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3552273 No.3552273[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Name one good piece of literature that wasn't written by a white, bourgeois, heterosexual, cisgender man.

>> No.3552276

plenty of them were hardly bourgeois

>> No.3552280

The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.3552281

Just one? The Picture of Dorian Gray.

>> No.3552284

Cambridge people really lack a sense of humour.

>> No.3552288

> bourgeois

So...the vast majority of modern books, then?

>> No.3552292

Let's not forget that the vast major part of women shared the same sexist ideologies that their husbands and brothers did and the trend continues even today with females being slightly more conservative in their attitudes towards birth control and abortion among others.

>> No.3552293

The bourgeoisie are the plague of the planet.

>> No.3552294

The image is sort of more confusing than the OP's question. He's saying white, bourgeois, heterosexual, cisgender males are the ones who 'write history.' What does that even mean?

>> No.3552297


I want Tumblr to leave.

>> No.3552301

Pushkin was black

>> No.3552300


Write a panflet about it, stupid Commie

>> No.3552305

They're the only ones who know how to write, the non-whites and women are busy living like savages

>> No.3552306

I think he's saying that white bourgeois people see life through the lens of the white bourgeois experience.

>> No.3552307

He's invented an extremely misogynistic "Great Historiman" view of history. With this historicity, you pretend that regardless of what actually happened, the only reason we value it as a part of our past is because of rich, white, sexually conservative dudes.

>> No.3552309

Dear God.

>> No.3552310

Slightly related subject: When did /lit/ become overrun with rabid feminists, and when will they get bored and leave? Have we become their base for launching their stupid bullshit propaganda at other larger, more active boards?

>> No.3552314

it's just /pol/ trying to be funny


>> No.3552317
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>> No.3552318

>When did /lit/ become overrun with rabid feminists, and when will they get bored and leave?
Every board from /r9k/ has always had this. And welcome to /lit/

>> No.3552319


This is the designated liberal arts board on 4chan. Where else would they post?!

>> No.3552320
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Isn't that the Bodleian behind him? If so, it's Oxford, not Cambridge.

I don't have a sense of humour either.

>> No.3552322


I like how you think /lit/, and 4chan in general was anything other than feminist until /pol/ attracted a bunch of retards to this site

>> No.3552323

I chuckled.

Interesting statement. I never quite understood if forcing views on others is bad why the views of others need to be forced onto white heterosexual, etc. men.

Yeah, I've found that even at a graduate level I just 'can't win' against a minority or female. I'm always shot down due to evidently believing in 'great history.'

>> No.3552325
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>> No.3552326


>Not using ortographic anachronisms

You just went full plebeian, m8

>> No.3552324

Slightly related subject: When did /lit/ become overrun with mindless misogynists, and when will they get bored and leave? Have we become their base for launching their stupid bullshit propaganda at other larger, more active boards?

>> No.3552330

It's actually the Radcliffe Camera

>> No.3552332


>equating not being a feminist with being a misogynist

Pls Tumblr, you have your own shithole to play in, stop fucking up ours.

>> No.3552336


Sorry, you're absolutely right, it is. That's still in Oxford though, right?

>> No.3552346

You're right, I was mistaking it for St Mary's St

>> No.3552349

>Interesting statement. I never quite understood if forcing views on others is bad why the views of others need to be forced onto white heterosexual, etc. men.

Probably because many people think reparation and atonement for the crimes of ancestors are acceptable. Nothing says integration like pointing out others' differences and alienating them.

>> No.3552352

>Not being a feminist
>Not being the person you want to be
>Letting a preconceived view of who you should be mould you into a caricature

>> No.3552355

Yes. The Bodleian is the official name for Oxford's University Library. However, the Bodleian building proper is opposite those steps you can see in the background. Also called Duke Humfrey's Library, it's got Law and English books in it. The Radcliffe Camera has history books. The OP photo was taken as part of an Oxford WomCam initiative (Fourth Wave Feminism and all that)

>> No.3552362

Fair enough. I understand that atonement is probably a worthy goal, but that entails a certain level of understanding and mutual respect, rather than whole hog foisting of world-views. I suppose I'm preaching to the choir on this one, but still...

>> No.3552366

Well, this thread has confirmed to me that there's no hope for 4chan or the internet anymore. Either you're with the braindead feminists on most of the boards, or you're with the nutjobs that genuinely hate women on /pol/ and /r9k/. Sooner or later I'm going to have to pick one of those sides. Being a moderate is impossible in this day and age.

>> No.3552371

>Being a moderate is impossible in this day and age.
Unless you're, you know, not an idiot.

>> No.3552374


How am I supposed to be a moderate when everywhere on the internet, there's two extreme viewpoints, and there's no like-minded, moderate and rational people to have a discussion with?

>> No.3552377


>implying the feminist progressive liberals aren't trying to mould you into their image

>> No.3552378

Why would that mean you have to join a side? I don't see why the lack of a certain position on the internet of all places would have such a huge impact on your ideology.

>> No.3552381


If you don't support feminism you might as well just say you hate women

>> No.3552382

Yeah. As a second gen Asian living in south TX, i just don't give a fuck about race or culture anymore. It's immaterial and insignificant.

>> No.3552385

>Sooner or later I'm going to have to pick one of those sides.
Join the feminists, we're really not that bad. The tumblr megaphone kids give us a bad name, when in reality, all we are fighting for is more freedom for you to be yourself. For you to be more comfortable in your body without having to live up to an antiquated view of who you should be. All we want is a basic equal treatment, without enforced equality, and less pigeon-hole gender roles.

>> No.3552387


Because not joining a side essentially means I bar myself from having any input on the issue, since no one will listen to someone that doesn't neatly fit into their black-and-white worldview.

>> No.3552391


Being a moderate is a disposition, not an ideology. If you were a moderate a hundred years ago, you'd probably think that monarchy was the best thing since sliced bread.

>> No.3552392

>The tumblr megaphone kids give us a bad name
It's the general confusion between feminism and post-feminism.

>> No.3552398


Pls. I have no respect for feminism even outside of Tumblr. It's a flawed ideology that more or less blames men for all the institutionalized sexism in the world, promotes promiscuity and calls anyone that doesn't think promiscuity is a good character trait a sexist, and promotes the idea of some nonsensical "Rape culture" in Western countries, while simultaneously ignoring the ACTUAL FUCKING RAPE CULTURE in countries like South Africa.

>> No.3552400


Why do you want idiots to listen to you?

>> No.3552405

>It's a flawed ideology that more or less blames men
How'd you figure? The rest is bull, second wave was rather sexually conservative and prescriptive, your focus on promiscuity is more to do with you than the subject.

>> No.3552408


Because if they don't listen to me, then their opinions will be the ones running the world.

