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File: 389 KB, 1600x1200, Kings_College_London_Guys_Campus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3561643 No.3561643 [Reply] [Original]

University thread? No circlejerking or trying to brag. Highschoolers where are you hoping to go?
Just finishing up my A-Levels (Britfag, 18 though) before hopefully going to university. Can't decide which university to go to if I get the grades.
Bristol/King's/Glasgow/Edinburgh(hate the city though)?
Studying modern languages.
Anybody planning on doing something EXCITING?

>> No.3561651 [DELETED] 

Dropping out.
Not because stupid or anything, I feel modern schooling being mandatory gimps me.

>> No.3561653

Doesn't dropping out even though you know it will impose a glass ceiling on you for eternity make you stupid though? I mean, just play the game for a bit longer and you might find the working world easier to progress through if you were to change your mind at a later point.

>> No.3561658

If your university can't be found within the top 100, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave the board.


>> No.3561666

If I was in your position I'd go to Bristol, but then that's mainly because I'd want to spend all my time taking drugs with hippies.

>> No.3561668 [DELETED] 

See I was a Physics major, because I enjoyed it. I figured if I did for the knowledge, nice, good on me, worth the 30k. If I did it out of employability, who hires an undergrad Physics majour? there goes another four years on Masters. Of course once you go Masters you have to PHD.

Or I Could just complete a 2 year program in college and be a lab rat for the rest of my days.

What would you pick?

>> No.3561670

Neither because I'm not a physics nerd

>> No.3561672

Booklet I received for my offer from King's says they are in the world top 30 *QS world University rankings 2012.
Listen, don't be a dick, it doesn't matter what the ranking is. Just don't be a cunt, you are e/lit/ist embodied.

>> No.3561679

Yeah that's true. Also, they still have great music out there. All good bass music, hope they still have some kind of trip-hop scene. London and Bristol would both be good for drugs though I imagine.

>> No.3561680
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You hate the city of Edinburgh? What're you, nuts?

>> No.3561681

>London and Bristol would both be good for drugs though I imagine.
This is what sheltered children actually believe.

>> No.3561683

>it doesn't matter what the ranking is
Top lel

>> No.3561684

i've gave up on uni.

Gonna be a piano player and hopefully go to music school.

>> No.3561685

Just wasn't my thing. Bit too old or something, can't really remember why. Also, the people at the university were really rude to me, they were pretty snobby, and so were the kids who I kept hearing. 'Don't mix with anyone in lower accommodation'. Not for me really haha.

>> No.3561687

Bigger the city, the better the drugs. In England at least.
>NEETS know nothing

>> No.3561689


I'm not denying the people there are assholes, from what I hear it's mostly Oxbridge rejects with a chip on their shoulders.

I just like the city. It's a looker. Still, to each his own.

>> No.3561691

>Bigger the city, the more expensive the drugs.
ftfy, sellers market.

>> No.3561693

Good enough.

>> No.3561697

Only if you study law.

>> No.3561698

Why are you accepting his standard? He's an awful person who is wrong.

>> No.3561701

Edinburgh is filled with horrible snobs. The city itself is lovely if you stay in the good parts, though, but it has a truly horrible divide between the lovely old architecture and the lower-class poverty-stricken bits.

In terms of ranking it's usually the second-best uni in Scotland in terms of UK rankings (although Glasgow's been catching it up and overtaking it and now they're swapping about with some frequency), with the top spot almost invariably going to St. Andrews. That said, Glasgow's a better city overall.

>> No.3561703
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>this guy's face when he ctrl+f'd his uni and received 0 results

>> No.3561704

>with the top spot almost invariably going to St. Andrews.
If that's true, it's because prince whatsisname went there. It's not a very good university at all.

>> No.3561709

It's the oldest in Scotland, I think. You know how this shit goes, generally the older the university the better the ranking. Also, like you said, very high-class connections run through that uni even when the royals aren't explicitly involved.

>> No.3561719

If your university can't be found within the top 100, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave the board.


>> No.3561721

There's a reason they're not in the Russell group, and it's because in recent times they haven't been very good at all. The two reasons it's become popular again are having a Prince attend, and golf. Edinburgh as far as I'm aware always ranks considerably above it, Glasgow is better respected for many things too.

