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3576907 No.3576907 [Reply] [Original]

Question for... erm... eh-hem.

Question for Christians on /lit/...

How can you tell the difference between what God is telling you to do and what your own self is telling you to do?

>inb4 edgy atheists 'hurr durr god and ur brain are le same thing'

>> No.3576912

His vocabulary, terminology and grammar is different.

>> No.3576917

You'll hear it in your balls first, not your brain.

It's more of a rumbling than anything, really.

>> No.3576927

>inb4 edgy atheists 'hurr durr god and ur brain are le same thing'
Mind, not brain.

inb4 edgy behaviorists and functionalists 'hurr durr mind and ur brain are le same thing'

>> No.3576929

Christianism =! Hearing things

>> No.3576932

>How can you tell the difference between what God is telling you to do and what your own self is telling you to do?
If it's for material things, then it is yourself – "I really want this new car."
If it for something that's not in your own interests, then it is God telling you. – "I must sacrifice my first-born and burn witches."

>> No.3576937

I sure hope these guys are trolling.

>> No.3576946

If you're still in doubt about that, I can understand why Christianity would be attractive to you

>> No.3576947

When I was about 15, a tree spontaneously combusted and started calling me a faggot. I think that's God's usual communication method.

>> No.3576958

>tfw you will never experience a theophany

>> No.3576962

I tell myself what to do, and do my best to keep God in my heart and mind when doing those things.
To be zen about it.....there is the wind, the kite and the kite flyer. God is the wind, I am the kite flyer, and my life and deeds are the kite.
It's collaborative.

>> No.3576963

how do you know?

>> No.3576964

lol'd hard.