>> No.3552412

>Group of fellow (white male) rapists and I are meeting in our attic of oppression
>Begin plotting on how to degrade the female sex with our privilege, begin reading my latest jokes about traditional gender roles
>All of the sudden the walls begin to shake
>Team of militant feminists and queers burst in through the window, armed with guns loaded full of needles containing estrogen
>Daniel and I stay behind, throwing Hemingway novels at the highly trained troops while our rapist group runs away
>We're finally tackled by a large Butch lady
>Attempt to knock her out with hardcover copies of The Old Man and the Sea, but our attempts are futile
>Brought to the ministry of checking and forced to take estrogen injections while reading Andrea Dworkin's works and receiving a daily beating from groups of PMSing womyn
>Please help us

>> No.3552414

>at least if I convince myself I agree with them, I can pretend I'm having a say in the "running of the world"

>> No.3552420

That doesn't make much sense at all, either, but okay, fool yourself into thinking whatever you want, I guess.

>> No.3552421


Because feminists believe in the patriarchy, which, simply stated, says that all institutionalized sexism, whether directed against men or women, is the result of the male-dominated world, therefore it blames men for it.

Also, I don't see how promiscuity isn't related to the subject, Every feminist I've ever talked to has said something to the effect of "IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS HOW MANY GUYS A WOMEN'S SLEPT WITH (lol, yet its somehow THEIR business whether or not I'm confident, whether or not I'm religious, and what my political views are).

>> No.3552435



Contributing to a discussion that the majority of people are having instantly gives you a say in how the world runs.

>> No.3552436

This right here is exactly what I'm against. I don't know how any sensible person could find this appealing.

>> No.3552451

>I have no respect for feminism even outside of Tumblr.
That really is a shame.

>It's a flawed ideology that more or less blames men
The concept of a patriarchy is not putting blame on men in some kind of gender twisted original sin concept. Feminism aims to liberate men from the structures they're shackled by too.

>and calls anyone that doesn't think promiscuity is a good character trait a sexist
Not true in the slightest. Are you basing this exclusively on 'slut-walks'? Either way, if two people want to sleep together why shouldn't they?

>nonsensical "Rape culture" in Western countries
It's not nonsensical, it's statistical. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect sex to be consensual. Though I do agree that the whole 'tumblr scene' takes issues too far sometimes and twists them into something counter-productive.

>ignoring the ACTUAL FUCKING RAPE CULTURE in countries like South Africa.
Errr.... actually, I am South African. Feminism isn't an isolated thing though, it applies globally. From women having clits sliced out in Nairobi to men forced into work camps in Korea; from gender image in Britain to mass rape in Rwanda. The problem is, a middle class French teenager can't do a lot about Rwandan politics. Though I agree most people tend to focus on the issues that effect them and their loved ones first.

>> No.3552461

>Because feminists believe in the patriarchy, which, simply stated, says that all institutionalized sexism, whether directed against men or women, is the result of the male-dominated world,
I don't really see how that is up for debate, to be quite honest. Either people argue that patriarchy is right or good or whatever, or that it is unjust. No one really argues that it doesn't exist.
>therefore it blames men for it.
Yeah, that doesn't follow. No one I'm aware of is claiming there's some kind of penis illuminati of which all men are implicit. Some post-feminists view men as inherently unjust creatures and want to do away with them, but that isn't feminism.

>> No.3552474

>Every feminist I've ever talked to has said something to the effect of "IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS HOW MANY GUYS A WOMEN'S SLEPT WITH
You think that means promiscuity is a positive trait somehow? Regardless of people's views, it sounds more like you have problem interacting with people. It's not like in very conservative times asking about someone's sexual history would be appropriate either.

>> No.3552483


>Feminism aims to liberate men from the structures they're shackled by too.

By "saving them from themselves" essentially. Frankly, I find feminism's complete lack of willingness to admit that women are responsible for some of the sexism in the world to be kind of insulting. I've never gotten into a conversation with a women feminist that didn't eventually result in them basically saying that men are what's wrong with the world. And male feminists are usually the most self-hating, "Privilege guilt" fucks I have ever met in my entire life.

> Either way, if two people want to sleep together why shouldn't they?

Sorry, I should have been more specific. I'm talking from a dating standpoint. I regularly see people get called sexist for saying they wouldn't date a promiscuous women.

>It's not nonsensical, it's statistical. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect sex to be consensual.

There's a difference between being against rape and being against a "rape culture". A "rape culture" implies that the society supports rape, which just isn't fucking true in Western countries, and you know it's not.

>All the rest of the post

My point is, that if you're going to engage in activism, engage in activism that actually matters, not this Tumblr-level "GET RID OF SOCIETY'S EXPECTATIONS OF BEAUTY" bullshit.

>> No.3552487


also... Frankenstein... but that one was arguably edited by the white boureois heterosexual cisgender husband

>> No.3552488

>By "saving them from themselves" essentially.
Are you still at an age where you think there's a "boys' club" and a "girls' club"?

>> No.3552495

>Feminism aims to liberate men from the structures they're shackled by too.

thank you for knowing what's best for us men!

>> No.3552497


There is no way to claim that a patriarchy exists, and then not claim that all institutionalized sexism is the fault of men. The two ideas are mutually inclusive.

>> No.3552499

>a "boys' club" and a "girls' club"

What are you trying to say

>> No.3552509

>tfw ancient greek philosophers were surely not "cisgender"
>tfw you realize that the term cisgender is unapplicable to the ancient greeks since greek sexuality is very different from our own and does not have the same dualism

>> No.3552512


haha oh wow

you really believe that? that's just feminist revisionism

>> No.3552514

>thank you for knowing what's best for us men!

It's not about what's best for one gender, it's what's best for all of us. Feminism isn't a man vs woman thing, despite how it's depicted. everyone is equally victimized by social structures in a variety of ways, and feminism is a movement to reduce and end that.

>> No.3552516

strip clubs I think

>> No.3552518

>There is no way to claim that a patriarchy exists
You think one cannot make a claim? The idea of a "patriarch" comes from Roman culture anyway, and was codified within their laws. The idea of a society being patriarchal ultimately derives from that. But, hey, if you want to fart about and whine you have nothing to say on a subject you know nothing about, who am I to stop you?
>and then not claim that all institutionalized sexism is the fault of men.
Do you mean men in an inclusive or exclusive sense? Either way, this isn't a blame game, no one is saying it is someone's "fault".

>> No.3552519


Really? Because I never hear of feminists rallying together to protest any number of the sexist government/social actions against men.

>> No.3552521

war and peace

>> No.3552522

If one does not listen, one cannot hear.

>> No.3552526

Such as?

>> No.3552536

Done in two.

>> No.3552537

But what if I like the structures and feel that they should be furthered?

>everyone is equally victimized by social structures in a variety of ways

I'm not sure this is entirely legitimate, and and when it is, I feel that it's more than worth the trade-off.

>> No.3552539


...Oh god, this is why I hate talking to feminists.

-Child custody laws
-Prison sentences
-Selective service int he United States
-Domestic abuse

the list goes on and fucking on.

>> No.3552542


>Do you mean men in an inclusive or exclusive sense?


>Either way, this isn't a blame game, no one is saying it is someone's "fault".

That's exactly what they're saying, by blaming me and 50% of a population for sexism (and don't even try to say they don't blame us), when we have about as much control over the world and society as they do, and they're just as guilty of sexism as we are.

>> No.3552543

Those laws are the result of men, rather.

>> No.3552555


...I'm laughing so hard right now.

This post comes JUST after I was talking to someone saying feminism isn't playing the blame game or saying men are responsible for all sexism.

