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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 74 KB, 402x402, James-Joyce-9358676-2-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3541891 No.3541891 [Reply] [Original]

Never read Joyce before.
What should I start with? Dubliners, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulyssus are what's at the local library.

>> No.3541896

Dubliners, if you like that, read Portrait, if you like that, read Ulysses, if you like that, learn several different languages and acquaint yourself with the rest of the Western canon and read Finnegans Wake.

>> No.3541897

You placed them in perfect order.

>> No.3541898

Read them in the order that you have already funnily enough posted in your OP.

>> No.3541918

like every great author ever, by date of publication. with joyce that works particularly well because he only has 4 real books and they get progressively more difficult/dense/experimental/longer, so the logical order to read them in is:
>Dubliners->portrait->ulysses->fornikans wok

Or you could do like everyone else in the world and read the one that interests you without asking strangers on the internet stupid questions
you could have easily garnered this information without making an inane thread on /lit/ about it.

fuck off, you dickhead

>> No.3541946

>"M-maybe if I act overly critical, people will think I'm smart!"

>> No.3541953

Dubliners is boring shit.

Portrait is better.

Never tried Ulysses, but probably better than both.

Finnegans Wake is trolling and NEVER ever, I repeat, NEVER, read Joyce's letters. It'll ruin him for you.

>> No.3541963

Since we're here, I've once read Portrait and out of curiosity, checked the first page again.

Tell me if I'm getting this correct: the first bits are like seen from his baby point of view and then toddler and such?

>moocows, fucking moocows

>> No.3541970
File: 15 KB, 93x110, Screen shot 2013-03-08 at 6.47.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take this guy seriously after knowing he enjoyed sucking farts. Ugh.

>> No.3541974

>not liking farts

>> No.3541975

But.. I already read them. And they didn't change a thing.

>> No.3541982

50% of Ulysses is about sucking farts.

>> No.3541981


You're probably a scat-muncher then. Gross.

>> No.3541979
File: 1.37 MB, 207x207, 1362431407047.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm reading all these dirty letters from James Joyce while listening to this, and it's amazing.


>> No.3541978

James Joyce loved to lick assholes while said assholes were farting.

That's all you really need to know.

>and it's fucking true, don't think I'm kidding
>or read his letters and find out for yourself

>> No.3541983
File: 56 KB, 600x417, jamesjoyce-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3541985


My niggah. Fuck Joyce and his fart-sucking ways. Who the fuck does that?

>> No.3541989


Was looking for this.

>> No.3541991



arbitrary referent

>> No.3541994


Takes a whole new dimension when you know Nora was 12.

Fucking pervert.

>> No.3541998

i thought handjobs?

>> No.3542005



arbitrary referent

>> No.3542012

The key to understanding Ulysses is that its 50% appeal to scholars, and 50% obscenity for the sake of being obscene. Ulysses was the first book to depict a person using the bathroom, and for that and many other aspects of it, it was banned in many places.

>> No.3542007


And? You're still fucking gross to me and every sane person on earth. The fact that you're not gross to yourself is no surprise, and nobody gives a fuck.

Go suck some farts elsewhere, cunt.

>> No.3542008

>/lit/ can't into farts

stay pleb, fags

>> No.3542015


Stay a scat-muncher, asshole.

>> No.3542018

>has trouble intoing peoples tastes

clearly yours are not geared towards farts

>> No.3542026


In other words, beta virgins who made it to the academy for lack of life enjoy Joyce.

>> No.3542028


Clearly. My taste is more like gathering your pervs into camps and gassing you. That's the sort of gas I like, scatface.

>> No.3542029


>sane person

You'd be surprised at how common scat fetishes are. Though there are much 'grosser' fetishes that are more widely shared.

>> No.3542030

This is the literature board, not the Harry Potter board. What do you come here for?

>> No.3542034

so.. no actual intercourse then?

