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3547709 No.3547709 [Reply] [Original]

>book with young people
>they enjoy themselves and take drugs once or twice


>> No.3547717

which book?
who had this reaction?

>> No.3547747

They'll get over it or perish.

>> No.3547754

>which book?

pretty much every book since the 19th century

>who had this reaction?

old people

>> No.3547763


>every book

Name five.

>> No.3547772

you can come up with five

>> No.3547782


I can't think of any book involving young people and drugs that doesn't involve heavy use and lots of negative feelings.

>> No.3547785

on the road

>> No.3547789


I didn't know we were including adults among 'young people'

>> No.3547814

twenty four isn't young to you?

>> No.3547820


A 24 year old taking drugs likely has a different outlook than a 14 year old.

>> No.3547823

no shit

>> No.3547827

You are dumb, arent you?

>> No.3547840

>book, show or film with young people
>they are cunts who have sex, drugs and alcohol every hour of the day

They only seem to depict a small slice of young people. I know people in real life who fall into the category above and they're either spoiled bastards or desperately insecure people clinging onto club and drug culture even though they get no joy from it because everyone seems to say it is amazing.

So sick of it. You hang out with some people who you were with in a club a previous night and they're all going how great a time it was, laughing at all the photos taken and so forth. I'm just thinking, you didn't have a great time: you threw up twice, broke down in tears about some guy not being interested in you and then ended up kissing one of your friends making things awkward since. For some reason it's taboo to say, no last night was terrible.

>> No.3547845

>any film with young people
>montage of drinking, drug-taking, and rock music

>> No.3547856

>For some reason it's taboo to say, no last night was terrible.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I often feel like, "wait, why are we doing this again? Can't we think of something else to do?"

>> No.3547870

Are you kidding?

Do you seriously believe we don't enjoy warehouse raves and ecstasy?

>> No.3547880


Most of us.

I don't even like talking to people.

>> No.3547885

I can't remember that happening other than when they smoked weed in Mexico and some references to benzedrine. Remind me?

>> No.3547887

I was like this but then I got some nice friends and now I sincerely enjoy it. It also helps to just let go of shame or whatever holds you back and be fucking impulsive and wanton.

>> No.3547907

>whatever holds you back and be fucking impulsive and wanton.

My problem is that I become a horrible person if I let myself go.

>> No.3547913

I honestly think you are in the minority.

I usually go to a bar for a few beers and pool once or twice a week, go to see a live band once a month, and go to a warehouse party to get smashed on disco biscuits and dance for 10 hours every friday; I love every minute of it.

I don't know anyone who does these things and hates them. Every now and again I meet introverts at fresher parties who are obviously uncomfortable, and seem to be forced out of their student house by their new house mates, but I don't think it's particularly common.

>> No.3547919

You asked for casual use without too much negativity right? Well there you have it.

>> No.3547929

>using MDMA weekly
That's going to backfire.

>> No.3547939

Yeah me too. I start fighting people and wrecking stuff so I'm planning on becoming the more laid back, less impulsive and witty guy.

>> No.3547952

I didn't ask for anything, that was my only post ITT. I just don't remember there being much drug use in On the Road.

>> No.3547966


>in the minority

Hence the 'most of us' in my post. Obviously most of the population isn't running around with social anxiety.

>> No.3547969

>That's going to backfire.

I've been using it most weeks (along with a few other things –chop, speed, occasionally 2c's, blotters, though I have laid off the psy's recently) from 17 - 22 and haven't experienced any real negative effects or cognitive problems yet. I have a slight serotonin depletion, and a mid week crash, but for the most part I'm fine.

I'm not much of a recreational user though. I don't tend to do anything when I'm not out, and Molly is only one or two pills or half a g.

>> No.3547980



>> No.3547996


Oh, boy, are you in for a treat.

Your brain is fucked, cowboy.

>> No.3548046

Yeah, I haven't taken 40,000 pills. At most, probably 250-400ish.

I keep an eye on my mental state though. The main problem with MDMA is a permanent depletion of 5-Hydroxytryptamine, and a state similar to amphetamine psychosis. The latter hasn't shown any signs of manifesting, and the former is supplemented by a range of precursors. My brain is fine at the moment.

>> No.3548090
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>being this hedonistic

>> No.3548153

I hope youre having fun man, and shit doesnt get too dark for some random reason or when you stop taking the fun powder.

