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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 12 KB, 320x209, the+aviator+2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3548599 No.3548599 [Reply] [Original]

>Be 20
>In college, lots of friends, 8/10 gf, solid grades, life is good
>philosophy class, we finally read nietzsche and i literally find out i've been lied to the whole time, everything is meaningless, fall into despair
>Rage, drink myself into blackout, text all my friends call them cunts and threaten to kill them, but really I don't even remember sending it.
>They take it seriously and report me, I'm kicked out of school and have pending charges for criminal threatening
>Forced to see psychiatrist and therapist, forced on meds
>No more gf, no school, currently unemployed
>Parents say they dont know if theyll ever support me going back to school, also threatening to have me hospitalized
>Missing out on the best time of my life, losing friends fast and without school
>So much free time, spend all of it thinking about how badly I blackout text has fucked up my life
>Tfw go from the happiest time of my life to a miserable fucking NEET in a two week period
>Is there even a reason to live anymore?

>> No.3548609

>typical nietzsche fanboy

>> No.3548612

haha nice going retard,
adding to your misery, you should know that only a braindead retard would interpret nihilism out of one of the most life-reaffirming philosophers available.

>> No.3548615

>Misreads Nietzsche
>Hissy fit

It's probably for the best you're not in higher education. And, by the way, I doubt whether she was higher than a '6'.

>> No.3548620


>> No.3548621

What stan said. You've become the complete anti-thesis of Nietzscheanism.

>> No.3548623

Lol, do people like this really exist?

>> No.3548626
File: 19 KB, 150x158, 1277661252683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He says some stuff that might make you think, but thinking he has any kind of philosophy that you can base your worldview around is foolhardy at best

>> No.3548633

Bipolar much?

>> No.3548638


>> No.3548643

>Having your first existential crisis at age 20

I must be precocious. My nihilism cherry was popped at age 14. I already went through the "do drugs, fuck life and school" phase. Well, I'm still in a milder version.

>> No.3548647

have you even read any nietzsche?

>> No.3548648


hrhrhrhr shut the fuck up idiot

>> No.3548657

Congratulations, you have now entertained stage one.

>> No.3548658


>> No.3548661

Hmmm... Ive always despaired at life, I go through phases where I realize that there's no meaning to life ect. The earliest one I can remember was at 7 or 8. But I never did drugs because I'm not a huge faggot

>> No.3548662

your so cool ;)

>> No.3548666

You just started to ask yourself simple questions early.
I was a hardcore stalinist at age 14. I had my nihilist phase at age 17

>> No.3548669

I like how your blaming Nietzsche for your problems when it sounds like alcohol is the issue.
Also how do you get Nihilism out of Nietzsche?

>> No.3548671


i had mine in the third trimester. get at me ace

>> No.3548672
File: 75 KB, 900x675, me_at_olive_garden_by_rafe15-d2ybz08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a photo of me laying down being bored as I am so bored most of the time, doesnt matter if I am at work or at home, I tend to be so damn bored and I cant get over being bored, why, because my life is boring, its boring as hell! how lame is that?! A bored twenty six year old human boy child

>> No.3548675

But your Satan, isn't that shit normal?

>> No.3548677

This is pretty funny OP, whether or not it's true. If anything though you should be rejoicing that you escaped the capitalist hellhole that you seemed to be plummeting towards. Shave your head and head to your nearest monastery.

>> No.3548679

Yes Kindle, I meant your instead of you're. Thank you based autocorrect.

>> No.3548680

You look incredibly Italian. Let's fuck.

>> No.3548682


>in-utero existential crises

Yeah man those are the worst.

>> No.3548686

>on an ereader
>still browsing /lit/
When will it end?

>> No.3548687

You could try lifting and getting rid of that second chin.

>> No.3548689

No, it sounds like mental illness is his main problem. Most likely Bipolar Disorder.

>> No.3548694

My computers processor fried. This is how I'm currently passing my time because I'm unmotivated to read or write right now.

>> No.3548696

The first time I ever feared death was when I was 4 years old. I did not want my life to end and I cried until my dad quickly calmed me down.

>> No.3548697

Haha, thank you OP, 10/10.

>> No.3548701
File: 95 KB, 390x310, lol2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw edgy kids on /lit/ use "existential crises" as some kind of fashion commodity

>> No.3548705

You cunts don't understand the point of that post. I was calling him a FAGGOT for doing drugs because he was depressed.

>> No.3548714

I wasn't mocking your post. I was telling you a small story of my own issues with life and death.

