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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 201x300, Ender's_game_cover_ISBN_0312932081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3558254 No.3558254 [Reply] [Original]

just finished this, about to start on the sequel
fucking loved it, its been a while since i enjoyed a book
so thoroughly.
was wondering if any of you could recommend me some more good sci-fi of its nature?

>> No.3558265


>> No.3558302

Unfortunately this and Dune are the best in modern sci fi, as >>3558265 notes, after that it is an immediate plunge.

Should you wish to read literature with a sci fi bent, I would suggest Stanislaw Lem's His Masters Voice and Solaris, HMV being one of my favorite novels

>> No.3558308

I'm just at the end of this and I'm enjoying it too, I'd recommend anything by Robert A. Heinlein, I haven't found anything by him that I didn't enjoy.

>> No.3558326

Are you fucking kidding me? Samuel R Delaney, Fritz Leiber (short stories only), PK Dick, Ursula K Leguin, Frederick Pohl, Thomas M Disch, Robert Silverberg are all a million times better then this self indulgent, convoluted piece of sophomoric fantasy. Do yourself a favour and read some real sci fi.

Also JG Ballard is a contemporary, postmodern scifi writer who cannot be ignored.

>> No.3558328

his master's voice looks dead interesting, I'll be sure to pick it up

>> No.3558339

Solaris is much better, read that if you must.

>> No.3558341

what would you recommend to start with?

>> No.3558346
File: 58 KB, 298x443, 1246829100703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enjoying the scribblings of a racist, misogynistic privileged white male who recycles the same plot-line over and over again

"have space suit-will travel"
It's the least odious of his shitty books

>> No.3558359

ahhh fuck off with your hyper sensitive political correctness. the book was great, I could give a shit
what the msnbc says about him.

>> No.3558362

>get on the subway from new york to LA
>it's packed
>handsome guy gives me my seat and stands the whole way
>reward him with a peak at my cleavage for being such a gentlemahn

There, that's an entire fucking 3 pages in one of his shitty books, I forget what it was called but one of the main characters was a girl called "friday"

>> No.3558364
File: 41 KB, 246x381, ConsiderPhlebas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want Sci Fi with really forward future thinking I'd suggest Iain M Banks' Culture Novels. They're exceptional.

>> No.3558544


>> No.3558575

Now this is rich. Butthurt over shit lit. Sci-fi and fantacrap are the absolute gutter of literature. The only sci-fi author that was truly great was Stanislaw Lem. That was because he transcended the tired archetypes of his genre and simply focused on writing great books that happened to have sci-fi settings.

>> No.3558582

Yeah, he transcended the tired archetypes to write about ectoplasm and calculators half the size of a room.
Fuck off

>> No.3558583

Try the short story "Victory" by Lester Del Rey.

>> No.3558591
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>> No.3558601


The black cloud, Fred Hoyle
the end of eternity, Asimov.
2001 space oddysey,

>> No.3558619

Boo-hoo you sniveling twat. Sounds like a believable female character to me.

For you, OP

Personally, I love how non-PC sci-fi can be. It's refreshing in this age of stale ass-kissing.

>> No.3558624

Ya'll fuckers need to read some John Brunner.

I can't believe one can be so pretentious as to trash an entire genre.

>> No.3558642

the mere existence of "genre" is the lumping together of disparate works. The reason a "genre" exists at all is so we can pass judgement on many works at once, and thus save us a great deal of time.

>> No.3558648

No, genre do not exist for the benefit of you judging entire collections of books by their covers.

>> No.3558651

Stand on Zanzibar is a masterpiece, no doubt.

>> No.3558658

yes they do. The nature of genre is a labeling, the nature of any label is to allow sweeping statements to be made.

>> No.3558686

Yes it is.

Do you know what sweeping generalizations make people sound like? Idiots.

>> No.3558699

okay, so now you're backpeddling, first it was you "couldn't believe anyone could be so pretentious", but now 'sweeping generalizations are made by idiots.'

Pick a side, either its inconceivably pretentious or its idiotic.

>> No.3558706

It's both, sweetheart.

>> No.3558712

So you lacked the brainpower to conceive of what idiots can do? Your inability to out think idiots does not say wonders for you.

>> No.3558715

Are you quite finished? Or are you going to go on blabbering about how there are no pretentious idiots?

>> No.3558722

Wouldn't a pretentious idiot, be someone who is affecting the pretense of being an idiot?

>> No.3558729

No it's someone who judges entire genres by a book or two they couldnt get through.

See >>3558575

>> No.3559145


all indulgent neck beard pulp, which is what enders game and dune would be if they werent so epic.

>> No.3559148

hey, OP, you can stop at ender's game and you won't be missing much

>> No.3559153

lel kid, just shut up and graduate highschool before you start spouting such ridiculous opinions.

>> No.3559189


This guy gets it.

>> No.3559206

i liked the uplift books

>> No.3559284

sequel is fucking terrible, I made it halfway and it's so shit, it's about some little whore on another planet who bitches all the time.

>> No.3559333


>> No.3559359

>both written before 1990
I don't think you know what that word means but it fits in perfectly with the e/lit/ism on this board. Taking books only before a certain period has been a well practised tradition on /lit/.

>> No.3559740

im the highschool student, but you're the one reading ursula leguin as high literature?

>> No.3559745


You know, "modern" means more than "the last couple of years". That's not e/lit/ism, it's fucking common sense.

>> No.3560221

>halo clone

>> No.3560250

I think you're thinking of "contemporary."

>> No.3560257


>> No.3560651

The Sten Chronicles

Good luck finding them.

>> No.3560686


What about Neuromancer?

And for me personally, Snow Crash.

>> No.3560718

Cordwainer Smith, Varley, Butler, Pagios, Clarke, Haldeman, etc.

/lit/ thinks science fiction is shit because /lit/ is completely ignorant and hasn't read many books outside of what's enormously popular or typically assigned at school.

>> No.3562277

When you're done with Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, and Children of the Mind make sure you read the Shadow Series: Ender's Shadow, Shadow of the Hegemon, Shadow Puppets, and Shadow of the Giant. Then check out the related Ender-verse stuff: War of Gifts, First Meetings, Ender in Exile, and Shadows in Flght. I love OSC

>> No.3562550

Get over yourself. Have you read it? No? Then don't comment. Just because it's sci-fi doesn't mean it's "escapist fiction".

>> No.3562575


No. Read Speaker for the Dead and Ender's Shadow. The rest are pretty bad.

Speaker for the Dead, however, surpasses Ender's Game in pretty much every area. It's essentially a much more mature, intricate, and darker revisiting of all the themes that made Ender's Game so great

>> No.3562590

I'll borrow this thread if it's okay (non lit-fag here).

I just read Kane and Abel and thought it was great. Could you recommend me something similar to it?

>> No.3563211

have you read the Shadow series? If so what did you think of it?

>> No.3563215

oh duh, you said Ender's Shadow. Why didn't you like the others?

>> No.3563222

So ender was fucking his sister Amirite?

>> No.3563427

throughout the books OSC never writes "and never once did Ender ever fuck Valentine" so you can read into it all you want. but i don't think so