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File: 258 KB, 774x1021, Fasces-scroll-quill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3571465 No.3571465 [Reply] [Original]

Say I am an aspiring Fascist, what literature would you recommend to me, /lit/? Particularly on classic Fascism.

>> No.3571468

The Futurist Manifesto

>> No.3571472

Sorry for being slightly off-topic, but why does Amazon overcharge for books relating to fascism so much? Is it another Jewish conspiracy?

Now to be on topic: check out Evola's Ride the Tiger.

>> No.3571475
File: 5 KB, 100x128, ADLHDVNHBCHTSBRG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aspiring Fascist


>> No.3571476

beasts can't read

>> No.3571481

Oh look, it's the thought police come to save the day!

>> No.3571483

the symbol of facism is a bundle of sticks bound around an axe.

a bundle of sticks is a faggot.

the symbol of fascism is a faggot with a sharp object.

it is perhaps the most singularly apt symbol ever devised by heraldry.

>> No.3571484


I had noticed that as well. I guess /pol/ might be onto something...

>> No.3571486

Mein Kampf

>> No.3571495


A likely troll but I will bite.

I have already read the English translations many years ago, but I don't trust any of the translations and I am not literate in German.

National Socialists are not Fascists.

>> No.3571510

Mind blown. Fascism is actual edgy faggotry.

>> No.3571515


never heard of that book

>> No.3571519

Il Trentino veduto da un Socialista

>> No.3571520

why is the fascist symbol a bundle of sticks and axe? I thought that was a roman thing?

>> No.3571521


I... I am speechless.

>> No.3571522


Where do you think Fascism originates from, dummy?

>> No.3571524

But the romans weren't fascists, they had a republic with an elected senate.

>> No.3571527

Don't you think that if you have already decided what you are gonna be when you grow up it's in your best interest now to read contrarian stuff and try to falsify your convictions rather than stroke your ego and indulge in confirmation bias?

Another proof that fascism is the sign of the dumb. Disgusting.

>> No.3571528

do you really expect fascists to know history?

>> No.3571533
File: 86 KB, 600x586, AREIZOO III.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3571534

>what is the Roman Empire?

>> No.3571537

avatarfagging is a bannable offence
don't push me, faggot

>> No.3571545


Mussolini wanted to model his state after the Romans, hence why Mussolini chose the Fasces to represent his party.

>> No.3571556

>Mussolini wanted to model his state after the Romans
they invoked the image of hurr durr prosperous past times to placate the masses; all talk no walk, might have _wanted_ to model his state after the Mount Olympus

>> No.3571560

National Socialism ideologically and structurally is pretty fucking close to fascism. Mein Kampf and the Zweites Buch are excellent manuals for a Volk-centric society.

>> No.3571574

>Mein Kampf and the Zweites Buch are excellent manuals for a Volk-centric society.
what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?
as opposed to what?

>> No.3571581

Hitler's books are great for a society of inbred, uncultured yokels.

>> No.3571583

As opposed to multicultural societies for one, assuming that by Volk-centric he means some form of actual nation state, that is, a nation united under a state on behalf of the nation.

>> No.3571598

>As opposed to multicultural societies for one
So Volk is not a multicultural society; nice tautology, son

>> No.3571624
File: 50 KB, 404x500, D'après_Maurice_Quentin_de_La_Tour,_Portrait_de_Voltaire_(c._1737,_musée_Antoine_Lécuyer).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you really think that the inequality and the problems of the society come from external agents and are not endogenous, and that is possible to make your country totally cultureproof, stopping any influence from the outside? If so, you are a dreamer, a weak that pursue an utopia.
Or are you an aspiring dictator? Or do you just need someone to fuck your ass while he tells you that everything will be ok?

>> No.3571626

Fascism is make-believe taken to the extreme, taken seriously only because of the force or threat of force.
1. make up shit that satisfies you aestetically but disregards empirically confirmed reality
2. usurp power
3. enforce your aesthetical sensibilities on others and squash dissent from those who don't share said sensibilities
4. ????
5. Err.. P-profit, I guess? At least until the reality catches up to your fantasies and bites you in the ass.

>> No.3571628

>Say I am an aspiring Fascist

/pol/ pls go

>> No.3571645
File: 52 KB, 500x334, 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: bourgeois liberal utilitarian hedonists demonize a political philosophy they haven't actually read or understood

Fascism is an historical conception in which man could not be what he is without being a factor in the spiritual process to which he contributes, either in the family sphere or in the social sphere, in the nation or in history in general to which all nations contribute. Hence is derived the great importance of tradition in the records, language, customs and rules of human society. Man without a part in history is nothing.

For this reason Fascism is opposed to all the abstractions of an individualistic character based upon materialism typical of the Eighteenth Century; and it is opposed to all the Jacobin innovations and utopias. It does not believe in the possibility of "happiness" on earth as conceived by the literature of the economists of the Seventeenth Century; it therefore spurns all the teleological conceptions of final causes through which, at a given period of history, a final systematisation of the human race would take place. Such theories only mean placing oneself outside real history and life, which is a continual ebb and flow and process of realisations.

Politically speaking, Fascism aims at being a realistic doctrine; in its practice it aspired to solve only the problems which present themselves of their own accord in the process of history, and which of themselves find or suggest their own solution. To have the effect of action among men, it is necessary to enter into the process of reality and to master the forces actually at work.

>> No.3571658


No, I think today's problems are a cause from the masses and their lack of discipline and rampant hedonism who do harmful things to their own kin.

A unified state is the best state, and people are too stupid to be trusted with democracy and social and economical liberty.

I am not hostile to foreigners just for the sake of them being foreign, but its more about keeping people in line and working together for a common goal.

>> No.3571662

pls go /pol/

>> No.3571674

Related to this, you might be interested in the ideas of Ibn Khaldun and Arnold Toynbee, OP:


Compare asabiyyah (group feeling/solidarity) to Volksgemeinschaft for example.

>> No.3571678


I'll take a look at these. Thank you.

>> No.3571680

shitposter pls go

>> No.3571682

Fascism is the ultimate expression of hedonism, except not of the suckered followers but of the pioneering avant-garde. Fascism is foremost about aesthetics rather than addressing actual problems and finding actual solutions relating to the fucking reality.

You are a factor in Fascism, sure, just a tool assigned to its arbitrary place by self-proclimed, manipulatory, usurpatory 'authority'.

You wanna play the game of being a tool, go ahead, who gives a fuck. The problem starts when you try to enforce it on others with your ridiculous claims on other peoples lives, history, ethics, accomplishments, knowledge, basically totalitarian grab at everything ever.

>Politically speaking, Fascism aims at being a realistic doctrine; in its practice it aspired to solve only the problems which present themselves of their own accord in the process of history, and which of themselves find or suggest their own solution. To have the effect of action among men, it is necessary to enter into the process of reality and to master the forces actually at work.
This is what the propaganda wants the tool to think. Since you abandoned reason as a sign of loyalty to your ideology (what a coincidental demand!) you are no longer able to see the signs of deception. You stripped yourself of the ability to ever realize you are being manipulated for arbitrary, personal goals of a cynical clique.

>> No.3571696


anarchists pls go

>> No.3571699

>doesn't agree with you
>clearly the though police

>> No.3571700

Thought police? giving your opinion is being the "thought police"? Fascists are a great example of what thought police is. You deserve to live on a fascist regime and see what it really is for yourself.