>> No.3548708
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>Not realizing Body Thetans are the cause of human sadness.
>Do you even Scientology.

>> No.3548709

I hope no-one fell for this poor troll

>> No.3548717



>> No.3548719
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>> No.3548722
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>> No.3548723

Someone should change the sides to flat head and cone head.

>> No.3548726


fuck you, straight edge pussy.

>> No.3548728

>be 21
>no gf
>find life good
>enjoy it
>have dreams

>> No.3548733
File: 19 KB, 280x250, TomCruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You look like a bitch in heat and if you get raped by a pack of niggers it will be your fault."- Tom Cruise

>> No.3548730

I do drugs but not because I'm depressed. I smoke weed only with my friends because its their preferred method of spending time. You do drugs because it makes you edgy.

>> No.3548732

OP it's your own fault for having all those things before hitting rock bottom with an existential crisis. Only after you've crawled back to the surface can you afford to risk happiness.

>> No.3548735


He's calling you autistic because you're not getting that those posts were ironic.

>> No.3548736
File: 106 KB, 640x427, diogenesgoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, you're well on the path towards the good life. Now learn to enjoy it.

>> No.3548738

I think that no gf part have something to do with it.

>> No.3548764

I wonder when the kiddies will realize that an inherently meaningless life is the most beautiful. A meaningless life means we are responsible for giving it our own meaning, that each and every one of us has an equal and valid say in the "meaning" of life. Instead, I'm depressed to see that a majority of people, religatards and OP I'm looking at you, feel that they need a meaning of life handed down to them. Instead of standing on there own two feet and finding meaning in life, they want someone else to tell them there is a static, generic meaning to life, like this would be more beautiful or reaffirming.

OP, it is good that you are not waisting what could be another persons chance at a higher education. You are weak willed and suited for a religious life. Your incapable of finding your own values, so you should probably just convert to a shit tier religion and have generic "truths" spoon fed to you, for you can not comprehend the beauty in mystery and self decision.

>> No.3548768


But muh morals
But muh ethics

They apply still, in your contact and communication with other people.

>> No.3548775

I don't know any sort of philosophy but I can tell that this entire thread is even more basic than phil 101.

I wouldn't be surprised that you faggots are using science to guide your decision about life. If you love science so much then get a degree in some sort of science field and stay the fuck away from philosophy.

it's like babby new-atheists in here

>> No.3548780

for once this tripfag is saying the truth

also i hope op is trolling

>> No.3548782

>You are weak willed and suited for a religious life.
Lel. A proper religious life is far from weak willed. In fact it's tremendously challenging. The people I know with actual religious conviction have a hard time just making it through everyday society.

>> No.3548805


Maybe if you live in north Korea. Atheism requires much more conviction than religion. A religious persons belief that God is on there side, and eternal happiness awaits them is only reaffirming in the face of any conflict they have to endure. Atheists do not have this faith based cushion. We have to find beauty in life on our own. In the face of oblivion no less.

>> No.3548808

>I'm so superior to everyone else.
>I don't have to prove it I just am.

>> No.3548823
File: 30 KB, 320x240, Breakfast (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal to have a lot of suicidal thoughts even though you don't have a real reason to commit suicide?

>> No.3548840

With a religious life I don't mean not killing folks at the office until you make it to confession on Sunday and watching football afterwards, I mean a life in which one practices the tenets of one's religious as perfectly as one can. Atheists may not have a paradise to look forward to, but there's no hell either. The stakes for a religious person are infinitely higher, God is not someone to fuck with. Atheists can just fuck about for a while until they cease existing, which is no problem at all. Oblivion is babby tier compared to damnation.

>> No.3548841
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>people think this is what reading Nietzsche does
>people who think this even after reading Nietzsche

stop it, you edgy children

>> No.3548845
File: 877 KB, 180x320, incrediblekiddancing2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have no prior hospitalization or medical symptoms and your parents are putting you up for hospitalization over a few random drunken texts, which can easily be explained and believed as tom foolery given you had a stable and reputable lifestyle (You were in college, employed, good grades, mocking Nietzsche) then this should not have happened. Lrn2lawyer and build yourself a defense case based on your work history, previous academic records,anything you can find that says "Hey, I'm a good citizen. Eat my shit." If you want to be a true Nietzschen warrior you will march into the court house waving these records at the prosecution and with a soft spoken melodious chagrin invite them to come at you, and with love you shall call them your brothers though they seek to ruin you.


