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3548405 No.3548405 [Reply] [Original]

I dare you to 5 Fantasy books that are not copying Tolkien.

>> No.3548411

Any five books from the chronicles of Narnia.
Peter Pan.

>> No.3548416

The Wind-up Bird Chronicle


>> No.3548425


>> No.3548429

Epic Poem/ Historical fiction. Try again.

>> No.3548435

>Any five books from the chronicles of Narnia.
Well, that was easy.

>> No.3548438

The Harry Potter books.

>> No.3548444


What about any of the awfully written warcraft books?

>> No.3548447

I can't believe I'm lowering myself to this term, but OP is a pleb

>> No.3548461

A song of ice and fire x5

>> No.3548462

Last Call
The Sorcerer's House
Jack of Shadows
Who Fears the Devil

>> No.3548472


I like

>> No.3548474

The Book of the New Sun
Game of Thrones

I could probably think of more if I didn't actively avoid reading fantasy literature.

>> No.3548479

The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath
The Traveler in Black
Little, Big
Red Nails

>> No.3548487

But GoT is pretty much ripped off of post-war of the ring events in middleearth. Knights of Dol Amroth... Aragorn going north to deal with the remnants of Angmar (mainly undead)... the savage barbarians from the east (haradrim/easterlings) who wear lots of gold and know horseback archery very well attacking Mina's Tirith while Aragorn is dealing with the undead and Roahn and Dol Amroth deal with the dunlandings in the canter of the region...

>> No.3548491
File: 93 KB, 400x399, Bilbo Baggins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wormtongue / Wormtail
Shelob / Aragog
Nazgûl / Dementors
Old Man Willow / Whomping Willow
Sauron / Voldemort (both often referred to as 'The Dark Lord'; and both of whom are seeking to recover their lost power after having been considered dead or at least no longer a threat)

>> No.3548500

Also as to the last one many people avoid speaking of his name calling him He who shall not be named ect, because even the mention of his name gives him a sort of power

>> No.3548501

Wigalois, Der abenteuerliche Simpliccissimus, Tristan, Der Sandmann, Das Glasperlenspiel,...

>> No.3548503

Lewis Carroll
Jackie Ch...fuck!

>> No.3548507

Not even going into anything remotely obscure:

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Alice in Wonderland
Peter and Wendy
Gulliver's Travels
The Princess and the Goblin

>> No.3548516


>Alice in Wonderland

From what I can this book is written by someone who hates math.

>> No.3548515


Also, main character is chosen one and somehow has been uneffected by the evil magic.

>> No.3548522

..., Stein und Flöte, Elric, Wolf Dietrich,...

>> No.3548525

Drawing of the Dark
Once and Future King
Well at World's End
Five Children and It
King of Elfland's Daughter

>> No.3548526

But the main character in LOTR is Samwise...

>> No.3548534

..., Krabat, Der Golem, The Book of Three (etc.), Wizard of Earthsea (etc.), ...

>> No.3548537

The Book of the New Sun
The Dying Earth
A Wizard of Earthsea
Perdido Street Station
The Once and Future King

No shame in being influenced by Tolkien, though I do wish publishers would go for the relatively original stuff more often.

>> No.3548552

George MacDonald- Phantastes

Phenomenal. Influenced all the greats, including Tolkien.

>> No.3548651

>control f
>no results
>this isn't my /lot/

>> No.3548702

Marion Zimmer Bradley
Tad Williams
Andrew Harman
Terry Pratchett
The Laughter of Dark Gods ed. David Pringle

>> No.3548725

The Worm Ouroboros (E. R. Eddison)
The (so-called) Zimiamvian trilogy (same author)
The Elric series (Michael Moorcock)

More than five books total and you should go read them all, if you haven't.

>> No.3548746

Implying GRRM doesn't just take from real historical conflicts

>> No.3548751

Every Joe Abercrombie book
Both of Scott Lynch's books
Richard K. Morgan's fantasy novels
By my count, that's ten.

>> No.3548757

>Tad Williams
Are you le serious? Have you not read the Dragonbone Chair.

>> No.3548861

The Belly of the Bow
The Proof House

(all Parker. High Fantasy is much harder, since they take all these tropes from previous epic fantasies, obviously and Tolkien intentionally set out to fulfill many tropes from older stories.)

>> No.3548903

Space fantasies.

>> No.3548909

Cyberpunk. Alternative histories. :( OP are you even trying?

>> No.3548954


My God, someone who has read The Worm Ouroboros. I love you, anon.

>> No.3549023

He doesn't *take* from real historical conflicts, in the sense that he 'rips off'; his books are practically devoted to real historical conflicts. The connection isn't intentionally hidden so no one will notice Martin's theft. The resemblance is far to obvious for that.