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/lit/ - Literature

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3573025 No.3573025 [Reply] [Original]

>"Reading is one of the best hobbies you can have. Its a lifelong pursuit of knowledge" said the high school teacher
>years later
>all the kids who snowboarded and skateboarded and played guitar and never read a page have cool visible skills to impress people
>meanwhile, nobody cares about how many books youve read
>basically a talentless fag at 21

Thanks Ms. Crawford.
You sure fucking trolled me.

>> No.3573040

Cheer up buddy. Pursuing an intellectual hobby doesn't mean you're lame. I have a plethora of hobbies but there is nothing I enjoy more than exchanging books with my friend every Thursday.

Reading can be a social hobby. You have to find someone who cares about it as much as you, and you have to talk and engage them. Keep your chin up man.

>> No.3573039

>b'aww my hobby doesn't impress people
What are you, twelve? Start a new hobby if you want to impress people. Or keep reading if you enjoy that.

Or, and this might blow your mind, you can allocate time to both.

Quit whining.

>> No.3573042

Now you are trolling us, iz diz ironi haha?

>> No.3573043
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well you could read and do other things... like play music, or draw, or paint, or sculpt, or any other fucking thing that's ever been invented. And it's never too late to start. She didn't say it's the only talent you should have bro.

>> No.3573045

>having only one hobby

>> No.3573046

Implying impressing people is the point of reading or existence. If you didn't learn that in all this time reading, you really have wasted your time and your life. Remember all the beautiful words and ideas that you have taken in that have allowed you to enrich your understanding of the world. The moment when an idea is expressed so eloquently and beautifully that it takes root in your mind and changes your view of the world, in small and big ways. Those are the moments I read for. What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.3573063

>false dichotomy
>blaming society instead of yourself for your shortcomings
>2013, shiggy diggy mah niggy

I read. A lot. I fuckin' loves books.
I also surf / play guitar / can cook like a motherfucker/ workout/ know python, java, R, C++.

This isn't a goddamn video game where you allocate a certain number of points to a skill and that's it. The only limitation is time. Yeah, sometimes I go a week or two without reading, but that's the trade-off for having multiple interests.

>> No.3573064

I think an argument for well roundedness is applicable here. If impressing people is your problem/goal, you need to first be able to display the "knowledge" you've acquired. you need an outlet for this, such as better speaking and conversational skills.

>> No.3573071

The 'lifelong pursuit of knowledge' thing is crucial here. If you didn't want to pursue the knowledge, you shouldn't have gone for it. Also, for heaven's sake, have some sense of separateness. Why would you want to know people who don't read?

>> No.3573092

>I'm better than people who do other things with their time.

>> No.3573098

You certainly fit the definition of a Paulo Coelho fan.

>> No.3573101

>snowboarded and skateboarded and played guitar
Reported for fucken underage. Protip, my child: nobody gives a shit about skating or riding a plank down a snowhill once they leave their teenage years.

>> No.3573107

I almost exclusively read fantasy and sci fi though

So im barely any smarter.

Life is suffering

>> No.3573113

Yes, let's isolate ourselves from the world lest we be touched by the filthy heathens who have other interests. Everyone has the right to and should explore other things. It would be boring otherwise. On a more selfish note, it makes us seem much more intelligent.

>> No.3573126

Read better books. The ones that challenge your understanding of the world and knock you off your feet. I'm guessing you're pretty good at reading since you have done alot of it. Take that skill and use it to make your life better and you a more interesting person. Nothing is wrong with fantasy or sci-fi btw. Just try to read more literary forms of it that deal with interesting ideas for you to play with

>> No.3573139


I suggest C. K. Raju's Eleven Pictures of Time

>> No.3573144

>tfw no friends who like reading regularly and living in a redneck town

>> No.3573148

wow what the fuck are you talking about? i'm 29 and i know lots of my friends who are professionals still ski/snowboard/surf. skating not so much, but to say that someone is underaged because their peers in school liked skating is pretty fucking stupid.

>> No.3573155

>being mediocre at a variety of subjects instead of being excellent at one or two

>> No.3573163

You were supposed to apply that knowledge to more practical matters, that's where you goofed, OP.

>> No.3573170

Reading and educating yourself enhances life. But you have to go out and have a life to enhance first. You have to be out making music or movies or writing or journalism or whatever your thing is. Reading is a supplement to your life. If your life is reading then it isn't supplementing anything.

>> No.3573210

You've read the creations of so many, why not apply the knowledge you've gained and create something yourself? If you want people to see your talent then write a book, you ding-dong.

>> No.3573795

>all those years of reading and he hasn't achieved the wisdom to realise that all those 'cool things' you long for are useless shit that won't read to happiness

Mrs. Crawford didn't mean reading fantasy. Now off to the Greeks with you.

>> No.3573796

*lead to

dat freud

>> No.3573812 [DELETED] 

>cares about what other people think

looks like books thought you nothing, serves you well, dumbass

>> No.3573818

>cares about what other people think

looks like books taught you nothing, sarves you well, dumbass

>> No.3573824


>> No.3573828
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Learn to juggle then, you boor!

>> No.3573831

But you can play an instrument AND read. You can practice a sport AND read AND play an instrument. What are you talking about? I've been studying languages, playing the guitar and saxophone and reading philosophical, political and literature books for all my life and never had any problems.

>> No.3573835

>being mediocre at a variety of subjects or being excellent at one or two instead of being excellent at a variety of subjects

>> No.3573836

21 and your life is over. Heh I remember thinking that at 9 when one of my GI Joes had a black belt in Karate at 9 and I didn't

>> No.3573841


Well, if you really, really are into reading and thinking, and put some effort into creating new ideas and becoming a well educated person, when those kids are 40 and working at McDonald's or Wal-Mart, you'll be a big shot with a nice, comfortable life and all your adult life to fuck bitches who would eb attracted to your brain (and your wallet).

Be patient.

>> No.3573844

What use is snowboarding or skateboarding or playing guitar in everyday life? Can you display your skill in them at a party without coming across as a show off?
Impress people with your mind and general knowledge, ability to learn new ideas, understanding of philosophy or telling amusing anecdotes. You shouldn't even have to try.

>> No.3573860

Ms. Crawford didn't mean for you to isolate yourself from everyone else and JUST read.

You were supposed to go out, lose your virginity, start a band, experiment with drugs, try to convince bouncer's you're 18, build huge mounds of mud and cycle at them fast, graze your face on a concrete half pipe, annoy your parents by being constantly on the home phone-line, practice sneaking in and out of the house, play football with jumper goalposts, have your first punchup, spend hours on useless shit like juggling rolled up socks or spinning a pen around your thumb... AND read on top of this.

If you just shut yourself away and read, you wasted the best years of your life.

>> No.3573904


>blaming society instead of yourself for your shortcomings

It's society in the first place that told him he made a mistake in life.

Check, mate.

>> No.3573909


>> No.3573915
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Not that guy, but what made you think of him as a Paul Rabbit fan?

>> No.3573925
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>perfectly describes a mediocre existence