And if you fail more is the better that you fought them to a standstill and did not relent! Go with God, though God is dead, for you killed Him. Yes, drag the carcass of Christ into the courthouse. This is the power you hold at your side.

>> No.3548847


>> No.3548850

one day, you'll come to a time where you realise that none of it really mattered at all

>> No.3548863
File: 530 KB, 500x257, iregretnothing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's why we have a Christ, see because if you fuck up all is forgiven should you repent. See if you live in the Spirit of Christ these things will be handed to you on a silver platter. It's all fun and games, really.

Now there are certainly religions that aren't up for this meta-gaming pursuit of life, but hey... let them toil.

>> No.3548885
File: 136 KB, 678x850, st francis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't really work that way. If you are serious about your religion you might make mistakes but you don't go committing acts that go against it basic tenets to later say "sorry Jesus I didn't mean it" in a sincere way systematically. You can't game the system like that. It's also pretty foolish to dismiss all followers of Christ because of some McFaith tendencies among the not even half sincere.

>> No.3548998

its only beautiful and glorious if you decide it to be so, which I suppose is the more enjoyable route of conducting yourself.
I find it difficult to do because it can be equally despairing and frustrating.

>> No.3549042

Friends wouldn't report you. So you're looking at your past with rose colored glasses. You didn't have lots of friends, you had acquaintances. Your gf was a 6/10 at best. You weren't in college, you were in junior college. You didn't read Nietzsche, you read the lyrics to a Nine Inch Nails album.

>> No.3549046


>> No.3549065

it's called clinical depression

it'll get better

just don't get on antidepressants, they just make you hide from your problems instead of confronting them

>> No.3549067


How does one confront a psychological condition?

>> No.3549095

by realizing it's illusory, such as your ego

>> No.3549100

By deciding to stop being a pussy.

>> No.3549105

You have to understand the way you think and try to transform your mindset. If you're a chemical prescriptivist, then you should just wait out your chemical imbalance instead of using escapism.

>> No.3549111
File: 17 KB, 175x263, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be 20
>Rage, drink myself into blackout, text all my friends call them cunts and threaten to kill them, but really I don't even remember sending it.
>They take it seriously and report me, have pending charges for criminal threatening
>Forced to see psychiatrist and therapist, forced on meds
>No gf, no school, currently unemployed
>Parents say they dont know if theyll ever support me going into school, also threatening to have me hospitalized
>Missing out on the best time of my life, losing friends fast and without school
>So much free time, spend all of it thinking about how badly I blackout text has fucked up my life
>Tfw miserable fucking NEET
>Is there even a reason to live anymore?
>finally read nietzsche and i literally find out i've been lied to the whole time, everything isn't meaningless, fall out of despair
>In college, lots of friends, 8/10 gf, solid grades, life is good

>> No.3549113


All the dispair and frustration is from society. Not life. There is no despair in nature. Only human misinterpretation of a complex system of inter-relationships.

>> No.3549148

Is there any point in doing a BA in philosophy unless you intend to progress towards a PhD, and a future in academia? Couldn't you just acquire the recommended literature for each module and slog through it?

>> No.3549160

>chemical imbalance

jesus fuck christ
shut the fuck up

>> No.3549168


>what is the mind?

>> No.3549181

Why? What's wrong with what I said? You should try to change the way you think if you're unhappy and you don't know why. I was saying that IF you believe in chemical imbalances and the way they change your mood, then don't try to escape from reality. I have reasons for saying these things.

>> No.3549183

>be 20
>7.2/10, have decent social life, truckin' along
>read the old testament
>realize I have been duped my whole life was a lie
>rebel and overthrow the empire
>the republic that i have builded become another empire after my death
>succession wars

>> No.3549190

>Couldn't you just acquire the recommended literature for each module and slog through it?

You could.

But you probably won't

>> No.3549214

Usually that means you have no clear purpose in life. Get out there and find something that you can throw your whole life towards and enjoy it.

>> No.3549221

>>Basing your worldview on what some jumped up philospher says

can you guys even into independent thought, or are you such plebs that shit written in books affects you this much

>> No.3549225


Yes. All of us are OP.

>> No.3549248
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>that feel when sartre tells me my decisions affect the rest of humanity

>> No.3549251

my friend sent me a photo of his penis

>> No.3549258
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>needing a clear purpose in order to assume a life affirming attitude
That's building a house on sand. Purposes change and shatter. Only by loving life itself can you love it unto death.

