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3572998 No.3572998 [Reply] [Original]

Find the nearest book available. The last complete sentence of the 32nd page describes your existence.

"This does not mean its reading will grip you less: on the contrary, something has been added to its powers."

Pic related.

>> No.3573009

I shall be gone as long as it takes me to get there and return.

>> No.3573010

"Note that Black wanted to do the same thing-- he threatened to play ...Re1+ followed by ...Ra1."

Existence summed up in a sentence about chess, asserting that your opponent really just wants the same thing as you do?


>> No.3573012

"it's not considered a good, reasonable way to make your point"


>> No.3573017

"These were filled with ashes, animal bones, sherds, and plant fibers."

Ok then.

>> No.3573019
File: 47 KB, 332x500, animals+in+translation+Dani+McVety[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"This is something most people don't realize; cattle and hogs raised for food are domestic animals, but they aren't naturally tame unless they've been socialized to humans as babies."

Not sure how I feel about this.

>> No.3573020

"Your father played that game once, as I did before him," said the prince.

>> No.3573023

"We gotta keep it till we get a stake."

>> No.3573029

To support his marijuana and ale habits he extracted a high salary from various sources, sending himself paychecks when necessary.

...Well, that was more accurate than expected, Mr. Stephenson.

>> No.3573030

"His mother, in her slow dreamy way, was following a long way behind them"

Forever haunted by a resurfacing Oedipus complex lurking in my subconscious maybe haha?

>> No.3573031
File: 115 KB, 458x458, zetsubouDN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It said that two members of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service had been found murdered in the mountains north of Helena, Montana."

>> No.3573033

He answered: "Who is John Galt?"

>> No.3573035

> nearest book is The Complete James Joyce

> nope

>> No.3573038

It's Krasznahorkai. Fuck you OP. Here goes nothing:

The two distinct elements of the unsavoury crowd ('crude gregarious types scoffing salami' / 'silent murderers') had become so confused in her mind that she felt free at last to look down on them from her eminence, to rise, as it were, above her circumstances, just as the music that flooded from her set rose and covered the earth and all its terrors.

It's the shortest sentence on the page to boot.

>> No.3573048

"His mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink."


>> No.3573049

"The sun slanted in and lay golden over half the platform."

>> No.3573052

"This does not mean its reading will grip you less: on the contrary, something has been added to its powers."

Looks like we're reading the same book OP

>> No.3573054

"Why would anyone say this kind of stuff about themselves on the internet? It's crazy!"
Well then.

>> No.3573055

"Any analytic statement will, as we have seen above, share this characteristic."

>> No.3573060

"I want to be and not to have to think about it."

>> No.3573069

"A fight - and you let me sleep through the whole thing"

>> No.3573089

E veni a te così come'ella volse:
d'inanzi a quella fiera ti levai
che del bei monte il corto andar ti tolse.

>> No.3573097

--Of all the men
Whom day's departing beam saw blooming there
In proud and vigorous health; of all the hearts
That beat with anxious life at sunset there;
How few survive, how few are beating now!

>> No.3573102

"Ah! No one knows the answer to that one," said Nicomachus.

>> No.3573103

"But then Jack entered the stockroom again, and came back to him again, and, for several moments, just stood there looking down at him in a benign manner, which Father Urban found nerve-wracking".

>> No.3573104

"At first they all believed they were to be taken away and shot a handful at a time, probably in the garden behind the house."

Fuck it. I dont want to be a hostage.

>> No.3573119

"How can that be?"

I like it!

>> No.3573122

I lol'd

>> No.3573123

Yes, current opinion seems to be in favor of it.

>> No.3573125

He who ignores what his neighbor is saying or doing or thinking, and cares only that his own action should be just and godly, is greatly the gainer in time and ease.

>> No.3573135

"We were force-fed mud together, paddled a rubber boat together, ran into exhaustion together, and shored each other up to make it through just one more day of training."
From a Navy SEAL's autobiography.

A little too homoerotic, and I don't really have that good of a friend.

>> No.3573138

"A history of practical alchemy could begin with the mystical atomist and non-alchemist Democritus, and it could end with the non-alchemystical atomists of the 20th century, who 200 years after the refutation of all scientific foundations of the hermetic art succeeded, by fusing atomic nuclei (admittedly using uneconomical amounts of energy) in transmuting the elements."

I don't know if this means I'm the residue of the Great Work but I don't think I like it

>> No.3573149

"It stands about 130 feet tall and 200 feet round, and is estimated to be between 1400 to 1600 years old, making this tree young during the Aztec empire."

>> No.3573165

"At the end of the corridor stood a pair of metal-faced swinging doors."


