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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 85 KB, 683x1024, liberalasian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3581243 No.3581243 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the voice of our generation /lit/?

Top contender seems to be Tao Lin right now

>> No.3581244

Lady Minage.

>> No.3581263

the drunk homeless guy outside mcdonalds that shouted at me last night

he stank of piss and beer and disease

>> No.3581281

If Tao Lin is permitted, so is Snooki.

I think Snooki has more readers. So...

>> No.3581306

Go to bed, Tao.

>> No.3581310

paolo cohelo counts?

>> No.3581313
File: 78 KB, 899x695, jordan castro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan Castro

All the main figures in alt-lit are saying he's the next big thing. He's currently on a national book tour promoting his poetry collection called Young Americas

Pic related: We are the alt-lit generation

>> No.3581321

Lena Dunham

>> No.3581361
File: 175 KB, 308x394, wtfamireading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top contender seems to be Tao Lin right now

>> No.3581375

ugh there are so fucking many cliches

>> No.3581377

Isn't tao lin that asian dude who cleaned and fed a homeless man just so he could have sex with "santa clause"?

Looking at sales, I'd have to say the voice of our generation would have to be that ugly sow who wrote 50 shades of meh.

>> No.3581381
File: 238 KB, 1024x696, 1360523117985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Laurie Penny.

>> No.3581387

Thank you, sir. Reading that made me feel comparatively talented.

>> No.3581397

Sergio de la Pava

>> No.3581398

i'm not "anti-alt-lit," but that might have been the worst thing i've ever read
is that actually by him? he's self-published, right?

>> No.3581402

Ah, yes, that does indeed perfectly speak for the generation of no personal responsibility and illusions of grandeur.

>> No.3581406
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>> No.3581409

>and illusions of grandeur.
Are you sure you don't mean 'delusions' there, old chap? Unless, of course, the grandeur is illusionary?

>> No.3581410

>tao lin and frank yang will never meet

>> No.3581416

I am.

>> No.3581417


The word you're looking for is "illusory". Also, yes.

>> No.3581419
File: 163 KB, 750x819, Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the next big thing

I think I'll stick to the last big thing. thanks though

>> No.3581423
File: 10 KB, 225x281, 1331750244068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>muh future
>muh lib arts degree
>muh 50K in debt at 5 percent interest

University kids make me sick

>> No.3581424

I don't think they did mean illusory, and did mean illusionary.

>> No.3581428

John Christy

>> No.3581429

Snappy ending sentence that doesn't make up for the overly emotive language. Laurie Penny isn't a bad writer, but her tumblr-like social activist shtick pisses me off.

>> No.3581430

>The word you're looking for is "illusory".
No, I meant to say illusionary.

>> No.3581427


The word you're looking for is "illusional".

>> No.3581432

So illuded.

>> No.3581436

>University kids make me sick
When you rest, you are a king, surveying your estate. Look at the woodland. The peacocks on the lawn. Be the king of your own calm kingdom.

>> No.3581437

Are you sure it wasn't illusorily?

>> No.3581466

No, he's published and seems to be making a lot of dough. He's currently touring for the second time with Sam Pink etc

>> No.3581471
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>> No.3581473
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Yeah Tao Lin

>> No.3581474

Why does anyone think this is good?

>> No.3581482

is that poem real? i don't want to believe this

>> No.3581484

>Sam Pink
Say no more.

>> No.3581485

It's the self-congratulatory hipster elite. If it's shitty then that's the way it's supposed to be, but at least you can tweet an excerpt and make a tumblr macro-image with it.

>> No.3581488

This is a video of him reading his poetry.

He's hte future man. He's Bukowski and James Joyce rolled into one


>> No.3581489

A genuinely edgy poem and no one calls it. Unbelievable, /lit/

>> No.3581497

Yeah, you an read it free online, it's from his new collection called Young Americans.

I think it's been reviewed favourably by a bunch of mainstream critics

>> No.3581499

Great, it's Tao Lin Power Hour. Time for bed.

Goodnight /lit/. Goodnight Tao – have fun with tonight's plugging.

