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/lit/ - Literature

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3584528 No.3584528 [Reply] [Original]

When will /lit/ be good again?

>> No.3584535

When you gtfo.

>> No.3584538

When the people who come here actually start reading.

>> No.3584539

You're imagining things buddy.

>> No.3584551

/lit/ was never good. The biggest reason is, that most people who come here are new to reading 'serious' literature. Once people have read a certain amount of books, there is not really much /lit/ can over them anymore and they move on. Then new people come to the board again. That is a big reason while we have so many reoccuring 'entry level' book threads and all time.

>> No.3584569

This. Also, when you first visit /lit/ everyone seems super intelligent and well-read, but after a while it becomes quite apparent that they're just repeating conventional opinions and Harold Bloom. No one actually talks about books here because it's easier to respond to a "What are you reading now" thread and all the potentially stimulating topics inevitably get drowned.

People here aren't generally very well-read either, it just seems like they are because of the anonymity and how diverse the user-base is.

>> No.3584571

I don't know, it seems like the general intelligence of the board fluctuates from pretty intelligent to fucking dumb as shit, probably because of the lack of regulars as >>3584551 said.

>> No.3584584

everyone seems super intelligent and well-read


>> No.3584796

>everyone seems super intelligent and well-read
'Ulysses' is my favorite book. I am intelligent and well-read, you pleb. Also, check out my fedora. (Ironically, of course.)

>> No.3584806
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pfft no

>> No.3584815

Once every 200 posts.

>> No.3584816

don't worry guys, i still post

>> No.3584819

I feel that lit would be better if people discussed the book they actually enjoy, instead of the ones they think makes them look good.

>> No.3584823

my favorite book is finnegans wake and i only wear double fedoras, you pleb

>> No.3584825

Can't tell if your being ironic

>> No.3584826

the "double fedoras" bit might be a giveaway

>> No.3584830

I honestly thought that might be some type of fedora style I just didn't know about.

>> No.3584831

this is sad
this is true

>> No.3584833
File: 13 KB, 550x436, ironic-breaking-news.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says a lot about how horrifying ironic fashion is, i suppose

>> No.3584835

hahahaha harold bloom


>> No.3584846

When people resolve to argue in good faith instead of having retarded slapfights. I don't expect this to ever happen on 4chan.

>> No.3584853

'All these new literary theories are nonsense, except for my one about every writer having an Oedipal relationship to their predecessors'

>> No.3584864

no because each one of us are posturing liars

>> No.3584875

I don't think anyone really leaves /lit/. The more you read, the more you know, the more superior you are to everyone else.

>> No.3584877

>Oedipal relationship
>new literary theories
What is this, tales from the crypt? Bloom channeling medieval theories of human sexuality?

>> No.3584879

>no because each one of us are posturing liars
I never lie. AMA.

>> No.3584880

When we have forced ID's.

>> No.3584883

So you're Cretan?