>> No.3549265
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>> No.3549331


I've honestly wanted to kill myself since I was nine when my mom died and I broke my spine.

>> No.3549342

What's stopping you?

>> No.3549347
File: 80 KB, 364x500, leonardcohen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have a friend who openly talks about being an ubermensch and is otherwise a pretty intelligent guy

>> No.3549352


Guilt. I still love my dad and I owe him everything in the world. If I could ever get over that I could probably do it. In my mind I know if I killed myself it wouldn't matter to me anymore, but I just can't get to that stage.

>> No.3549354

>"life is meaningless" is a breakthrough at 20 y/o
stay pleb

>> No.3549370

what's stan like irl?

>> No.3549371

the more problematic interpretation is what that statement necessitates. If life is meaningless (it has no inherent end or goal) it is also purposeless (there is no inherent strive). That is the damning realization for many I believe. It's not the epiphany of the century, but as one attends to it, everything loses its gloss.

>> No.3549381

>it is also purposeless
no, you gotta make the purpose

>> No.3549385

Don't worry. Soon you'll read Hegel and Marx and everything will be fine.

>> No.3549386

He means those realisations are more commonly had at 12-16 years of age, so being this late is a sign of dimwittedness and therefore deserving of the 'plebeian' lable.

>> No.3549402

Trying to overcome nihilism was one of Nietzsche's highest goals. You fucked up, OP

>> No.3549405

An ubermensch doesn't realize he is an ubermensch.

>> No.3549409

he needs to realize it before he overcomes it

>> No.3549431


that's a load of bullshit

take if from a fellow ubermensch

>> No.3549429

>Be 20
>high school dropout, no friends, no gf, no job
>outside the public library, about to graffiti my name on the wall, see a book "Selections from Kierkegaard, an Anthology"
>intrigued, read it, literally find out i've been lying to myself the whole time
>black out from all the enlightenment, apply for a job on craigslist looking for "a male companion for our daughter, our fabulous wealth has made her lonely, must be a Christian and have strong moral principles"
>they take it seriously and hire me, she's a total babe and loves philosophy
>i am paid a salary of $1M annually to go on exotic vacations with her
>apply to colleges, currently debating whether to go with harvard or princeton
>mom says she loves me, dad says he's very proud of me
>so much free time, spend all of it reading philosophy and banging this hottie on beaches in thailand and the comoros
>tfw go to the happiest time of my life from a miserable fucking NEET in a two week period

You fucked up, OP.

>> No.3549433


pick one

>> No.3549518

Don't stop now; at this point, you're very close to true freedom. Forget school, forget your town, forget even your country if need be. Give everything else up. Get rid of everything you have and move away. Throw away your identification, ditch your phone. Need the Internet? Use a public library. Start going by a different name. Travel. Learn a new language, make new friends. Don't say travel is expensive; start working on freighters and just start walking when you hit the coast. Whever you are, it's not the end; it's merely the locked door to the real world. Kick that motherfucker down and be whatever the fuck you want to be.

>> No.3549525

>hurr everything is a illusion

fuck off faggot

>> No.3549543

Calm down. He's only an illusion.

>> No.3549547

> we finally read nietzsche and i literally find out i've been lied to the whole time, everything is meaningless, fall into despair
>Rage, drink myself into blackout....

Bro, you didn't /read/ Nietzsche

>aiemany freemasonry

>> No.3549560
File: 31 KB, 380x380, revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be 21
>High School Drop Out, Inner city youth
>Pretty much work and smoke weed
>Like things like Tupac, Daily Show and Ron Paul, but not really understanding what the hell is what
>Work as Lunch Person, non-union employee
>Meet Union Organizer
>What is new father figure
>Read dumbed (or thumbed) down version of Commie Manifesto
>All this inspiration
>Scholarships and shit
>Graduate college with a 3.9 (Community then to a Public University)
>Get job in construction union as a union organizer
>80k a year
>Actively planning for a revolution

Of course I'm not one of those crazy, white kid wannebe proles, but I honestly believe in the economics of the left and the revolutionary theories of Marx and Lenin. Mao was cool, but that nigga crazy/ stupid. Stalin was a major dick.

>> No.3549568
File: 132 KB, 660x990, mirinaestheticsbrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get depressed
>everyone says to learn a language for self-improvement
>start learning french
>all french music is about being depressed and how awful france is, or being arab and how awful france is
>all french writing is about how depressing life is and how happiness is intellectually dishonest and morally repugnant
>become depressed again

>> No.3549575

>from Ron Paul to full Marxist-Leninist
Pretty good.