>> No.3581501

He's more of his poetry. This one is entitled SOMETHING WEIRD JUST HAPPENED AND I FELT REALLY SAD:

i experienced a strange despair

after imagining my dad


in bed

crying and touching his face

pulling at his nonexistent hair

repeatedly saying 'i just want to be a fun, creative uncle'

and 'why doesn't my family appreciate me'

i stood

staring blankly

for around 3 minutesi experienced a strange despair

after imagining my dad


in bed

crying and touching his face

pulling at his nonexistent hair

repeatedly saying 'i just want to be a fun, creative uncle'

and 'why doesn't my family appreciate me'

i stood

staring blankly

for around 3 minutes

feeling this feeling take hold

sink into me like some

thing sinking in to me
feeling this feeling take hold

sink into me like some

thing sinking in to me

>> No.3581504

edgy and cliche are cloooseee

>> No.3581506
File: 28 KB, 640x360, xlarge_9715ffcbe1002da5e223625d9d4ff4b8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the way back to my hotel we walked past a produce vendor on the street.

I thought no one was watching it, so I grabbed an avocado.

"You have to pay for that," Adrien Brody said.

i turned my head backwards and saw the vendor nodding.

"Oh. I thought he wasn't around."

He went over and paid for the avocado for me.

I really liked the image of him taking three dollars out of his wallet and handing it to the vendor for me.

We started to walk again.

"This isn't ripe. I didn't even want it, I just felt like stealing an avocado."

I put it in my purse.

>> No.3581507
File: 39 KB, 125x125, haaaaaaaaaaaaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeling this feeling take hold
>sink into me like some
>thing sinking in to me

>> No.3581509
File: 12 KB, 288x272, mariecallowaytalkstolit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some guy from /lit/ addded her on facebook

Pic related

>> No.3581510

Please don't ever post any of his your? shit ever again, ever.

>> No.3581512

collective voice now (internet)

>> No.3581518
File: 13 KB, 200x300, zacharygerman2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robert is in his parent’s house. It’s three AM. Robert is listening to the album The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn by Coco Rosie. Robert likes this album. Robert is reading Brandon Stosuy’s defense of this album at www.thefanzine.com. Robert thinks about interviewing someone who works at or owns an all-night Chinese restaurant in the part of Philadelphia that he lives in and then having it published at www.thefanzine.com. Robert thinks “I bet that would help me out, no matter what.” Robert feels sad and thinks “I know I’ll never do that.” Robert thinks “Someday I’ll see a cool interview with someone who works at or owns an all-night Chinese restaurant.” Robert feels sad. He goes downstairs and eats hummus and corn chips and watches six episodes of The Office and then sleeps for ten hours.

>> No.3581519

Sometimes I question whether I've got this whole alt-lit thing wrong. Maybe I'm like one of those people who said Joyce was dirty and look follish now in retrospect.

Then I watch this video and feel satisfied about being right.


>> No.3581522

Wow that's actually pretty good. Not as good as Tao's stuff but still pretty good

>> No.3581534



One bad trip and these could become very dangerous people

>> No.3581555

Give me 'alt lit' over bland 'literary fiction' like Jonathan Franzen any day. Deadpan humor is always welcome.

>> No.3581559

This Jordan Castro kid sure is young and sure looks like a faggit.


Here is a short story kind of a thing by him.

Its kinda cool I guess

>> No.3581564

>mentions drugs and cats in the first couple of lines


>> No.3581568

Franzen is a really poor example. Not even the literary community embraces him, and he won't be read in 50 years by anybody.

>> No.3581589

I guess this is the point where people younger than me are starting to get recognition. Feels weird man.

>> No.3581596

I guess its something of an indictment against having any form of shame and standards for yourself.

>> No.3581610

All of these people are terrible.

>> No.3581640

pleb plz go

>> No.3581686


>> No.3581697

We have a winner.

>> No.3581701


What does he say about our generation?

>> No.3581711

For the legitimate greatness of his writing and his ability to bring the life the crippled strvings and dreams of a broken underclass, he certainly deserves the title "voice of a generation" far more than any of the aforementioned fagets. He's at the very least a voice of a particular class of this generation.

>> No.3581714


Nobody said anything about greatness of writing being involved.

>> No.3581720

Well, shit. George R. R. Martin it is.

>> No.3581724


What does he say about our generation?

>> No.3581731
File: 6 KB, 320x180, 1361215778886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The voice of the rational generation

>> No.3581734

>tao lin or jordan castro speaking for me
>ever in any lifetime

Fuck no. it's /mu/ or /k/, but 4th25 did it better in Testament of a Soldier.

