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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 10 KB, 800x600, camus on happiness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3534500 No.3534500 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you have a tattoo somehow related to literature? It could either be some of your own writing, a quote from someone, or just a piece of text from a book.

Thinking about getting my own tattoo, but could never get myself to get a quote or something like that..

pic semi-related

>> No.3534506
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>getting a tattoo

>> No.3534517

Yes. Many. I don't want to go into much detail because I want to be unique for the particular way it's done and posting about it on an anonymous public forum is not the best way to keep a secret.

Lots of people here will disagree with getting a tattoo at all but fuck 'em; bunch of cowardly snobs.

>> No.3535343

Cowardly snob? I just think they're ugly. I have no problem with other people getting them.

>> No.3535499

It doesn't sound like he was referring to you then.

>> No.3535515
File: 34 KB, 300x380, hoteii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos are try hard attempts at identity. I just sort of wu-wei pristine bodied by creeks and lakes, don't need no expensive ink to remind me of no no-self.

>> No.3535537

I have figured out my opinion. Here it goes: I find the decision to get and the act of getting a tattoo aesthetically displeasing. I don't mind the tattoos themselves so much as the "being a person who gets tattoos deliberately put on their body". Perhaps it's the vanity aspect, I'm not sure. I also dislike people colouring their hair in strange colours. It's the deliberate act to create such a look that speaks of an ugly mind.

>> No.3535540

When he makes sweeping generalizations like that, it does.

>> No.3535545

All I know is that chicks love 'em. Go on any dating website and you'll find a ton of "love guys with tattoos" on the chick profiles. Gotta love those signifiers of realness and rebellion. Bout to get some sleeves done and score a bunch of pussy. Livin' the life.

>> No.3535549

>get some sleeves done and score a bunch of pussy

Lol nope

>> No.3535553

How would you know? I bet you don't even have any sleeves

>> No.3535555


i have a couple.

i have one under the left arm, which is a fragment of the lyrics of 'Only Skin', a song by Joanna Newsom

>the cities we passed were a flickering wasteland... but his hand in my hand made them hale and harmless. while down in the lowlands the crops are all coming; we have everything; life is thundering blissful towards death in a stampede of his fumbling green gentleness

i have on my back written in korean letters 'the path of the warrior'

and in my right ankle i have a symbol that to me is a non-constructive immidiate depiction of the essence of friendship (something like a letter that means a word but this letter is a symbol i made for my personal alphabet)

i plan on getting others, thought these are not the only ones i have

patrician tattooes, fellers

>> No.3535564

Sounds like you got some shitty tattoos.

>> No.3535566


I have

In A Station of The Metro:
The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
petals on a wet, black bough.

on my forearm.

>> No.3535570

>i have on my back written in korean letters 'the path of the warrior'

bet you are a real tough guy!
i love those people who get tatoos in oriental/foreign alphabet and may end up with
"springroll" on the back...

>> No.3535573

>tattooes (sic)
pick one


>> No.3535580

>i have on my back written in korean letters 'the path of the warrior'

How does it feel to perpetuate this kind of exotification of beloved of white kids towards East Asian culture? At least if you had this inscription in Chinese characters. But it seems so stupid to use Hangul for this purpose. Why not just deface your body with "The Way of the Warrior" in bloody English? Or is that just not pretentious enough for you?

>> No.3535588


>> No.3535603


well you certainly are living a no-life, you sound like a total faggot

>> No.3535609


i am a taekwondo black belt. thats what it means

>> No.3535618


Trickle trickle

>> No.3535634
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>> No.3535657
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I'm always completely fucking confounded by these. How can you live your whole life with those things? I mean, at least a half-sleeve can be hidden when need be without having to wear long-sleeve shirts all the time.

I'm too finicky for tattoos, I think. If I ever got anything, it would have to be abstract and meaningless, I hate sentimental tattoos like >>3535555

Oh God please no.

>> No.3535675

i don't doubt you know it,not joking.
but i'm quite sure that 90% of people with oriental tatoos might have springroll on the forearm instead of spirit of the kamikaze or whatever BS they can think of

>> No.3535679

>How can you live your whole life with those things?

They likely sorta just become transparent things that don't mean much to you over time and only really mean anything to people who meet you for the first time.

The latter part of that sentence likely influences whether that transparency ever turns into regret.

>> No.3535696

>The latter part of that sentence likely influences whether that transparency ever turns into regret.

Nice prose, sir.