>> No.3549588


Lost credibility there.

1/10 cause there's a hundred replies, but I'd say try harder next time.

>> No.3549592

>all french writing is about how depressing life is and how happiness is intellectually dishonest and morally repugnant

And that didn't cheer you up? it certainly put a smile on my face.

>> No.3549593

>giggling with Céline

I sure hope you guys do

>> No.3549600


Just wanted to point out that Ron Paul wasn't a thing when I was getting me GED->Diploma. I just used it because it's a jump from /b/-levels of politicization to full out politicization. Therefore, things like.

>> No.3549612

>all french music is about being depressed and how awful france is, or being arab and how awful france is

I could rec you some french music, you'd surprised.

>all french writing is about how depressing life is and how happiness is intellectually dishonest and morally repugnant

u wot m8
That's true if you read Hugo, Céline, Zola and existentialists only.

>> No.3549619

>I could rec you some french music, you'd surprised.
if you want to, that'd be cool

>> No.3549620

>Actually oppressed socially, economically

Are you notwhite too?

>> No.3549625


Am I talking to you on Omegle right now?

>> No.3549648


as albums

Alain Bashung - Fantaise Militaire (okay I admit this one is depressing)
Jean Louis Murat - Dolorès (this one too)
Louise Attaque - Louise Attaque
Some Charles Aznavour, you choose which.
Jacques Brel - La valse à Mille Temps

If you need more just tell me

>> No.3549693

thanks, brah

i've only listened to jacques brel off of your list, but a lot of his songs are depressing as shit
i think french people might be unable to function outside of the depressive state

>> No.3549725
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My niggah.

>> No.3550452

>philosophy class, we finally read nietzsche and i literally find out i've been lied to the whole time, everything is meaningless, fall into despair
nietzsche did this to you? LOL

>> No.3550463


clinical depression isint a feeling or mindset you pleb, though they can often precipitate each other.

its when subjects neural activity/energy is literally depressed, sending the decision making cycle into extinction. its not that subject necessarily lacks motivation, but that they are simply incapable of conceiving of a rational or positive outcome.

>> No.3550479

>I doubt whether she was higher than a '6'.

>> No.3550481
File: 6 KB, 225x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>email field

I subscribed you to some horseporn newsletters, hope you don't mind, newfag

>> No.3550482

and back to /b/ you go

>> No.3550490

>any kind of philosophy that you can base your worldview around

>doing this

>> No.3550499

I spent a week were I wrote 'Life is but Death' on the board in my classroom for a week and then I was fine
I'm now a detached, dispassionate person

>> No.3550501

Mien ubermensch

>> No.3550504

You can base your world view around some philosophies, such as Sartrean existentialism

>Always be living in good faith

>> No.3550513

I've never had it through this angle. I'm definitely snipping your post!

>> No.3550515

"Interpret" as nihilism? Nihilism itself is not a negative concept, and Nietzsche is definitely nihilistic. Get your shit together Satan.

>> No.3550540

"Proud Atheist who don't need no religion" aside, I completely agree with this guy. Although being afraid of a meaningless life is far from being a "kiddie" thing.

>> No.3550559

>Louise attaque

>> No.3552011

Nietzsche, if anything, is proto-existentialist. Get your shit together Anon.

>> No.3552049

omg saammeee

>> No.3552118

hahaha, existential crisis, age 20.

That's me dumbfuck, lolz XDXDXDXDXDXDXD oh you guys are so stupid it cracks me up.

Banned forever from amusing himself, I like that attitude.

>> No.3552121

trimester is what a woman has, lolz.

>> No.3552149
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 1344454769976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


best post I've seen in a while, 10/10, you really made me laugh, OP

>> No.3552167


herp derp derp


derp derp

>> No.3552189


lel at your swiss cheese logic since when did "positive" (though nihilism is most definitely a substance negative concept) concepts lack the ability to be interpreted?

>> No.3552201

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.3552204

>Be 25
>In grad school, lots of friends, 9/10 gf, very wealthy, life is good
>muppets on the tv, talks about how you need to dream big. Realize I've been wasting my life with studying law. Massive delusions of grandeur, succumb to mania
>Dance a bit, drink myself into blackout, text all my friends, say I'm gonna learn how to fly, threaten to jump off a cliff with them, but really don't remember if I even know of any cliffs
>They take it seriously and report me, I'm kicked out of school and have pending charges for criminal threatening
>forced to see psychiatrist and therapist, forced on meds
>no more gf, no school, currently unemployed
>Parents say they don't know if they'll ever support me going back to school, also threatening to have me hospitalized
>Missing out on the best time of my life, losing friends fast and without school
>So much free time, spend all of it thinking about how badly Kermit fucked up my life
>Tfw go from happiest time of my life to a miserable fucking neet in a two week period
>is there a reason to be merciful when I attain sovereign position.