>> No.3581735

Joe Rogan is probably a contender.

>inb4 pleb

>> No.3581736

>That most of it consists of intellectually stunted neckbeards with fabulous tastes in fedoras.

>> No.3581754

>crippled strvings and dreams of a broken underclass

Aka people with a liberal arts degree?

>> No.3581765

lel. but seriously, sage.

>> No.3581771

it's pretty strange how an entire forum of people completely miss the point of alt-lit

>> No.3581775


tbf alt-lit misses the point of alt-lit

>> No.3581777

What is the one, singular, unique point of which you speak?

>> No.3581778

Bottled shit is invariably hailed as art by men without noses.

So if the point is exhibiting the self-satisfied ignorance of my moral inferiors through their absence of technical prowess...then I couldn't blunder past if I tried.

>> No.3581790

>art has to smell good

is that what you're saying?

>> No.3581794

>crippled strvings and dreams of a broken underclass, he certainly deserves the title "voice of a generation"
If this is what the 'voice of a generation' has been defined as, it really doesn't mean shit. Talking about how horrible life is for poor people is getting old fast.

>> No.3581802

it seems that the key to alt lit is trying really hard at not trying

>> No.3581805

Lena Dunham, as sad as it is.

>> No.3581808

"weird twitter"

>> No.3581810

The spokesman of a generation often aren't identified until decades after the time in question has ended. At this juncture I think we can put forth some possibilities, but no more.

>> No.3581813

her sense of humor is too obvious for her to be the Voice of Gen Y

except for the technology etc Girls could have been made in the '90s

>> No.3581814

"voice of a generation" = absurd construct of hack journalists

>> No.3581819

i dunno about "voice" but tao lin is the closest to nailing a certain gen y vibe

>> No.3581820

what is the point of alt lit

>> No.3581821

You say this because you are uncultured.

>> No.3581825


the 20th century called it wants its post back

>> No.3581827

We must look to the critics for now. In a few decades we'll see who is vindicated and who is not. It won't be this alt. art swine that has been dirtying up the board lately though.

>> No.3581830

whoa this guy is cool

>> No.3581837

Say it isn't so,anon.

>> No.3581845

yeah. what comes through when you do that is a form of critique

>> No.3581860

Surely by bottling shit you prevent its smell from reaching anyone's nose.

>> No.3581862

We are shown how to fashion masks of ennui and jaded irony at a young age where the face is fictile enough to assume the shape of whatever it wears. And then it’s stuck there, the weary cynicism that saves us from gooey sentiment and unsophisticated naivete.

I get all my relevant feels from DFW

>> No.3581864
File: 27 KB, 539x466, 1359570520646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3581866


rigby is a raccoon homie

>> No.3581869

i guess. i enjoy some tao lin but stuff like steve roggenbuck just comes off as a lame one-note joke like hipster runoff

>> No.3581871

That is so, so, so fucking edgy that it has now become my example edgy picture

>> No.3581877

brotip it's not "edgy", it's "meta"

>> No.3581880

Truly the Dada poets of our age.

>> No.3581974

as lif most people of this generation are even familiar with tao lin
the voice of our generation is justin beiber and little wayne
and people still don't believe me when I say people are devolving

>> No.3581976
File: 560 KB, 360x240, faster than light.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be around near /lit/s inception
>stop going to 4chan for awhile
>over a year later Tao Lin is still trolling /lit/
>over a year later /lit/ is still falling for Tao Lins trolling

>> No.3581983


mabes bc your cultural references are straight outta 2008

>> No.3582058


Your generation meaning "America"? Then Tao Lin: untalented, arrogant, and clueless.

The generation ALL over the world (there IS a world outside the U.S. after all) could very well be any of the very interesting Latin American or Chinese young writers currently in vogue.

>> No.3582061

>mite b cool
>google her
>Socialism without feminism, after all, is no socialism worth having.

hahahahaha oh wow

>> No.3582071

it is inherently unnatural to think of those savage places called non-america

>> No.3582074


It is also unnatural to stick a penis up an anus, and still it is done with singular joy by zillions. As-we-speak.

>> No.3582081

so you're getting fucked in the ass while posting on /lit/?