>> No.3535720

Last summer I was riding the municipal train on my way to the Downtown district when I spotted some dweebus with the now largely obsolete hiragana ゑ—a syllabogram that merely represents the sound "we". On a whim I asked this guy, a lanky twentysomething who seemed that he couldn't decide between being white trash and greasy hipster, but was wearing a fedora just the same to keep his options open, told me that it was the "kanji" for "silent power". I wanted to laugh so hard, but out of courtesy fought back the impulse to do so. True story.

>> No.3535749

lol,thanks anon.

>> No.3535753

not even those quads can save you

>> No.3536911

>getting "the path of the warrior" permanently stung into your back
>sincerely even

All my proxies of irony crumble, my mind is breaking down.

>> No.3536933
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>my personal alphabet

>> No.3536938


>> No.3537228
File: 81 KB, 400x617, ThistleScottishNational-vi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the topic of tattoos, I'd like to get one, not words or even really /lit/ related, but I just feel like everyone always assumes that a tattoo is gonna be shit.
I want the Scottish thistle, not exactly what the pic is, but just like a thistle with maybe the leaves going around it like a circle. I think I want it on my chest, in the general location of my heart (batty boy, I know) or maybe on my left upper arm. I'm Scottish, living in America, so I think it's a pretty good way to remember my heritage.
So, who's got criticisms for me?

>> No.3537250

I have DONT PANIC on my arm.

>> No.3537258

>Being that cunt who gets some shitty psuedo-motivational tattoo in an asian language

>> No.3537269

I knew a guy in college who had "Ars Poetica" tattooed across his back. It just made him look like a pretentious douche.

>> No.3537276
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>> No.3537291

>girls and tattoos

if you wear a polo, some nice jeans, decent shoes and have 1 arm halfway tattooed, you're automatically a 9/10 to most women.

>> No.3537321
File: 18 KB, 128x193, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicks dig it.

>> No.3537340
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>> No.3537347
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>wearing jeans

>> No.3537354
File: 58 KB, 600x856, Beckett-Young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed. Jeans r lame.

>> No.3537356

yes, obviously he was trolling. we all wear chinos here

>> No.3537360

I listed 1984 as my favorite book for years.

I'm so embarrassed.

>> No.3537362


I only wear a rubber one-piece to protect against lightning strikes

>> No.3537364


Oh no wow

>> No.3537378


I just wear my kilt.

>> No.3537385

Speak for yourself. I walk around naked most of the time.

>> No.3537437

>a symbol i made for my personal alphabet

Quads wasted a pretentious ponce who bores his friends

>> No.3537441

I bet you don't even know what 42 really is

>> No.3537491

Are you afraid you'll forget you're scattesh?

>> No.3537512


lol @ this trend. Basically everybody is walking around looking like they just got off of their shift from K-Mart and didn't have time to change.

>> No.3537516
File: 106 KB, 1145x436, tats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna get more.

>> No.3537520

made me laugh ty

>> No.3537524

Those are just cheap khaki chinos. Buy anything cheap and it will look like shit.

Also chinos have been popular for the past 60 years.

>> No.3537535


I want to get this one done on my back, or at the base of my neck.

>> No.3537539
File: 30 KB, 540x441, 2013-03-07-120334_540x441_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3537540

To warn people you haven't got much between the ears?

>> No.3537543

Yeah, but black people wear them now.

>> No.3537546

It's just a trend for them, as most things are, and they'll move onto something else when the #swag fad passes.

>> No.3537552

I don't want to be the cheesy type to say "to help me remember...", but it's the truth. The Dao/Zen Buddhism have pretty much saved me at the darkest periods of my life. Remembering that word helps me keep my head cleared of unnecessary thoughts.


>> No.3537555

how is that gonna help if it's on your back where you never see it?

>> No.3537562

Well, where would you put it?

>> No.3537565

on my hand. i look at my hands a lot

>> No.3537575

I've heard tattoos on your hands hurt a lot, but if I were to do it there, it'd be at the base of the thumb, kind of small so that it's more of a personal thing.

>> No.3537581

why don't you just write it on a piece of paper that you keep in your wallet

>> No.3537587

I'd forget it was there and probably throw it out when I clean it.

>> No.3537594

Make it your iphone wallpaper you dumb cunt.

>> No.3537602
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>> No.3537607
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>> No.3537613

you made me reread my post to see if I spelled Scottish wrong.
And I don't know man, I'm just trying to show that I don't need to go into a 5-minute explanation of my tattoo for people to get it. I want some kind of art on my body, so what's better than something to represent my lineage?

