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3584084 No.3584084 [Reply] [Original]

I hate this fucking series so much. He's always jerking me off to near climax then he does a 180 and it all turns to shit.

Why were the wolves deemed important and then randomly killed off?

Why were the dragons deemed important and the bitch just forgot about them?

Why was Ice, the sword of Ned, deemed important and then just melted down to make some shitty other swords?

Why does Arya learn a sword fighting style that fits her and her sword for only 2 weeks and never uses it again?

Why does Bran have to become some tree-root troll?

The fuck is Rickon doing?

The fuck is Martin doing?

The only character development that has even come close to being satisfying is Jamie's.

>> No.3584092
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>> No.3584097

I'm glad Jon got stabbed to death, fucking retard, trying to fuck up the nights watch.

>> No.3584105

my theory was the dogs are just some foreshadowing that Martin put in. The stag and wolf causing each others deaths
Ned and Baratheon then They kill sansa's dog
she is effectively killed and isn't even identified as sansa anymore
then Arya's dog runs away so arya also must run away into unknown lands

>> No.3584114

Martin has said that he regrets not being able to time skip the series so that Bran, Arya and Rickon could be more interesting characters

>> No.3584117
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>yfw the Reed's kill everyone in the series with Bran and rule as kings of the earth.

I live in Louisiana and can only assume the Reed's were supposed to mean us.

>> No.3584124

What do you guys think Little Finger's end goal is?

>> No.3584126

That makes sense.

What? What does he mean by "Time Skip". Make them grown up badasses?

>Rickon wild berserker with greatsword bigger than Ice as he rides Shaggydog who has grown to 6ft high into battle screaming the battle cry "WINTERFELL!"

Feels bad man.

>> No.3584130

yeah like he can't make them develop that much so he just doesn't include them in the book as much.

>> No.3584132

To set himself up a really nice and cozy retirement in a place of power that has as little risk to his life as possible. As you've probably noticed, people in power are dropping like flies. Littlefinger has already secured the most impenetrable fortress in the entire book, and is getting all of the surrounding powers under his control.

From here, with some haggling and a snakes tongue, start a plan to take over more and more area, all the while keeping himself safe and posh.

He also got dat loli.

>> No.3584134

how much time has passed in the book since Rickon left?

>> No.3584138

Half a year at the most.

That is the problem with these books. He stretches himself far too thin and in too many directions at once.

So no time ever passes.

>> No.3584139

So you don't think he cares about the iron throne at all?

>> No.3584142

just half a year?

>> No.3584143

Coldhands is Benjen, right.

I'm so pissed the entire book becomes some political dick waving contest and lost sight of the whole Wight invasion.

It could lead up to an amazing climax where forces are united and the wight's just become sword fodder for epic battles.

But of course that won't happen because Martin can't write his way out of a paper bag.

>> No.3584147

I think it will be better if the Wights just storm over the wall and fuck everything up

>> No.3584149

I think he will sit and make plans to take over EVERYTHING POSSIBLE. But I highly doubt he cares about placing himself on the throne. He is a person of revenge, thinking, manipulation, and control. If he keeps writing Littlefinger in the style he has been, Littlefinger would not place himself in such a high profile position.

I could see him trying to place someone in the iron throne, but with throwbacks and power to Littlefinger for helping them acquire the throne.

But this is Martin so who the fuck knows.

>> No.3584174

Also I think you have to realise that some of the stuff like Ned's sword and Arya learning sword fighting, only seem important because we are experiencing it from the children's perspective. The kids think anything Ned does is awesome. I can't really remember but I don't think Ice is mentioned with great detail in the Ned chapters.

>> No.3584172
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I always think of this picture when I imagine Johen Reed

>> No.3584188

oh and melting down Ice is probably supposed to represent how the Lanisters have torn the Stark family apart.

>> No.3584189

I dunno Arya wargs into Nimeria leading the wolf pack back in Westeros in her dreams, I think they'll reunite

>> No.3584211

>Bran takes over Hodor
>Wrecks shit

It's like the brain in that body in TMNT.

>> No.3584214

This would be cool if done right but I could also see the wolves seeming like more meaningless fodder ala WoT's Last Battle. The best thing Martin could do is make everyone realize what a bunch of bitches they've been and force everyone to unite for at least a few chapters.

>> No.3584222

At least now it seems like Martin has all of his pieces in place and the end is in sight

>> No.3584224
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>Longclaw is the most awesome sword ever
>mfw Martin will have it pissed on and shattered by a Other in the next book

>> No.3584236

I don't like these red priests and bitches.

>Lightbringer hot and on fire
>Stannis's word just looks bright with no heat

What the fuck is their game? What are they playing at?

>> No.3584234

It would be funny if Jorah showed up out of nowhere and was just grabbed the sword

>> No.3584239

Then he looks at the wolf head on the bottom and he's like "wtf dad"

>> No.3584247

I really hope Dany isn't the one who will fufill the prophesy. I mean sh'e the whole reason this series is so long.

>> No.3585460

You do realise that's the idea, right? The politics in Westeros focus on petty situations and war and dickwaving, and the reader knows they're going to get completely fucked over by the Wights when the time comes. I personally like the different perspectives Martin takes. At the end of the day, it's similar to the real world in the sense that we don't notice what happens far away and focus on what's closeby. So while we have our white person problems, North Korea is planning to nuke US.

>> No.3585520

>Why were...
>Why were...
>Why was...
>Why does...
>Why does...
Because the fat jerk didn't bother to outline beforehand. Don't worry, you'll lap this shit up anyways, and beg for more.

>> No.3585539

>tfw after reading the first 2 books I'm not really a fan of the series and I don't give a fuck what happenes.

Can you guys spoiler me what happens after the 2nd book. Who dies, etc

>> No.3585558

Stannis wins

>> No.3585564


haha really? that's cool, too bad I don't give a fuck

any cool rape or anything liek that happen?

>> No.3585565

You are the dumbest person.