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File: 130 KB, 1000x750, 1evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3539078 No.3539078 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a philosopher that has been sceptical about scepticism?

>> No.3539089

It's called Metaskepticism.

I think Jeffrey Biggim had some works on it, though some of his stuff is hard to slog through.

>> No.3539096
File: 28 KB, 364x373, Pyrrho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into pyrrhonism.

Them niggas were skeptical of absolutely everything.

>> No.3539116

But is there anyone skeptical about being skeptical of skepticism?

>> No.3539118


Look into this >>3539096

I'm telling you man, these motherfuckers were crazy about skepticism.

>> No.3539121
File: 158 KB, 487x530, smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno man, I'm skeptical.

>> No.3539126

>not tearing down the concept of scepticism

>> No.3539129

I'm skeptical that it's even possible to be truly skeptical toward being skeptical toward skeptics who are skeptical about skeptics who are skeptically skeptic

Skeptically, of course.

>> No.3539134
File: 101 KB, 560x451, 1360161088463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound absolutely certain!

>> No.3539136


Metaskepticism, like Postmodernism, is a blanket term for any of the various levels of meta or post that you can list.

In essence, post-postmodernism and skepticism about being skeptical of skepticism are both contained within their respective blanket terms.

That being said, Biggim. Look him up.

>> No.3539137


Ancient skepticism is not what the modern "skeptics" made of it. The nouveaux pyrrhoniens and everything that came since is something pretty unrelated to Pyrrho or even Sextus.

>> No.3539138

I followed the skepticism of skepticism path and wound up just meditating.

>> No.3539145

You made that guy up. I googled him and didn't find a philosopher at all.

>> No.3539155
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>> No.3539161


Oh, maybe I gave you the wrong spelling. It could be Bigham, Biggum, or maybe even something like Brigham. I know I've read some of his work, though. He's out there.

>> No.3539168

>who's at the door.jpg

>> No.3539174

True skeptics are skeptics about everything, including skepticism.

>> No.3539175

Oh I got a bigham right here for ya

>> No.3539181

skepticism in general seems to have a proper place. but particular skeptical attacks have always been contested. dunno what you are asking

>> No.3539185

>y-y-you guys are probably all wrong!!

Imagine where science would be if it was all based on skepticism. Though, we do have people like Dawkins...but yuck, who actually wanted a Dawkins?

>> No.3539188
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>> No.3539189

>Imagine where science would be if it was all based on skepticism.
confirmed for not understanding what science is and how science works

>> No.3539195

piss off, this the PHILOSOPHY board

sciencetism sucks

>> No.3539202

i chuckled

>> No.3539211

itt: 15 year olds pretending they can philosophize.

By the way OP your question is completely retarded.

>> No.3539213

You have obviously never read a single work of philosophy in your entire life. Get off of 4chan and start reading and thinking if you care that much about it.

That is, if this isn't a troll thread.

>> No.3539226

>itt: 15 year olds pretending they can philosophize.
since when one had to reach a certain age in order to philosophize?

aren't you 15 yourself, kiddo?

>> No.3539234

Fuck you atheist.

>> No.3539242

Was that supposed to be ironic?

>> No.3539275

>he isn't sceptical about atheism

>> No.3539495

>he isn't skeptical about being this mad about skepticism

>> No.3539499

>you guys are idiots you don't know anything about philosophy for the following reasons: OPs question is completely retarded

excellent philosososophisation there

>> No.3539565

he isn't skeptical of greentext