>> No.3571701

>advocating hierarchy
pig disgusting
/pol/ pls go

>> No.3571704

yeah, and this lack of discipline and rampant hedonism come from the outside? cause fascism is based on the belief that the masses are good, and the conflicts between different social classes aren´t endogenous
and what is this common goal? the only goal in a fascism regime is the government´s goal, so if you don´t want to be a dictator I don´t get the point
plus, a unified state would be the best state only if it was the only state in the world

>> No.3571710

>personal goals of a cynical clique
and by this I don't mean there's some shadowy conspiracy behind every fascist movement. I simply mean that fascism, as a result of its mechanics, is INCAPABLE of being anything other than a convoluted machine of enforcing goals and sensibilities of a small, avant-garde group. If you want to work for "the volk" (though fascist is historically about the STATE - the institution -, not the society), or any other collective, a totalitarian movement is the last thing you wanna choose.

how is this anarchist, moran? Not wanting to be a tool is anarchist thing now? jesus fucking christ

>> No.3571713

>bourgeois liberal utilitarian hedonists
you know who d´annunzio is?

>> No.3571714

>not bourgeois

>> No.3571717



>> No.3571721

>Politically speaking, Fascism aims at being a realistic doctrine;
lol it fails terribly then. Fascism regimes only serve to the capitalists as an extreme anti-communist weapon which isn't supposed to last long.

Fascism regurgitates the populist elements of socialism and tries to integrate them on an ideology which allows those rich capitalists who exploited the working class using 17th and 18th century economics and politics as a pretext, to continue exploiting the working class but getting rid of the menace that suppose anarchism and communism.

>> No.3571725

>unified state
Why not communism then?

>> No.3571727

btw OP, here in Italy we´re having a revival, looking closely you can understand how fascist propaganda works

>> No.3571733

Don't be tough on him, he clearly ignores the most fundamental facts about 20th century History.

>> No.3571742

it´s this propaganda or what? Cause a fascist doesn´t really believe in all this bullshit

>Fascism regimes only serve to the capitalists as an extreme anti-communist weapon which isn't supposed to last long.

>> No.3571765

>The Fascist: Hey guys, we're too cool for the usual left and right economics, so we're going to look past all that


>The Fagg- Fascist: Yeah. Basically, we're going to revere all people of our nation as equals


>Fascy: Yeah! We're gonna keep our corporations and provide for our people as well!


>The F-f-f-fascist: Here's your Room with a shit hole, a small cooking hot plate and the address to our employment office

>Joe, living like a hobo: OH-Oh... ok. I guess we all have to sacrifice :DDD
>But wait, why does Mr.Rebbit get to live lavishly?

>Mr. Rebbit: Oh shame on you, working man. I provide jobs for you! Besides, we are all equal anyway! Viva Italia or something like that!

>Joe: O-oh okay... y-you too.

The story ends with lil Joe Schmo getting a posterboy job and making enough to live. However, he needs a bike for this job. It get's robbed. He is unable to find it and succumbs to stealing someone elses bike. He fails. His son sees him trying to steal a bike. The son becomes OP, the leader of a Neo-Fascist state who never realized it was his fascism that made his Father the way he was in the first place.

>> No.3571770



>> No.3571771

>I think[...]
That's what you got? Your feeeelies?
Oh wow, seems like a great basis for social engineering and reshufling of the order.

Fascists are the dumbest lot, by far.

>> No.3571773
File: 25 KB, 217x314, Ladri3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you did there, anon. I'll see you in /tv/

>> No.3571782

>implying that all politics aren't really identity politics


>> No.3571788


Talking about The Comedian or the Dwarf? Both are fascist in a way.

>> No.3571795


Because Communism is based on the lie of egalitarianism.

>> No.3571799

I was always put off by that underwhelming zeal of people preaching any universilizable theory;any political philosophy, and despite my natural inclinations towards vaguely supporting the ideals of a historic, socio-archaeologic conception of Man, i was always disenheartened by my utter emotional detachment from the successes of others, be they any relevant demographic, ancestor, or future progeny. I see no sense in a "collective pride", mine is strictly a fascism of the particular

>> No.3571800

>muh tradition
>muh human nature

>> No.3571801

>though fascist is historically about the STATE

Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception is for the State; it is for the individual only in so far as he coincides with the State, universal consciousness and will of man in his historic existence. It is opposed to the classic Liberalism which arose out of the need of reaction against absolutism, and had accomplished its mission in history when the State itself had become transformed in the popular will and consciousness.

Liberalism denied the State in the interests of the particular individual; Fascism reaffirms the State as the only true expression of the individual.

And if liberty is to be the attribute of the real man, and not of the scarecrow invented by the individualistic Liberalism, then Fascism is for liberty. It is for the only kind of liberty that is serious—the liberty of the State and of the individual in the State. Because, for the Fascist, all is comprised in the State and nothing spiritual or human exists—much less has any value—outside the State. In this respect Fascism is a totalising concept, and the Fascist State—the unification and synthesis of every value—interprets, develops and potentiates the whole life of the people.

>> No.3571803


Please explain.

I'm considering unifying /pol/ just to oust bundles of sticks like yourself.

>> No.3571805

top lel

>> No.3571806

other 'politics' aren't totalitarian social engineering projects, they take into account all of the stakeholders, they don't rewrite history, they don't deny rights to the minority because they respect constitutional rights

>> No.3571814

egalitarianism isn't something you decide to believe in, you moron, it's something you WORK FOR

>> No.3571830


All men are not created equal. Some have higher mental faculties and willpower for intellectual or leadership pursuits while others have physical prowess for manual labor and other related tasks.

Fascism tosses aside egalitarianism and class warfare in favor of class collaboration and cooperation between state, people, and private enterprise.

It is like communism except without the social degeneracy, stagnant economy, and everyone having 3rd world living conditions.

>> No.3571836

>Some have higher mental faculties and willpower for intellectual or leadership pursuits while others have physical prowess for manual labor and other related tasks.
>not having all of those things
Rationalisation at work.

>> No.3571845

>not being an ubermensch

>> No.3571849
File: 114 KB, 800x532, 1936nurembergrally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only through the group, I realised — through sharing the suffering of the group — could the body reach that height of existence that the individual alone could never attain. And for the body to reach that level at which the divine might be glimpsed, a dissolution of individuality was necessary. The tragic quality of the group was also necessary, the quality that constantly raised the group out of the abandon and torpor into which it was prone to lapse, leading it to an ever-mounting shared suffering and so to death, which was the ultimate suffering. The group must be open to death — which meant, of course, that it must be a community of warriors.

>> No.3571851

>All men are not created equal
not surprised you need this battered starwman to help you live through the day

egalitarianism isn't descriptive, it is prescriptive, it states an end-goal to work for

>> No.3571856

We have considered subjective volition where it has an object which is the truth and essence of a reality, viz. where it constitutes a great world-historical passion. As a subjective will, occupied with limited passions, it is dependent, and can gratify its desires only within the limits of this dependence. But the subjective will has also a substantial life – a reality, – in which it moves in the region of essential being and has the essential itself as the object of its existence. This essential being is the union of the subjective with the rational Will: it is the moral Whole, the State, which is that form of reality in which the individual has and enjoys his freedom; but on the condition of his recognition, believing in and willing that which is common to the Whole. And this must not be understood as if the subjective will of the social unit attained its gratification and enjoyment through that common Will; as if this were a means provided for its benefit; as if the individual, in his relations to other individuals, thus limited his freedom, in order that this universal limitation – the mutual constraint of all – might secure a small space of liberty for each. Rather, we affirm, are Law, Morality, Government, and they alone, the positive reality and completion of Freedom. Freedom of a low and limited order, is mere caprice; which finds its exercise in the sphere of particular and limited desires.