>> No.3573169

"Because this man saw ponyplay as strictly an erotic activity, he did not see the point in being "handled" by a man."

What. Kinda fits too.

>> No.3573171

"The only island you'll find in the vast, vague ocean of your childhood."

I'm not sure what to make of this.

>> No.3573177

"He is afraid of nothing, not even at night; he says it is his form of bravery."

That's pretty neat.

>> No.3573186

"The question is whether this is really so." - Charles S. Pierce Selected writings

>> No.3573193

"Clouds began to ink out the stars one by one."
I think i'm about to tear up.

>> No.3573203

"In Japan, most miners carry similar thing made of straw."

>> No.3573219

The crazy little kid with the funny accent and the energy to burn was learning fast.

>> No.3573229

Well i guess it's time for you to travel.

>> No.3573239

"At supper Lyda again talked to Bielokurov about the Zemstvo, about Balaguin, about school libraries."


>> No.3573247

"Lloyd's of London, however, calmly engulfs or digests them for the simple reason that, if registered vessels' logs cannot be relied upon Lloyds might as well give up; and this estimate organization has determinedly clung to such reports throughout the ages"

what the fuck what i am i meant to take from that
might as well give up

>> No.3573251

"We can't help it."

>> No.3573253

>Thus, the practical problem of mass psychology is to activate the passive majority of the population, which helps political reaction to achieve victory, and to eliminate those inhibitions that run counter to the development of the will to freedom born of the socio-economic situation.

I have to sexually liberate the masses.

>> No.3573256

I guess it can't be helped.

>> No.3573261

Farewell brother! We split, we split, we split

>> No.3573262

A sedentary life, as I have already said elsewhere, is the real sin against the Holy Spirit,

>> No.3573266

"From the shore floated sweet spicy odors that always remind me of hymns and missionaries, and in the windows on the Berea sparkled a hundred lights."

>> No.3573275

I tried to think about what interested me: my purchase, my wife - not only was there nothing cheerful, but it all became null.

>> No.3573278

'He don't want nothing.'

>> No.3573282

Yes, Nny?
I'm not happy.

>> No.3573284

George: [grimaces behind her back] oh... that's good

>> No.3573291
File: 907 KB, 320x240, I'm so fucking mad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We better take our guns along this time," Bigger said.

I fucking hate Native Sun

>> No.3573301

Last came Billy Pilgrim, empty handed, bleakly ready for death.


>> No.3573309

We also need an expression for dO/dt.

>> No.3573310

I am, I said, that I am.

>> No.3573311

"He wriggled past the ladder and walked in to the store"

Roughly translated. I don't get it.

>> No.3573313


"Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath."

Hits deep mang.

>> No.3573330

I think I get it. I should stop trying to climb the social ladder and just let that pass me. If I do, I'll walk in to the store, which either means wealth, success or heaven.

NEET lifestyle here I come.

>> No.3573331

"Navidson calls an old friend who teaches engineering at UVA."

>> No.3573353
File: 25 KB, 400x311, 1341723443419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Amoks trot along cutting off heads, faces sweet and remote with a dreamy half smile . . . Citizens with incipient Bang-utot clutch their penises and call on the tourists for help . . . Arab rioters yip and howl, castrating, disemboweling, throw burning gasoline . . .Dancing boys striptease with intestines, women stick severed genitals in their cunts, grind, bump and flick it at the man of their choice . . . Religious fanatics harangue the crowd from helicopters and rain stone tablets on their heads, inscribed with meaningless messages. . . Leopard Men tear people to pieces with iron claws, coughing and grunting . . . Kwakiutl Cannibal Society initiates bite off noses and ears . . . "

Sure it's a whole paragraph, but ain't it great?

>> No.3573373

"Hob made a duty to Merlyn, who returned it courteously."

All righty then.

>> No.3573381

Wham, over he went on his side, watering all over himself- in the roar we could hear him faintly cursing, like the whine of a man far across the hills.

well, shit.

>> No.3573401

'The depressed person's therapist - who had earned both a terminal graduate degree and a medical degree, and who was the self-professed exponent of a school of therapy which stressed the cultivation and regular use of a supportive healing - referred to these female friends as the depressed person's Support System.'

Not bad, but not entirely accurate. Let's try the next closest book:

'Someone was poking the dog, with a malacca.'


>> No.3573406

beyond louisiana to the northeast lay an uneasy confederation of of nations that had recently won it's independence from great britain-a schizophrenic and populace entity that had just begun to call itself the united states.
>what does it mean???
American Nations by Colin Woodward. Have't read it yet.

