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File: 28 KB, 562x351, a-man-who-dares-to-waste-one-hour-of-time-has-not-discovered-the-value-of-life-charles-darwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3553995 No.3553995 [Reply] [Original]

How should our society assign value to life?

>> No.3553996

>the value of life

shit, that's some powerful shit. Oh well

>> No.3553997

Using US dollars.

>> No.3554013

Society makes resource allocations based on the value of life. Whether we noticed or not, we make decisions based on the value of our life-all the time.
The true value of humans is intrinsic. Human life is precious and worth protecting and sustaining because of the value placed upon it by a transcendent sources apart from each person's health status, maturity, intelligence, race, abilities, etc.
Our society has shifted to a quality of life mentality and has lost sight of the value and sacredness of all human life.

>> No.3554017

I do whatever the fuck I want to.

>> No.3554045

>our society
what, you mean your sorry ass and your power elite overlords?

read a fucking book, life is worthless

>> No.3554062

That quote, I mean what the fuck? Didn't Darwin masturbate and lay in his fucking bed every day sexually fantasizing to sketches of weird creatures with three floppy dicks and other stuff that he imagined that "evolution" inevitable would lead to. The old man probably got nihilism at an early age, I mean he basically "invented" the idea that man came from "nothing". That everything came from "nothing". That was his great achievement. Everything is nothing. His entire life was a waste of time.

>> No.3554087

Your life is a waste of sperm.

Not that I defend Darwin, I don't care about that old man.
I wanted to hurt your feelings.

>> No.3554105

Pretty sure you spent half your time reading shitty Victorian romance novels Darwin, and fucking around in your backyard with Earth worms.

>> No.3554231

>he thinks it is a matter of choice

this. that is the only correct answer.

>> No.3554255

I think I read he also dined with friends eating a various assortment of exotic animals from around the world. I guess one promiment thought on his mind was "I wonder what they taste like?"

>> No.3554291


Your are very close to the truth my friend, perhaps too close.

>> No.3554316
File: 54 KB, 1009x389, 1356283167834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How apropos. I just started reading The Origin of Species this morning. I've only read as far as the domesticated pigeons and dogs.

What am I really in for guys?

>care to elaborate with an image?

>> No.3555114

it's in the eye of the individual, not the masses. What one finds value in might be completely different to another. It's not really something society as a whole can do.

The value of life is found in every person but in different ways.

>> No.3555139

well prepare for a lot of shit on animals.

descent of man is where the fun is

>> No.3555207

I reject your premise

>> No.3555297

Wasting time is a great use of life. In fact, it's the only thing humans can do.