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3571056 No.3571056 [Reply] [Original]

Where should I start with Kurt Vonnegut?

>> No.3571062

You don't.

Captcha: secretary enpubs

>> No.3571066

Is this faggot seriously asking where to start with one of the easiest to read authors ever?

>> No.3571109

that one guy while being a dick, is correct, you can start anywhere

however it depends on what you like, if you want a little more on his wonky scifi side i'd definately recommend sirens of titan, it's also my favorite

if not super into the scifi aspect breakfast of champions is really good too

i'm not a strong proponent of slaughterhouse five, having read the majority of his novels it's still my least favorite, but most people dig it

while he is regarded as an "entry level" writer i think it's mostly just because he's not difficult, he writes really fun and thought provoking stuff though, prepare tp laugh and get an interesting perspective on the world

>> No.3571118


2 edgy 4 chan u fagtr0n.

Cat's Cradle and (specifically) Slaughterhouse 5 are his most celebrated works. You can't really go wrong with either of them. Breakfast of Champions is okay as well, but I wasn't a huge fan of it or Sirens of Titan. Welcome to the Monkey House was pretty fucking cool. Jailbird is probably my favorite novel by Vonnegut.

>> No.3571136

Breakfast Of Champions is superior to the rest of his most famous works. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.3571156

>don't let anyone but me tell you what to think
Am I allowed to think that nobody should care about what you think?

>> No.3571159


>> No.3571166


Why would you even try to?

>> No.3571175

Am I allowed to answer that question?

>> No.3571183




>> No.3571189

the general rule of thumb is to avoid hocus pocus

>> No.3571210

"And so on."