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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 51 KB, 584x329, Tao-Lin2_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3574670 No.3574670 [Reply] [Original]

Tao Lin:

A faggot;
chines (one of the most boring people in the world)

And there are still idiots who waste time discussing the crap that this guy writes.

>> No.3574672

We know already. Why give him the attention he wants?

>> No.3574681



You're right

>> No.3574783

>And there are still idiots who waste time discussing the crap that this guy writes.
I would mke a thread about it bro.

>> No.3574784

He's actually straight, rather humble, published author and Taiwanese. He's also talented.

>> No.3574785

i love chinese girl so much

>> No.3574795

Hi, Tao.

>> No.3574897

I want to thank whoever told me to read Tao Lin the other day (in the thread about first lines of books).
I read Eeee Eee Eeeee. It's hilarious and actually very moving at times.
Haters gonna hate. He DID remind me a lot of Haruki Murakami at times. So if that's not your thing of course Tao won't go down so well with those types.
Looking forward to reading more.

>> No.3574937

Stop making us discuss you Tao.

>> No.3574985
File: 1023 KB, 388x207, gif-star-wars-gangnam-style-405546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, use the sage.

>> No.3574989

aaaand i forgot to use sage... embarrassing

>> No.3574991

His other stuff is less surreal.

>> No.3575002

That was my post so I gotta ask after brushing it off this whole time I've been here: What's the sage?

>> No.3575071

thousand wonkas.jpaigagio

>> No.3575091

Fuck off and die.

>laughs nervously

>> No.3575113

If you write sage in the email field it prevents your comment from bumping the thread.

>> No.3575223

Thanks! I can see how that can be useful.

>> No.3575245

There's a faq you know.

>> No.3576658
File: 88 KB, 298x332, 1360018598006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3578972

But he's neither gay nor arrogant. He's also published by decently established publisher. He's also from Taiwan.

>> No.3578973

OP, on what basis do you call him a 'pseudo-writer'. He writes books, dawg.

>> No.3578976

Weak, OP. Anyone who's going to go for the little-boy 4chan humor of including someone's ethnicity as a reason to hate them is clearly not interested in literature anyway, so why would you hate Tao Lin, let alone start a thread about him.

>> No.3578978

ITT: Tao Lin

>> No.3578981

It's because OP doesn't know Chinese and has never read any chinese literature. Hence Chinese lit is boring because he has never read any.

Someone with a bit of self awareness would know the flaw in this logic but that's beyond OP.

>> No.3579622


Yes, OP knows Chinese literature: I love the poetry of Li Bai (above all the poem “On Drinking Alone by Moonlight”)and Du Fu, and I think that the novel “Six Records of a Floating Life” by Shen Fu is one of the most moving I've ever read.

But in general (not always, only in general) young Asians who emigrate to live in the U.S. and Europe, and who kill themselves with efforts to have good grades, good jobs, etc.., are boring and dull, lacking originality and naturalness. Read a book like “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” and you will realize what I am saying. These people will never be genius: they lack something in them, something hard to explain: they are people that seem to lack the seasoning of personality; they are capable of mimic what have been created by others, but not of creating new things (or, when they try, they make something like Tao Lin books). Even China today: they bring engineers, teachers, scientists artists and etc. from all over the Western world, and the country does is try to be a new West. Of course this is a ignorant generalization, but in general things are pretty much like this

The reason for my annoyance with many fagots here on 4chan is that they are always talking about this guy. I read his books, and found them awful. However, despite being an author of horrid books, despite being a guy who brags saying he has a huge IQ, despite being a guy who is always begging for attention and visibility, posing for photos: despite all this, we have people here who really like this guy. To admire a person like this is a crime against yourself and against humanity.

Ah! But if you fags like the guy and got angry when I said he's a fagot shit, why not just admit that you are a bunch of faggots who enjoy Tao Lin?

>> No.3579648

B-but, OP, aren't racist's opinions invalid? I can't remember :(.