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File: 73 KB, 600x481, nietzsche_and_the_horse_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3567476 No.3567476 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw Schopenhauer was right all along

>> No.3567482

Which face is yours?

>> No.3567486
File: 8 KB, 346x302, pau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you refute Schopenhauer's entire philosophical system by confronting his exhortation to asceticism and saying "Nah I don't want to"

>> No.3567499
File: 186 KB, 300x358, 1362255927390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rail against Schopenhauer and the ascetic ideal
>live life as a shut in, reading, writing and generally living like a hermit

>> No.3567512
File: 177 KB, 359x592, epicurean motherhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freddy's. Seriously, his breakdown stems from massive cognitive dissonance because of his attempt to rebellion against all the wisdom ever, which universally amounts to getting some of that autarkeia/apatheia/ataraxia/upekkha. It has always been a balancing, a correction almost of human nature.

Folly of youth, you haven't suffered enough.

>> No.3567518

>his breakdown stems from massive cognitive dissonance because of his attempt to rebellion against all the wisdom ever
No man, it stems from syphilis, or possibly a brain tumor.

>> No.3567543

>tfw Schopenhauer trolls his readers into committing suicide because of life's futility while he prances around his living room playing the fiddle and crying with joy

>> No.3567547


I just treat life like a billion possible pleasures

>> No.3567555

I'm only familiar to what he thinks about women.

Do you have any synthesized/abridged sources explaining his other stuff?

Such as reducing Aristotle's niomachean ethics to "moderation is the key".

>> No.3567562

As much fun as the other thing was, this.

>> No.3567589


Nothing really matters
Art is cool
People who commit suicide aren't weak, damnit

>> No.3567603
File: 22 KB, 195x195, 1342817793900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw faggots read Of Woman and think they understand Schoppy

Try Prize Essay or Fourfold Root and get back to us casuals

>> No.3568020

Life's shit, take cover.

>> No.3568548

how do i into schoppy?

>> No.3568583

the horse incident is open to so many symbolic and philosophical interpretations. there is the christian interpretation - repentance and pity. and there is also the romantic radical aristocratic: the horse, the instrument of the conquering nobility par excellence, reduced, in the 19c, to a petty beast of burden, a symbolic act of solidarity with the overthrown 'master morality' which nietzsche praises so highly.

>> No.3568586

I'm going with sheer unadulterated compassion.

>> No.3568610

there's that too, which can go with any symbolic interpretation.

>> No.3568747

From the age of 45 until his death 27 years later Schopenhauer lived in Frankfurt-am-Main. He lived alone, in ‘rooms’, and every day for 27 years he followed an identical routine. He rose every morning a seven and had a bath but no breakfast: he drank a cup of strong coffee before sitting down at his desk and writing until noon. At noon he ceased work for the day and spent half-an-hour practicing the flute, on which he became quite a skilled performer. Then he went out for lunch at the Englischer Hof. After lunch he returned home and read until four, when he left for his daily walk: he walked for two hours no matter what the weather. At six o’clock he visited the reading room of the library and read The Times. In the evening he attended the theatre or a concert, after which he had dinner at a hotel or restaurant. He got back home between nine and ten and went early to bed. He was willing to deviate from this routine in order to receive visitors.

>> No.3568750

With a Spartan rigour which never ceased to amaze his landlord-grocer, Nietzsche would get up every morning when the faintly dawning sky was still grey, and, after washing himself with cold water from the pitcher and china basin in his bedroom and drinking some warm milk, he would, when not felled by headaches and vomiting, work uninterruptedly until eleven in the morning. He then went for a brisk, two-hour walk through the nearby forest or along the edge of Lake Silvaplana (to the north-east) or of Lake Sils (to the south-west), stopping every now and then to jot down his latest thoughts in the notebook he always carried with him. Returning for a late luncheon at the Hôtel Alpenrose, Nietzsche, who detested promiscuity, avoided the midday crush of the table d’hôte in the large dining-room and ate a more or less ‘private’ lunch, usually consisting of a beefsteak and an ‘unbelievable’ quantity of fruit, which was, the hotel manager was persuaded, the chief cause of his frequent stomach upsets. After luncheon, usually dressed in a long and somewhat threadbare brown jacket, and armed as usual with notebook, pencil, and a large grey-green parasol to shade his eyes, he would stride off again on an even longer walk, which sometimes took him up the Fextal as far as its majestic glacier. Returning ‘home’ between four and five o’clock, he would immediately get back to work, sustaining himself on biscuits, peasant bread, honey (sent from Naumburg), fruit and pots of tea he brewed for himself in the little upstairs ‘dining-room’ next to his bedroom, until, worn out, he snuffed out the candle and went to bed around 11 p.m.

>> No.3568792

Source on these for the love of God

>> No.3568795


>> No.3568800

i just googled the quotes

>> No.3568837

I merely googled <name> daily routine to retrieve them. There is more of this type of thing though:


I'm fascinated as well by these type of things.