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File: 35 KB, 400x267, librarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3543837 No.3543837 [Reply] [Original]

I usually slip her a fiver. a buck or two more if she helps me look something up.

>> No.3543840

Wait, people tip librarians?

>> No.3543844


>> No.3543845

Murrica. Every part of their life is monetised. Seems damaging to the soul to me.

>> No.3543858

>tipping anywhere
>falling for the trap
>contributing to a system where robber barons laugh because they have created a culture where customers are shamed into paying the wages of the employees
>utilising the safety valves of a dysfunctional system

All of my lel. Let me guess, you contribute to charity as well?

>> No.3543885

I'm hoping OP is a troll.

>> No.3543888

>giving five fucking dollars to some useless librarian
Might as well buy the fucking book then, jesus.
Glad I don't live in the USA

>> No.3543903

>tipping librarians

I live in Murrka and I've never seen this

>> No.3543912

Nobody tips librarians.

Though it's hilarious to imagine some guy reading this thread, thinking he's been doing it wrong his whole life, and then awkwardly thrusting cash over the library counter and waddling out embarrassed.

But come to think of it, nobody really uses libraries anymore, either.

>> No.3543924

>Be buttravaged Yuropoor
>Go on the internet
>See someone say something
>Look over at my Big Ben clock
>Start shitposting through my tears while on /sp/

>> No.3543937
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>> No.3543943

Who is this sage?

>> No.3543948

I usually just give her a couple of dollars. Feel kinda bad, I should probably give more. Tipped one of the cleaning ladies at college five bucks yesterday.

>> No.3543957

>But come to think of it, nobody really uses libraries anymore, either.
... what?

>> No.3543997

I like to scootch up onto the desk till I am laying on it, look up at her soft blue rheumy eyes, and whisper about my weekend plans and how much I would like her to join me for them.

>> No.3544010

A multimillionaire that makes duck calls.

>> No.3544015

source/docu name anything?

>> No.3544039

When there's an image on 4chan and you want to know about it, click where it says google beside it.

>> No.3544049

How much do you tip the guys at McDonalds?

>> No.3544085

What's the point in tipping someone? I mean the people get paid for their jobs, why do this?

>> No.3544092

It first starts with them being paid normal wages, but people enjoyed their job performance so much that they threw them a few extra bucks.

Eventually that turned into an excuse for employers to pay them less than minimum wage because their income would be supplemented by tips anyway.

By tipping these days, you're basically feeding a system that lets business owners get away with extortion.

>> No.3544095

Oh, that makes sense. Thanks.

>> No.3544125

I try to tip $20 but sometimes I only have a fifty on me and I don't want to ask for change.

>> No.3544139

>unrelated to America

>> No.3544490

I went to America to visit my cousin two years ago and the only culture shock I had was about tipping the librarian. She seemed very appreciative though.

>> No.3544497

>She seemed very appreciative though

My aunt was a librarian in upstate New York and those tips basically fed her and my uncle. Her regular wages went towards the bills.

>> No.3544505
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>this entire thread

>> No.3544516

>tip the librarian

America fails yet again.

>> No.3544519
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lel dis thread doe

>> No.3544557

Sometimes I undo her bun and make her faux-fight me to get her chop-sticks back, sampling her strawberry-apricot L'Oréal while her stingy hair floats about us.

>> No.3544564

I seriously hope I'm being trolled right now and you're not being serious.

>> No.3544576

I've run my finger along the gabardine covered band of a high-waisted panty line or two.

>> No.3544577
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>How much do you tip the librarian at the front checkout?

45 degrees

>> No.3544602

People tip librarians?
I genuinely thought this was a troll thread, but based on some responses I'm unsure.
On a typical library trip, I don't even see or talk to a librarian, I just find my books and use the self-checkout.
Unless you mean school library, in which case I've never talked to an employee and I just go there to study.

>> No.3544650

What, but, you can't use tips as an excuse to pay someone less than their wage. Tips are something you get on top of that.

>> No.3544656


It's a troll.
I've never heard of anyone in any country tipping a librarian.

>> No.3544703

Americans tip their prostitutes too

>> No.3544706

You're not suppose to tip prostitutes?

>> No.3544716

I never tip the school librarian but I was always told you tip the city librarians, at least a dollar.

>> No.3544718

As long as fast-food workers and manual laborers aren't making tips, I'll gladly not tip anyone else.

>> No.3544726

>I usually slip her a fiver. a buck or two more

I thought only the Brits said fiver and tenner.

>> No.3544730


Fiver's a common term in the states

>> No.3544756

Here in the South it isn't

>> No.3544776
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>tipping librarians

>> No.3544777

Where? I lived in the Northwest, the South, and the Mid-Atlantic and have never heard that term.

>> No.3544778


I'm on the west coast, so I wouldn't know.

>> No.3544781

I don't. Librarians get paid fairly well. In my county, they are paid $50k starting. That's a decent chuck of change where I live.

>> No.3544784

Americans tip. They just don't tip people who make a decent salary. Much like how Europeans don't tip their waiters because they are paid well enough, but American waiters are not.

>> No.3544791


We certainly don't tip migrant farm workers. We don't tip fast food employees. We don't tip gardeners. We only tip those we have a social obligation to. Those who could really use it are starving to death.