>> No.3571861


>leftists having to resort to vulgar name-calling when their feelings are hurt

To "work" for equality, you must handicap the able and provide for the weak in order to satisfy your sentimentality. 1st world communists crack me up because they don't realize that they are sacrificing themselves in order to help foreigners who explicitly and openly exploit their generosity.


>> No.3571867

[D]emocracy, where freedom is the supreme good but freedom is also slavery. In democracy, the lower class grows bigger and bigger. The poor become the winners. Diversity is supreme. People are free to do what they want and live how they want. People can even break the law if they so chose. This appears to be very similar to anarchy.

Plato uses the "democratic man" to represent democracy. The democratic man is the son of the oligarchic man. Unlike his father, the democratic man is consumed with unnecessary desires. Plato describes necessary desires as desires that we have out of instinct or desires that we have in order to survive. Unnecessary desires are desires we can teach ourselves to resist such as the desire for riches. The democratic man takes great interest in all the things he can buy with his money. He does whatever he wants whenever he wants to do it. His life has no order or priority.

>> No.3571874

the comedian, the other one is a ganster and yeas also fascist in a way, but the comedian screams totalitarian and racist thoughts, portrays the masses like the truth bearer (ok I don´t know if this expression exist in english) and fakes leftwing ideas to gain votes.
Some of the elected people from his party have already said that fascism wasn´t that bad, and in his party independent thinking is not accepted (that´s not just my opinion, it was like this before and now he´s also saying it).
But what is really fascist is the fact that he´s full of contradictions.

>> No.3571875

>it states an end-goal to work for

But why work toward that goal? It is self-destructive and against the natural order of things. It is based not on logic but rather on delusional compassion towards their antagonists.

>> No.3571879

so it's essentially all about you
even the fascists recognized how retarded that is

>> No.3571885

meh, you just bring individualism to another level, you identify yourself with a state and you think just for your state. Fuckin idiot

>> No.3571886

>All men are not created equal.
Well alright, I agree. Some have mental deficiencies, physical disabi-

>Some have higher mental faculties and willpower for-


>Fascism tosses aside egalitarianism and class warfare in favor of-

No. You're trying to be edgier than already edgy philosophy. SHut up.

>It is like communism except without the social degeneracy, stagnant economy, and everyone having 3rd world living conditions.


Captcha: Milton Austria

>> No.3571895




>> No.3571896

>Fascism is for liberty[...]
And what follows to give any credibility to this claim? Ridiculous mumbo-jumbo rambling invoking self-contradictory catchphrases that would put moralizing pedo priests to shame. Series of laughable non sequitur and outright oxymorons.

>> No.3571904

Oh yeah, ab-b-b-b-bout those books, guys... Guys?

>> No.3571908


Yeah I'm italian too mate and I'm so fucking scared. He's trying to ostracize members of his party that didn't follow his ideas.

>> No.3571912

but you didn't

>> No.3571914

all the quotes come from b00ks

>implying leftist propaganda isn't mumbo jumbo


RAH RAH FIGHT THE POWER LET'S BE INDIVIDUALISTS TOGETHER (btw restrict voting to the capitalist class and then support the reactionaries in quelling communism while we profit from imperialism by combating "evil authoritarian fascists")

>> No.3571915

Well, the left still had a good share of the votes regardless.

>> No.3571916


And nor will it ever happen, because it is full-retard, guano-crazy.

>> No.3571925

>But why work toward that goal?
Because it is in your fucking best interest. It really tires me that I have to point this out but stupid, simple people (I am looking at you here, totalitarians) are the first to be offed.

This is the magic of fascist aesthetics working here. Because of all those imposed images and claims of how special you are and how magical things can be, you can't see that you are just a random pleb, the tool to be used and disregarded; and that the only thing that saves you (at least in part) from being suckered off is pluralist, liberal democracy.

You want to commit an elaborate, convoluted suicide, fine. Just leave me and others out of this.

>> No.3571929

yeah because fascism is a really level headed and well thought out ideology

>> No.3571941

Calm down, son, no need to overreact. It's really cute that you can copy-paste text from books without comprehending jack shit. My post was about a particular claim of fascism leading to (any form) of liberty. I said nothing about 'leftist propaganda'. So, following your logic, two wrongs make a right?

>> No.3571952

>Dictatorship of the Proletariat!
>I literally have no idea what to do once the state has been smashed, and I just assume that things will work themselves out, but smash the state anyway!
>arguably catapulted 3-4 world powers out of the Great Depression in record time
>had a coherent governmental and economic structure regardless of whether you agree with it
>almost conquered the entire world

>> No.3571961

fascism preserve liberalism, just read some history books

I´m scared too, but in the ends he seems to be a lot more dumber than B so maybe he won´t last long
the scary thing is how gullible we are, they just need to change face and repeating that the are different

>> No.3571968

don't worry, no matter what happens, nothing will happen, because it's just italy

>> No.3571972

>leftists having to resort to vulgar name-calling when their feelings are hurt
so your feelings have been hurt and that leads you to criticize others' feelings being hurt
can't tell if you are trolling or brain-dead retarded by now

>1st world communists
you sure must be an ignorant amerifat to think anything I wrote signifies communism

all your posts show that you are the "weak" one here, can't you see it? you are the intellectual rock bottom, YOU are the first to be shot as a ballast slowing TEH VOLK

don't you see we all 'communists'(LOL) here fight to save your useless life?

>> No.3571973

haha oh man you have no idea what you're talking about

you forgot to mention how long those world powers lasted

>authoritarian government


>> No.3571980
File: 36 KB, 477x354, 5sz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>longevity the metric of desirability

>> No.3571987

The earth has become small, and on it hops the last man, who makes everything small. His race is as ineradicable as the flea; the last man lives longest.
'We have invented happiness,'say the last men, and they blink. They have left the regions where it was hard to live, for one needs warmth. One still loves one's neighbor and rubs against him, for one needs warmth...
One still works, for work is a form of entertainment. But one is careful lest the entertainment be too harrowing. One no longer becomes poor or rich: both require too much exertion. Who still wants to rule? Who obey? Both require too much exertion.
No shepherd and one herd! Everybody wants the same, everybody is the same: whoever feels different goes voluntarily into a madhouse.
'Formerly, all the world was mad,' say the most refined, and they blink...
One has one's little pleasure for the day and one's little pleasure for the night: but one has a regard for health.
'We have invented happiness,' say the last men, and they blink."

>> No.3571996

This entire time, I thought I was posting on /pol/. Stay classy, /lit/.

>> No.3572004

I like communism too.

>> No.3572007
File: 18 KB, 480x280, thehitlergirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no fascist waifu ;_;

>> No.3572009



>Transcendent Perennial Feathered Sun Vedic Master tier
Evola, Guénon, Schuon

>Good tier

>Edgy faggot tier
Hitler, nearly everything else

>> No.3572049

>Transcendent Perennial Feathered Sun Vedic Master tier
Evola, Guénon, Schuon
cool list bro, add Hubbard while you are at it

>> No.3572060
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>> No.3572635


Any doctrine or science not anchored in traditional metaphysics is dangerous or worthless. Quit being a filthy modern.

