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3586859 No.3586859 [Reply] [Original]

I hate everything.

>> No.3586869

It hates you too

>> No.3586871
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I create a microcosm of tolerable things and go full Huysmans. Then when I start to lose appreciation I venture into short tours of the outside world. Normally a visit to the grocery store will fill me with deep gratitude for spending the rest of my time in my little hub. A proper venture such as a social call will fill me with deep gratitude for the gentle glow of non-suffering in the absence of such calls.

I heartily recommend it. Bonus point for living in a high rise so that you can stand in front of the window and see the tiny cars and people moving around below at a safe distance while you gently puff your pipe.

>> No.3586873

I love everything.
Do you love me?

>> No.3586887

>Not understanding how capitalism works
People always rage against things they don't understand.

>> No.3586892


>> No.3586895

It is but I think it's cute.
Anon, don't be so saaad.
There are beautiful things in this world.
Don't even mind the things that are not or at least fucking change something about it.
We are both so awfully privileged.
Please realize that your life is not all that bad and you'll be okay.

>> No.3586905

Why was that directed at me? I displayed no emotions in my post. How did you come to the conclusion that I am sad?

>> No.3586926

Perhaps I was just projecting.
I'd be pretty sad if I assumed that everyone was apathetic to me.
It's great if you're not. You might be a sociopath.
It's sad if you can't admit that you aren't.

>> No.3586931

Considering that the way something is experienced is of greater importance than what is experienced, why would you say that he is is privileged? Because he has an internet connection and is on 4chan? Perhaps his mental condition doesn't allow him to feel good at all. No luxuries are going to compensate for that.

>> No.3586933

Everyone is apathetic to you in the long-run. They might care about you for a short time, maybe for a few months, or a few years, or for their entire life, but eventually all things return to their default setting: apathy.

>> No.3586940

They probably make that ad every fucking month and just change bestsellers.

>> No.3586941

A+ post right here.

>> No.3586946

In a high-rise you also have the ability to read J.G. Ballard and make yourself feel completely mentally unhinged for a few hours.

>> No.3586951 [DELETED] 

the day facebook has a dislike button is the day everyone realizes what shit opinions they have
too bad it won't ever happen because congress and obama are gonna have over a million dislikes

>> No.3586954

It probably is but once you actually realize that other people are doing much wore, you get to appreciate your privileges.
I have fucking schizophrenia myself and I'm feeling alright and it does sometimes feel like a curse and I also often believe that people with depression are whiny bitches. Luxuries do help, at least I can deal with the illness and still receive food, shelter, the fucking internet with all kinds of resources, that might in turn help me with me condition. Anon has the opportunity to do whatever he wants to do and I don't want him to miss it.

>> No.3586957

Proof that people who listen to audiobooks are idiots.

>> No.3586953

Are you twelve years old?

>> No.3586961

>Only my specific psychological disorder is a valid one because I am a special snowflake

>> No.3586963

Generalisations are dumb, and you are dumb.

>> No.3586973

Noted for future exploration.

>> No.3586969

You're the idiot not understanding the concept of social marketing and industrial culture.

>> No.3586971

That's what I said I sometimes believe but I also said things to disprove my opinion.

>> No.3586978

The internet has brought us into the best age for decadents and urban hermitry yet.

>> No.3586982

It's going to doom us. This generation will largely be emotionally, intellectually stunted freaks, incapable of creating or maintaining a civilisation. Like Icarus we shall briefly soar, buoyed by boundless knowledge and interconnectedness, and then, like Icarus, our wings will burn and we'll fall back down to the surface.

>> No.3586994

How can you blame someone who cared for you their whole life for not caring enough?
What about your mother?
Do you even care about anyone?
If not, what's so wrong with apathy? If so, how can you generalize?

>> No.3587001

It doesn't seem like such a bad way to go. I don't think we can fight our creeping decadence successively. Might as well pursue it to it's logical end.

>> No.3587012

I live in a world where I don't care what people read, watch or listen to and I am in peace with myself.

>> No.3587019
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At least there's one good book on there

>> No.3587054

Could be shopped with /lit/core out of sheer boredom.

>> No.3587092

Dracula was pretty great

>> No.3587144

Tell me your secrets.