fund a book run a good idea?

I have a big collection of short stories I'd like to spend some serious time editing and expanding then collecting into a book.

Do you think I could reach $500 preselling books for $20?

Here's where I've been posting what I have so far. Most are scary stories because they're the easiest for me to share and find readers. http://roryedd.tumblr.com/

>> No.3586927

Bump for interest.

>> No.3587044

A majority of Kickstarters for novels are done by lazy people.

>> No.3587052

You don't need money to write.

>> No.3587163

He already wrote it. He wants to publish.

>> No.3587191

On a sidenote how does a person become an author?

Just write shit and hope a publisher likes it or self publish?

>> No.3587196

/lit/ should have like a circle of writers who support one another. Make a /lit/ publishing thing. I don't know.

>> No.3587208
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What we need is help editing our stories so they're worth publishing. Maybe a writers exchange where we edit each other's work.

Then a book exchange where we buy and trade each other's self published novels. Then rate and review each other on Amazon.

>> No.3587216

Sounds good. But whose gonna organize it? A lot of these things end up in the pile and no one participates.

>> No.3587230

>/lit/ should have like a circle of writers who support one another. Make a /lit/ publishing thing. I don't know.
Pyramid schemes, huh?

>> No.3587278


>> No.3587280

Everything is a service.

>> No.3587358


they already have sites similar to this. mostly revolves around self-publishing through amazon or other e-book services. basically, people help each other out, give them a few sales, write some reviews (hopefully positive) and rate them, and generally try to spread the word of each other's works through whatever means

a big ol' interdependent net

alas, i've forgotten the name of the site. however, a few minutes googling should get you there

>> No.3587383

Nope. It would be a pyramid scheme if you earned money by recruiting new publishers to lit and they would too ad nauseam. (Thus a pyramid shape would take form...) This wouldn't be that. It would be market manipulation, group think, and probably intellectually boring (/lit/ writers aren't as superb - so sorry - as they like to imagine), but it wouldn't be a pyramid scheme.

>> No.3587389

>(Thus a pyramid shape would take form...) This wouldn't be that.
Oh look, it's taking shape already. I bet you want us to think it's pie shaped or something.

>> No.3587420

kickstarters are for gimmicks, mostly just digital software. None of the other ideas really seem to take off unless they're rooted to a community/sectional interest

as for this group publishing business. TAR. Seriously, they already have the rough organization in place to help run something like this.

>> No.3587674

What TAR?

>> No.3587679

A vanity publishing e-zine started on /lit/.

>> No.3587694

you are a block-head.

>> No.3587722

Do you have a link to it?

>> No.3587725


>> No.3587807

Is it worth trying to get on?

>> No.3587815

Got a question that is kinda related

Where would I go about finding an editor or beta reader for a short story I'm writing?

>> No.3588807

Do we have a good system in place to help each other edit our work?

>> No.3588810

No, retard.

>> No.3588811
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>> No.3588820

Not everyone has a rich grandma who will buy 9 copies of a $100 book.

>> No.3588825

>Pledge $500 or more
>I will rename a minor, though important, character after you

This is so whorey.

>> No.3588831

He complains about printing costs and just trying to cover the run, and then charges 60 people for 1,000 books.

>> No.3588835


For 0 books. He never delivered.

>> No.3588847
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>> No.3588849

to be fair his backer incentives are pretty cute.

while I can't agree with the guy's aesthetics when it comes to glamor shots he does seem kinda clever and real earnest. not surprised /lit/ hates him.

>> No.3588856
File: 85 KB, 436x594, Mick+Jagger+cheers+England+football+team+defeated+IaJ2dYKiSE2l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Samuel Butcher was born in London, England on the sixth day of October in the year nineteen hundred and eighty-five. Subsequent to his birth, he has lived in Amsterdam, Colorado Springs, Orlando, Tallahassee, Gainesville and Portland. He currently resides in the city that Mickey built.

>Samuel writes in a variety of forms; prose, poetry, essay, and memoir amongst them, and also creates the occasio...nal screenplay. He smokes cigarettes though his grandfather died of lung cancer. His brand is Pall Mall, as was Raymond Chandler's, Charles Bukowski's, and Kurt Vonnegut's before him. Samuel considers this good company.

>Samuel holds a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Political Science, a Doctorate in Metaphysics, and Letters of Ordination as a Reverend in the Universal Life Church. He considers each of these titles as insignificant as the last. Samuel is a Ne'er-Do-Well by disposition, and enjoys reading, cards, philosophy, sex, and a woman's silhouette. Samuel considers himself an Ethical Hedonist, Rationalist Deconstructionist Ignostic Athiest and a Libertarian Socialist. He believes fervently that those words matter.


>> No.3588857

>kinda clever and real earnest.

Earnest how?

>> No.3588863

ugh I recant my statement what a scumbag. also I hadn't yet actually watched the kickstarter vid (just read text and incentives) and I am now. ugh.

>> No.3588867

already eating crow bro.

>> No.3588871

Kickstarters, by and large, are useless.

$500 is really nothing. People even on low income can easily save up that amount of money simply by not buying a new iPhone/iPad/wardrobe this year.

But if people are going to give you free money, that's their poor financial decisions, not yours.

>> No.3588891

It would be for a book. So there's nothing free for either side. I doubt $500 could cover the costs do I'd eat the rest just to get books in people's hands.

>> No.3588892

ugh and the d-bagging continues: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1890126167/put-my-novel-a-burning-youth-in-print/comments

>> No.3588946

You don't need money to find a publisher.

You need to be born into money.

>> No.3588953

We had a shot at that, but it completely failed. We created a forum, and a chat room. We set a deadline to post our first short story. The deadline passed, and nobody posted again.

>> No.3588984

It is thoroughly hilarious how he responds to posts up until and right when he gets the money, and then NEVER ONCE after that.

I'm laughing so hard at this kid.

>> No.3588987

>thoroughly hilarious
> capitalising words you feel need emphasis
I think you have some growing up to do.

>> No.3588998

Can you explain your reasoning a bit more coherently/cogently?

>> No.3589008

Why do you need to use two words and a slash to express your view?

>> No.3589056

Why can't you explain your irrational reaction rationally?

>> No.3589069

Who told you everything in life was rational? Who told you it had to be?

>> No.3589110

Go to bed Sam

>> No.3589126


>> No.3589169

Go back to /v/ pls

>> No.3589181
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>being this new

>> No.3589185

>Go to bed Sam
Yeah, with your wife Tao.

>> No.3589188

What do you mean? My name is actually Sam.

>> No.3589212
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I don't believe you

>> No.3589225

It actually is.

>> No.3590231
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Hey this thread.
Here's a bump.