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3567605 No.3567605 [Reply] [Original]

>Participating in a student symposium
>don't really want to but someone told me that it will help my grad school application if I have experience in this
>Get up to read my paper in front of a room full of professors and students
>start reading, someone yells "SPEAK UP!"
>the host gives me a lavalier microphone to put on my shirt
>start reading my paper
>everything seems fine
>get to the question/discussion period
>no one really has anything to say
>a couple professors ask some easy leading questions but I can't think of anything to say because I think I fucked up somehow
>say "uh" a lot and don't even answer their questions, just sort of trail off...
>the moderator/host plays me off as gracefully as he can as I go to sit down before the audience has started clapping
>have to get back up again because I realize I didn't take off the lavalier mic
>afterwards my professor comes and says that I read my paper too fast and mumbled so no one actually understood what I was saying
>I will forever be known as "that" undergrad

Sorry for the blog post but this is probably the only place that can empathize with the academic suicide I just committed.

>> No.3567613

Most undergrads do that. The only way to be "that" undergrad is to speak at an understandable pace and at an appropriate volume.

>> No.3567615

I wanna party, brew.

>> No.3567616

Clearly, grad school is not for you.

>> No.3567618

No, the other presenters were as calm and collected as fuck. I'm the only one who embarrassed myself in front of literally everyone I could potentially count on for a reference letter.

>> No.3567621

So what? You're infamous now.

>> No.3567624

Awh OP, I feel for you. I suspect it's your own fault however. If you practiced at home while vividly imagining yourself before an audience, you would have done much better (works for me all the time).

>> No.3567625

Thanks for making me feel a bit better about my public speaking skills, OP.

Also, if in doubt, just silently count to 3 between every paragraph.

>> No.3567649

>Agree to do public speaking
>Take no preparation for public speaking
>Perform poorly at public speaking

I'm trying to figure out what you did wrong and I can't quite put my finger.... oh right, it's because you're an idiot.

>> No.3567655

You're both right, I didn't practice at all. I didn't realize just how bad I am at public speaking. But even if I did I don't think I would have had the time to practice, between finals and my job, so it really can't be helped.

>> No.3567662

You feel silly now but it's not something they won't have come across before, even done themselves.
The people who spoke after you only appeared so calm and collected because you scared them into being extra careful.
I highly doubt anyone will remember you as "that" undergrad unless you remind them.

>> No.3567671

Next time, regardless of practice, focus on your breathing and calm yourself before you speak, then talk to everyone in the room: that is, make sure you make eye contact with different people to keep the all engaged, even if you're going middle front, left front, left back, right back, middle back etc... and speak slowly and deliberately, without worrying about pauses or fidgeting. That'll go a long way to sorting you out. You know better than anyone what you're talking about, have some faith in yourself too.

>> No.3567728

It probably won't have much bearing on your application to grad school. I'm sorry to say that you have humiliated yourself for naught.

>> No.3567750

Eh, even after practicing/rehearsing I'm shit at public speaking.

>> No.3567754
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>OP has about 2 self-pity threads on page 0
>This is one of them

>> No.3567757

No, this is my only thread. If I was going to whine about being a shut-in I would do it on a more circle-jerkish board.

>> No.3567762
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>If I was going to whine about being a shut-in

>implying that's not what you're doing

>> No.3567793


It'll only make your transition to glorious public speaker all the more prideful and notable!

>> No.3567815

>Increscunt animi, virescit volnere virtus.
>["The spirits increase, vigor grows through a wound."]

What remains is to find the positive elements in this: the learning experiences, the self-criticism, and possibly some infamy (any press is good press) and a conversation starter with a professor or two, to recoup your losses.

Sounds like you've identified where you fucked up. Now you know where your personal weaknesses are, and some common generic pitfalls of not prepping for something like this.

Believe it or not, your chances of being a great public speaker and presenter are now higher than the guy who is naturally mediocre-to-good at it, because he won't get the brutal feedback you've gotten - he'll continue going on instinct/natural ability, but you're now rationally overseeing the development of your skill, thanks to the shock you've received.

>> No.3567830

ah, monsieur, what are you worried about? our world is ruled by incompetent oratory. welcome to the comfortable majority of nervous ninnies.

>> No.3567837

don't call me monsieur, ma pote

>> No.3567865

Aww OP I did the same thing as an undergrad, and now I'm in grad school doing just fine.

You'll stop being "that" undergrad in about a week. The other students and professors are way too concerned with their own shit to give a shit about you. The next paper you read will be much better performance.

The professors remember that it takes courage to get up in front of people as a youngling and deliver a paper. They've seen dozens of students do the same thing.

Don't listen to the people saying, "grad school isn't for you." Those people are 17 years old.

>> No.3567886

>tfw excellent public speaker until you have to do it sitting down

>> No.3567912

It`s like i`m really on /r9k/!