That's you OP.

>> No.3552217

Sounds like you're still a man.

>> No.3552222

Clinical Depression is actually chemical.

>> No.3552229

>be level 99
>in adventurers guild, lots of party members, 10/10 moon princess. Legendary gear, life is full.
>server finally opens for south american players, I literally find out I've been having it good this whole time, everything is meaningless, they beg me for gold.
>rage, drink potions till I glitch. whisper all the brazillians, telling them I won't give them money, but I really don't remember sending it.
>they take it seriously and repot me, I'm kicked out of the guild, and have pending charges for cyberbullying.
>forced to see admin and moderator, given a warning.
>no more moon princess, no guild, no quests.
>parents say they won't pay my subscriptions, also threatening to take my allowance.
>Missing out on the best expansion in the game, losing party members fast without guild.
>so much free time, all of it spend outside, thinking of how cool the new raids are.
>Tfw go from cool hero of the world to miserable fucking neet in a two week period
>Is there even a reason to live anymore?

>> No.3552237

Clinical depression can be a number of things. but mostly chemical.

>> No.3552278

Euthanize Every Depressed Person Because They Are Boring

>> No.3552291


hrhrhrhr le chemiculszz, niggering doghuman perception wavers along opposing poles of binaric extremes, an aristotelic mean seems farther to grasp with each passing century a common idiot trend nowadays is to reduce a complex system into one of its necessary components, and we get twats twattening along "herp derp chemicals are to blame for my miserable sedentary shit-heap of an existence" when the case is that usually that miserable shit heap of an existence is responsible for the herp derp chemicals.

>> No.3552296

The chemicals and the shitheaping are one.

>> No.3552311


except that theyre not, and that mindset, blaming the "chemicals" as if they're absolutely removed external factors, will keep you depressed until the faggot density reaches black hole proportions.
shit life------->happy chemicals
awesome life------->sad chemicals

its really not that hard junior

>> No.3552312

not the ones that are fluctuating into mania.

>> No.3552315


removed from* external factors

>> No.3552337 [DELETED] 


hrhrhrhrhrhr sad life----->nigger chemicals*
happy chemicals im fucking retarded*

>> No.3552353

Sorry I don't buy it. You were forever a NEET and you barely touched Nietzsche. Nice green text dreaming though.

>> No.3552358

it is chemicals. but seeing that it is chemicals vs seeing it as something you can do something about is also a switch in itself.

>> No.3552361
File: 41 KB, 492x363, 1362705701467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has better take on meme form on /lit/. someone repost this every week on sunday at 2PM

>> No.3552369


awesome distinction oniontits but the primary spiel here was in trying to set apart "analysis of effect" vs. "analysis of cause"

>> No.3552376




>> No.3552379

yeah his pet names just arne't as good as D&E's were

>> No.3552380

It needs a vaguely witty, vaguely /lit/ related macro like "Heart of a Dog, Skin of a Banana"

>> No.3552386
File: 173 KB, 777x648, livingindeep&edgytimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3552389


im infinitely awesomer than that one trick pony

>> No.3552390

>being funny

haha yeah right

>> No.3552404


ok, i gotta admit onionwrong is somewhat funny. but she's more often right than wrong, so i don't think its as relevant to her as oniontits...plus it doesnt have that boorish edge im looking for

>> No.3552406

You are equally insufferable, but in different ways

>> No.3552410

fucking homo thread

post in this thread if your gay

>> No.3552424

bro u doin it too nigga ugay

>> No.3552428


Oh! Me me me!

I'm gay!

>> No.3552437


>> No.3552465

Blame has nothing to do with it. I meant that shit life is shit chemicals and awesome life is awesome chemicals because life is chemicals and shit and just materialism. People who say they feel sad because of muh chemicals are of course idiots since the worldview that accepts this notion is materialist and says "everything because of chemicals" so the statement "but this kind of depression is b/c chemicals" is nonsensical from a scientific point of view.

Not sure if we're even agreeing/disagreeing.