>> No.3572643

define el traditionale

>> No.3572659

>aspiring fascist
>"Hey, /lit/. I really want to believe this political theory but I haven't read enough books supporting it to convince myself yet."

>> No.3572660

Pretty-much this.

Also remember that the ancient Roman Empire has been often seen as a Fascist empire and that any texts on them may help.

Hitler's writings are for Emo-wanna-be-neo-nazis. They dont have enough brain power to argue in favour of thier political stance so they have to ''blame it on da juuuzzz''

>> No.3573418 [DELETED] 


>> No.3573420


>> No.3573444

buttblasted kike or nigger detected

>> No.3573458

we really need some kind of /pol/ filter

>> No.3573460

More like we need more intelligent, more astute posters.

If you all weren't such goddamn morons none of the shit threads would flourish.

>> No.3573461


They're all busy over at >>>/lgbt/ right now

>> No.3573499

You know /lit/, the more I hear about different ideologies, the more I learn and the more I analyze my environment, the more I lean towards Daoism and becoming a simple unassuming man, instead of building castles of hot air and trying to impose them on others. Because in the end, if the boundless mind of a good man can't do its part towards making a better future circumstance, what can then be trusted?

>> No.3573508


No true Scotsman fallacy.

>> No.3573511

>More like we need more intelligent, more astute posters.

Impossible as long as you post here.

>> No.3573515

what are you, twelve?

>> No.3573517



>> No.3573541

The Mein Kampf is unreadable, questionable content aside, it is one of the worse written pieces of shit ever put in print, quite literally the ramblings of a maniac.

>> No.3573895

Do you get Jewbucks for saying this or do you just do it out of a pathetic desire to lick your masters' boots?

Go post anonymously about how many times you checked your privilege today. I'm sure the feminists will send someone to take your virginity right away.

>> No.3573936

Hitler is a shitty prose stylist, that's all.

>> No.3573942

Seconding Julius Evola

And get yourself some books on Sparta, they were the first and best fascists.

>> No.3573953

What's with all the fucking fascists coming to us for intellectual confirmation?

Fascism is an ideology for the backwards. Fuck off.

>> No.3573956

>has never actually heard hitler speak
if they showed you hitler's actual words in school, everything else they teach about world war 2 would be endlessly quesitoned
remember, winner gets to right history

>> No.3573958

sometimes its necessary and no other way to achieve some sort of justice
jsut look towards chris dorner and how he legally could not do shit to stop police corruption because anybody higher up with any authority to do anything was just a promoted crooked cop.

>> No.3573961

The fact that America is failing to be a proper democracy does not make fascism necessary.

>> No.3573967

some people can only be pushed so far

>> No.3573968

Why can't you just read about Fascism without accepting it or wanting it implemented?

I read Marx even though I think he was wrong about alot of shit.

Face it, reading Evola is fun as fuck.

>> No.3573981

>Face it, reading Evola is fun as fuck.

Strictly speaking, radical traditionalism isn't fascism.

>> No.3573984

Which is why Evola was disliked by both Mussolini and Hitler's gov't and they couldn't put him on trial for fascism. At least I think that's accurate.

>> No.3574134
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>>Mindlessly "choosing" a halfwit ideology and then asking in the web for books to feed and "fit" into the brown shirt, without learning first about all other ideologies and not even considering making your own, personal view of the world.

Yup, I'd say you have what it takes to be a fascist. Actually, you're halfway there, Dux.

>> No.3574173
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>> No.3574174

Robert Michels - Political Parties. He's the one who came up with the Iron law of Oligarchy I think. Corrado Gini has a good essay on Fascism I think. Carl Schmitt. "Mussolini's Intellectuals" is a decent book too. Probably read Trotsky's critique of Fascism since that basically formed the far-left view of Fascism, and if you're openly Fascist you'll probably be hearing it again and again.

>> No.3574192

I like Carl Schmitt's categorization of friend and enemy (I'm not a fascist btw).

>> No.3574214

>gets mad when somebody calls Hitler a shitty writer Hitler
>"do you just do it out of a pathetic desire to lick your masters' boots"
Oh, that extreme projection.
Now the ones who don't one to live under the orders of a supreme leader are the ones who want to live under the orders of one supreme leader. Makes perfect sense.

lol true.

>> No.3574315

wtf man, chris dorner could not do shit to stop police corruption cause the system was already too fascist

>> No.3574631
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Oh, but I have! I already have books across many political ideologies. Even those I despise such as Americanism and Marxist philosophies. I already have Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto on my reading list, but I need more fascist material in order to complete the set.

Even after reading across abroad spectrum of ideas, fascism captivates me the most, and if you are offended by that than I am sorry? The unprovoked, unwarranted butthurt in this thread is amusing to say the least.

Here, I have taken the initiative and procured a diagnoses for all the leftists in this thread.

>> No.3574634


I greatly appreciate the effort and thoughtfulness, but I am no reactionary. I am a revolutionary fascist. I will definitely take a look through it though.

>> No.3574644


Yeah, I liked that too. I often mention Michels because I think he doesn't really get the recognition he deserves. The Iron Law of Oligarchy that emerges from his book is pretty interesting to me. It's unfortunate that Fascism has been so buried in some ways. And ironic too, since the Fascist manifesto is so leftwing on a lot of points! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascist_manifesto)) I guess that's politics for ya.

>> No.3574659


Excellent. This is exactly what I am looking for. Opinions both from fascists themselves and their critiques.

I am not openly fascist because that is dangerous from where I am from (minorityville, USA.)

>> No.3574669


I had made the same connection on the fascist manifesto and its left-wing platform. Was a lot of its tenets used officially? It seems so bizarre--almost communistic. Would love to get my hands upon a physical copy of it, but fascist literature is obviously very lacking in retail...

>> No.3574671

Don't kid yourself, you are neither. You are a fucking joke, an ignorant, half-wit poseur.

>> No.3574673

My relatives were killed by fascists, sorry my butt is sore, but you are either ignorant or an edgy cunt and you deserve every nasty thing to ever come your way

>> No.3574678


and how could you make that assumption based on the little information you have of me? Also, sage is not a down-vote.

>> No.3574685

babby haz three books

time to read them now, innit?

>> No.3574696

Every sentence you utter shows you must be a retard on life support. Coincidentally, that means you are first in line for gas. Can't wait, hurry up already with your great projects.

>> No.3574698


I can sympathize with that and I really don't mean to sound offensive here, but in the grander scheme of things our own lives are but grains of sand. Think of all the family's of fascists that were murdered by capitalistic and communist countries. Would they be just as justified in their hatred? It is all about perspective. Again, I honestly don't intend to marginalize you or your suffering, even despite your ill-curses, but I could say that no one is truly innocent.

>> No.3574708

You must have never heard of a concept of cause and effect, the basis of 'justice'.

Not surprised, /pol/ is famous for catering to primary school rejects.

>> No.3574731
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You know what you need, kiddo? You need to develop cancer or have somebody from your loved ones to suffer something deeply traumatic, that way you are going to wake up to the fact that life is too short to be angry all the time.

One day you will mature and life's punches will put you in the right track. Hopefully it won't be too late when you learn the basics of existing: be happy, don't judge others, love yourself and love your neighbor.

"That's where it's at".

