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3554356 No.3554356 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, I don't browse /lit/ much, but I am assuming this is the place I can talk about philosophy.

Hell I don't know if this is a philosophical question or not.

My question is why should I continue living?

This isn't about being depressed or saying my life is shit. I have a great life with a many great things. I just don't want to be a part of it. Death really fascinates me. Kinda weird. Maybe.

Is their any justification for why I shouldn't die? I would upset my family and friends obviously and it is a selfish thing to do.

Maybe if you can't answer this question or don't want to, you can direct me to a philosopher who discusses life and death.

if this is the wrong place to post this kind of question, re-direct me to a appropriate board.

If this is /b/ tier material, ill leave.

>> No.3554363

>why should I continue living?
What kind of answer are you looking for? If you are trying to find 'meaning' then you would have to adopt a certain model of reality and subscribe to it.

The only real question is 'are you enjoying yourself'? If you can find some pleasure or happiness, then carry on living. If you honestly can't and you life is continual misery, then end it.

There is an existential crisis chart floating around, with religion, absurdism, existentialism and a few other options that you might want to look at.

>> No.3554378

holy shit

continue living if you want to, kill yourself if you really want to, your existence doesn't need to be justified by some outside force regardless of what the religious will try to tell you and everything is selfish not just suicide, that shouldn't be a deterrent

>> No.3554383

Guess im off to some other place then

>> No.3554450

This might be up your alley

>> No.3554481
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>> No.3554484

Why should you continue living? Are you suggesting that life isn't worth living? To that I say, is death really worth dying? Whether you live or die, is irrelevant. So, might as well stick around and play out the rest of your life.

>> No.3554618
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Live or die, it matters not
Everything you do will be undone
Everything you love will die
Your fortune will not follow with you
You will be forgotten
Everything you've learned will just go to waste

On the upside, Life is pretty fun from time to time, So you might as well enjoy it while you can before we are welcomed into the earth as collective dust and coal.

>> No.3555718
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this is /lit/ material as soon as you add the word Camus there

>> No.3555744
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>>I have a great life with a many great things.
>>a great life with a many great things.
>>a life with a many great things.
>>with a many great things.
>>many things.

If a life is all about things, such a life ought to be seriously reevaluated.

>> No.3555752

He could be taking about things in a different sense than the purely material. Having friends is a great thing.

>> No.3555802

You will have plenty of time to be dead; don't be in such a hurry.

>> No.3556016


>> No.3556773

Might as well kill yourself as soon as possible

>> No.3556776

Sounds like it's time for the OP to read The Myth of Sisyphus.

>> No.3556804


You are a biological machine programmed to pass your genes on. There is no more why here than there would be asking why Jupiter exists or why helium has the mass that it does.

If you find a reason to live for then fine, wonderful, if you don't, then that's what happened. It's up to you to cut your way through the jungle of possible outcomes that your life will become.

Ps. I also find a lot of the time with people who are pondering about this stuff and wondering which philosophical angle to consider when deciding if they should suicide or not, that the people in question just lack attention from the opposite sex.

>> No.3556848

because you can suck more dick when you're alive

>> No.3556855

if you are in pain and don't want to live, then don't live
I think you are stuck in a rut, and you need to break out
go on an adventure and live the way you want to