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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 506 KB, 1179x1348, cthulhu-rises-chrislazzer-2714881c95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3535640 No.3535640 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/.

I don't usually go here, but i want to ask for some advice.

I want to start out reading about the cthulhu mythos, and looking to buy a book on it from amazon. Which one would be the best for someone starting out? Is "The Call of Cthulhu" the best one, or could i just aswell buy something like "The Book of Cthulhu" which is a book with tales inspired by Lovecraft? Would be great to get some opinions on it.

>want to read cthulhu
>wat do

>> No.3535659
File: 265 KB, 1600x1200, Necronomicon-745239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might as well just get some big anthology of Lovecraft's work since it will have a lot of the Cthulhu stuff plus other stories. I have no idea about stories inspired by Lovecraft but that sounds like fanfiction nonsense.

I have pic related and it's ballin'!

>> No.3535667

Looks a bit daunting though, is there like a paperback version of it or something? Or i guess that might be a no-no for book enthusiasts?

>> No.3535674

My version is actually paperback. It's not too daunting though since all his stories are like 20 pages on average so this has like a million of them.

THere are other anthologies, this just so happens to be the one I own and can talk about so yeah.

>> No.3535677

OP here again, found this on Amazon, looks good.

Could it be something?

>> No.3535683

Oh, well that doesn't seem bad at all, gonna look it up on Amazon.

>> No.3535689

Go for it dawg. Pretty cheap and it has all the essentials in it (besides At the Mountains of Madness but that is an actual 200 page thing on its own).
Or try that. Either one is fine, just see which one you think will give you more bang for your buck.

>> No.3535698

Think i'll go for >>3535677 As of now seeing how i'm only starting out on it right now. Should i really get into it, the Nerconomicon should not be too hard to get. Thanks for the help bro

>> No.3535703

Anytime dude!

>> No.3535707


Everything Lovecraft ever wrote is available for free from Cthulhu Chick's website: http://cthulhuchick.com/

She as it in all formats.

Why anyone would pay for works that are in public domain is beyond me.

>> No.3535710

Call of Cthulhu is Lovecraft's very worst short story, even worse than The Horror at Red Hook.

Plebs always choose to read it first because it has Cthulhu in it.

>> No.3535712

Seems like she only has it on ebook and PDF. I like the feel of holding an actual physical book.

>> No.3535726

I'm having one of those weird days when I see The Call of Cthulhu on my coworkers desk. Then, when I finally get home and turn on my TV and Joel McHale, in a new episode of The Soup is talking about Cthulhu. Then seconds later, I load up /lit/ and this is the top thread.

I'm getting scared.

>> No.3535748

This is kinda true. CoC is pretty lacklustre to compared to the other tales. I can name like ten off the top of my head that are better than CoC.

>> No.3535759

God dammit, I want to read a book that has giant huge alien weird creatures like this but Lovecraft is a chore to read and he only really detailed out Cthulhu.

What are some good tales or books inspired by Lovecraft? I love the ideas he had but man is his prose fucking terrible or what?

"I pulled out my torch and looked at the gasoline powered combustion engine carriage and made my way around it" or some such nonsense. I just want epically huge insanity. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.3535762

Cthulu fhtagn...

>> No.3535767

OP here, fun thing is that i was just hanging out with my roomate and out of nowhere thought. "Fuck, i wanna read about Cthulhu."

Also, i've never posted on /lit/, this is my first time.

>> No.3535769 [DELETED] 

Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath.

>> No.3535774

Read Dream Quest for Unknown Kadath.
I don't know anyone who does Lovecraft better than Lovecraft, so you might as well get used to his cheesy prose (who doesn't love it anyway?)

>> No.3535799

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn