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/lit/ - Literature

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3568802 No.3568802 [Reply] [Original]

Besides Pynchon and McCarthy, which author makes you excited when you hear they have a new book coming out?

Don't say Tao Lin, you trolls. Nobody actually likes that hack's garbage.

>> No.3568823

Looking forward to WIlliam H. Gass' new novel, even though I haven't read a whole lot of his stuff.
Fiction-wise there really isn't a whole lot for me though. As for philosophy/critical theory/scholarly work, there's a lot.

>> No.3568826

Novels can generally suck dick, in my opinion.

But anything by Umberto Eco is personally anticipated.

>> No.3568833

I'm eagerly waiting for Gore Vidal's new book.

>> No.3568847
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Waiting for anything new from David Foster Wallace.

>> No.3568856

Will Self, China Mieville, Martin Amis, Salman Rushdie, Terry Pratchett.

>> No.3568922
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I'm intrigued by what little I've heard of Donna Tartt's new novel.

>> No.3568950

Terry Pratchett is the only contemporary author I give a flying fuck about.

>> No.3568955


And what've you heard?

Secret History II: Electric Boogaloo?

>> No.3568982

He's not contemporary for much longer.

>> No.3568984


>> No.3568985

Tao Lin mainly

>> No.3568989

>tfw tao lin could be browsing this board as you speak

>> No.3568991
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There's an explosion.

>> No.3569000

Junot Diaz. His shit is gold.

>> No.3569008

>people can't note the genius of Tao Lin
Why would you even browse /lit/?

>> No.3569026

>could be

>> No.3569059

Laszlo Krasznahorkai
Anne Carson
+ others I forget..

>> No.3569109

My favourite authors are all dead.

feels bad man.

>> No.3569113

I know.


>> No.3569124

This. He's the contemporary Pessoa if Pessoa wrote like Hemingway.

>> No.3569125

Was happy to hear recently that BEE is writing another novel. I wonder if he'll return to the sentiment of Lunar Park or continue in the direction of Imperial Bedrooms.

>> No.3569134

William H. Gass

>> No.3569144

American Psycho II: I am the best tweeter, please stop overshadowing Tao Lin

>> No.3569147

Denis Johnson was a favorite until Nobody Move came out...now I'm not sure. It was just like a bad attempt at writing a Tarentino movie.

Lorrie Moore
Don DeLillo

>> No.3569168

i would honestly say tao lin. i have not felt so excited about an author since marie calloway.

>> No.3569183


>> No.3569210


The Marriage Plot blew so hard.

>> No.3569223

GRR Martin

Come at me.

>> No.3569240

joyce carol oates
ha jin

off the top of my head. probably some others if i looked through my bookshelf and racked my brain

>> No.3569258

Jonathan Safran Foer

be gentle

>> No.3569274

Haruki Murakami
Javier Marias
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Zadie Smith

>> No.3569293

(Oh and Jasper Fforde and, umm, Lee Child. NO SHAME)

>> No.3569325
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I still really look forward to Murakami stuff even if /lit/ was grumpy about 1Q84.

>> No.3569334

>being a contemporary author with a name that sounds like the fall guy in a Plato dialogue

>> No.3569363

Jonathan Franzen

>> No.3569371

Everybody I love is dead.

>> No.3569380

And everyone you will love will die.

>> No.3569392
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John Ralston Saul

>> No.3569401


eh, its one of those things I just want to finish now.

>> No.3569684

John Banville

>> No.3570088

Laszlo Krasznahorkai

>> No.3570107

But it's already out

>> No.3570237

From the tone of his announcement, it sounds like he (somewhat) snapped out of his LA spell.

>> No.3570248

Jonathan Franzen
Zadie Smith
Joshua Ferris

>> No.3572033

I was excited for Kim Stanley Robinson's 2312.

I can't believe he crapped out that shitpile.

>> No.3572079

All my favourite authors are dead!

>> No.3573312

Zadie Smith has new stuff coming out?

>> No.3573352
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why anon? why would you bring that up?

>> No.3573354

am not!