>> No.3544797

I never tip libertarians.

>> No.3544802

How would we tip migrant farm workers? I don't go to fields to get my produce, I go to the grocery store. Gardeners and fast food workers get paid at least minimum wage, though I do tip people who perform an exceptionally good service. Waiters, however, do not get paid even close to minimum wage, they live off tips.

>> No.3544820

Yeah, but it's like cow tipping
You just push them over and they sometimes can't get up again
It's illegal in some places though

>> No.3544833

I'm pretty sure it would just be the most awkward thing ever for everyone involved if I tried to tip any of my librarians. I've never even thought about it before.

>> No.3544868

Are Canadians more like Americans or Europeans when it comes to tipping? I'm American and going to Toronto this summer. Should I tip the cab drivers, waiters, barber etc. ?

>> No.3544873

In Canada it's a sign of disrespect to tip anyone. DO NOT do it, they will be insulted. It's likes giving them charity.

>> No.3544883

You can't actually tip a cow; they weigh like half a ton.

>> No.3544892

>Are Canadians more like Americans or Europeans when it comes to tipping?
If you and the person providing a service have a good interaction, feel free to leave a tip. It's just awkward if you sit in the back of the cab and stay silent, and then fork over a tip at the end.

>> No.3544898

America is the only Western nation where tipping is so commonplace.

Your tips feed people who are paid less than minimum wage.

Move to another country.

>> No.3544904

They have no stability, if you push hard enough at the top, they will fall over
If it doesn't work, you have to get a sort of swaying motion going
Or spend a while on >>>/fit/ and have a reasonable amount of upper body strength

>> No.3544931

You could just pay with the fifty note and say make it 25 or something along those lines

>> No.3544970

Yes you can. Minimum wage is like $7.85/h or something here, but waiters only get paid like $3.85/h. Same with delivery drivers (at most places anyway) and really anyone who regularly gets tips. These tips get taxed as well, you have to enter the total number you received at the end of the night.

>> No.3544974

>America is the only Western nation where tipping is so commonplace.

The UK is very big on tipping, but only in restaurants.

>> No.3544991

>Minimum wage is like $7.85/h or something here, but waiters only get paid like $3.85/h

That makes no sense. The minimum wage for anyone over 21 in the UK is £6.19 ($9.25). That means everybody in the country – even waiters – have to be paid at least that. How can you guys have a legal minimum wage, then pay below it?

>> No.3545012


8/10 made me laugh

Where's the upvote button???

>> No.3545015

Tipped employees fall under a different class and have a lower minimum wage under the assumption that they get paid enough to make up the difference.

>> No.3545016

If she's good looking I slip her a length

>> No.3545017

>under the assumption that they get paid enough to make up the difference

Under the law, they must be paid min. wage if their tips don't make up that difference.

>> No.3545038

Yeah but most places don't get checked. I worked as a waiter as some shitty chain restaurant for a while and nobody every received compensation for not getting enough tips during the day.

>> No.3545066

Once or twice only, because I promised I wouldn't come inside.

>> No.3545196
File: 28 KB, 171x158, unamused feline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3545211

nobody tips librarians dummys

>> No.3545237

this is why you're a virgin

>> No.3545256
File: 27 KB, 116x119, appaling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tipping librarians

>> No.3545262

First thing I thought of as well.

>> No.3545269

Don't you guys call all soda 'coke'? Fecking lel.

>> No.3545271

I'm serious though.

>> No.3545279
File: 6 KB, 155x150, 1308958537301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a librarian and I see this thread.

>> No.3545282

>Don't you guys call all soda 'coke'?
I think that's Americans. They seem to call all carbonated drinks 'soda', and Coca‑Cola 'Co-cola'.

>> No.3545288

It's funny to watch all of these britfags come in here and fall for this troll thread. Your fucked up sense of superiority is making you look really dumb.

>> No.3545293
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>> No.3545295
File: 54 KB, 355x282, entitled-pizza-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man!

That'll be $50.00.

Plus tip.

Tip me.

Tip me...

Tip me, bitch.


Do it or I'll spit in your food.

>> No.3545296

I'm American and I've never heard that. North East calls it soda, south calls it coke, and most other places call it pop.

>> No.3545298

In America hillbilly people say pop, just like Canadians lel.

Everyone else in America says soda.

>> No.3545302

>south calls it coke

I know for a fact people in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas say pop.

>> No.3545319

So they call sprite coke? What?

>> No.3545323

>I'm American and I've never heard that.

I found an example:


Skip to 2 and a half mins.

>> No.3545325

yeah a bunch of southern people do that, i think mostly in/around georgia. if you order a coke somewhere they'll ask what kind

anyway why are we having a thread about tipping and names for soft drinks, this is /b/-level shit

>> No.3545391

>thinks only the brits mock murrica

>> No.3545403

These guys are hypnotising.

>> No.3545410

Yeah, they usually discuss lifting and supplements, and get posted on /fit/ all the time. They're not very bright, but have a charming quality.

>> No.3545421


>> No.3546318


Shit like this should be completely illegal. Why the fuck is nothing enforced in the US?

>> No.3547070

This. Also, why didn't anyone snitch?

>> No.3547084
File: 75 KB, 478x510, embsnitchesget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