>> No.3574736
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you now realize this retard has voting rights

>> No.3574745

I don't want or respect your sympathy. Obviously your opinion is your own, but downplaying the consequences of fascist ideology by comparing it to those of other governments (admittedly brutal ones) is a narrow-minded interpretation of history.

>> No.3574756

Burke and Hegel. Gibbon.

>> No.3574765

>have somebody from your loved ones to suffer something deeply traumatic, that way you are going to wake up to the fact that life is too short to be angry all the time.

Been through it, still not repentant at all--in fact I think it has only strengthened my convictions.

From the looks of it, I also appear to be the least angry person here. I must admit that I am guilty of feeling entertained by all of it. The rampant asspain amuses me greatly. I managed to acquire literary ideas from helpful posters AND troll commie hacks? I really couldn't ask for much more. Please, proceed.

>> No.3574766

it's obvious that the worst that our little sandpit fascist experience in his life is a running nose

I remember that one time we had a thread where some spoiled 40K$ GDP per capita swedeboy was planning genocides left and right and asking why we had problem with it.

>> No.3574778

But do you enjoy the idea that, of all of us here, you are first to go to gas? it's really imporant, please respond.

>> No.3574780
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Spot on. Kid throws his imaginary toys out of the pram, asks for life guidance in an anonymous website, and then rides the high horse. Pretty... amusing, I'd say.

>> No.3574788


Please, I am a gentlemen! Untermensch first :)

>> No.3574794

By Hegel you mean Philosophy of Law?
But then again, he's shared by old and young hegelians.
And Burke is conservative not fascist.
But in lieu of this, I'd add Filmer's Patriarchia.

>> No.3574801
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Read Paxton's History of Fascism. It is a historical and political fact that fascism is nothing. There is no single, unifying ideology and it is just a bunch of halfwits copy pasting from here and there into a muddy, amorphous and chaotic mass of mumbo jumbo.

There is no such thing as "politically speaking" when dealing with fascism. There are "versions", "different experiential fascisms", etc.

Don't get me started for I will scholarly wipe my ass with your incomplete thoughts and childish beliefs, son.

>> No.3574813


>There is no single, unifying ideology and it is just a bunch of halfwits copy pasting from here and there into a muddy, amorphous and chaotic mass of mumbo jumbo.

How is that different than other ideologies? Communism has so many variations that it can hardly be said that anyone follows Marx's original intent. Democracy also varies from place to place. There is no such thing as a completely pure and infallibly coherent ideology. To say otherwise is biased and dishonest.

>> No.3574817

>There is no single, unifying ideology and it is just a bunch of halfwits copy pasting from here and there into a muddy, amorphous and chaotic mass of mumbo jumbo.

Oh, please. Find me a single political ideology that can't be boiled down to this. You're just cherrypicking.

>> No.3574826
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Are you a political scientist? If you are, please return your degree asap.

Read. Far from scholarly but a very good summary for the laymen.

>> No.3574829


You are falling into a fallacy.

See what I recommended to read to the other dude.

>> No.3574830

>Communism has so many variations that it can hardly be said that anyone follows Marx's original intent.
What do you think that was? Do you know what that was?

>> No.3574835


>Are you a political scientist? If you are, please return your degree asap.

Nope, I am STEM master race.

>Read. Far from scholarly but a very good summary for the laymen.

I have a suspicion that this is hardly told from a neutral narrative.

>> No.3574838


(e.g. Moaism is an abortion of a spin-off ideaology of Marx and Engel's ideas in the Communist Manifesto.)

>> No.3574847

>(e.g. Moaism is an abortion of a spin-off ideaology of Marx and Engel's ideas in the Communist Manifesto.)
Thank you for sharing that, but what is Marx's "original intent" vis a vis communism? That is, answer the question dunderhead.

>> No.3574851

>Neutral narrative
you saucy little jackboot

>> No.3574852

>STEM master race
>caught in outdated modernist crap

There's a reason we abandoned that shit.

>> No.3574854


Stem cell researcher? Sorry, I'm lost.

Paxton biased? Well, if you wish to brush aside just like that the Mellon Professor Emeritus of Social Science in the Department of History of Columbia University, you and I have nothing to debate.

I am truly sorry that I wasted my time here.

>> No.3574858

>Hello everyone, I really like communism as an ideology, could you recommend some books?
>Here you go friend! communism never hurt anyone after all!

>Hello everyone, I really like fascism as an ideology, could you recommend some books.
>You're a fucking joke kid, grow up you child. Fascism is disgusting.

>> No.3574863

Neither of those things have happened, take your meds bro.

>> No.3574865

>getting that treatment
yeah no

>> No.3574866


mom, you said genocide will be ready by supper, what the fuck?

>> No.3574869
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What a clown. Do you even understand that Marxism contains very useful research tools for unbiased, impartial scholars, while fascism has very little to offer academically speaking?

Gee, /lit/ is full of kids who think of everything as a competition and see black and white in their infinite ignorance! The horror

>> No.3574873

Nice strawmanning.

>> No.3574875


What do you want me to do, cite the entire book for you?

A concept told from a materialistic point of view of a temporary dictatorship before a truly egalitarian, classless, purely cooperative, anarchistic society that does away with exploitation and tyranny and everyone lives happily ever after in happy-go-lucky sunshine land so they can fuck each other's bums for the rest of time. EXCEPT that every dictator save perhaps Lenin, didn't ever intend on giving up their power and were essentially corrupt psuedo-workers states.


>> No.3574879
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you now realise you can't tell the difference between pic and OP

>> No.3574882

B-but my modernism and my denial of post-modern...
My callback to tradition and nation, even if it made up for the fascist narrative.

>> No.3574883


I could only assume as much due to your previous snarky comment.

>> No.3574887

In case you understood me, I was criticizing this asshole shitting on a text about fascism that wasn't his idyllic depiction. If not, i have no idea what you're on about

>> No.3574890

it's ok, I was commenting on hitlers 'neutral narrative'

>> No.3574893

oh allright my man.

>> No.3574894
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>dat strawman

>> No.3574898

>Neither of those things have happened

Did you happen to have skipped through this entire thread?

>> No.3574900

>A concept told from a materialistic point of view
This is perhaps the thing of most substance in your post, and even that screams you don't have a clue.

>> No.3574902

Holy shit. Could everybody stop ass-mangling themselves because the guy is a Fascist looking for books on Fascism?

>> No.3574906

can you stop whining about whining? holy shit

>> No.3574909

Were you hoping I had? I don't think you'd suspend disbelief if I had not anyway, if that makes you feel any better.

>> No.3574919

Please guys go on. It's a great thread so far.

>> No.3574921


If he is a fascist, whatever that is, then he should know his books.

>> No.3574926



>> No.3574928

have you missed those?

>> No.3574931

wait, you have no idea what this word means, don't you?

>> No.3574935

Leviathan by Hobbes is an obvious one.

>> No.3574938


Perfectly. Do you?

>> No.3574943


I must admit, it has certainly far exceeded my expectations.

>> No.3574971

Well, personally, I kinda like fascism and especially toddler fascists like those in this thread. Pragmatically speaking, fascism is an elaborate suicide cult. All those suckers work (that's an euphemism, spoiled little brats don't really do jack shit) for their own destruction. If their wet dream ever came to fruition I'd wager, 99 times out of 100, that they would be squashed and disposed of like little worms they are.

>> No.3574982


Fascism is the only way the west could ever hope to survive at this rate. There can only be Fascism or death at the point, and to say otherwise is a clear indicator that you seek its destruction with open arms.