>> No.3537615

get a corporate logo and tell people they pay you to wear it

>> No.3537618
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>> No.3537620
File: 3 KB, 126x124, the face of a frenchman's fateful first meeting with the fattest man he never imagined could be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3537630

>really want to tattoo on my arm: "Welcome, O life!"
>afraid that i'll grow tired of it in too months

>> No.3537641


>> No.3537647

>but fuck 'em; bunch of cowardly snobs.

Whereas you're a bold yet down-to-earth guy, with what is no doubt someone else's deep/witty quote etched onto his skin.

>> No.3537650
File: 66 KB, 420x560, FFP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I manage to get a job where my appearance doesn't matter, I'm just going to keep getting impulse tattoos as long as there is space on my body. I don't care whether I'll regret it in 10 years or two weeks. It doesn't matter and I can't think of any reason good enough not to do it.

>> No.3537661

>yet down-to-earth guy
>with what is no doubt someone else's deep/witty quote etched onto his skin.
Yes, that is what I implied in the post you're replying to. Congratulations on the reading comprehension.

>> No.3537681
File: 156 KB, 467x700, beafremderman-wheeldetail(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know someone with the Sonic logo on his ass. He was manager there for 10 years, his dad was like state manager or something, ran in the family, made his best friends there, felt very loyal.

Even without the backstory, it's a much more tasteful tattoo than this pleb shit:

Underarmor on the ankle, Nike swoosh on the foot, those I can get behind, at least you can admit and poke fun at the absurdity of branding your body. It's not like picking a corporate logo over शून्यता is any less born out of mass media influence.

>> No.3537730
File: 17 KB, 400x449, 7MUTn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any more feedback on this, gents?

>> No.3537733

Flowers are for homos. Get a tattoo of a gun or a football.

>> No.3537735

I wanted to get a tattoo of the lyre with broken strings from John Keats' gravestone. Tiny, on the back of my neck, and in grey, so it doesn't look like a sharpie drawing but more like a watermark. Tattoo shop told me the grey was a bad idea for a tiny tattoo because it would come out blotchy and fade easily. I didn't want it if I couldn't have it my way, so now I'm a tattoo-less Keats fangirl.

>> No.3537736

>I'm Scottish, living in America, so I think it's a pretty good way to remember my heritage.
You one of those Scotch-American idiots?

>> No.3537739
File: 54 KB, 425x640, 1282950499249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or flaming barbed wire wrapped around your massive american biceps

>> No.3537741

I wonder how much pressure would be required to snap her neck :3

>> No.3537764

>being a person who gets tattoos deliberately put on their body
>being a person who deliberately dresses well in the morning
>being a person that is deliberately nice to others even if they hate them

>> No.3537770

I'm guessing you've had extremely limited contact with any of these people or have only bad anecdotal experience to share. Either way, generalizations are never right.

>> No.3537789

Not sure what you mean. I was born in Scotland, lived there for a while and then moved to America. One side of my family's Scottish and the other is American/mixed-white-Euro, but I consider myself Scottish.
Wish I still had the accent though

>> No.3537793

Give it up Yankee, you're one of us.

>> No.3537833
File: 9 KB, 220x216, 220px-Syd_Barrett_Abbey_Road_1975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to call myself American!

>> No.3537846

Tattoo stands for Trash. No exceptions.

Sage for white trash thread.

>> No.3537852

I moved from Scotland to Ireland aged 7. Still have a Scottish accent (albeit a strange, mixed one).

People here don't consider it cool, interesting or badass like Americans might. I just get the piss taken out of me a lot. Shame it's now too late to cave in and make an effort to change it like my older sister did.

>> No.3537854

>can't even sage

>> No.3537855


getting "springroll" in chinese alphabet is actually a great idea

>dat edgy

>> No.3537858

I wonder if a fad will ever emerge where Asians start getting English platitudes tattooed.

>> No.3537866

Well that's the thing, Americans think foreigners are so cool and out-there, while every other country treats a foreigner like a slapdick. Seriously, if I still had my accent I'd be swimmin in the poontang like no tomorrow

>> No.3537914

idk, been thinking of a few lines from Horace or Pindar, still I'm not sure if I'm that interested in getting it

I like sumi-e art and Japanese prints so maybe something like that too

>> No.3537936

Don't do it, you'll be one of those faux-nostalgic ex-pat cunts and if you ever return home you'll be a chavvy/neddy type who's overly nationalist for no good reason.

>> No.3538788

Damn it. Never thought I'd let an anonymous person on the internet make me second guess myself