>> No.3552563

>Because I never hear of feminists rallying together to protest any number of the sexist government/social actions against men.
How can they 'rally together' except for things like child custody – feminists are for fathers seeing children. if you read some feminist literature on social structure, you will find that feminist theory applies to everyone equally. We have inherited a structure, and it's not the fault of our generation that we have been conditioned by it. Nobody is saying 'all men are evil' at all, we are trying to help men too.

>> No.3552564

>-Domestic abuse
I'm not sure what you mean by protest or how one would protest such things exactly.
>-Selective service int he United States
Many anti-war and anti-conscription protests are attended and supported by feminists.
>-Prison sentences
You've got to be more specific.
>-Child custody laws
The argument for giving mothers preference in custody is anything but feminist.

>> No.3552569

You'd deny that most law-makers are men, then?

I don't give a shit about tumblr or feminism, I just find your line of logic equally as silly.

>> No.3552575

If you're using men in an exclusive sense, they're blaming a small group of men, not you "and 50% of the population". Compare to inclusive and exclusive we. Make up your mind what you mean and stop being so vague.

>> No.3552578

To be fair, as I've just pointed out, you're not putting your thoughts very clearly at all.

>> No.3552584


>I'm not sure what you mean by protest or how one would protest such things exactly.

Maybe "raise awareness" or "start trying to change" would be better terms. They do both those things when those issues apply to women,so I don't see why they don't do it when it applies to men, if feminism is genuinely trying to help both sexes.

>Many anti-war and anti-conscription protests are attended and supported by feminists.

I imagine the majority of feminists don't give a shit, though.

>You've got to be more specific.

How men are overwhelmingly given harsher sentences for the same crimes across the board.

>The argument for giving mothers preference in custody is anything but feminist.

And yet, until this thread, I have not seen a single person who claims to be a feminist say anything against it.

>> No.3552582

You're not really all that clear, dude.

>> No.3552587

>-Child custody laws
But feminists do want fathers to have access to kids where appropriate
>-Prison sentences
Again, feminism is arguing for equality here.
>-Selective service int he United States
I don't know much about US services, so I really can't say.
>-Domestic abuse
Feminists don't want any domestic abuse. If there is money to be directed at victims, it should be spent on whoever needs it regardless of genitals.

>> No.3552593


It's because I'm talking with like, four different people about different subjects, and I'm trying to reply as fast I can, so my points are kind of getting a little mixed up.

My overall point: Feminism does not care about both sexes equally and is only interested in defending women. It also, for the most part, refuses to acknowledge that any sexism is because of women.

>> No.3552594
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damn OP

>> No.3552595

It's becoming increasingly and painfully apparent that you haven't really met or talked with any feminists in person.

>> No.3552600


Why does it matter if it's in person? A feminist online will have the same views offline.

>> No.3552604
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>> No.3552605

>I imagine the majority of feminists don't give a shit, though.
That's your problem, doesn't match up with reality either.
>How men are overwhelmingly given harsher sentences for the same crimes across the board.
Then it'll anti-feminist for similar reasons to child-custody.
>And yet, until this thread, I have not seen a single person who claims to be a feminist say anything against it.
Your ignorance does not a point make. The preference for women in child custody comes from the view that "women are mothers", that they're naturally more suited to care giving and more nurturing than men, and this kind of stereotyping is not feminist at all. It's just like how feminists don't think women should just be nurses, maids and nannies or whatever.

>> No.3552607

you have no proof that our present system is evil & should be changed, and no proof that what you're proposing is a better system
you are basically re-enacting communist/liberal/fascist/whatever-ideology propaganda and nothing more.

>> No.3552614

You know that's not true, especially under the blanket of Anonymity. Christ, if people behaved like they did here I wouldn't leave the house.

>> No.3552617

Human interaction is fundamentally different on and offline. I never had any respect for feminism until I talked to actual feminists in a real-life situation. I also have a high level of education and am sociable, so that helps.

>> No.3552618

>you have no proof that our present system is evil
There is no "definitive proof" either way, but the argument that the current system is unjust is a compelling one.

>> No.3552623


Ah, I'm starting to see where the confusion is happening.

My point isn't that feminists support these things. It's that society supports them, and feminists mostly try to do anything about it, yet they're perfectly fine getting outraged about the issues that apply to women.

>> No.3552627


*don't try to do anything about it

>> No.3552624

what about things like paternity fraud?

if a woman lies to a man, and says he's the father of a child, even if she knows she isn't, women, specifically feminist women would support the mother lying to the alleged father, because it's in the woman's best interests to have this "father" around.

>> No.3552630


I have no reason to think the feminists I've talked to online weren't actually feminists, because they don't say anything particularly shocking or angering.

>> No.3552639

yes, the current system is unjust, but not only towards the women. it's a fact that capitalism is flawed. but that doesn't mean at all that feminism is the answer.

>> No.3552643

You totally side-stepped my point, though. Your interactions online aren't always indicative of real life beliefs or reality. Sorry mate, just how these things work. Go out and actually talk to some feminists, men and women alike, for once.

>> No.3552645

>Ah, I'm starting to see where the confusion is happening.
No you don't. While there may be no picket line for sentences and child custody, feminists do protest and argue against them. So yes, they do get outraged. And if that was your problem with conscription too, plenty of feminists are outraged about not being in line to fight for their country unlike men, just as some are outraged anyone should be obligated to do so.

>> No.3552648

Men are the cause of all unjustice in the world. This is a fact, admit it already, you stupid fuckers...

>> No.3552652

>but not only towards the women
Feminism isn't only directed at women.

>> No.3552655

Oh, nevermind me, just pouring some gas on this fire:


>> No.3552657


slavs and blacks are similar, not the same

>> No.3552662


If feminists' beliefs change based on whether or not they're posting on the internet, then why should their beliefs off the internet be considered valid? Besides, I've talked to feminists in real-life, and for the most part they were liberal hippie pseudo-intellectual college girls. No different from the ones on the internet.


And where are these reasonable feminists, exactly? Because I sure as hell haven't met any.

>> No.3552663

>Men are the cause of all unjustice in the world.
Kim Jong
Yup, all men.
Men are fascist chauvinist pigs, and should be kept in perpetual quarantine with women running the world.

>> No.3552669

>it's a fact that capitalism is flawed.

That's debatable and a bad place to start. I think we really need to question if a "just" society is desirable.

>> No.3552673

so feminism is the answer to the exploitation of the proletariat, babies dying in the third world, obesity in the us, the euro debt crisis, financial regulation, environmental protection?

nope, the bible says its u womens sry

>> No.3552674


Not to mention all the fucking stupid fascist elitist sexist misogynistic pigs running the White House since George Washington. AND THE FUCKING RAPISTS WHO WANTT TO RAPE ME JUST BECUASE IM A WOMAN

down with men

>> No.3552676


I am a moderate today and endorse monarchy

>> No.3552679


examples of reasonable feminists

>> No.3552681

Again, it is painfully apparent that you haven't really met many feminists of any intellectual weight. That's fine, but the assumptions you make are absurdly trite.

>> No.3552685


>not using The Sun Also Rises

>> No.3552683

>Because I sure as hell haven't met any.
It is already quite clear you haven't met any, reasonable or otherwise. Try reading a book or a newspaper or talking to people.

