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/lit/ - Literature

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3566037 No.3566037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I think this is epic and a valuable lesson for all people who, instead of asking questions, should consider eating the barrel of a gun and pull the trigger.

And he little bastard erased his thread because he was named and shamed.

>> No.3566040
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>> No.3566053
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>> No.3566060

To spite the OP of the deleted thread, let this be a Spanish literature thread. Anyone know of any interesting essays written by Spanish-speaking authors? I suggest Borges' essay on the Divine Comedy ("Beatrice's Last Smile", I think), though I've only seen it in English.

>> No.3566059

Hardly seems worth its own thread. In the USA they seem to regard Spanish as Mexican-speak anyway, hence the aversion to learning it I guess.

>> No.3566068

>implying they speak Spanish in Spain

The word you're looking for is "Portugese. "

>> No.3566071


Brilliant idea.

Here is some Cortazar. Another genius from Argentina and, in my opinion, as crisp and delectable as Borges.


>> No.3566079
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Rightly so.

>> No.3566080
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>mfw spanish is not a european language
>yfw you realise it's only spoken in mexico and brasil
>yfw you realise you are the inferior individual

Oh Pee sucks dick

>> No.3567343


for the lulz

>> No.3567354

Is this trolling or stupidity?

>> No.3567394
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>> No.3567412


It is a new trend in literature known as Wal-Martism. It consists of reinventing Western philosophy and its understanding of the world based on mullets and Fox channel.

>> No.3567419

>Learning any Yuropean language when they all speak English anyway

>> No.3567424
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Was that bag of dicks delish, Cletus?

>> No.3567430

>buttmad third world resident


go jerk off in front of a cultural monument erected when your country was still relevant, 150+ years ago

>> No.3567435


Please tell us more about European languages and life in the trailer park, sweetie.

>> No.3567438

Are you seriously countering "Europe is a marginalized cultural hole" with "America has some marginalized cultural holes"?

>> No.3567446


In 4chan? Surrounded by Anglophiles?

You take yourself too seriously. Or you're unemployed.

>> No.3567448

>implying you can have cultural holes without any culture
Hamboigers and soft drinks aren't culture bro.

>> No.3567453

ITT: hispanics get mad that their language is associated with dirty mexicans

>> No.3567455
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Name one piece of good Spanish literature written in Spain. You can't.

Spanish is only a useful language for the Americas, everything from Spain is just ultra-Catholics faffing around.

I think a good way of preventing terrorism would be to not have monuments to destroy at all, I think a good way of preventing cultural terrorism would be to not have culture at all

>> No.3567458


Review your U.S.-centered definition of "Hispanics".

There is a world beyond the U.S. of A., little fellow.

>> No.3567467


the fuck do you mean U.S.-centered definition of hispanic

hispanic - meaning a spanish speaker

>> No.3567472

>tfw Euros ITT jelly of a rich and prosperous country in its cultural prime
>tfw Euros cling desperately to ancient achievements to compensate for their lack of modern achievements
>tfw Western Europe is 50% Muslim, 50% transvestite

>> No.3567475

Don quixote, pendejo.

>> No.3567473


Now you're just being incoherent.

Stay mad, Pedro - you'll always be associated with those wetbacks.

>> No.3567480
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>ITT: hispanics get mad that their language is associated with dirty mexicans

No, only a few Americans do that. The rest of the world doesn't.

>> No.3567483

Yeah, the rest of the world associates it with fruit pickers.

>> No.3567485

Las Malvinas son Argentinas.

>> No.3567487

I have no idea what that is even meant to mean. ¿Hablas inglés

>> No.3567490

It's cause you're an uneducated third world bitch.

Wheres my oranges?

>> No.3567488


You're right, the rest of the world associates it with shitty economies and dictatorships.

>> No.3567491

I associate Spanish with 'latin temperament' which consists of dancing and killing your wife and destroying things when you're in a bad mood etc.

>> No.3567492

>a rich and prosperous country in its cultural prime
You mean China?

>> No.3567496

>calls someone uneducated
>cannot even find their oranges
>asks someone over the internet to find their oranges for them

>> No.3567494
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>> No.3567497
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Lel, this. Pic related, it's a lolls loyce.

>> No.3567505

The Spanish speak their own language terribly any more.

Buncha maric?neth.

>> No.3567515

One Thousand years of solitude, puto.

>> No.3567519
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>I think a good way of preventing terrorism would be to not have monuments to destroy at all, I think a good way of preventing cultural terrorism would be to not have culture at all

There is a city Pera in the midst of wine-dark Tuphos,
Fair and fruitful, filthy all about, possessing nothing,
Into which no foolish parasite ever sails,
Nor any playboy who delights in a whore's ass,
But it produces thyme, garlic, figs, and bread,
For which the citizens do not war with each other,
Nor do they possess arms, to get cash or fame.

>> No.3567520


Fuck yeah

>> No.3567532

Th most disheartening thing is that just because the irresponsible spending and credit attitudes of 300 million subhumans makes them an attractive market, the world is dumped with junk: TV, movie theaters, bookstores, etc. And, just because of that, there is a "race to the bottom" to feed those fat asses with entertainment, and a dumbing down of everything --for the economic links run deep. That causes the 300 million neo-roman-empire decadent retards to think that the world circles around their junk civilization.

>> No.3567556

García Márquez is Colombian. And it's one hundred, not one thoushand...

>> No.3567559
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>tfw Euros ITT jelly of a rich and prosperous country in its cultural prime
>a rich and prosperous country in its cultural prime
>in its cultural prime

>> No.3567729
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>in its cultural prime
if this is best you can do... holy shit

>> No.3569465

<i>Imposed</i> dictatorships

>> No.3569470
