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3556857 No.3556857 [Reply] [Original]

Post a book and the director that should make the movie adaptation.

The Coen Brothers

>> No.3556893
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David Lynch

just for fun

>> No.3556900
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David Fincher

>> No.3556917
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Mamoru Oshii

>> No.3556925
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No one ever

>> No.3556927
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I always used to say Peter Jackson, but..

Paul Thomas Anderson

>> No.3556935
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Lena Dunham

>> No.3556979

PTA couldn't do the whale justice.

>> No.3556982

Good, it already takes up too paper. No need to waste film too.

>> No.3556990
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Can someone please explain to me this novel's/movie's apparent cult following...?

>> No.3556992


>Good, it already takes up too paper.

Sick burn, bro.

>> No.3556995

Shit, didn't mean to reply to this post...

>> No.3557000

Aw, too hard for you?

>> No.3557001

No one is burning anything. Although thy should be.

>> No.3557005
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>Woody Allen
And it should be an 18-episode miniseries. C'mon HBO, get this shit done.

>> No.3557011


the 10 page section where Mr. Pivner is settling in at home is the best scene DFW never wrote

>> No.3557014
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Alejandro González Iñárritu

>> No.3557026

And the scene in IJ where Joelle freebases is, like, totally a revision on the party scenes from R.

I love when Stephen Asche/Wyatt Gwyon is riding with the mummy on the train, and when they bake Rev. G into the bread. So hilarious

>> No.3557023

Aki Kaurismaki for white noise.

>> No.3557040
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that way no one on /lit/ will ever have to read it

>> No.3557041
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M. Night Shyamlan

>> No.3557047

>And the scene in IJ where Joelle freebases is, like, totally a revision on the party scenes from R.

whoah yeah I never made that connection, neato. I need to read TR again soon, it's a wonderful book but my first time I around I seriously misread a couple stuff where it got dense with allusions.

Speaking of WG though, his essays are phenomenal if you haven't read them, Rush For Second Place in particular. They have that novelist touch so it doesn't feel like a typical polemic.

>> No.3557054

You're a wha

>> No.3557057

i've read it, though.
i like the plot.

>> No.3557062

I read the introduction and never got back to it. The college near my house where they have a copy is not the college I attend, so I can't check it out

>> No.3557065

Oh but I'm in love with the mechanization, player piano theme.

>> No.3557544

Agreed. Good call

>> No.3557562

Journey to the End of the Night

Micheal Gondry

>> No.3557567
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Cinema is the bastardization of intelligence. A voracious money making machine which chews up literature and shits retarded products for mass consumption.

>> No.3557575

Terrible pairing, OP. the Coen Brothers are my favourite directors and I don't think their style would match the book's well.

>> No.3557583


>> No.3557587 [DELETED] 


Learn to write, you filthy renegade of the Down syndrome brigade.

>> No.3557603


>> No.3557665


>> No.3557668

metro 2033

>> No.3557670


>> No.3557690
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Proust. HBO series. Directed by Michel Gondry.

>> No.3557742

there's a proust film by some portuguese author, john malkovich plays Charlus. Check it out, it's pretty cool. You wont get anything unless you've read the book though.

>> No.3557750
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Paradise Lost. Just for the sake of special effects if nothing else.

>> No.3557794
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By Michael Bay

>> No.3557814
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by Shane Carruth

>> No.3557828

but this book is really boring
>look sticks
>religious book how did you write
>i asked sticks

>> No.3557868

The Master and Margarita

PTA or Lynch

>> No.3558146
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Terrence Malick

I'd watch that.

>> No.3558300
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Aki Kaurismäki.

This is never going to happen but a man can always hope.

>> No.3558304


>> No.3558307
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Alejandro Jodorowsky

>> No.3558313
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I love these

>> No.3558317

>With whispering voice overs by faggots

>> No.3558323
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>implying Miranda wouldn't direct

>> No.3558338

Wes Anderson should do it.

>> No.3558342

Oh, it's this thread again.

>> No.3558418
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Picture this shit:

Thirteen 2 hours episodes, HBO / AMC collab'.
Enough money and time, nothing is rushed.
Pynchon and Shane Carruth adapting


Directors (1/episode): Linklater, Carruth, Ang Lee, Lynch, Haneke, Zviaguintsev, Fincher, Cronenberg, Tarr, Kitano, Coen(s), Gondry, Van Sant.

>> No.3558429

I came to post this, but I was going to go with Terry Gilliam

>> No.3558550


Gilliam crossed my mind, too, actually, but I like PTA and Lynch more. But yeah, Gilliam could do a great job

>> No.3558869

I would probably watch that

>> No.3558885

Anything by John Green :^)

>> No.3558909


I'd lose Van Sant for someone like Herzog.

In fact just make Herzog narrate every directors sequence. Would watch.

>> No.3558921


>Shane Carruth adapting

this motherfucker knows what he's talking about

>> No.3558961

The Red and the Black.

>> No.3559143

To read, or not to read? I heard it's the most similar writer to DFW and I'm jonesing after IJ

>> No.3559201

not bad

>> No.3559212

Not OP, but read it. It's brief. I can't speak to the similarity between DFW and DeLillo as i haven't read anything by Wallace yet.

>> No.3559462

I don't think Lynch fits with tmam at all. And pta just directed the master, he can't do something with the same name

>> No.3559479

You should definitely read it. As for DeLillo and DFW being similar, I can't see how. One of them is among the great writers of prose fiction in the late 20th century/early 21st century US. the other one is David Foster Wallace.