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/lit/ - Literature

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3552945 No.3552945 [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/'s take on it? Whenever I struggle with writer's block and don't know what to write about, I would often turn to the topic of eroticism and sex to motivate me into writing.. something, anything - even if it was smut.

Does anyone else do this too?

>> No.3552957

Huh. Just me then?

>> No.3552983
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>In my last year of university
>Ahead of schedule on my thesis, decide to use the time to do some general reading
>Go to the library to find some Wittgenstein
>Pick up TLP, haven't read it since first year
>Get to around two-hundred pages in
>A few pieces of paper fall out, folded together
>Lots of writing

>Decipher the first sentence
>It all comes rushing back to me
>Oh Jesus, it's an erotic story I wrote drunk in first year
>Read it all, very graphic, quite deviant


>> No.3552989

I smirked. Thank you.

>> No.3553023

Smut is the first thing I started writing (aside from a self-insertion HP fanfic I wrote when I was eight, which I do not tend to count as a milestone in my writing career).

But in the end, smut is rather cheap. There are only so many ways to write it and it has such little worth. Those are my thoughts, anyway.

>> No.3553035

care to post it?

>> No.3553081
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Ripped it to shreds in a fit of panicked embarrassment, I'm afraid. When you're this liable to shame yourself it isn't a good idea to leave a paper trail.

>> No.3553612
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OP: i find the reverse is true for me.

1) have fantastic idea for a porn story

2) spend days coming up with a scenario where circumstances of the porn story could come about

3) write out the intro

4) get to the porn bit and become too self-conscious to continue

i should have listened to my ex when she warned me not to read feminist literature. i can't fap any more without feeling guilty.

last thing i wrote.. i've got 17,000 words of lead-up. and i'm gonna chicken out again.

>> No.3553801

Whenever I try to seriously write, I always think what I've written is gay. So sometimes I write literally gay stories, explicit detail and such. Gay cowboy stories are especially nice, since I can actually explore themes of loneliness or whatever.

>> No.3553810

I have some characters on an erotic roleplay site who never see much action. I think it's because I have a lot of literary requirements. Anyway, I've considered writing smut with those characters, but I'm afraid it would turn into roleplaying with myself.

>> No.3553888

>Self written erotic literature
Literally literary masturbation.

>> No.3553892


>i can't fap any more without feeling guilty.

Stop reading fat cunts like Dworkin and start reading some sex-positive feminism.