>> No.3582082

>any of the very interesting Latin American or Chinese young writers currently in vogue

Surely you could name some of them then?

>> No.3582088

Eye-opening post
10/10, changed my life

>> No.3582099


Yes. Your mom is insatiable.

>> No.3582105


Sure. Rocío Cerón (Mexico), Ena Lucía Portela (Cuba), Samanta Swelin (Argentina), Arnoldo Gálvez Suárez (Guatermala), Gabriel Payares (Venezuela), Rey Emmanuel Andújar (Dominican Republic).

All of them born during the 70s. All of them with at least an opera prima recognized by literary circles over there in America (the continent) and here in Europe. All of them have been translated into French already; and, perhaps, English, though the latter I am not so sure.

>> No.3582116

The Corrections is fucking hilarious, though. Which is more than I can see for the alt-lit crowd, who fail to even elicit a smile from me.

>> No.3582154

>Which is more than I can see for the alt-lit crowd, who fail to even elicit a smile from me.
First-world-problems is serioz biznez.

>> No.3582155
File: 25 KB, 340x763, ishouldnthave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normand joseph is probably as good as they come, from canada at least

>> No.3582160

>I don't really like vegan food / Or Brooklyn / Or the word vagina / I guess I'm fucked.

never heard of him

>> No.3582175

"I believe I'm in the mood for some coffee, would you like to join me?"

"No, I'm never again leaving this office."

"Well I'm going to get some, would you like me to bring you back some form of beverage?"





"I'm easy, just get me one of those I think it's called a fatslap-push-push-on-the-bush-consigliere-capillary-freezy-supremicious or something, extra non-decaf please. Now when the guy pours the espresso into the foamy milk please make sure that he pierces the smallest possible area of the upper foam. The result should be akin to a brown pin prick on a sea of white. Moreover, when he pours the espresso in he should do so at such a deliberate rate that the espresso and the milk, which incidentally should be foamed to no more than a seventy-five percent congealment status, will not mix but rather will form two distinct levels featuring two different colours, with a great deal of wavy quantum action taking place at the border where they conjoin. Once that's done I shall like a fair amount of cinnamon sprinkled atop of the now pierced milk. Now when I say a fair amount of cinnamon I do not mean the the entire surface area should be covered. Rather the appearance of the cinnamon should be not unlike that of a distant nebula, such appearance with which I'm sure you're familiar. Remember, a cinnamon nebula is the goal. A cinnebula if you will.

>> No.3582177

As for sugar, enough should be added to combat the inherent bitterness of espresso coffee but not so much added that it overpowers all the other competing flavors the beverage brings to the table. Also do not stir the beverage, as such a stirring would undoubtedly compromise the dual-level system I just mentioned. Instead add the sugar at a rate where each individual sugar granule will have its component molecules sufficiently bombarded by surrounding molecules, traveling at a high rate of speed due to the extreme heat of the beverage, as to occasion the dissolving of the granule before it reached the bottom of the cup. Lastly, please take care to walk the drink over with minimal bipedal concussion so as to not disrupt the dual-level system. Thanks man."

"I'm just going downstairs to the gentleman with the newsstand so do you want from the orange-lidded dispenser or the brown?"


Sweet silence.

>> No.3582182

>We must do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian-Darwinian theory, he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living.

Buckminster Fuller is. The voice of a generation doesn't have to be alive or of the same generation - all that matters is that they speak to us more relevantly than any other.

>> No.3582195

>>We must do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian-Darwinian theory, he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living.


>> No.3582199

This is what people who don't understand evolution ACTUALLY believe.

>> No.3582216

you are dumb, because the quote is not about evolution.

>> No.3582222

It would be about evolution even if he didn't mention Darwin. Selection operates on relative fitness.

>> No.3582227

He definitely has a point, with the rise of tertiary industries in the developed world and all. Working somewhere like a call center hardly counts as 'giving back to society'

>> No.3582238

You claim to know about evolution, have you studied it academically?

>> No.3582241

First of all if you had the reading comprehension skills of a baby goat you would know that I never made any claims as to my own knowledge of evolution, only that of others'. Also, yes.

>> No.3582246

That's nice. Making statements about a subject are reasonably interpreted as a claim to knowledge.