>> No.3552546 [DELETED] 


the world view that accepts materialism does not preclude a rational analysis of cause and effect.
but i guess when can extrapolate the causal "trigger" right up to the fucking initiant instance of "effect" and call that cause. because depression as an emergent cognitive phenomenon could be said to be "caused" by the chemicals responsible for its "mind-phenomenon". however, for practicality's sake, and because we assume "materialist" backgrounds, we will conflate the two to mean that "herp derp chemicals"="im such a faggot someone put me out of my misery". right? so in this instance, the extrapolant cause method would be incoherently applied to the chemicals themselves, (since chem=depression) resulting in application to "in the world factors outside the body" which caused the chemicals, such as you being vaginally manifest etc

>> No.3552551

the world view that accepts materialism does not preclude a rational analysis of cause and effect.
but i guess we can extrapolate the causal "trigger" right up to the fucking initiant instance of "effect" and call that cause. because depression as an emergent cognitive phenomenon could be said to be "caused" by the chemicals responsible for its "mind-phenomenon". however, for practicality's sake, and because we assume "materialist" backgrounds, we will conflate the two to mean that "herp derp chemicals"="im such a faggot someone put me out of my misery". right? so in this instance, the extrapolant cause method would be incoherently applied to the chemicals themselves, (since chem=depression) resulting in application to "in the world factors outside the body" which caused the chemicals, such as you being vaginally manifest etc

>> No.3552560

>that willful obscurantism

Are you French?

>> No.3552562

the big bang make me depressed

>> No.3552566

antinatalist scum pls go

>> No.3552573


external factors leading to your being vaginally manifest*

bankruptcy as means of being vaginally manifest*

factors to your being a pussy---->as sans pussy-being operant causal mechanisms (thus not in themselves instantiating instances of "pussy")

>> No.3552576

Chemicals do not care whether or not you see yourself as having a great life. Neurological diseases such as Bipolar Disorder and Schizhophrenia also do not care about whatever kind of life you lead.

>> No.3552580
File: 47 KB, 500x335, pyrenees (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>becoming a lawyer instead of creating überville community with inheritance money

shiggy diggy

>> No.3552621

not purposeful, perceived obscurantism as means of closet 9deep4me, braindead african american progerian reading comp,etc


if it happens i'll personally buy you a ticket goats and appoint you cult V.P.

>> No.3552633


What the fuck are you saying? Am stupid or does this not make sense?

>> No.3552654


He's just further commenting on his conflated materialist notion of cause and effect, using unnecessarily edgy language.
He's saying that factors to your being a pussy (depression) are the cause.
>as sans pussy-being operant causal mechanisms (thus not in themselves instantiating instances of "pussy")

He's saying that these factors do not in themselves contain the pussy-being tropes, which adds to the distinction of a conflated depression-chemicals view. The pussy being tropes are internal to the chemicals not the factors which caused them.

>> No.3552668 [DELETED] 


those examples are predominantly genetic (trait-incommensurable causal attribution, ie. the factors which cause them are usually no other-trait dependent)

depression is primarily environmentally caused, the genetic factor is almost negligible

>> No.3552677

I have something you should read:
>It all comes down — to make a long story short, and to anticipate our conclusion, which is not fully elaborated in these essays, and with good reason (since it lies beyond the domain of game theory, cutting across all disciplines, to finally end up as the ultimate question of philosophy proper) — to the debacle of meaning. Now meaning is never, as popular superstition has it, something that one discovers inside things, but something that one imbues them with, something that one creates — meaning is will to power. To look for meaning therefore, to go off into the bushes in search for it, whether in the manner of the so-called "existentialists", or our modern little artfags and pseudo-academics (which is merely that of uneducated existentialists—), is far from the dignified intellectual pursuit that these people would like to make it appear to be, but symptomatic of quite a different, and far less dignified, condition: that one no longer knows how to create it. "Whoever is incapable of laying his will into things", writes Nietzsche, "lacking will and strength, at least lays some meaning into them, i.e., the faith that there is a will in them already." To conceive then of meaning as something that already exists, as opposed to something to be created (in other words, as something supposed to come from without, as opposed to from within), is simply to submit to someone else's idea of meaning.