>> No.3561725

English Lit
Gonna apply for either the Medieval or Renaissance MSt at Oxford. Either that, or do an MSc in Computer Science. I always wanted check out programming, but I never had the chance. Assuming I choose the latter, I can always swap back to English if it doesn't interest me. I'd love to be a commissioning editor, technical or fiction writer.

>> No.3561727



Looks like I'm in the club.

>> No.3561731

>suddenly my uni dropped 100 something places
Confirmed for shit ranking

>> No.3561733

I don't think I've ever been to Bristol but I know if I went I could get benzos, disassociatives or opiates in under an hour, at mates rates.
They're around in other cities too, but the sellers are less approachable. It's a very "happening" city.
So what are you implying, exactly?

>> No.3561734

I thought Bristol was the one for Oxbridge rejects. Or was that Exeter?

>> No.3561735

If you study in UK and your university isn't in the Russell group, you're pretty much studying at a non-uni

>> No.3561738

What about the 94 group? They have Durham.

>> No.3561741

>I don't think I've ever been to Bristol but I know if I went I could get benzos, disassociatives or opiates in under an hour, at mates rates.
>I don't think I've ever been to Bristol
>at mates rates
Ha Ha Oh Wow.

>> No.3561739

St Andrews performs pretty poorly compared to other on the world rankings. On UK domestic, though, they're No. 6 on both the Complete University Guide and Guardian rankings. Edinburgh's 16 and 15 respectively on both of those. Glasgow's overtaken Edinburgh on the Guardian ranking at 14, but is 1 behind on the CUG rankings at 17.

>> No.3561747

>Durham University, University of Exeter, Queen Mary, University of London and University of York left in 2012. All have now joined the Russell Group.
94 confirmed for old news

>> No.3561748

Oh. Well shit. Good thing I'm RG then.

>> No.3561750

Anywhere that gives an honorary MA after so many years often has a fair number. Most if not all of the Russell group ones.

>> No.3561751


Edinburgh's the only one I've heard of.

>> No.3561753

>tfw A*A*A* at A level and still only one offer

Fucking UCAS.

>> No.3561755

>blames UCAS because he's not capable of getting some solid rec letters and a decent personal statement
You're dumb

>> No.3561757

It might be. It's much harder to get a variety of drugs in Oxbridge, unsurprisingly.

Parroting empty rebuttals doesn't make it any less so.

>> No.3561766

>Parroting empty rebuttals doesn't make it any less so.
Basing your views of Bristol on what you saw in Skins doesn't make it more so. To parrot your phrasing, I think I may have been to Bristol, so I think I might possibly know.

>> No.3561789

I'm having a delimma, possibly a moral one.
I'm transferring universities and I am now pushed more than ever into declaring a major.
Unfortunately my passions in education fall far from what's actually applicable in the real world.
The math and sciences inevitably lead to a much higher paying entry level job and they are very stable careers.
>should I aim for applicability, further securing my future; or take advantage of this oppurtunity and study something which really makes me come alive.

>> No.3561793

I've lived in Glasgow (growing up), Edinburgh (undergraduate), Pennsylvania (US undergraduate exchange) and Oxford (Master's).

That order (descending) pretty much correlates with how easy it was for me to attain drugs* in those cities. Obviously, there are lots of factors are work. I was abroad at UPenn, had a lot of close friends in Edinburgh, and haven't really bothered looking in Oxford.

>> No.3561796
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*For me, that just meant mandy and pot.

>> No.3561798

I'm at the University of Bath, top place.

>> No.3561801


I hear Bath's lovely. I don't think I could study in an ugly city.

>> No.3561809


Yeah, it's a sweet city, love it here.

The uni takes a knock in the world rankings due to it being mainly science based (maths student here) We were Times Uni of the Year last year.

>> No.3561816

That's a good point, basing my view of a place on children's TV doesn't make it so.
But what if I've never seen Skins? What if in the past few years, a large section of my local mash head and crusty mates moved to Bristol?
I think if that was the case, they'd certainly hook me up with a dealer on the rare occasion that they didn't have any to sell themselves.
Basing your views of people on the internet on some stereotype in your head doesn't make it so.
I think you might possibly be an idiot.

