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3567291 No.3567291 [Reply] [Original]

I'm supposed to start becoming an adult.
Late adolescence feels no different.
I'm lonely and confused.
I feel like my parents are not good role models.
I want a mentor.
But I think it's hard to find someone who isn't fucked up.

>> No.3567293


>not lonely and confused
>role models
>not being fucked up

>> No.3567297

Pick one then. There are hundreds to choose from at your local library.

>> No.3567304

I can't decipher them!
Do I pick up Nietzsche and hope he'll teach me a few things? What if I end up like Leopold and Loeb? What If I'm too stupid or naive to understand?

>> No.3567306

>that moment when you wake up one day and realize your parents are fucking retards
Wish I had that epiphany earlier on.

>> No.3567311

When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished by how much he'd learned in seven years.

>> No.3567312

You don't have to pick up philosophy. Some novels will teach you just as much if not more. The key is to reflect on what you've read, and read broadly.

>> No.3567316
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read Herman Hesse's Damian, it's a great book for growing up

>> No.3567324



>> No.3567367

shitty poem there OP

>> No.3567370

I've heard this quote before, and I agree there's obviously truth in it.
Perhaps my family is not ignorant in every sense of the word, but I feel they lack knowledge on things that would be helpful for me.
My father tells me to be angry at nepotism and unfairness and to distrust everyone, but embrace "truth". My mother tells me men are foolish and that I should manipulate them while I can.
Both of them have had no real success in their careers. Both are "unrefined". As a young man, my father was violent and made poor, rash decisions. He has improved, but has still displayed violence toward me and my mother. My mother laughs with me at juvenile things and doesn't seem to care that I don't have the desire to drive, work, or date.

>> No.3567375
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>> No.3567379

I only find solace among the dead. Greeks and 19th century Germans are the best.

>> No.3567389

join the military

>> No.3567392

I don't love my country.

>> No.3567400


From what you say, you have a sense of what is not a good role model. Real people are always terrible role models, because they have different motives, values and context. Therefore you have a sense of what you think a good role model is. Construct that ideal role model in your head. They don't need any super-human ability, that would just give you an excuse not to try. Just decide what it is you think that a person should be, within the boundaries of the fallible human possibility.
There's your role model. It always was.

Don't give in to the temptation to let any one individual tell you who to be, this is your opportunity to learn how to be yourself.

>> No.3567405

American detected.

>> No.3567409

Erik Erikson
Jeffrey Arnett

>> No.3567414


Do you have low self-esteem?

>> No.3567417


>> No.3567443


>> No.3567466
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Not him but who does that really. Like most self help it sounds great in theory but falls flat in application.

>> No.3567489

I'm not talking about some self-help-tulpa "Here is the ideal person now visualise them ten minutes every day and your dreams will come true" bullshit I'm just saying you already have a sense of who to be, don't use not having someone to tell you who to be as an excuse to self-pity and not get on with life.

>> No.3567612

But I don't know who I want to be. I don't know how to grow up. I don't know which sins are acceptable and which are horrible. I listen to so much rhetoric and it all conflicts inside of me. Maybe I'm already grown up? Maybe we all retain this sense of lostness, but we don't think of it so much when we're burdened by responsibility and reality.

>> No.3567634

The things is, as I've gathered from experience, that not everybody has found this ditch along the way when they had to decide what morals to take.

You are making a choice right now, and you don't really know what to do. You have to choose. Grow or not. Think or not. Be yourself or be who your world wants you to be.

All sins are acceptable if you make them acceptable for yourself. This is a double-edged moral, (since thus is evil is morally justified), but therein lies your choice.

This thread is rustling my jimmies.

>> No.3567637

>I want a mentor.

let me FTFY

>I want a friend

There you go.

>> No.3567644

Is there no difference between mentors and friends for you?

>> No.3567654

Dude, just delete the thread and find a historical figure you heavily relate with, read their autobiography (or biography if they haven't written one), and set yourself to accomplishing something clear and specific.

Be off with you now.

And no, mentors aren't friends, they are people who put you through rigorous regimes that shape you into their image. After your mentorship, friendship may arise, but not during.

>> No.3567656

Yes. There are no answers to anything. Growing up is learning to get on with life and stop whining about it despite that.

>> No.3567672

So just pick a dead guy? I know a million dead guys.
Do I pick the genius who cheated on his wife but wrote good poetry?
How about the one whose ideals on freedom still ring in the ears of every politician, but who failed to see slaves as citizens?
Or should I try a woman role model? What if I become a feminist? Or a misandrist? What if I'm reminded of my own weakness every waking moment?
Then I should retain no ideals, no morals. But then I'll only follow law for self preservation. What kind of existence is that?

>> No.3567726

You don't have to like everything about everybody. Take what you think is woth having.

>> No.3567736

But I don't know what to like! I don't know wrong from right! And the thought of their being no wrong and right drives me insane, though I've probably believed it for years.

>> No.3567740

wrong "there". Whatever.

>> No.3567741
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>> No.3567776

Retain whatever morals or ideals you think are integral to an existence worth having and have that. As I've been saying from the start; clearly you have a sense of value in order to judge your parents as not. Be the person you think is. Don't wait for an external ideal or teacher to tell you who that is, you already know. It's pretty fucking simple.

>> No.3567784

consider the possibility that there's two type of truths in this world - one which can be confirm and is thus establised as facts and another is the different kind of truth. A sorta odd sentiment that no one really successfully proven but rings through in the minds of most people.

What you have to understand is that right and wrong can be subjective to a certain extent. A good rolemodel isnt one without flaws (or even one that's remotely not fucked up) but one that exudes posterity and self-fufillment despite having to live with those flaws.

maybe it's entirely possible that what you're looking isn't a moral compass or even a literal compass, but kind of a cognatically descended grand ideals that appears infallable.

>> No.3567791
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I'd love to help OP but I only mentor girls under 18.

Sorry : /

>> No.3567800


>> No.3567812

You have to question yourself everything that is present before your judgement in order to be able to draw a basic opinion on it.

An OPINION. It's what you think reality, life, morals and conduct should be like, what YOU think about it and the way YOU and only YOU implement it.

No one can tell what to choose. No one SHOULD tell you. Find your own truth and live it.

I am sure that after many years of living in this earth you have a basic notion of social relationships. What kind of people do you like' What do their moral rely on? Those, either good or evil, are the standars towards which you incline the most.

It seems to me that you're going through an identity crisis. People who have never had one these are not truly people, in my opinion.

>> No.3567881

You want role model? What about Genghis Khan?

"The greatest joy for a man is to defeat his enemies, to drive them before him, to take from them all they possess, to see those they love in tears, to ride their horses, and to hold their wives and daughters in his arms."

If you truly don't have any concept of right and wrong then being Genghis Khan is the right choice. You don't have no identity crisis because you have no identity to start with.

>> No.3568198

I'd recommend Judge Holden

"At a young age children should be put in a pit with wild dogs. They should be set to puzzle out from their proper clues the one of three doors that does not harbor wild lions. They should be made to run naked in the desert.