>> No.3542035


>implying Dubliners is better than Harry Potter

Both are shit but only one can be read without falling asleep.

Being edgy doesn't make you sound smart or educated, fuckface.

>> No.3542038


>teenage fagot detected

Find another board, lopette.

>> No.3542036


Start with finding another author, kiddo.

>> No.3542042

don't conflate shit fetishes with enjoying filthy, fart inducing, hard fucking.

>> No.3542047

>Literally means "Something made of letters"
>the Harry Potter books are not made up of letters.
Nigga where you at

>> No.3542048

"Sound" educated? I actually am educated. You mentioned going to the "academy" as if that was a bad thing too. So do you think education is good or bad? You have made yourself a hypocrite right now, so you need to solve this.

>> No.3542053


>sucking farts, licking assholes
>"Don't confuse with shit fetishes."

You're obtuse.

>> No.3542060


I actually never did that. Your reading skills are shit, which was to be expected.

>> No.3542065

Just because it was a personal letter doesn't mean Joyce was being serious. He probably sent it to a girl who was infatuated with him as a joke, starting off flowery and romantic then mentioning the fart noises just to fuck with her.

>> No.3542067


>damage-control ongoing

I'm sorry your favourite author was a fart-sucker.

>> No.3542068

>Your reading skills are shit, which was to be expected.

You can't just say that when I have pointed out a contradiction in your post. Explain whether you support or are against education, because you said both of those things and you cannot express both views at once.

>> No.3542072

Nora Barnacle was Joyce's long-term girlfriend (and eventually wife).

>> No.3542073

>damage control of his own personality since he is too dumb to read Joyce, and thus must try to make all other people who can read and enjoy Joyce pale in comparison.

Whatever you say, bub.

>> No.3542075

>a contradiction in your post

There was none.

>because you said both of those things and you cannot express both views at once.

I didn't. Education is awesome, sucking farts is not. What do you not understand, child?

>> No.3542079

Oh, also, they were multiple letters, and she responded to them.

>> No.3542085


> Education is awesome
> beta virgins who made it to the academy for lack of life enjoy


>> No.3542090

Why would anyone's opinion of Joyce actually be lessened because he had a scat fetish which he acted out in the privacy of his own life and marriage?

>> No.3542088


I've read Dublienrs and Portrait and immensely liked the few bits of Ulysses I've read.

I didn't find Joyce particularly difficult to read, though.

The fact remains: if you start sucking farts like a pedo, your credibility takes a hit.

>> No.3542096


Beta virgins who made it to the academy.

Yes? You can be an alpha beast and make it to the academy too. Nothing implies the academy is bad; what is implied is that being a beta faggot going to the academy is bad, not just going to the academy.

The academy isn't a substitute for life. Bronies do that with ponies, some betas do that with their studies.

Hope that clarified things for you, Helen.

>> No.3542093

Ad hominem

>> No.3542100


Ad hominem is when an argument is made from the person rather than the words uttered by the person. I did no such things. There's no argument. I said sucking children's fart while fapping makes you lose credibility to me.

I'm not arguing shit, I'm telling it to you like it is. It's a description.

>> No.3542106

Okay. That's just your opinion on farts. There is no objective truth about farts.

>> No.3542116


>objective truth about farts


We're actually discussing whether sucking farts is gross or not.

I'm out.

>> No.3542117

I'm never taking anything /lit/ says seriously again.

>> No.3542127


Doing so in the first place was an idiotic move. This place is hilarious as satire.

>> No.3542131



That was your mistake.

And mine.

>> No.3542129

>There is no objective truth about fart

/lit in all its senseless glory. That's why this is the best board on 4chan. Instead of this jewel, a /poltard would have simply posted "suck my fart, you jewish nigger". Still sage because I'd rather we getting back at Joyce's writing or ideas or even how his fetishes influenced his writings rather than just wether his fetishes were or weren't gross.

>> No.3542132


Joyce sucks farts.