>> No.3561817

If you don't qualify for the first class honours at a top 100 university, you're basically wasting time and money and are unintelligent

>> No.3561820

I find that golf course pretend castle thing annoying, and the student union's weird. Bath itself is great to go out in though. And don't forget the architecture course.

>> No.3561822

Your personal statement must have been complete shit.

You also must have been applying for really competitive degrees at popular unis to get that sort of ratio.

>> No.3561824


It's funny, international scientific institutions (MIT, Cal' Tech', etc.) consistently rank highly on university lists, but similar places in the UK - like Bath or Heriot Watt - are still looked down upon.

>> No.3561825

Do what you're interested in.

>> No.3561827

>Heriot Watt

Why are you surprised that a poly is considered second-rate?

>> No.3561830
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>I think you might possibly be an idiot.
And yet here I am, inside your head, knowing your thinking process before you even think it. How am I doing it? Wooooooohhhhhh.

>> No.3561831

geology major
I grew up 10 minutes away from New Brunswick and I fucking hate it here, but the education isn't bad and I wouldn't be able to afford anything other than a public state school, so that's that.
At least the drug scene is good. And there are a ton of basement shows which are fun.

>> No.3561836


The castle is weird, but I lived next to that golf course in first year, I prefer living in town though.

The Students Union is well run, but they act better than they are, in fact I think the whole university tries to play itself as more upmarket than it really is. Also SU elections have been all this week, so I've been avoiding the main parade.

And yeah, the uni does stuff like architecture, foreign languages, psychology etc

>> No.3561840

They were the top in architecture in the UK not long ago, I believe they're still in top 3 for that.

>> No.3561842

Why the fuck does Stony Brook rank on these but not Geneseo or Binghamton?

>> No.3561844

Computer Science at Glasgow

>> No.3561849

I think you should go back to watching Skins, mate.

>> No.3561870

McMaster Im in!

>> No.3561881
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I don't think I've ever seen Skins but I know if I did I wouldn't confuse TV and reality

>> No.3561888

Are you in a humanities program?

>> No.3561891

Is it based on marks and things.

>> No.3561895

my uni's ranked 350th!

>> No.3561897

Pittsburgh may have an outstanding philosophy department, but it might make more sense for a good student interested in philosophy to do his or her undergraduate work at Johns Hopkins or Amherst, where student-faculty ratios are more favorable, and where there is a stronger focus on undergraduate education. - Philosophical Gourmet

>> No.3561916

>implying that's the real list


>> No.3561921

The rankings are totally bullshit.

I'm this guy, >>3561793, and when I spent my third year in Pennsylvania I couldn't believe how low the standard was. Most of my classes were at a lower level than first year literature courses in Edinburgh, though the workload was marginally higher. Most people were just cranking out awful essays on impossibly simple topics, while the 'elite' offerings were invariably feminist or post-colonial. I was, generally speaking, deeply unimpressed by 'Ivy League' undergraduates. Several friends of mine had similar experiences at other American institutions.

The difference between Edinburgh and Oxford isn't generally as marked. In fact, it seems to me that you only really see the difference in the top 2-5% of students. Average students are the same everywhere.

>> No.3561928

What has studying at Oxford done for you career-wise?

>> No.3561937

>Most people were just cranking out awful essays on impossibly simple topics, while the 'elite' offerings were invariably feminist or post-colonial. I was, generally speaking, deeply unimpressed by 'Ivy League' undergraduates.
Good to see you've finally realized how little your intelligence has to do getting into schools.

>> No.3561991

>Average students are the same everywhere.
Well yeah. But good universities have only geniuses topping the classes (at least for real majors i.e. stem[/spoiler)

>> No.3561996

Not really. Oxford has a large amount of students getting 1sts. Usually a third or more.

>> No.3562004

Your topic usually has very little relevance to your career. Only approximately 15% of graduates use specific knowledge they gained on their degree, and most of that figure is taken up by postgrads. It's the institution and the marks that count.

>> No.3562007

I'm about to transfer from Marquette University to Illinois State University. It's a pretty significant downgrade, but money has become a huge issue and I can't afford a private university anymore.

>> No.3562009

And experience.