>> No.3552690

I fucking hate the word "cisgender". Why do we need a word to describe, that one doesn't hate his gender. I never used it. Ever. not even when discussing transsexuality. The only people on the planet who use it are feminists and when they use it, it sounds like it's something bad.

>> No.3552693


I haven't met them because they don't exist. Intelligent feminists that are actually reasonable about the concept of sexism would better be described as humanists.

>> No.3552697

>The only people on the planet who use it are feminists
I dunno man, transtheory is not the same as feminism. Feminism in general seems to be more in line with queer theory and disagrees with much of trans theory.

>> No.3552698


haha oh wow

>history is objective
>complete knowledge of a distant, ancient culture

>> No.3552701
File: 33 KB, 800x384, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assume behavioral differences are mostly/solely the result of social demands with no evidence

>SES differences aren't consensual, they're duh patruarkee, ignore data that suggests otherwise

>> No.3552704

>I think we really need to question if a "just" society is desirable.


I agree that gender roles are, for a part, socially constructed, and that we are pushed into these ways of acting, but why is it a bad thing? 'morality' is a social construct too, but nobody is arguing that "you are 'shackled' by the idea of theft." We have society, and we have these programmed views that we are indoctrinated with, but why are they bad?

If a women is pushed into a role of wearing dresses and eyeliner, and doing the housework and cooking, what's wrong with that? She can turn around and say 'fuck off' if she wants too. 'roles' are a part of hereditary structure, and they could be very different, but I don't see a positive/negative attached to them. I just see them as something that are there.

>> No.3552706


> Intelligent feminists that are actually reasonable about the concept of sexism would better be described as humanists.


Beats me why describe oneself as a "feminist" when all that does is lump you with the crazies.

>> No.3552707

>Intelligent feminists that are actually reasonable about the concept of sexism would better be described as humanists.
While I have to point out they're not mutually exclusive terms, humanism isn't the same thing as feminism, any more than libertarianism is the same as feminism.

>> No.3552713

By flawed I really only meant economically. Capitalism is by essence unstable and very unfair. I didn't claim that there could be a better societal system, merely that ours can be improved (economically speaking).

>> No.3552715

The fact that you are wholly ignorant of the term humanism and what that entails is comical.

>> No.3552718

I saw several discussions on TV about transsexuality and read several articles about it and not even the transsexuals used it. (Ok, Maybe that's because it's not that well known.) The first time I encountered it, was in a thread on 4chan on feminism.

>> No.3552719

>but nobody is arguing that "you are 'shackled' by the idea of theft."
You don't get out much do you?

>> No.3552717

We have yet another genius on /lit/! This person is already smarter than some of the best cultural theorists the last three generations have produced--and didn't even have to read them!

>> No.3552720


I know it isn't the same thing as feminism, because I think feminism is flawed. I think the ideals of feminism that don't fit the description of blaming men for everything, encouraging women to act stupid because its "their right", and thinking rape is the worst possible thing in the world that could ever happen, generally fall under the umbrella of humanism.

>> No.3552723
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Let me add that I do think gender roles or "cultural roles" in general may be oppressive, but feminism has an overwhelming focus on tangible social inequalities between the sexes.

Anytime their double standard is revealed or evidence conflicts with their worldview, they fall back into ad hoc arguments for the time being. "The focus isn't just one wyminz!!" "I never implied that sexes didn't differ biologically!!!"

Once their opponents are out of sight and out of mind, they begin preaching their dogma once again.

>> No.3552724

you are the ignorant one, the guy is right about humanism. if you look at the history of humanism (15th cent. in Europe), there was no overzealous feminist movements yet female writers would flourish and be just as famous and influent as male writers.

>> No.3552729

The first time I encountered it was at a summit for Gay-Straight Alliance in high school. One of the panelists referred to himself as cisgendered but queer (I think he made a joke about being cissy). I think the usage is pretty common. There wasn't really a negative stigma for people identifying as "cisgendered" at the conference

>> No.3552732




"Waaaaaah all these smart people said stuff, therefore they must be right, waaaaaaah"

Lots of smart people say stupid or crazy shit. For example: Philosophers that sympathized with fascism and Nazism.

>> No.3552733

>Beats me why describe oneself as a "feminist"
It's the history. At one point there was a very strong 'institution of men' actively oppressing women. Men slowly gave rights to women, but the social structure that remained was called the patriarchy as it stemmed from this imbalance. It's a determinism cause/effect thing, that today's gender issues come directly from a time when women were horrendously oppressed, and in some ways now are second class citizens. Although men would be considered second class in some aspects now.

>> No.3552734

What are you on about? Have you never head of Sartre? You don't quite get current ideological discourse or academics, do you? Humanism isn't monolithic, nor is feminism. Stop trying to herd people into labels because youa re too ignorant to find out on your own.

>> No.3552736
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>> No.3552737

>You don't get out much do you?
I don't know what point you attempted to make.

Are there really people protesting for the right to burgle houses without prosecution?

>> No.3552738

Transtheory isn't even strictly attached to transexual culture. It's really very niche, and personally I don't see it makes much sense. Especially the idea that it's a part of feminism: it seems to me there's an underlying idea in transtheory that many of the problems of third wave feminism have gone away, and that now is the time to focus on trans v cis issues. So I'd describe it more as a kind of post-feminism. And in my experience, most transexuals follow queer theory and so don't make a distinction between men and women or trans and cis.

>> No.3552746

You don't know about things like squatters' rights movements? Have you never heard the famous phrase "property is theft"?

>> No.3552750

>yfw you realize this woman is a feminist

>> No.3552751

please don't mention sartre, he is one of the worst ideologist in the history of ideologies, only beaten by the cunt simone
i'm not herding anyone into any label; of course humanism isn't monolithic, it is a better version of feminism.

>> No.3552754

I know a few kids who break into derelict houses with section 6's, and I know the Marxist idea of property. But it's not a mainstream view that people can't own material possessions.

>> No.3552761

>implying you know anything about them beyond what you heard in undergrad and just read

>of course humanism isn't monolithic

Exactly my point, son. It's not a monolith and it comes with a lot of ideological baggage.

Just because a term has ideological or historical baggage doesn't necessitate its abolition. Same goes for feminism, as it too isn't monolithic. There, problem solved. One can be both a feminist and a humanist, no problem.

>> No.3552767


...Yes? It's kinda the point.

>> No.3552771

That's because feminism is reactive. Mary Wollstonecraft wrote Vindication of the Rights of Woman in response to arguments that women should be treated as the inferiors of men, and that she as a woman essentially couldn't be an intellectual. Women wanted suffrage in response to men getting suffrage. It isn't a case of "If you just worked harder love you'd have equality", it comes from people actively being put down because of their genitals.

>> No.3552772

This thread goes to show what happens when liberal arts undergrads are given an anonymous soapbox

Is there anywhere I can go to discuss books with smart people?