>> No.3573411
File: 52 KB, 533x284, laughyslav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better tell me what that's from anon.
I'm losing my shit right now,you owe me this,man.

>> No.3573421

I was to start there in the autumn term, which began in less than a month.

>> No.3573429
File: 128 KB, 780x1183, Guido-Renis-The-Adoration-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"These themes are repeated in many other contexts that deal with the Japanese postmodern condition in terms that come from poststructuralist texts."

Maroilyn Ivy, "Critical Texts, Mass Artifacts: The Consumption of Knowledge in Postmodern Japan", in "Postmodernism and Japan", Masao Miyoshi and H.D. Harootunian

>> No.3573431

"this is how the mighty gilgamesh comes to face his double."

well then...

>> No.3573432

Wenn aber auf dem Tisch eine flache Schüssel mit Fisch in glasiger Gallerte erschien, zwei große Fische Seite an Seite liegend, Kopf bei Schwanz wie ein Tierkreiszeichen, erkannten wir in ihnen das Wappen jenes Tages, das Kalenderemblem eines namenlosen Dienstags, und teilten es rasch unter uns auf, voller Erleichterung, daß der Tag in ihm seine Physiognomie wiedererlangt hatte.

>> No.3573478

The 32nd page is blank.

Pretty accurate.

>> No.3573507

"Do you know what dogs do to wolves?"

Am I the dog, or the wolf . . .

>> No.3573513

"Thus, in the later aswamdeha, the horse seems to have been excused romantic duties."

>> No.3573518

The swan extended another eight feet of neck and grave an imitation of steam escaping from a leaking pipe.

>> No.3573527

"Have you heard about the final test given to candidates to become interrogators for Stalin's secret police?"

What am I, a chair?

>> No.3573539

>With them there followed eighty black ships.

Thanks Homer.

>> No.3573543

I told you to be here at one today.

>> No.3573549

"I understand these things."

>> No.3573553

"Let us skip all that."

>> No.3573564
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"Some executives abstain from bribery because they are afraid of being punished."

Sweet, sweet corporate governance literature.

>> No.3573699

No da con Azevedo Bandeira; hacia la medianoche, en un almacén del Paso del Molino, asiste a un altercado entre unos troperos.
u w0t m(2^3)?

>> No.3573705

"Ала той би могъл да ги присъедини към своята империя и само през едно царуване би разширил Русия от Ботническия залив до устието на Дунав"

>> No.3573707


Borges, right?

>> No.3573712

"The ennui of the aesthetic life can be dealt with in another way- by the activity of an intelligence that seeks to escape from the oppressive influence of boredom by constantly varying the mood"

>> No.3573717


>> No.3573721

>Evolutionary, they evolve from prokaryote precursors.

accurate, actually

>> No.3573723


De puta madre. Borges y Cortázar son dons monstruos cuya obra puedo leer una y otra vez. Un abrazo.

>> No.3573743

Si, son muy buenos para ser argentinos los dos.

>> No.3573751


"Knowledge is not just plain knowing, but knowing-what-out-to-be-preferred, and hence knowing how to live."

P. Hadot, What is Ancient Philosophy

>> No.3573777

"One in a generation."
I am okay with this.
(Or am I? The desolate living; the loneliness whispering at your every step... /lit/, I'm not ready for this.)

>> No.3573949

"But what the gods give they quickly take away."
I guess no pretty things for me, then.

>> No.3573999

"This is the excellent foppery of the world, that when we are sick in fortune - often the surfeits of our own behavior - we make guilty of our disasters the sun, the moon, and stars, as if we were villains on necessity, fools by heavenly compulsion, knaves, thieves, and treachers by spherical predominance, drunkards, liars, and adulterers by an enforced obedience of planetary influence, and all that we are evil in, by a divine thrusting on."

Well... all right. In short it seems I do not take responsibility for anything.

>> No.3574078

"That was the rash gift of Alfred E. Smith to the people of New York City."

>The Crack-Up, F. Scott Fitzgerald

I don't live in NYC, I'm not rash, and my dad's not Alfred E. Smith.

>> No.3574207

"I am old, very old, and it is time for my afternoon nap."
H.P. Lovecraft A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson


It's especially sad cos its true.

>> No.3574245

"What is it that created respect and contempt and worth and will?"

Very okay with this

God is dead

>> No.3574250

slaughterhouse 5
"your situation is hopeless,' and so on."

well fuck me.

>> No.3574256

It was hard for us to be together not least because intellectually we had nothing in common.

>actually pretty accurate

>> No.3574260

"How ridiculous it all is, how unpleasant for the onlookers, how intolerable for the devout!"