>> No.3562012


I don't see what's particularly murrican about my issue. Other countries have private unis, too. And I'm moving to a state university because it's more affordable.

>> No.3562019

Fuck me you're retarded. Go back to /b/, this place isn't for you.

>> No.3562023

I don't think access to university should be based on money. It should be based solely on academic ability. I don't give a fuck if you did IB and Gold D of E. If you're a fucking retard, I don't want you in my fucking uni. It's not fair for those with pecuniary issues.

>> No.3562025

Private unis, by and large, are seen as a way for daddy's little precious to get a degree somehow.

>> No.3562055

hopefully you're still around but is liverpool uni nice?

looking to do my masters there

>> No.3562059

I'm at Lincoln University in England. It's a good place, I'd recommend.

>> No.3562060

I am. I'll be finishing up my 2nd year in June.
Are you studying English? Where are you now? The staff here are really nice, and, by and large, very knowledgeable. What topic are you looking to specialise in? I can probably tell you who your tutors will be.

>> No.3562061

Amongst who? No one thinks that.

>> No.3562071

i'm studying at the university of gloucester.

Taken a major beating in the uk rankings. last years graduates must have been dumb as shit.

>> No.3562075

I can't remember whether Gloucester's an ex-poly or not, but it's a bit so-so.

>> No.3562078

Pretty much everyone.

>> No.3562087

Michigan State University -- James Madison College.

I'm excited for it.

>> No.3562088

I'm studying history at mcgill university

>> No.3562104
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ive been there.... hogwaartz

>> No.3562129
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University of Birmingham. It's pretty badass

>> No.3562135

I'm hoping to get into LES from Helsinki.

If not there, then hopefully Bocconi.

If not there, then hopefully SSE. Economics and or Political History up to this mongol.

>> No.3562136

I live just outside of Birmingham, but I've never been to the campus.

>> No.3562144
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>mfw #1 and engineering

>> No.3562149

What point is there in such general comparison?

Wouldn't it be more intelligent to compare colleges of same field together?

>> No.3562152

Hence why it's so tenuous and incredibly prone to being the subject of circlejerking.

>> No.3562159

Anybody knows what exams I have to present to apply to England universities? I've presented the SATs, the Colombian equivalent to SATs and the TOEFL, is that enough?

>> No.3562163

Varies depending on the uni. Go look at the ac.uk pages of your target unis.

>> No.3562169

thats bullsit, it contains Universidad de los Andes, a university that isn't even Colombia's best (i think its 3rd)

>> No.3562197

In the US, I was always under the impression that it was go state, go ivy, or go home, with exceptions for CIT and MIT.

State university here, no student loans and life is fine. Its more worthwhile to be an entrepreneur or get in on the ground floor.

>> No.3563610
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Currently have two more years at Temple University. I'm studying journalism but I've recently discovered I don't give a shit about the news -or rather, I have somewhat reactionary views on the role of social media in the news. Becoming more and more interested in Classics, but I feel like it's too late to jump ship. Oh well.

No student loans or anything, at least I'm not paying anything ludicrous for this. There's always grad school for that.

>> No.3563612

Look at these losers

>> No.3563628

How many people that study journalism want to be sports writers from your experience?

>> No.3563647

Any other Americans feel like they want to be teachers but don't want to be stuck in either the rigid high school conditioning processing line or the academic/forced feeling of university?

>> No.3563661

U of T, bitch!
Not sure why it's so great it deserves a top 20 ranking. Doesn't feel that awesome. Some of the faculty are fucking idiots too

>> No.3563695

Anyone have any experience with St. John's college?
Spent a year in a community, thinking I might transfer into it. I've seen people mention it here once or twice.
I get the feeling it attracts a lot of borderline autists and naive, pretentious kids. I don't know what to make of the school, Santa Fe or Annapolis, but the curriculum seems really nice.

>> No.3563703

same! what year?

>> No.3563708

>tfw #25

Y'all said Texas was stupid.

>> No.3563710

Harvard ezpz

>> No.3563943

Oregon State University.
Dual majoring in Political Science and History.
I'm scared /lit/.

>> No.3563956

I want to go to Pomona(David Foster Wallace taught there)
tfw when cant get in regularly with grades and scores, but will probs get in cause of football and half smart:)