>> No.3552774

>implying i didn't read sartre in french and read all his exchanges with camus and merleau-ponty
>implying you know more than i do on french politics and intellectual life

>One can be both a feminist and a humanist, no problem.
you can't. humanism is just a broader, more accepting version of feminism

>> No.3552775

the passing of grandison

>> No.3552777

If you define humanism that way you clearly haven't read Sartre. Sorry kiddo. They're not mutually exclusive.

>> No.3552779

>But it's not a mainstream view that people can't own material possessions.
Do you think you can own rainwater? That is, do you think that the rain should be privatised?

>> No.3552781

Take me with you if you find a place.

>> No.3552801
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>personal property doesn't exist

>> No.3552803
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It is already. People collect the rainwater, package it, and sell it. We have a situation where water is free - you could easily collect your own rain or go to the river, but people would rather buy it.

>> No.3552820

Warning, possibly retarded question incoming.

Alright, I'm confused. Is the bourgeois the upper class, or the middle class. and what makes them bad? I thought they were the middle class ones without any culture and read purely entertainment centered novels.

>> No.3552821

>It is already.
If it was already, collecting rainwater would be a form of theft. Look up Bolivia, they did sell the rights to rainwater at one point.

>> No.3552824

Bourgeois is an outdated term used by college-aged students who don't realize they aren't living in early 20th century Russia.

>> No.3552826

Leaves of Grass

>> No.3552831 [DELETED] 

bourgeois are upper class who own the means of production.

What you're referring to are plebians.

>> No.3552837

>Is the bourgeois the upper class, or the middle class. and what makes them bad?

Historically we had peasants and aristocrats; really rich and really poor. The bourgeois and proletariat reflect this, but in modern society we have a smoother spectrum instead of such harsh divides.

The middle-class and upper-class are often used interchangeably and would reflect the bourgeois, while working class are still the proles. There isn't much of an 'upper-class' any more, as that denotes some kind of British Royal family aristocrat image, although there are those that act out this image.

They are 'bad', from a Marxist sense, because they exploit the labour of the working-class. If a bourgeois owns a factory, it's in his interest to work the people harder so they make more products for him to sell, while paying them the same wage and profiting from their labour.

>> No.3552839

bourgeois don't own means of production iirc, they're like doctors and shit

>> No.3552840
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OP needs to stop crying and respond.

>> No.3552844

The middle class. In Communist theory, the lower class are the workers, and the upper class are the people with a clue as to how to run the state that can be bribed and threatened into going along with the revolution.

Fascism/National Socialist theory says that the middle class is the worst of the classes to be if you don't support the nation/volk, as "good" bourgeois stimulate the economy and apply education to it, whereas "bad" bourgeois just buy up cheap Jew shit.

>> No.3552854

>thinking even the most annoying feminists are even close to internet-rightists

You've already chosen

>> No.3552856

Because people like you never bring up the issues affecting men except when talking to a feminist. To actually put into practice what you believe in is beyond you but you will keep it as a handy head-sized square of sand when feminism starts becoming applicable to you

>> No.3552862

not at all

>> No.3552864

The bourgeois are derived from the artisans of pre-industrial society.

Essentially, you had farmers, who produced raw materials (mostly food and animal goods), artisans, who obtained non-animal based resources and/or refined them into a product, and the nobility, who were trained to lead a nation and an army.

The triangle worked, with the upper class protecting lower and middle, lower feeding upper and middle, and middle making things for lower and upper. Eventually however, the crossbow began to usher in an age when the nobility weren't needed as much to defend the other two. The musket finalized this, as any lower or middle class man could be trained into a warrior in a week to a month, while the pre-crossbow training of a noble took a lifetime.

Inevitably, societies begin to have their middle class grow, and their upper class atrophy, instead just being a sort of upper region of the middle, rather than its own class. As the middle class is the knowledgeable, trained class, and the lower the raw labor, a society with more information and mobility will inevitably have its middle class grow.

>> No.3552873

Oh ok I get it. It's negative in the sense that they've been known to exploit the lower classes. But can't it also be positive in the sense that they're the ones with the money to support and pursue the arts (albeit in a relatively narrow mindset because they're the ones deciding what is deemed valuable in art)

>> No.3552876
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>tfw a feudal King will never make you a Sir for bravery, and give you your own town to play with.

>> No.3552896

Thanks, that's awesome. You and the other responders have restored my faith that /lit/ actually has knowledgeable people that come here.

>> No.3552900

Labyrinths by Borges.

Oh wait he's from Argentina. So I guess he es white.

>> No.3552908

Wasn't it the invention of the steam engine that really kicked shit into action? Before that, all trade was done locally on a small scale, with some large trade done by ship. The minute railways were constructed and produce could be sent around in bulk, it paved the way for the industrial revolution.

>> No.3552912

So what, I can't have conservative attitudes towards birth control and abortion without being sexist? Fuck you.

>> No.3552926
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these drudges with their stupid signs and smug smiles make my blood boil.

>> No.3552942

Calls all men fascists. Posts commies. Confirmed for female.

>> No.3552946

It's my uterus, shithead, keep your views away from it.

>> No.3552947

word. little boys with their deficient and tunnel visioning, ideal sciduck engineer monkeys not social decisionmakers

>> No.3552952

Genji Monogatari

What do I win?

>> No.3552954

It was pretty obviously a troll.

>> No.3552959


given that material possession is obviously not a necessary case for contentment, there is no categorical imperative for either equity of material possession, nor for malthusian style population control in reaction to scarcity of possession.

never mind the fact that equity of possession is a physical impossibility anyways.

>> No.3552971
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>its my uterus

>but i get to decide how to partition your money to pay for its services.

>> No.3552978

It's not ur uterus, it's society's. post-enlightenment kiddies think they have a personal right to everything.

>> No.3552986

>Feminists hate white males
>Statistically, most rapes are committed by minorities
Top Lel

>> No.3553000

>It's not ur uterus, it's society's.
Kay, no more sex for you. From now on you're wanking into a cup, sending of to 'Statechild', and will not complain when your mixed race downs baby arrives the next day. Your sperm, and your child raising duty belong to 'society'.

>> No.3553008

>Either people argue that patriarchy is right or good or whatever, or that it is unjust. No one really argues that it doesn't exist.
You do realize that whenever the patriarchy comes up in a discussion on any male-dominated site, the first rebuttals are "THE PATRIARCHY DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST IT'S ABOUT AS REAL AS THE ILLUMINATI"?
Y'know why?

>> No.3553009

pol pls go

>> No.3553016


>oh god oh god what do i say i know ill just label them arbitrarily.

stellar example of the consistency of feminists.

>> No.3553020

pls go pol

>> No.3553028


not to derail the thread, but weishaupt and friends certainly did exist, the extent of their activities is another question.

>> No.3553042

Homos are disgusting and should be genocided. They're nothing but cogs in the big jew scheme to destroy western culture. Copy and paste 10 times if you agree.

>> No.3553074

Go to bed, /pol/

>> No.3553085


just because they are fabulous now doesnt mean they wont decide to have a wife and kids later, or that they are necessarily unproductive members of society to begin with. alternately, if the intent is to promote homosexuality through media as a form of population control, then given the fact that it impacts the most capable populations the most, and the least capable populations the least, it does not seem to be doing humanity as a whole any favors.

>> No.3553135

>>>/pol/s fault. Fucking board needs to be put down like a dog with rabies.

