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3582877 No.3582877 [Reply] [Original]

So, /lit/, I just finished reading this book. And it's been such a powerful, frivolous ride. I feel I was given so many ideas but not really presented with anything. He has no system or form and that was very difficult to deal with. What are your thoughts about him Cioran? And his book; On the Heights of Despair.

>> No.3582888

I read trouble with being born and skimmed over some others, I think most of his books are mostly similar stuff

I agree with him and think he is great.
His view on life and existence, or what I got from him, are now my own

>> No.3582890


But I wish I could read him in French and the books he wrote in his native language(I forget, Romanian or some shit). I get the feeling alot was lost in the translation since his books are kind of philosophy+/poetry type stuff

>> No.3582905

He's too pessimistic, and I like that. I do agree with the majority of his thoughts, but again I don't know how to build anything above them. He made sure I can't. I have The Trouble with Being Born and I'll read it next.

>> No.3582925

I discovered him via Thomas Ligotti, who has a thing for philosophical pessimism. In an interview he quoted Cioran, who said (might not be verbatim) that existence is a flaw in the natural order of nothingness. This resonated with me because, well, it's what I think happened. Most of the universe is empty and void of life. We are an anomaly that happened against literally astronomical odds.

Then there's the issue if that anomaly is a good or a bad thing. You know, if it was a mistake or, for a lack of a better word, a miracle.

>> No.3582936

He's amusing and makes some good points about the hypocrisy of philosophy and humanity in general, but he can get a bit tiresome.

>> No.3582974

Well, I am still waiting for that anon translating Zapffe's 'On the Tragic' to deliver.

>> No.3583001
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His works are well written, but from the little I've read (On the Heights of Despair, Syllogism of the Bitterness, Tears and Saints) he doesn't have all that much to say. His pessimism just seems to paralyzing thinking. Still, I suppose that's the point even though it gets tiresome.

I do however remember reading about a conversation between Cioran and Noica (another Romanian philosopher) where Cioran said: "Don't tell this to anyone, but I enjoy/like [not sure about the translation] life". It was noted in Noica's journal I think. Still, I suppose it doesn't mean anything.

>> No.3583005

*to paralyze thinking

I should've reread before posting...

>> No.3583017

A book that is powerful and frivolous seems pretty oxymoronic to me.

>> No.3583019

He supported the Nazis so he can't truly have been completely anti-ideology.

>> No.3583053
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Well that was just a phase, after he understood that he fucked up he declared himself apolitical if I remember correctly.

Also, I didn't mean paralyzing just as in a sort of anti-philosophy, but also as in a metaphysical laziness (he actually uses this phrase), as to say "sure you could adopt a philosophical position, a political position, develop a theory and so on, but why bother?".

>> No.3583298

Exactly. This explains my frustration.

>> No.3583594

he's just a big crybaby and way too dramatic about everything
only really appeals to humanitarians with shit lives
antinatalists are just scum

>> No.3583597

or rather, people raised humanitarians who can't outside of it, even though they desire so much to be edgy

>> No.3583616

Didn't Cioran say that Bach's music is one of the best arguments for the value of humanity's existence? Replace 'Bach's music' with creative works in general and I can sympathize with that view.