>> No.3574994

This is very important so listen, I know what I'm talking about. Giving me all your money is the only way the west could ever hope to survive at this rate. This is totally true. You can salute and hail me and parade around if you want. Leave your email, I'll message you with my paypal.

>> No.3575003

I might also add Rousseau as perhaps providing the theoretical justification for a State with absolute power

>> No.3575007

>all of this buttdevastation over a guy asking for books

This thread has demonstrated that anti-fascism really is the new fascism. You aren't as open-minded as you would like to think, people.

>> No.3575010
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Does anyone here have a clear definition of fascism?

>> No.3575011

little babby forgot the part where OP showed his true colors while posting posts in a thread

>> No.3575016

So by your definition, fascism is defined by narrowmindedness?

>> No.3575018

Nice try bro. I hope you will enjoy being a mindless tool. Some people just want to ruin everything with their hate, when we could actually build a good society. I hope I will live to the day we get rid of people like you and communism will triumph.

>> No.3575025
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>> No.3575029

Emile Cioran had a book, The Transfiguration of Romania, which was fascist. I don't think it was ever translated from the Romanian though since he sort of wanted to forget about it after the war.

>> No.3575032

you really think there is one?

>> No.3575035


>Nice try bro. I hope you will enjoy being a mindless tool.
> I hope I will live to the day we get rid of people like you and communism will triumph.

Me too, then we can be mindless tools together!

>> No.3575036

Isn't 'fascism' the means to the end of communism? At least as far as communism has been striven for in practice?
I'm >>3575010 , still searching for some definition

>> No.3575039

>dat tab


>> No.3575046

>get rid of people like you
oh look, another fascist

>good society
he even imposes his simplistic concept of morality on others

>> No.3575052

>Dictionary definition
So have all right-wing authoritarian governments been fascist? Curious

I'm trying to find out, maybe there isn't

>> No.3575053

Oh yeah, and Lovecraft expresses many fascist ideas in his letters. Some of it is just him throwing in opinions here of history and there, but he also throws in deeper political statements too.

>> No.3575060

>implying communism is not about pluralism

at least I'm not full with hate and therefore easily controllable

>> No.3575069


No, you are just very stupid and therefore easily controllable.

>> No.3575088

The whole point of fascism is that it isn't a mechanism but a movement. Mussolini regarded Stalinism as essentially fascism. It's a state centered around a people/community that has strong group solidarity - how it actually confronts economic and administrative problems is ad hoc. The idea is that a strong people will overcome challenges and grow from them, not just schematize a materialist, utopian economic/bureaucratic doctrine.

It's essentially voluntary autocracy that tries to subsume the autocrat to the glory of the people. Socially it prizes conflict, strife, aggression, war, etc., as the crucibles of human virtue. Man attains to the highest and truest expression of himself when his individuality is realized in the State. In a sense man only justifies his existence in those moments. It's like in Hegel: history is the "slaughterbench", and eras of peace and calm are aberrations from the norm and from progress.

>> No.3575100

>The whole point of fascism is that it isn't a mechanism but a movement
nah, it's the other way around
it is a mechanism employed by cynical fuckers that suckers useful idiots into a mock movement

>> No.3575106

>Mussolini regarded Stalinism as essentially fascism
I think that's the general consensus nowadays.

>> No.3575111

authoritarian yes, fascist not so much

>> No.3575115

>Socially it prizes conflict, strife, aggression, war, etc., as the crucibles of human virtue.
That's also the whole idea behind futurism. So there's that. but we all know that futurism was proto-fascism. Yet I'm strangely drawn to futurist art...

>> No.3575116


removing/hiding the internal conflicts in the society, makin the masses believe that all the problems comes from the outside, and not from the system and how it works

>> No.3575117



No, Stalin wasn't a Fascist because he was a cosmopolitan and social liberal. He was only interested in himself and reveled in the misery of others while he lived lavishly. Not even Hitler did such things to his own people.

>> No.3575124

I think that if fascism abstained from physical violence it would be the best political system. You know, like a kind of Gandhi fascism. Can you recommend some books on this?

>> No.3575129

EU equating the crimes of Stalinism (bolshevism) and Nazism and Fascism seems to be implicitly saying that.

How so? He was until post WWII for socialism in one state.

>> No.3575137

>I think that if fascism abstained from physical violence it would be the best political system
Cool opinion bro, based on great evidence no less, namely, your opinion. Yeah that's right: opinion based on an opinion, typical fascist's reasoning works like that. And what follows is forceful enforcement of your personal opinion on others, because we both know your retarded senstibilities stand no chance in a pluralist, democratic process. It's such a sad think that you can't see how retarded you are. This fascism thing is like a state sponsored retard clinic, isn't it?

>> No.3575138


I have similar sentiments, although not pacifistic. I think Fascism would've been a huge success if it didn't always attempt to dive headfirst into any and all conflict as it possibly can.

>> No.3575157

>EU equating the crimes of Stalinism (bolshevism) and Nazism and Fascism seems to be implicitly saying that.
Non sequitur. It does not follow that state system under stalin was fascist

>> No.3575158

>cosmopolitan and social liberal

Haha no, have you ever heard of The Great Retreat?

>> No.3575162


Take your butthurt elsewhere

>> No.3575168

go fuck yourself, princess
can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen, woman

>> No.3575169

Yeah I was maybe out of bounds saying that Stalin is fascist. Maybe under the Frankfurt school for critical sociology definition of fascism of everyday life...
But if I meant that I'd say it.. So yeah.

>> No.3575174

>not identifying SRS and immediately ignoring it


>> No.3575177

for our little toddler /pol/ fascist, 99% of humanity must be SRS

ain't that cute

>> No.3575186


I have really tried being civil, but I see my tolerance is wasted on Bolshevist proles.

I can already tell by your writing style that you have already posted over 10 or so times so far airing your pained anus.

Don't you have something else you could be doing rather than shitting up my thread with your asshurt such as browsing /lgbt/ or fucking yourself at your Karl Marx shrine?

>> No.3575189

>based on great evidence no less, namely, your opinion
What evidence you want? There is time for arguments but you can throw arguments endlessly and never acquire anything. If you think science will be 100% correct if it comes to predict effects of an ideology on the society then you are wrong.

> we both know your retarded senstibilities stand no chance in a pluralist, democratic process
Well it's only like, you know, your opinion, man.

>> No.3575206

Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen, adolf.

Damn son, I thought you were planning all those magnificent death camps and shit with your ubermensch buddies at /pol/ but you seem incappable of taking a few harmless imageboard posts without breaking down in tears. I have bad news for you. Remember that 'first in line for gas' thing? Yeah...

>> No.3575211

Jesus Christ, shut the fuck up. The only response you've given to any argument presented to you is "you're dumb you don't get it." You apparently have no articulable counter-argument to anything he has said. Either you are a troll or a state-school-tier retard and in either case you are pathetic. Go shitpost somewhere else.

>> No.3575220


Alright, you got me. I am a little perturbed that that you are wasting precious space that could be better used on posters who do not routinely breath out of their mouths.

The amusement becomes less and less entertaining and more and more tired when it is only the same person making the same troll posts over and over again ad nauseam. At the very least I suppose I should be thanking you for giving me a valid reason to bump my thread.

>> No.3575234

/lit/ doesn't like /pol/ threads so a few regulars troll threads like these into the dust by posting obviously inflammatory and insultingly dismissive shit.

