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File: 338 KB, 1257x2119, Nude Descending a Staircase, No.2 - 1912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3566543 No.3566543 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good name for a quiet, badass but cold character? I was thinking Ulysses but the rep has been taken by Joyce.

Pic unrelated

>> No.3566551

repo man

martin schoenegger

>> No.3566552

Tyson or Stryker

>> No.3566558

Icy Shadow

>> No.3566561

I give meaningful/double meaning names to my characters. I think that adds a bit more of personality to them

you should name him after an special trait of him

I'll just post a quick list
Carlisle (a fort/stronghold)
Gabriel (strong man of God)
Truman (trustworthy man)
Abraham ("father of many" -- known for his steadfastness)
Adam ("man)
Daniel (God is my judge)
Emmanuel ("God is with us") -- nickname Manny

>> No.3566564

Cliche Overused.

>> No.3566654

Ichabod Johnson.

>> No.3567085

Constance T. Asterisk.

>> No.3567087

Michael Scenario

>> No.3567100

Timothy Urn

>> No.3567115

Ducant (pronounced Dew-khant)

I knew a kid a loooong time ago with that name. He had some weird eastern European accent i couldnt place and didn't say much. he had shaaaaaaarp facial features and ate lunch by himself yet not being "weird" or anything. He just preferred solitude I guess. He also was the smartest fucking kid in the class i kid you not. A's on fucking everything despite being like 9 and having to learn English as well.

Last time I saw Ducant some black kids were snickering in the back of the class because the teacher chose Ducant to read from the book and he, like I said, had a thick accent. Anyways he stood up without saying a word, closed the large hardcover textbook, basically palmed it if you can picture what I'm saying and smacked one of the kids across the face with it.

Call bs, idc i still tell people about Ducant and im in my 20's.

>> No.3567126
File: 180 KB, 590x444, Mork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bigdick Hartley.
Kurtzmanfred Hannayjohnsilver.
Th'enda Grape.

>> No.3567130

Iver Stotch

>> No.3567129

drop this thread and tell us more about monsieur ducant.

>> No.3567140

Ducant it is. Reminds me of a young Karpov


>> No.3567149

Like I said I really didn't know much about him, no one did. He was only in my class for 6 months before the altercation with the black kids and he ( I assume) was either expelled or switched schools.

I do recall however one day in class it was nearing the end of the day and the teacher basically said, "fuck it" and the kids were allowed to do what they wanted for the last half hour or so. So Ducant is busy in his notebook as per usual and he gets up and politely asks the teacher if he could "be excused to use lavatory". He said a lot of shit that was odd for a 9 year old to say, like lavatory. Anyways I, being the little shit I was took a look inside his notebook and theres pages and pages of of writing in some fucking language I dont recognize (i was 9) but what struck me as odd was the script was so elegant, and my thoughts at the time were that he wrote like an adult, while the rest of the 9 year olds were barely literate.

I cut into the meat of the notebook and I see he has these human silhouettes or something, that are all portioned and segmented out, like he was making sure the proportions were the same each time. And they were fucking good.. clearly sketches and afterthoughts, but he had talent.

>> No.3567164

Norton AntiVirus

>> No.3567170

>basically palmed it if you can picture what I'm saying and smacked one of the kids across the face with it

I just did and it was perfect, holy fucking shit.

>> No.3567171

Eastern European here, Ducant doesn't seem like a Slav name

>> No.3567180

Like I said, bro, I was 9 and not infallible. His name was Ducant and the accent he had gave my (admittedly ignorant and biased) 9 year old self that impression.

>> No.3567184
File: 17 KB, 215x320, 215px-Orphanposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fan fiction right

>> No.3567195

Oh, what the fuck. I haven't even seen that shit but I know where this is going. Let me guess she has good handwriting and draws? Well fuck man youre killing the legitimacy of my story, here which I swear on my cat is true.

>> No.3567205

You should watch it, its neat

>> No.3567268

Gunther. Gunther Rasmussen.

>> No.3567285

I knew a kid at school called Lance. He was a proper hardcase. I think that would work.