Franz Kafka- The Complete Stories

>> No.3574265

>It was past midnight when he hit the street

Paul Auster, "City of glass"

>> No.3574266

"This is not a war," he used to say, "it is a comic opera with an occasional death."

Yeah okay that sounds about right. Haven't even read this book yet.

>> No.3574272
File: 744 KB, 1280x720, 32134143124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simon Scarrow, The Gladiator


Did I just get trolled?

>> No.3574291
File: 134 KB, 324x553, le_sad_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Larfing mein arse off:
Slavoj Zizek - Violence p. 32 last complete sentence:
"Then, in a kind of mockingly Hegelian negation of negation, the very dimension of otherness is cancelled: one does it with oneself."

pic related

>> No.3574295

"For example, the first letter of Quadrata is Q"

Bugger. GEB has been stuck on my desk for a month and it's usually more insightful than that.

>> No.3574311

Consequently, these laws of nature have only to be discovered, and man will no longer be responsible for his actions, and it will become extremely easy for him to live his life.

>> No.3574340
File: 47 KB, 397x230, Slavoj+Zizek+zizek+bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha, that actually laugh properly for the first time today

>> No.3574356
File: 522 KB, 490x265, zizi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dirty little swine

>> No.3574409
File: 70 KB, 460x320, comics_nil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"If only love were real, rather than a biological manipulation... sigh..."
>pic related (Nil: A Land Beyond Belief)

>> No.3574435

"Ja, es muss sein." Tomas said again.

>> No.3574451

I countered.
"what did you bring me?" I countered
it was the line directly after a quote, so it could go either way

>> No.3574458

Shit, this Kundera was so good.

>> No.3574482
File: 7 KB, 160x160, carmilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I was delighted with my companion; that is to say, in many respects."

B-b-but... I don't got no companion!

>> No.3574486

"And then?" his friend had asked.

>> No.3574490

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

>> No.3574554

'I don't think that you are hearing it'

>> No.3575455


>> No.3575460

>Ya veremos luego la prueba.

>> No.3575467

"But I knew she wasn't as strong as she predicted."
Whelp, I'm a rapist.

>> No.3575487

For those minutes courage flowed like wine out of the November dusk, and he was the eternal hero, one with the sea-rover on the prow of a Norse galley, one with Roland and Horatius, Sir Nigel and Ted Coy, scrapped and stripped into trim and then flung by his own will into the breach, beating back the tide, hearing from afar the thunder of cheers...finally bruised and weary, but still elusive, circling an end, twisting, changing pace, straight-arming...falling behind the Groton goal with two men on his legs, in the only touch-down of the game.

Fuck you F Scott Fitzgerald and your long fucking sentences.

>> No.3575493

"They said good-bye and went off in different directions."
Great forecast for my friendships, that one is.

>> No.3575498

'And you never hear the one that gets you.'

>> No.3575502

Radiation loss from the retort during cooling is estimated as 5000 btu.

>> No.3575503

"Supposing an important personage came to France, and wanted to meet the representative painters and have his portrait painted."


>> No.3575508

>know that feel

There is literally one fullstop on my 32nd page, it's in the middle so the first sentence and second sentence that it splits are both incomplete. How do you even do that? Fuck you DFW!

>> No.3575522

jeg skal gi dere en solid frokost for dere legger i vei

roughly, 'I will give you a hearty breakfast for the road'.

fuck yes. couldn't have asked for a better sentence.

>> No.3575595

"Leave me," said the matador who, now, repulsed and refused, felt the nakedness of his cowardice showing."


>> No.3575600

Plenty o' Lights.

>> No.3575624

I live next door to him.

>> No.3575639

"Similarly, the expanded Slavonic translation of Josephus, made in the tenth and eleventh centuries and transmitted by the Church, may reflect some contact with non-Christian Jewish sources current in the early Middle Ages, but is Christian in its presentation."

This is fucking stupid, OP

>> No.3575657

"Bacon and eggs may be taken as read, but say the word and we can do you a couple of kippers."

>> No.3575669

"Further, as no land is so well off as that which requires few imports, or none at all, so the happiest man is one who has enough in his own inner wealth, and requires little or nothing from outside for his maintenance, for imports are expensive things, reveal dependence, entail danger, occasion trouble, and when all is said and done, are a poor substitute for home produce."

I'm extremely fine with this.

>> No.3575671

>implying someone in his right mind would fuck wild a wild hog
>implying most people are in their right mind
fair enough you win

>> No.3575674

Yesterday sperm: tomorrow a mummy or ashes

>> No.3575677

/lit/ flashfiction collection?