>> No.3548517
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I've been smoking for 5 years and my lungs feel fine. That's not how it works though. Your shit is going to get jaded. Keep it up like this and you will probably quite literally strain your happy centre. Such usage especially at such a young age will likely fuck you up in some way.

That "I only use when out on the town" thing is usually seen as something positive, just like merely drinking socially, but it can easily turn into associating any large scale socialising with being drugged out of your mind, creating pretty stubborn patterns.

I'd be careful if I were you.

>> No.3548546


I think some do and fair enough, I think a lot do it because it is expected or assumed to be the only thing to do. I remember at university there were some groups I hung out with who spent five nights a week in a club. I don't mind it once in a while but people seem to assume it's the only thing to do: when there's a nice out in a pub, comedy clubs, theatre, cinema, restaurants, gigs to go to.

No, let's go to the same club again, spending out time queuing for drinks, waiting for songs we actually like to dance to, being stuck on a dancefloor way too full of people and just taking photos of everything.

I think there is a myth that clubs are fun where you see in all media this idea they are amazing places to be. I think people go there to just say they have been, to take photos as evidence just to say 'look the myth is true! I belong to this elite group'. Then you end up looking over the pics of your night out and start to believe your own bullshit that you had fun.

But then I know a few people who love the place and if they genuinely do then they should have as much fun as possible.

>> No.3548566 [DELETED] 

I find it weird how most people believe in this dichotomy between hedonistic, drug-taking, love-making party animals and stuckup, ivory tower residents-to-be. Some of us know when work needs to be done, when it's time to let go, and when to draw a limit and spend a weekend or two inside reading. It's really funny, meeting some of my mates in a club. They are always suprised to see me dancing, or hitting on girls, or even drinking, for that matter.

>> No.3548589

>But then I know a few people who love the place and if they genuinely do then they should have as much fun as possible.

Though it's be a bit creepy to get the idea in your head that the people around you are only pretending to have fun

>> No.3548600

it's all about moderation and all that

>> No.3548607
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I agree. I love clubbing, but it can be too much of a good (or mediocre) thing. Sometimes, a long conversation at a pub or a movie night feel so much more appropriate, but I seem to be the only one who acknowledges this.
Also, night-out photos are best photos.

>> No.3548622

House parties>night at the pub=watching a movie/hanging around/video games what have you>warehouse raves>clubbing

>> No.3548636

It's true though. 20-somethings are not adults. My university friends are not adults. It's like we're just playing at life, pretending we are serious, pretending we like each other. When in fact we are too narcissistic to realize how self-centered we are.

>> No.3548639

Clubbing is the cancer of our youth. Sharia law pls come.

>> No.3548646

Less than Zero?

>> No.3548652

NA, Canada specifically
I just say pub because it sounds so much cooler than bar

>> No.3548685

Ah. I would've guessed UK (not a continent, but oh well). The thing is, people on 4chan from US and UK generally feel much more negative towards clubbing that mainland Europe. Probably has to do with the clubs themselves (godly techno havens in Berlin vs shitty chav meeting ground in UK).

>> No.3548704


I'm not the guy from before, but I'm from the UK and the clubs are shity pleb chavvy orange face pop music parties full of cunts and alcohol

>> No.3548720


I would prefer clubs if there was more variety. Round here they all just play chart stuff with a few oldies thrown in there. I don't mind that once in a while but would love something a bit different.

Clubs will say they have a 'dance' night and you go there hoping for dance music and it's just Lady Gaga/Rihanna with maybe the occasional Daft Punk song thrown in if lucky. Or they'll do a 'rock' night and play Gotye remixes or Vampire Weekend with more Lady Gaga.

Also, if there was more variety in the atmosphere of the places I would enjoy it more. The best clubbing experiences I have had are going to gay clubs though not gay myself: the staff are friendly, music is a little more varied, not so crammed and nicer atmosphere.

>> No.3548773

>not creeping into squats and turning your cunt inside out to filthy "what is this?" sort of breakbeat cancer

>> No.3548797

The UK rave scene is fucking huge. You need to get away from chart playing student clubs and find your nearest rave.

>> No.3549323


>Name five.

>Less than Zero
>The Rules of Attraction
>The Perks of Being a Wallflower
>The Dangerous Lives of Alterboys

>> No.3549351


>less than zero
>rules of attraction

>once or twice
>enjoy themselves