>> No.3552680

those examples are predominantly genetic (trait-incommensurable causal attribution, ie. the factors which cause them are usually not other-trait dependent, or external impetus dependent, at least in origination)

depression is primarily environmentally caused, the genetic factor is almost negligible

>> No.3552682

>The question, therefore, should never be "What is the meaning of that thing?", but always "What does that thing mean to me?"; the former is merely part of an elaborate little ritual meant to pass off submission as discovery (which explains why all interpretation aimed at discovering the "intended meaning" of a thing is of its nature comical). Let the slaves then torture themselves over "the meaning" of this or that artwork, or of art generally, or ultimately even of "life" — such "torture" is always anyway yet another act, yet one more ploy meant to create and project the appearance of intellectualism, for it is plain that none of these people feel intellectual problems deeply enough! (their staunch refusal to educate themselves, if nothing else, proves it), hence are not capable of being tortured by them!

>> No.3552688


>pussy tropes


>> No.3552696


>> No.3552700

yeah that picture is old

>> No.3552708
File: 461 KB, 350x292, teenager posts Nietzsche on 4chan's lit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3552730

i've never had an existential crisis but then again i never thought that there was objective meaning
it took me a while to realize what you people were going on about

>> No.3552740
File: 177 KB, 442x640, goat philosopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it happens i'll personally buy you a ticket goats and appoint you cult V.P.
That's good to know Stanislav. I can almost see when I try very very hard how someone destined to the leisurely life wants to try the working life though, perhaps in the same way someone destined for the working life wants to make it without lifting a finger, both stemming from contrarian cuntism supreme in some way.

>> No.3552741

you guys' conflict consists in a confusion that cause and effect is exclusively a metaphysical problem.

let's say you want to run and you go ahead and do it. now what is the cause of your running. a physical description of the situation is completely fine, but a mentalistic one involving desire to run etc concepts seems understandable too. the latter just attaches to the underlying chemistry&physics differnetly. various supervenience relations aside, it's not very relevant to your purpose of assigning responsibility/choosing a way of action/understanding your life etc.

basically it's okay to trust your natural concepts of will etc as a way of action.

i don't know what you guys are arguing about though because i didn't read the first few posts.

>> No.3552753

in shorter words "mental" cause is a difference sense from physial cause. though, physicalism is completely true your range of freedom is completely preserved.

>> No.3552769
File: 38 KB, 500x333, 1361461828350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You didn't read Nietzsche, you read the lyrics to a Nine Inch Nails album.

>> No.3552814

wait are we talking about materialism or physicalism??? this is a really huge distinction that matters in contemporary philosophical discourse

>> No.3552817

>Nietzsche predicts nihilism, this most sinister guest, as a weatherman forecasts rain
>weatherman is pro-rain

>> No.3552829

>implying weatherman is pro-the whole earth becoming desert and all land and sweet water dwelling life perishing anti-natalist scum

>> No.3552858

>you're either my friend or my enemy!
Nice way to pull a G.W. Bush on me.

>> No.3552899

physicalism as in supervenience of physical world

>> No.3553164


i was assuming supervenience (hence depression conflated into hrhrhr chemicals) i was stating that depression is a reactive emotional state (rather than pro-active--> here we could insert those emotional triggers to your example of running, which is why that example is largely irrelevant to the debate
>i don't know what you guys are arguing about though because i didn't read the first few posts.

since here we have those hrhr chemicals as being direct causes of your action) wherein that mental state of depression (supervened by its relevant physical state) is merely an effect of some other perception in the outside world, or projection/incompatibility of your image with the outside world.

this is not some second vs first order distinction of cause vs perceivedcause, this is a distinction of cause and effect using purely physical descriptions (thus mind phenomenon/physical phenomenon extrapolated cause effect conception as being illegitimate and the true source of conflict), while also keeping in mind the reactive proactive emotional states and their requisite directions of fit (change the world/be changed by the world)

>> No.3553172
File: 144 KB, 610x872, coolprogerian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks stan

>> No.3553177

this is worse than most /b/ greentext in terms of being fantastical shit that never happened

>> No.3553182

ok but I was making a joke about pedantry

>> No.3553198
File: 82 KB, 1280x853, african american progerian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dude that progerian is so sick

>> No.3553210


Are you sure that's a progerian? That hair is too flawless for a progerian.

>> No.3553215

What the fuck are you guys talking about progerians for? That's a serious disease you assholes.

>> No.3553231 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 530x300, snow white progerian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


rendering a subject taboo only reinforces stigma and seclusion. so in essence you're the only asshole here

>> No.3553238
File: 92 KB, 300x300, 1361124499632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not 20
>interprets Nietzsche incorrectly
>dat edginess mane

>> No.3553247


Someone translate this in english

>> No.3553264

>reading nietzsche
>falling into despair

OP you're doing it entirely wrong

>> No.3553265

get money
get pussy
smoking weed forever