Happens in every feminist thread, every liberal/conservative thread, and so on. Sometimes they break down and admit that they do it because they simply don't want this kind of conversation on /lit/, but that they don't particularly oppose it ideologically.

Just ignore it you retards. Only reply to posts that have good argumentation. Actually talk about the literature that pertains to the subject. No flamewar, no typing walls of text in response to "lel you're a toddler", no problems.

>> No.3575238


I recall several months ago of a thread discussing Fascism that was rather civil for the most part. Why the change of heart all of a sudden?

>> No.3575315


>> No.3575339

And this is exactly why nobody takes the thread seriously. See:

>> No.3575342

Yes, everything is the jews' fault. Even fascist's stupidity, this is the jews' fault too.

>> No.3575408


Thank you for your unwanted input on the matter, AnalCrust.

>> No.3575409

>Only reply to posts that have good argumentation.

Which would be none.

>> No.3575433

mein kampf?

>> No.3575446


Already read. Need new material.

>> No.3575451

The Communist Internet Defense Force.

The actual one, not the Mao Gorilla Police Force.

>> No.3575474

No need to thank me, I do it purely for pleasure.

>> No.3575733

Here's to hoping Hitler gets a second chance.

>> No.3575760

fascists don't read. that's a jew thing to do.

>> No.3575761

your name is disgusting

>> No.3575809

This thread is embarrassing. Usually the worst thing to come out of fascist threads are a few edgy cringe-worthy posts by teenagers about how they'd be a great leader, but all the anti-fascist spam in this thread is just amazing. I'm sure all the artists, writers, philosophers, politicians, and economists that endorsed fascism were just "edgy backwater thugs".

OP, if you want a quick introduction to the movement in Italy at the time, I'd sugest you check out the Doctrine of Fascism and the Futurist Manifesto. They're both pretty good reads.

After that, if you want to move on to a more philosophical look on the movement, you should read Nietzsche (it's arguable how much he would have supported fascism, however he had a lot of effect on NAZI Germany), Plato's Republic, and of course, Julius Evola.

If you want to read some history on Fascism, Sparta actually was arguably one of the first (and most) fascist states. It's interesting to read about, and actually had a really good run.

Hope you're still around and the butthurt spam in this thread hasn't driven you away. Vincere e vinceremo!

>> No.3575819

>Sparta actually was arguably one of the first (and most) fascist states
We plain don't know. People have argued it was similar to all kinds of political systems, but there's really not enough information about it, apart from a handful of peculiarities.

>> No.3575832


I am still here. A few colon-pinched commie scoundrels aren't going to deter me.

This is exactly the type of post I have been seeking. Thank you very much! This has everything I have been looking for. I am eager to read through them.

>> No.3575907

>I'm sure all the artists, writers, philosophers, politicians, and economists that endorsed fascism were just "edgy backwater thugs".
pretty much

>> No.3575945

I disagree. Obviously it's hard to say for sure what any ancient political system was like, I think that Sparta was definitely closer to what could be considered a fascist state (highly racialist, autocracy, war/struggle oriented, ect.) than any most other societies. Obviously it wasn't fascist in the sense that fascism didn't exist back then, but it had a very similar structure.

Good to see you're here still. I'm really quite disappointed at the conduct in this thread, a few months ago you would have gotten a lot of genuinely good answers.

So Churchill and Gandhi were backwater thugs? I'd love to hear what you think civilized people are like.

>> No.3575974

If fascism is so good why Italy was and is shitty?
no troll

>> No.3575980

Fascism actually brought Italy to it's least shitty state since the Renaissance.

>> No.3575984


>> No.3575987

Shitty economic policies? Not to mention going through two world wars. To be honest I'm not an expert at all, I just have an interest in the philosophy and art centered around it, and pretend to be a fascist to piss people off.

>> No.3575995

>To be honest I'm not an expert at all, I just have an interest in the philosophy and art centered around it, and pretend to be a fascist to piss people off.

Edgy faggotry, if you will.

>> No.3576019

>Edgy faggotry

>Implying futurism and idealistic art about mythical pasts isn't awesome
But I'm sure everyone who's interested in a movement without being an expert is an edgy faggot. Would you like to care to scan your PHD in dismissive douchbaggery for us all to see?

>> No.3576028

It's mostly the pretend fascism that's the edgy faggotry, simpleton.

Also you remind me of the people with a weird fascination with Nazi memorabilia that freak out and deny up and down that they love der Furhrer when someone cracks a joke.

>> No.3576065

>Also you remind me of the people with a weird fascination with Nazi memorabilia that freak out and deny up and down that they love der Furhrer when someone cracks a joke.
Hence the
>It's mostly the pretend fascism that's the edgy faggotry, simpleton.

Not sure why you're so butthurt about this. I was just responding to the ">if fascism is so great..." by saying that I'm not actually a fascist, just an interested guy.

>> No.3576327

Do whatever you like but please don't bring Nietzsche into this. He is far more brilliant than that. He very plainly had ideas such as his sublimation that involved defusing violent and domineering passions into destruction and creation in the abstract realm. Not to mention that fascism would totally deny any hope of the sort of individual freedoms his doctrines centre around.
The distribution of his works is due to his Nazi sister, who I will not denounce simply for her Nazism (clearly what you're going for), but to say in the least she did not understand his thought at all, nor did the Nazis that she recommended him to.

Nietzsche stands at a great height above all of our minor contemplations. Don't even, please.

>> No.3576358

because jews of course

>> No.3576403
File: 7 KB, 175x288, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, is this thread still going on?

Lots of people from suburbia are going through puberty, it seems.

>> No.3576459

No, that is for Monarchists.
A monarcy and a fascist state are two different things.

>> No.3576462

What, because the title of leader is hereditary in one? That's really the only difference with Absolutism I can think of

>> No.3576464

this is apologist bullshit, while Nietzsche often riduculed contemporary proto-fascist thoughts, it's not required a very far interpretation of him in order to concile his thoughts with facism.

you just need to let the Ubermensch become the State, much like the reverse of the Republic being a being

>> No.3576477

Unfortunately real-life fascism is mostly based on slave morality, thus denying it the right of calling itself Nietzschean.

>> No.3576479


all the more reason to recommend Nietzsche to an aspiring fascist

>> No.3576482

>thinks Nietzscheanism isn't beyond the master/slave dichotomy
>not realising that this dichotomy was merely used by Nietzsche to describe ancient ethical developments
>not realising that he claimed that in modern man has both master and slave instincts dwelling within
>not realising that the Übermensch is wholly beyond these matters

>> No.3576485

Screencap please for future threads.

>> No.3576496

Your point being? This still doesn't make whining about jews and deferring to some guy in shorts Nietzschean.

>> No.3576504

That the whole slave morality isn't really the reason why it isn't Nietzschean.

>> No.3576551

How very easy it is to say "Be happy!" while subsisting off of Chinese slaves and paying your taxes so the Predator drones won't want for hellfire missiles....

>> No.3576628
File: 57 KB, 300x423, marinetti-zang-tumb-tumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The futurist are up there in my top art movements.
I don't care if they were probably wrong that passion gets me going.

>> No.3576653

I can't deal with the post-pastaism though.

>> No.3576697

Don't you like risotto?

>> No.3576738

It's a musical reference, since this was a trip created for /mu/ to post on grindcore and crust threads. Anyway, I couldn't care less about your opinion. It makes me happy to be disgusting to the sheeple, it means I'm doing the right thing.