>> No.3553148

what even could you take exception to in that other than the word feminist? it's so vague...

>> No.3553149

pls leave /pol/

>> No.3553194


stop trying to blame /pol/ for everything you think is wrong in the world, believe it or not, people from all over the internet come here, and sometimes, they even post things, shocking i know.

>> No.3553651
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You sound like a bad person but I agree with your last point (some what), feminism is almost entirely concerned with its force in the First World, while almost entirely ignoring the subjugation of women in the Third.

>> No.3553660

Most of Mayakovsky's poetry, for one.
Bertolt Brecht? Jay Wright? G.B. Shaw?
Iris Murdoch? R.K. Narayan? Yukio Mishima? Raja Rao? Garcia Marquez? Carlos Fuentes? Roberto Bolano?

>> No.3553716

get a load of this retard. with the social experience of your basement lair rape culture probably is nonsense lol!

>> No.3554175

>Before that, all trade was done locally on a small scale
Not at all. If the steam engine did anything, it was to allow the enlarging of industry and to move it away from river banks and the reliance on things like water wheels. You could still transport a lot fairly quickly using canals and horse drawn carts, steam didn't really change that so much.

>> No.3554210

>social experience

get a load of this stupid twat

>> No.3554256
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"No no no that’s not what REAL feminism is"

Who are you to claim the mantle of truth and define what real feminism is? Most of the people that are repelled by feminism are responding to feminism as it most often presents itself, obnoxious and absurd.

>> No.3554278

>Most of the people that are repelled by feminism are responding to feminism as it most often presents itself, obnoxious and absurd.
So tell us about where you have seen feminism 'present itself'

>> No.3554280
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Don't you see how silly that is? It's like saying 'I don't like football because a guy in a football shirt beat me up in a pub once.'

>> No.3554395
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Honestly most of my contact with self-proclaimed feminists is online. The few encounters with feminists IRL have been once at a public rally, once at a feminism group stand at uni (was a student organisation fair type deal) and once when I took a shot (verbal) at an obnoxious PETA protestor that was impeding traffic and she turned out to be a rather rabid mysandrist to boot.

Online feminists on the whole seem to be a lot mellower than the IRL feminists I have met. I assume it comes down to only the most fervent and delusional proponents being willing to associate themselves with what has become an illogical and often counterproductive movement where others can see them
I would phrase that analogy a little differently “I don’t like football fans because most football fans I have met have been shouty obnoxious assholes.” This has the additional benefit of being true for both football fans and feminists, though the football fans at least have excessive alcohol consumption as an excuse for their behaviour.

(N.B. “fans” in this case refers to those that define their self-identity as relying on a particular ideology or group, be it football or feminism, as opposed to those that casually enjoy watching a game of football sometimes which are usually fine upstanding folk. Most people that define themselves with a particular belief or movement tend to be idiots.)

>> No.3554399

200 posts and no Atlas Shrugged?

>> No.3554402

But i that analogy football would be akin to the feminist ideology. The fans of both can be annoying, but it doesn't alter the underlying structure. It doesn't make feminism or football inherently bad, it just suggests that there are some asshats associated with both.

>> No.3554406

>The few encounters with feminists IRL have been once at a public rally, once at a feminism group stand at uni (was a student organisation fair type deal) and once when I took a shot (verbal) at an obnoxious PETA protestor that was impeding traffic and she turned out to be a rather rabid mysandrist to boot.
Well, firstly, PETA is not a feminist group. This brings me to the question of how you knew/why you thought they were feminists in the first place (was it a 'feminist society' or something in the first case? Why did you believe the PETA protestor was a feminist?)

Secondly, how do you know you haven't encountered feminists IRL more often? If you met myself or other posters who are apparently more 'mellow', how would you know we were feminists?

Finally, why do you think the 'most fervent and delusional proponents' represent feminism more than people like Judith Butler or Luce Irigaray, or Louise Mensch or Laurie Penny, or Ryan Gosling or Andy Samberg? If they even represent feminism at all?

>> No.3554408

Or it suggests the underlying principle tends to attract those with faulty reasoning because it appeals to emotional needs rather than reality.

>> No.3554412


>> No.3554421

typically perfunctory white guilt, supporting any cause as long as it further his own career path

>I'll do anything to help as long as it doesn't interfere with my oxbridge lifestyle

>> No.3554423

> Who is Upton Sinclaire

>> No.3554435

or maybe your ability to judge a global multidisciplinary movement by your interactions with three people and "the internet" suggests faulty reasoning appealing to emotional needs rather than reality

>> No.3554445

Being a liberal is a really good way to advance your career in some industries. Many of those Hollywood stars really don't give a shit about their causes for example.

>> No.3554453

I didn’t believe or know she was a feminist, but well done assuming I was the asshole of the situation, nice to know you are entering this prejudice free. I confronted her partly because I found the stance she was supporting foolish (something about cattle farms, as one who grew up on a farm I had a personal steak in the debate) but mostly because she was impeding foot traffic along a narrow footpath during lunch hour. That and she was screaming at everyone like a howler monkey on LSD, I just wanted to drink my coffee in peace dammit.

Anyway I interrupted her when she took a breath with a snide comment and she promptly lost her mind and started going on with this patriarchy/CIS/other catchphrase tirade. I wish I had responded with a sharp comment or witty joke but I was so stunned all I could say when she took her breath was “wow, just wow”. I had to leave with her howling at my back, my lunchbreak ruined.

As for meeting “mellow” feminists whenever the topic comes up almost everyone I know and respect hesitates at attaching themselves to the feminist label because of the baggage it comes with. If you are truly for equality feminism should repel you in its current form. Sign up with the humanists; it’s like non-radical feminism without all the self-contradiction and baggage.

>> No.3554454
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>as one who grew up on a farm I had a personal steak in the debate

>> No.3554456

I think that was a pun.

>> No.3554462

>but well done assuming I was the asshole of the situation
What the hell man, way to get on a high horse. I did no such thing, and I can't see why you would interpret the thing like that.
>Sign up with the humanists; it’s like non-radical feminism without all the self-contradiction and baggage.
They're not the same thing at all, I wouldn't describe myself as a humanist, but I would describe myself as a feminist.

>> No.3554465
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I was wondering how long it would take, damn, you fast /lit/

>> No.3554473
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>Sign up with the humanists; it’s like non-radical feminism without all the self-contradiction and baggage.
pic related, the greatest "humanist" of anno MMXII
there's baggage everywhere, is what I'm saying

Anyway, maybe 10% of clipboard people actually care about their cause; you get shitty quotas and most of them swap names (i.e. a $10 donation becomes a $50 donation spread across 5 people) to keep their jobs. I know you're just talking about one person who buys into a certain ideology (or they wouldn't have the job in the first place), but those jobs basically ruin you as an activist.

>> No.3554485
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“and she turned out to be a rather rabid mysandrist to boot”
Implies I only found out about her feminist views after the encounter began.
>This brings me to the question of how you knew/why you thought they were feminists in the first place
Implies I assumed they were feminists and engaged “them” (her) on that principal. There were multiple protestors but they seemed rather embarrassed by her outburst.
>What the hell man, way to get on a high horse. I did no such thing, and I can't see why you would interpret the thing like that.

