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/lit/ - Literature

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3572367 No.3572367 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/
Young writter here, about to publish my first book. The thing is, I have 3 contract offers from 3 different editors, and I'd like to know if any of you guys here is a published author and if you guys have any tips or can tell me about mistakes you made that you could help me prevent.
Would like to know order of importance on such things has:
Contract salary
Number of copies printed
Number of countries avaliable in
Comission on sale.

Need help chosing editor contract for 1st book.

btw, i'm european and english is not my native language.

>> No.3572413


>> No.3572502

I doubt anyone else here has been published.
Can we have a paragraph?

>> No.3572533

Well it's in Portuguese. Do you still want to read it?

>> No.3572537

Stick it in Google Translate, or I'll do it.

>> No.3572561

>young writer here

stopped reading there. just dropping in to shitpost.

>> No.3572574

How tough is the market in a small country ? What genre do you write ? How long is your book ?
Just curiosity.

>> No.3572588

en-cantodapoesia on blogspot dot com
>blog has translate button.

what's wrong with bukowski?

>> No.3572595

bit tough. writting doesn't pay bills at all. It's mainly poetry

>> No.3572597


>what's wrong with bukowski

He's intolerably weak as a writer.

>> No.3572600

But will it compete with Antunes?

>> No.3572602

Have you ever read "Love is a Dog from Hell"?

What writter do you suggest? I'm not much of an expert in american literature.

>> No.3572605


>> No.3572610


Yes, I read most of his stuff in my teens.

My favorite American authors are Faulkner, Flannery O'Connor, Melville and Carson McCullers

>> No.3572618

will try and get a hold of some of their work then. But Bukowski has incredible work and I can't see why you would think otherwise. opinions.

>> No.3572633


What exactly is incredible about it? It's poor sentiment and grit.

>> No.3572639

OP speaks Portugese and if there was one insanely gifted and important writer speaking that language it would be Antunes. I'm sure there are others but he's "In the Hall of Fame Level." And if this is OP yeah, fine, I get it. A.L.A. never wrote poetry so you can't compare them, but I just meant if you would be on the same level of density, style, difficulty, etc.

>> No.3572644

It's the natural way he puts his emotions in words and the abstract, yet, direct way of showing them.

>> No.3572654

For people like the person responding to you up to this point and myself I guess it depends on how sentimental you are. I read Ham on Rye and hated it. I read some of his poems and short stories and hated them. If I'm going to read a transgressive minimalist I'd rather read Bret Easton Ellis. At least he doesn't drop sentences that sound like an old man giving out advice to young people.

>> No.3572662


Reading like a novice writer isn't interesting more than any other quirk.


Please don't get OP reading Bret Easton Ellis.

>> No.3572669

shrugs all around. I don't give two fucks what OP reads. It's just that I'd much rather read something like Less Than Zero when we talk about transgressive coming of age novels.

>> No.3572675

>gay people can't play straight people despite the existence of Ian McKellen and Rock Hudson
>I'm a fag
>Twitter dramaTwitter dramaTwitter dramaTwitter dramaTwitter dramaTwitter dramaTwitter dramaTwitter dramaTwitter dramaTwitter dramaTwitter dramaTwitter dramaTwitter drama

And then he died.

>> No.3572676

Saramago who won the nobel prize is more of a hall of famer in my opinion. I don't like to read Antunes. I like some stuff but can never read a full book or read for too long. The same is for Saramago.

>> No.3572683


I'd rather read anything by Bukowski than schlep through that waste of a novel again.

>> No.3572688

I only stated that I thought he wrote one novel that was better than Bukowski...I'm not sure what all the ad hominems are for here. I don't like the guy either but LTZ does a better job of representing the petty nihilism and exhaustion present in America during the 80s. I'm not sure why you're so fond of putting words in my mou-Oh right, I'm on /lit/

>> No.3572696


Please learn what ad hominem means.

>> No.3572697

I wasn't really attacking you; I was just expressing my disdain BEE.

>> No.3572706

Got it. So you prefer a more minimalistic style. I think Cormac McCarthy and Laszlo Krasznahorkai do a better job in the style but then again I'm very partial to the longer sentences and Proust influence (in the case of Antunes, not the other two although I wouldn't be surprised if LK were influenced by P.).

>> No.3572712

You made a personal assault on the writer rather than the work. I believe that still qualifies even if you're talking to someone else.

>> No.3572721

Exactly. Minimalistic. Even though it sounds a bit dumb when I say this, I will say it anyways. The book itself is to those who don't like to read. Sounds stupid right? But thinking that people should read, but some don't like to, why not make it easier? make them like it. In small doses. I'm trying to start a discussion on this topic though, this is my idea and it's well fundamented in my head, so.. Anyways, needless to say, my book is very minimalistic.

>> No.3572723

forgot to thant you for the recomendations. will search for their works.

>> No.3572903

not trying to make fun of you OP but it's writer and not writter...

>> No.3573413

As I said, english is not my native. But thanks for the correction

>> No.3573484

My Portuguese is not perfect, but I enjoyed the read.

So your books is a poetry book or something else?