>> No.3576782

No. I need spaghetti.

>> No.3576942

So obvious those pretentious morons never read NIetzsche.

>> No.3576995

>I disagree. Obviously it's hard to say for sure what any ancient political system was like, I think that Sparta was definitely closer to what could be considered a fascist state (highly racialist, autocracy, war/struggle oriented, ect.) than any most other societies. Obviously it wasn't fascist in the sense that fascism didn't exist back then, but it had a very similar structure.
It's was about as similar to communism as fascism, from what we know. You've also exaggerated a number of points: it wasn't really so racialist (you'd have to really misconstrue what the Peloponnesian League was), or autocratic (two kings).

>> No.3577101


Any Fascist worth his salt despises the monarchy and seeks his leadership to be based on divine merit rather than bloodlines.

This is further proof to demonstrate that Fascism is not a reactionary movement.

>> No.3577111

>not reactionary
Yeah, sure.

>> No.3577121


>elected senate


>> No.3577139

>implying communism is the only revolutionary ideology


>> No.3577334

Implying? Lrn2logic.

>> No.3577382

why the fuck you keep talkin about commies?

>> No.3577395

/pol/ love their conspiracies.

>> No.3577470

You're equating anti-communism with being reactionary, which isn't necesarrily true. Progressive liberals are anti-communistic, but certainly not reactionary, for example.

>> No.3577477
File: 99 KB, 500x353, KD LGH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3577491
File: 99 KB, 504x504, 1297583728695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never make REI laugh

>> No.3577510
File: 76 KB, 303x302, Contented-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I just did.

>> No.3577520

Anti-communism of the early 20th century is by definition reactionary. It's actually the best example of what being reactionary means. And guess what were the anti-communists of that time? Right, Mussolini and his folks from around Europe. Why was fascism born? Because the bourgeois were afraid of losing their privileges. I think what I said is pretty much this.

I still don't see where that other post's extremely retarded implications come from, since I didn't even talk about what communism is, what being revolutionary is and what is or isn't revolutionary.

>> No.3577556

Being a reactionary means wanting a sort of political rewind to a former state. There are plenty of people who don't want that, yet still despise communism.

>> No.3577584

>Why was fascism born? Because the bourgeois were afraid of losing their privileges.

Yeah...no. That's just marxist revisionisn. Both Hitler and Mussolini weren't bourgeois, fuck off.

>> No.3577589


And that is exactly what Fascism seeks to accomplish. To create a state based on NEW ideas, albeit while romanticizing the past. Nonetheless, fascists do not wish to return to a previous state so they are not reactionary.

Fascism is a movement of progress, but it is unfairly dismissed because your everyday yokel anarchist or communist sees fascists as "unfair meanie dummy heads" in order to cling and defend their moral degradation.

>> No.3577612

I wonder, what do actual Fascists think of National Socialists? I know they are quite similar in a lot of areas, but I see a lot of Fascists on this board shit talk Hitler. Are they more admiring of Mussolini or Franco then? That is ludicrous because Hitler was infinitely more successful than either of them.

>> No.3577632

>Are they more admiring of Mussolini or Franco then? That is ludicrous because Hitler was infinitely more successful than either of them.
It's not merely about succes, it's about principles. Fascists are generally highly ethical people, even though many may disagree with their particular ethics. I'm guessing a lot of fascists aren't into the whole rabid anti-semitism and strange master race predestination quasi-esotericism type of thing.

>> No.3577637

I despise fascism and communism, for example. The rewind to a former state I was talking about was that of the early 20th century, when communism was a menace to Europe. Fascism is reactionary by definition, because it's a reaction to the social movements who tried to oppose capitalism. If I say fascism is reactionary because of that and then you tell me I'm assuming communism is the only revolutionary movement ever and that I assume being anti-fascist implies being communist, then you aren't understanding what I'm saying and are assuming I make implications I obviously didn't make.
This would explain why they frighted against the interests of the bourgeoisie of their time... Oh wait, they didn't. Maybe because they were just opposing social movements. Fascism is anti-communism, supported by the bourgeoisie to maintain their privileges. Historical facts, man, they help.

They wish to return to the Empires from the past. Those new ideas are just propaganda to prevent progress towards a society without oppression. I see the progress they brought to the world: wars, segregation, violence, militarization, book burns, shitty education and what they wanted to be autarchist economy but ended up having to surrender to capitalism because failed horribly.

>> No.3577651

>That is ludicrous because Hitler was infinitely more successful than either of them.

In what sense? Mussolini was the first and actually laid down a decent idea of what Fascism was and what it aimed to do. (http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/mussolini-fascism.asp)) So he was probably the best theorist. Whereas Franco lasted the longest and was possibly the most shrewd politician - he didn't let himself get dragged into a war he knew he couldn't win and maintained decent enough relations with both sides to ensure he didn't get invaded. Plus there was the 'economic miracle in Spain in the 60s, though to what extent he was responsible for it is debatable.

>> No.3577670

>This would explain why they frighted against the interests of the bourgeoisie of their time...

So you have to fight against something to prove you're not part of it?

>Oh wait, they didn't. Maybe because they were just opposing social movements.

Proto-fascism was around before the Russian revolution.

>Fascism is anti-communism, supported by the bourgeoisie to maintain their privileges.

Prove it.

They were happy to utilise the corporations to further their goals - if it ain't broke... but do you really think if Krupp or MAN starting fucking around Hitler would have just said "My hands are tied"?

>Historical facts, man, they help.
>My skewed view of the world is historical fact.


>> No.3577675

>economic miracle in Spain in the 60s
That was when technocrats gained power to the Falange (actual fascists) and opened frontiers (thus ending autarchist economy and starting with capitalist economy, which isn't very fascist). The rest of Europe started spending their money there on vacation and speculation with building began (which concluded with Spain's nowadays' shitty economic system).

>> No.3577683

we already tried fascism and it failed, how can be a progress willing to do the same mistakes? futurism was great and a movement of progress, but art and philosophy doesn´t share the same finalities of politics, art and philosophy start from an individualistic point of view, while politics should be pluralistic, so you cannot just use the same patterns of thought.
Fascism is for people that didn´t study politics.

>> No.3577728

>So you have to fight against something to prove you're not part of it?
More like you don't help him and get economically supported by him.
>Proto-fascism was around before the Russian revolution.
Yes, because the Russians invented communism...
1848 social revolts occurred before proto-fascism
>Prove it.
"Somebody" economically supported fascist groups and armed them to go lynch communist syndicates who happened to oppose capitalist interests, but that was all just by chance.
>fucking around Hitler
Why should them? Their interests were assured by him. The commies were the bourgeois enemies, Hitler was their protector.
Lol, my skewed view of the world? I'm talking about facts, what's a lie about them? Don't project... I'm not the one who's trying to defend an ideology.

>> No.3577753

"Somebody" economically supported fascist groups and armed them to go lynch communist syndicates who happened to oppose capitalist interests, but that was all just by chance.

Prove it

>> No.3577785

I don't think you really understood that sentence. Read it again, but now try to pay attention at the tone it's written and the irony at the part of "by chance".

>> No.3577796

are you American?

>> No.3578355

>My relatives were killed by fascists

Juden pls go

>> No.3578483

My great-grandfather was killed by the fascist and wasn't a jew. If you think only jew were killed by fascist you're a retard probably brainwashed by jewmedia.