At what sort of level did you study it?
What is it about that quote that you think implies a misunderstanding of evolution?

>> No.3582324

A generation of dropouts
empty handed and discontent
Bastard sons of the revolution
What you see is what you get

>> No.3582369

It's must be tough being an American.


>> No.3582396

The fact that he made a false statement about what theories are implying? Why are you so hostile?

>> No.3582404


So, just to be clear,
no one thinks this shit is actually worthy of even being typed, right?

>> No.3582414

thank you

>> No.3582432

Can you tell me who would be offended by these words in OP's pic?
nigger - blacks
Frog -??
faggot - gay men(or 4chan denizens)
Wop - ???
limey - British right?
dyke - lesbian
honkie - whites
mick - ???

>> No.3582435

That's how I feel. She makes it sound like there are tons of riots that end badly in the US. I'm pretty sure there have been like four in all of US history. And one of those was before we even established presidents.

>> No.3582440


frog - French
wop - Italians
mick - Irish

>> No.3582441
File: 77 KB, 460x288, bankofengland77695c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the US
I'm pretty sure she's talking about the London riots, old chap.

>> No.3582442

wop - Italians
mick - Irish
Never heard frog as an insult before. I'd imagine frog would be for Frenchies.

>> No.3582447

Frog is a common term for the French in England.

>> No.3582453

Upper-middle class white kid, please go.

>> No.3582463

>"I'm so much more worldly than you stupid americans!"
>Name some chinese writers
>Name only Latin writers
>Obviously European or Latin living in Europe.
>Obviously interested mainly in Latin writers
>Obviously just as close minded, if not more for harassing others

2/10 made me reply.

>> No.3582466

started off seeming cool,
got meh, and mildly tryhard in the middle,
polished it off with a total change in tone.

Not sure how I feel about this.

>> No.3582470

>Voice of our generation
I'm not even sure I want to listen to that voice.
How about I listen to many voices, and find my own, instead? Or is that not good enough?

>> No.3582476

>implying pynchon won't secure his status as voice of multiple generations through the release of bleeding edge

>> No.3582478

Wait, could you elaborate?
What's the problem with that line of thought?

>> No.3582488
File: 14 KB, 320x244, 6a00d8341ca61053ef0162fbc72f62970d-320wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stephen Fry.

>> No.3582490
File: 24 KB, 496x413, calvinhobbespic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jonathan Franzen. Freedom is an excellent zeitgeist novel, if slightly flawed.

Junot Diaz sometimes feels that way, although his writing isn't exactly representative of my own experiences, but I do feel a connection, plus he writes very contemporary stuff.

The sad thing is, Tao Lin really IS a zeitgeist author, with all his iPhone, iPod, Facebook stuff, and modern references.

>> No.3582492


If only..

>> No.3582493

'Our generation', Sunhawk. We are teenagers, you are almost 30. Franzen is probably the voice of your generation, but not ours.

>> No.3582494


Kinda. Thing is though mentioning iPods, internet forums and Facebook doesn't actually mean he speaks for me, what I struggle with or my problems.

>> No.3582497

Unfortunately, it probably is Laurie Penny. Just having a look at hers and Tao's social media accounts, and she has nearly three times the following. Outside of /lit/, many more people are listening to her, and that's not even mentioning the millions of hits she gets for her articles.

>> No.3582499


I've always been amused by the age elistism of this board. Apart from the fact that there's a wide spread of age, people here seem to think nobody over 25 has an opinion worth listening to, that we should be instantly dismissed. The only people IRL who think that are, wait for it, 13-year-olds.

>> No.3582503

Go to bed Jordan

>> No.3582505

What is there to really say about this generation? Outlooks on the world have hardly changed since like people born in the 60s. The main issues have all been the same: difficulty for the lower-than-upper-middle class to find good jobs, irreverence for certain tradition, the disappearance of a larger sense of 'community.'

People like to pretend that this generation is undergoing some major shift in world view because of social media or whatever, but really it's just a shallow change in daily routine. A good percentage of people in their 30s/40s use facebook as much as any teenager does.

I have no idea what could really distinguish "this generation" form the one before, or really the one before that.

>> No.3582509

Appalling cynicism, short attention spans, hedonistic tendencies, lax morality, etc.