>> No.3542136

lit pls

>> No.3542140


Because she was 12.


Wake up!

>> No.3542147


Who cares?

>> No.3542150

Read Ulysses first

>> No.3542151


They were in love and got married soon after. There was two years between them.

What they did between the walls of a loving marriage is nothing for you to get so upset over.

>> No.3542241


>> No.3542242

she and joyce didn't even meet until she was 20. also, the fact that you can't understand why someone would like fucking the farts out of a bitch makes you a really pathetic beta and probably a virgin

>> No.3542247

I'm serious

>> No.3542320

Are pedophilia and farts intertwined?

>> No.3542362

My sweet little whorish Nora I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter." This is followed by "I wish you would smack me or flog me even. Not in play, dear, in earnest and on my naked flesh. I wish you were strong, strong, dear, and had a big full proud bosom and big fat thighs. I would love to be whipped by you, Nora love!

>> No.3542380


To the sexually prude and uninitiated, sure.

>> No.3542421

Actually, Nora supposedly initiated the raunchy correspondence... began with June 5 and blowjobs or something

>> No.3542445

>i haven't read ulysses or FW, but trust my judgement don't read them

back to b u go

>alpha beta dichotomy

>> No.3542525

Wikipedia says Joyce and Nora were born two years apart...

>> No.3542555

>To people who aren't perverted pedophiles and fart lovers

>> No.3542563
File: 32 KB, 257x212, coolguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James Joyce
>That's so pleb

>> No.3542565


'perverted' is an arbitrary qualifier. You can thank your socially instructed mores for defining it for you.

>> No.3542586
File: 37 KB, 991x327, Jamba Juice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should start with Flann O'Brien because he's a better fucking writer

>> No.3542584

I'm pretty sure you're a troll, that or a pseudo-intellectual pederast. Either way, you're a perverted faqggot, and James Joyce is pretentious as hell.

>> No.3542594

I can't believe this thread has been derailed by some idiot's opinion on what Joyce did in the bedroom. Do you even adult? Maybe when you guys rack up some sexual experience you won't be so judgmental.

>> No.3542641

>Implying it's not a little weird that he was obsessed with farts

Like seriously, get some experience? He wasn't talking about queefs or anything like that. James Joyce liked farting. He liked ladies farting a lot.

And that's just fucking weird. Are you going to tell me you're going to sit at a train station and sniff around for old ladies to fart on you as they walk by to get your rocks off? Would you go into a wal-mart and sniff the scooter seats to get the smell of Americana to give you a stiffy?

>You would
>you know you would
>and that's why James Joyce appeals to you
>Because he was successful and loved the smell of poots
>and now it means you can be successful and love the smell of poots too.

BTW, I farted like 6 times while writing this response, they were beefy.
>Just like how you like them

>> No.3542659
File: 1.01 MB, 172x162, hahahawow4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3542666


I would gladly eat a beautiful woman's shit while pissing in another's mouth. To me, that doesn't even qualify on the 'weird' scale. It's lite kink.

>> No.3542674

oh fuck i checked the archived thread with that pic
i almost woke up my parents

>> No.3542683

>Frequents scat porn sites and blogs
>thinks it isn't a deviant sex act performed by the emotionally broken and borderline

This is the best thread on /lit/

>> No.3542687


I'm not huge into scat, but it occasionally turns me on.

I'd argue that the fantasy of rape is more 'perverse', albeit much, much more common to both sexes.

>> No.3542689

>do you ever get sick from shit eating?

just for research sake, like, how do you prevent getting lethally ill after letting someone use your mouth fora toilet? Does getting sick add to it? Do you have to plan out for potty mouth a few days in advance?

>These are things I always wondered about the shit eaters
>>Do you ever say "I've got a shit eating grin" after sex?

>> No.3542694


I've never done it, but I like the idea as a fantasy. I'm not sure I'd actually go through with it, for health reasons.

>> No.3542701