Also, what is so great about feminism that humanism doesn’t cover?

>> No.3554497

I assume clipboard people are survey takers and donation tin rattlers? If so she was not one of them. This was some pre-organised PETA protest/media grandstanding event. You know, where they do some ridiculous stunt to get on the news. It just so happens they did it outside a coffee place I like.

I don’t like protests like this, I have taken shots at them as I encounter them (only a few in my lifetime). PETA, pro-Israel, evangelical Christian, I don’t care. If you ruin my lunch break or block the footpath I will do my best to mock and disparage.

>> No.3554498

I don't care if you engaged her, or asked her to marry you or whatever, you're just avoiding the original questions.
>Also, what is so great about feminism that humanism doesn’t cover?
I don't see why you think they're that similar. Valuing fideism, denying some form of objective human nature, or rejecting notions of intrinsic value are all things I can do happily as a feminist, though they're not really compatible with current humanism.

>> No.3554506


>you're not a feminist so that makes you a mindless misogynist

Bit of a non sequitur, eh?

>> No.3554514
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Sorry I am a bit lost here, what original questions?

>I don't care if you engaged her, or asked her to marry you or whatever

Easy there tigress, yes we all know that word has multiple meanings, thanks for the reminder.

(weeeee, snide backhandedness is so much fun)

I guess if you don’t assign human beings with an intrinsic value, reject objectivity and derive your moral imperatives from beliefs and assumptions instead of reality we have reached an impasse.

>> No.3554516

> come back to /lit/ after long hiatus
> see this thread
> over 200 replies

I'm crying tears of joy right now.

God Bless /lit/

>> No.3554548

>I guess if you don’t assign human beings with an intrinsic value, reject objectivity and derive your moral imperatives from beliefs and assumptions instead of reality we have reached an impasse.
Oh noes, how can I live knowing you no longer want to sign me up to feminism.
>Easy there tigress, yes we all know that word has multiple meanings, thanks for the reminder.
If you think that's how a 'tigress' talks, you must find Zizek seriously confusing. I feel like I am stuck in some weird impression of him or whatever.
>Sorry I am a bit lost here, what original questions?
The three points illustrated above: why did you think they were feminists, why do you think other people aren't, what makes that group more representative than prominent feminists.

>> No.3554558

…what is woman’s basic metaphor? It is mystery, the hidden. Karen Horney speaks of a girl’s inability to see her genitals and a boy’s ability to see his as the source of “the greater subjectivity of women as compared with the greater objectivity of men.” To rephrase this with my different emphasis: men’s delusional certitude that objectivity is possible is based on the visibility of their genitals. Second his certitude is a defensive swerve from the anxiety-inducing invisibility of the womb. Women tend to be more realistic and less obsessional because of their toleration for ambiguity which they learn from their inability to learn about their own bodies. Women accept limited knowledge as their natural condition, a great human truth that a man may take a lifetime to reach.

- Camille Paglia

>> No.3554559

The female body’s unbearable hiddenness applies to all aspects of men’s dealings with women. What does it look like in there? Did she have an orgasm? Is it really my child? Who was my real father? Mystery shrouds woman’s sexuality. This mystery is the main reason for the imprisonment man has imposed on women…Man’s genital visibility is a source of his scientific desire for external testing, validation, proof...Sex crimes are always male, never female, because such crimes are conceptualizing assaults on the unreachable omnipotence of woman and nature. Every woman’s body contains a cell of archaic night where all knowing must stop.

>> No.3554562

Modern feminism’s most naïve formulation is its assertion that rape is a crime of violence but not of sex, that it is merely power masquerading as sex. But sex is power, and all power is inherently aggressive. Rape is male power fighting female power. It is no more to be excused than is murder or any other assault on another’s civil rights. Society is woman’s protection against rape, not, as some feminists absurdly maintain, the cause of rape.

>> No.3554564

Male sex is quest romance, exploration and speculation. Promiscuity in men may cheapen love but sharpen thought. Promiscuity in women is illness, a leakage of identity. The promiscuous woman is self-contaminated and incapable of clear ideas. She has ruptured the ritual integrity of her body. It is in nature’s best interests to goad dominant males into indiscriminate spreading of their seed. But nature also profits from female purity. Even in the liberated or lesbian woman there is some biologic restraint whispering: keep the birth canal clean.

>> No.3554565

In judiciously withholding herself, woman protects an invisible fetus. Perhaps this is the reason for the archetypal horror (rather than socialized fear) that many otherwise bold women have of spiders and other rapidly crawling insects. Women hold themselves in reserve because the female body is a reservoir, a virgin patch of still,pooled water where the fetus comes to term.

>> No.3554575

What is this drivel?

>> No.3554675

I wasn't the one dismissing the more vocal and aggressive self-styled feminists as not representing feminism. My view of feminism is derived from my attempt to average out the assorted viewpoints of those that claim to represent feminism.

As for prominent feminist writers, wasn't Luce Irigaray the one that implied Einstein’s equations were somehow sexist? I remember reading that alongside newtons principia being described as a rape manual or something. I find such lunacy prevails throughout the feminist spectrum. The less mellow and more in your face feminists are just more honest in expressing their delusions.

>> No.3554680

The Young Boys/The Young Girls, by Montherlant

He was aristocratic and homosexual

does it count?

>> No.3554681


Invisible man
The Marrow of Tradition
The English Patient
The Rise of Silas Lapham
The 42nd Parallel


>> No.3554701


>> No.3554713

>wasn't Luce Irigaray the one that implied Einstein’s equations were somehow sexist?
Yup. And she does have a point, if you're willing to engage with her work, even if a snippet taken out of context may sound very strange or even ridiculous. Take it from a STEM guy, there's no need to be so precious and defensive over the speed of light, especially when the idea of an unchanging speed regardless of reference is equally crazy sounding.
>I wasn't the one dismissing the more vocal and aggressive self-styled feminists as not representing feminism.
Neither was I, I simply wonder why you think they are the best examples of feminists. However, I doubt I would view them as being bona fide feminists as their views don't fit with my view of feminism, and my view is similar to the mainstream academic view, that is the view that they're feminists is a minority one at best. I would think it more likely you'd confused post-feminism with feminism, and/or are inflating your standards for feminism. There's no reason to think that every person who describes themselves as a feminist is intelligent or has something worthwhile to say, just like for any other -ists.

>> No.3554732


Any of byrons poems?

>> No.3554741

Never mind blacks and women, but gays have contributed a great deal to literature. And so have chinks.

>> No.3555747
File: 5 KB, 300x168, Milton Checkem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bourgeoisie are the planet you stupid fuck.

>> No.3555757

"Milton Friedman has a head like a fucking Orange."
– Chomsky

>> No.3555779

I am econfag, not a litfag. You mind telling me what that simile means?
Or is just that his head is shaped like an orange?

>> No.3555783

Good intuition. In literature orange means orange.

>> No.3555789

Then why does saying it was a quote by Chomsky matters?
I mean I get it, but the joke wasnt really well thought out.

>> No.3555804
File: 158 KB, 761x569, like_a_fucking_orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mind telling me what that simile means?