>> No.3582518

so basically generation x just keeps happening, big deal

>> No.3582521


Guess the guy didn't have anything to say to that then.

>> No.3582526

>I've always been amused by the age elistism of this board
>The only people IRL who think that are, wait for it, 13-year-olds.

Rages against 'age elitism'.
Uses '13-year-old' as his insult of choice to argue against 'age elitism'.

>> No.3582543

What are you talking about?

Unlike you, I didn't dismiss anything based on age. I pointed out that the 'generation' a 30yo identifies with is getting too old to be the generation a 18yo does. You have to accept that you are too old to play with kids at some point, and a guy in his thirties, professional, well into the rat race, worries being convincing the IRS that his company is in a lower tax bracket, is now in the generation above the youth. You were the one using age as negative, not me.

>> No.3582590


>Unlike you, I didn't dismiss anything based on age.
>Franzen is probably the voice of your generation, but not ours.

Oh. Okay.

My main grip is that you think that this board is mostly or exclusively teenagers, i.e. 'We are teenagers'. Since when? This board's average age is probably 23 or 24. And TBQH, a 29-year-old hasn't had THAT different experiences to an 18-year-old (although there are some significant things, mostly techn and political based).

I swear to God, some days I don't know what this board is talking about.

>> No.3582607

when someone says someone idiotic is the voice of "our" generation i have to laugh and consider if troll or if stupid and clueless.

>> No.3582619

>My main grip is that you think that this board is mostly or exclusively teenagers
It is. Haven't you seen the survey threads? The majority of /lit/ are 18/19yo undergrads with the occasional older person, and even then I suspect quite a few are younger, but don't want to get banned.

>a 29-year-old hasn't had THAT different experiences to an 18-year-old
Maybe not you, but most of them have. Especially the ones who didn't go to college/uni and have spent the past 10+ years in a full time occupation, usually with people older than themselves. Those ten years are when the majority of 'growing up' is done, and the views of the teenage years become filed down, diluted, and turned into the same views as the rest of the older work colleagues.

All I'm saying is that at 29 you're labelled as being in a different generation to a teenager.

>> No.3582623

>TBQH, a 29-year-old hasn't had THAT different experiences to an 18-year-old
Today I realise why that guy posts the 'don't post, don't quote' image whenever your posts infiltrate a thread.

>> No.3582630


29 and 18 in 2013 are still both Generation Y / Millennial Generation.

>> No.3582633


How old are you?

>> No.3582642

Pssst. It's "gripe", not "grip".

>> No.3582644

>29 and 18 in 2013 are still both Generation Y / Millennial Generation
"Generation Y, also known as the Millennial Generation, is the demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates for when Generation Y starts and ends. Commentators use beginning birth dates from the 1970s, or from the 1980s to the early 2000s"

>> No.3582649


Typo. Does it matter?

>> No.3582651


If the 'voice of our generation' is someone that reflects everybody as a whole then yes, an idiot is likely to be most accurate and representative due to averages and Gaussian distribution.

>> No.3582653


It's not good to listen to the voices in your head even if they seem to make the most sense to you.

>> No.3582735

And God said, "Let there be many voices."

And it was so.

And for xis days, the world fought hearty this abominable insurrection.

And on the seventh day, all was well, for all realized that literature is a process not an end and we will no longer tolerate a single voice speaking on our behalf.

>> No.3582740

For you, yes.

>> No.3582781

He is in a coma because he lost his soul and its a raccoon.

>> No.3583563
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, face off.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3583656

Franzen is 53, the same age as my dad. Regardless of whether he has opinions worth listening to, he doesn't see the world in the same way that someone born in 'Generation Y' does, and shouldn't be seen as speaking for them.

>> No.3584646

> the alt-lit crowd, who fail to even elicit a smile from me

This. I've honestly never laughed except at any particular alt-lit work.

>> No.3584900

Why are young Americans so vile, so disgusting? This whole alt lit scene is just full of pathetic freaks.

>> No.3585028


that's a literary movement started by posters from something awful dot com

what has 4chan achieved?

>> No.3585035

Even Katawa Shojo's writing beats alt-lit

Are there any young published writers nowadays that aren't alt-lit or fucking Tao Lin?

>> No.3585045


sure there are, at least in Europe.

they were, however, outdated before they even started

>> No.3585059

who are you quoting?