>> No.3555811

I know Zizek's said it, but I'm pretty sure it was Chomsky who said it first.

>> No.3555814

I thought you litfags were creative.
If this some kind of /lit/ joke I don't get it, or don't care.
I just came here because someone on /g/ was saying that /lit/ is becoming tumblr.
I came here to fuck around

>> No.3555828


>> No.3555836

oh, thats what I thought

>> No.3555881

Literature existed long before the bourgeois did, ya know

>> No.3555922

By doing research and educating yourself enough to form legitimate, non-ignorant, just opinions that are your own.

>> No.3555937

Their Eyes Were Watching God

>> No.3555939

>Implying men of power haven't always ruled everything
>Taking a middle class, white, cis-male seriously
>Believing /lit/ agrees with this guy 100%

Have you no shame?

>> No.3555961

this is bait

>> No.3555966
File: 348 KB, 643x960, I need feminism like I need a hole in my head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3555977

Go to bed, /pol/

>> No.3556000
File: 1.60 MB, 350x197, waitwat1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to sleep, but back now, round 2 *ding*
>Yup. And she does have a point,

Wow, okay mind explaining what that point is. As someone with a passing knowledge of feminism and a functioning understanding of general relativity I would really like to get this.
By the way if you honestly think an equation describing the nature of reality can somehow represent some kind of patriarchal concept I got some bad news. You ARE part of the more radical and absurd wing of feminism, you are just less shouty about it.
>why you think they are the best examples of feminists
>my attempt to average out the assorted viewpoints
Averages don’t work that way.
>confused post-feminism with feminism
Like all ideology’s based on irrational appeals to emotion feminism will continue to fracture every time someone says something particularly crazy in its name. This will continue until every criticism levelled at feminism can be rebuffed with “well that’s not part of the real feminism”. Every time someone tries to squeeze feminism it breaks apart and runs between the fingers like sand. Unfortunately for feminism there is no core based in reality, no facts or truths that are irrefutable. It’s just one big clump of crazy sand.

>> No.3556012

Serious question here.
When is it that feminism seems to have transitioned from support equal rights and opportunities, to demanding "reparations?" Why did this happen? Do I only think this because of 4chan, or is this endemic to the movement as a whole?

>> No.3556013
File: 40 KB, 930x606, 111pat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unfortunately for feminism there is no core based in reality
The firm central core is based on an opposition to patriarchal structure.

>> No.3556023

what reparations are you talking about

>> No.3556029

I think he's implying that feminists have some Shylockian pound-of-flesh vendetta against men.

>> No.3556033

the three musketeers

>> No.3556036
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Define patriarchal structure, because from what I have read you guys are fighting ghosts and shadows.

There are imbalances in the world but grouping them all together then slapping some big ominous label on them isn’t going to help. Neither is approaching issues from the perspective of women and focusing only on issues that negatively impact women going to ever result in equality.

>> No.3556043

>Wow, okay mind explaining what that point is. As someone with a passing knowledge of feminism and a functioning understanding of general relativity I would really like to get this.
>By the way if you honestly think an equation describing the nature of reality can somehow represent some kind of patriarchal concept I got some bad news. You ARE part of the more radical and absurd wing of feminism, you are just less shouty about it.
Irigaray's main idea is that of a lack of a female subject position in language and the presence of a male subject position. This idea can be applied to all sorts of utterances in language, and doesn't strictly have so much to do with what's being said as much as how it's said. Also, privileging the speed of light is an assumption in relativity, it really derives from Maxwell's equations.
>Like all ideology’s based on irrational appeals to emotion feminism will continue to fracture every time someone says something particularly crazy in its name.
All post-feminisms work on the assumption that the aims of feminism have already been acheived, or are as good as. They're really a totally different breed to feminism proper.

>> No.3556048

well according to /pol/ the place where you should go back italians,spanish,greeks,slavs and i guess southern french are not white.pick whatever book you want from that heap

>> No.3556057

>Define patriarchal structure,
I guess it will help you to think of the way Nietzsche described social morality as Christian derived ethics. The social structure, gender inequality and gender roles that we have inherited came from a predominantly male institution.

>focusing only on issues that negatively impact women
You know that isn't true. That issue has been addressed by many other people ITT already.

>> No.3556066

>There are imbalances in the world but grouping them all together then slapping some big ominous label on them isn’t going to help.
To understand a thing, you must first name it.
>Neither is approaching issues from the perspective of women and focusing only on issues that negatively impact women going to ever result in equality.
Current feminist thought isn't so into binaries like "men" and "women", it's all people with different junk.

>> No.3556092
File: 1.00 MB, 200x152, 1323805419932.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Also, privileging the speed of light is an assumption in relativity, it really derives from Maxwell's equations.

Ok now we are getting some traction. So you are saying that because the theoretical speed of light was derived from Maxwell’s equations it was somehow inspired by this “privileging” phenomenon that seems to pop up all the time in feminism? Why can’t it be that the theoretical speed of light was part of an inspired application of mathematics that drove our understanding of the universe forward significantly? What part, exactly, do you have an issue with and why?

By the way I don’t have a working definition of this privilege thing. I mean I know the definition of the word but it seems to be applied in such mind bending ways in feminist arguments I am not sure what’s real anymore.

>They're really a totally different breed to feminism proper.


>> No.3556109

>Ok now we are getting some traction. So you are saying that because the theoretical speed of light was derived from Maxwell’s equations it was somehow inspired by this “privileging” phenomenon that seems to pop up all the time in feminism? Why can’t it be that the theoretical speed of light was part of an inspired application of mathematics that drove our understanding of the universe forward significantly? What part, exactly, do you have an issue with and why?
No, that's just how scientists put it. No privileged frame of reference, but a privileged speed, phrases you should know if you've studied general relativity.

Replace feminists with cats and post-feminists with rabbits. You've gone on a rant assuming cats and rabbits are the same thing, then when someone pointed out you're wrong, gone "THAT PROVES MY POINT"

>> No.3556189

How is this 'privileged speed' related to feminism?

>> No.3556193

I'm sorry but you should complete high school education before trying to sound smart.

>> No.3556200

I'm convinced this leading up to a pun about 'checking' the speed of light.

>> No.3556398

Her argument is more to do with E=Mc^2. In the context of when she's writing, it was a politically charged equation what with the whole cold war, mutually assured destruction crap. Remembering that her whole thing is about this idea of an absence of the female subject position, she basically wonders if there's a way of looking at that equation from that perspective. While Irigaray knows science tries to remove the subject, she also knows science doesn't come about ex nihilo, and so our preferences for certain arrangements or equations is not devoid of a subject position. Her basic point amounts to "why choose that particular equation which singles out/links energy, (inertial) mass, and the fastest speed in that way? Is there something in there which is the male subject position?". She singles out the speed of light as being an example, but it still amounts to "why are we putting above others an equation with a focus on the limit of how fast we can go?". She almost could just as easily have used mass or energy, though singling out the speed of light works well with her mathematical criticism too.

I see someone is upset.

>> No.3557131

Well not now, you ruined it.

>> No.3557251

Lay off the two-dolla crack, boy.

>> No.3557278


burn, /lit/, you can't do it